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What Would You Do If You Met God,..right Now. Well?

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Actually, it is very plausible that people lived 900 years. If you look at a cats intestine, it is short and straight, meant for digesting meat. Our intestines are long and curvy, made for plants. What does this mean, when we were first created, we ate plants, not meat. this makes us healthier and it has been proven that vegatarian's live longer than meat eaters do. Another fact that explains it. Tests in rocks with air bubbles show that the oxygen level was twice as high as it is now. Tests have shown that animals and plants raised in a super oxygen rich envirionment can grow 2-3 times as large as a normal animal or plant. By introducing harmful, cancer causing substances, and by reducing oxygen in the atmosphere, we have caused everything to get smaller and live shorter life spans. You can't deny the studies and proof. Also, adam and eve were most likely very tall. orkers in many places over in Asia have found human skeletons as large as 20-25 feet. Dinosaurs were never mentioned in the bible, but neither were millions of other animals, so that statement is the wrong one to bring up. Also the biblical flood took place before many religions were even here. This explains why other religions popped up and talked about a flood, AFTER it was already recorded by the people who followed God. All are copies from the bible. So the holes that people think are there, are really not there.

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I'm not a believer in god, but presuming that there was a god, and I did meet him/her, I would probably ask questions such as, how the universe started, how life started, when time started, and the biggest question of all - what is the purpose of life? After that, I would be so honored.

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I would bow low and ask God to tell people the real truth, wich is far from this reality and to take us home before we do more stupid things.

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I can agree with you guys there. Our life here is dark andmiserable compared to our reward in heaven. I think at this point, I would like to ask another question without starting another topic. Would you guys feel ashamed or guilty in front of God, if you met Him right now? Or would you feel honored, innocent? I have also found out that about half of the replies are people saying they believe in God, and half that say the don't. Very interesting. Keep up the good posting.P.S. The reason I am doing this is to get info. Like a poll, about who believes in God, and to find out your guys' reaction if you did meet him. Thanks for your cooperation :)

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Haha, well I'd be ashamed, guilty, honored and innocent all at the same time.Ashamed and guilty of some mistakes I have made trough life, innocent because God always forgives and loves and of course honored to be worthy of his presence.

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What would you ask Him.  Would you be guilty in His presence?  I know this sounds like ray comfort.  But it makes you think.  What would you be.  Would you be frozen in fear, would you have a lot of questions?  Would you talk about the mistakes you made or why someone died?  I will ask questions through this topic.  I would ask Him how He is so great.  How He could love us so much as to send His Son to die for us.  Please speak your honest opinion.  Thanks.


When I met GOD right now? well, maybe I can speak but don't have the right to look at him because I am a sinner. I may freeze, scared due to lots of sins i have and if there is word that will come out from my mouth that would be the word of asking for forgiveness...


I don't have the courage to look at GOD's eyes because I am a bad person.... :)

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You know, I would ask only one thing of him, if he could do this, which if he really is who he say he is, than he can. Grant me the power to freeze time, in return for something of his choice, which can include these:Anything.More anything.I realize this is not a laughing matter, but seriously, if I could freeze time, the teacher could assign something, then I would freeze time, with someone (like be touching them so they are with me in the time thing) and then do the assignment, and take as long as I want, then hand it in. Now, the teachers may not like that, but hey, at least I would have a reason to work!

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I can agree with you there Manofsteel. We have all sinned. Andthe bible tells us that we have fallen short, of the glory of God. So I guess we really have no right to quetion God's ways. We should be begging for forgiveness for the sins that we created. Not asking why there is sin in this world when we were the ones who ultimately helped create it. God is much more splendid then we are. I am thankful for a loving God though, and as a final question, I would ask im how such a great God, could love such little creatures as us.

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Oh wow what a question :) i mean like where would i start? i would ask why i had accidents- is there a reason or is it just me...why is there so much evil in the world? how come he doesnt stop it?is it to do with our freewill? Why is there so much suffering? how come some people are so RUDE lol things like that you know but things also to do with me, my family and everything but dont you think that it would be wierd? and freaky? and scary? because hes been watching you do all those naughty things and things you should been seen doing :) i know you know

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I think I'd ask him if I'm going to heaven, and if not I'd ask him what I have to do to get there.I'd also ask for forgiveness... and maybe his advice on opportunities that're coming my way, and what I should do with my life.

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Right now? i would go like crazy in joy/amazement and then when i chill out i would ask him why does he let bad things happen to us, like *cough "Do you love to see me in problems don't you ?_??!?!?"cough* and that if he love us so much why does hell exists? and mainly about this Mary Magdalene issue

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Danieluchis:You have a good point on whether why hell exists. But the ansewr is simple. As a just God, God cannot allow the people without Him, who are lost and are sinners, to go without punishment. How just would He be then?Hell exists because God has to be just and fair and bring punishment to sinners. But we have Jesus who paid for our sins, and although we are still sinners, we have the assurance of eternal life. Hell actually HAS to exist.

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We would drink a cup of tea together and have a good chuckle, questions would not have to be asked, as things would become obvious once her presence is reached.We would watch the empty hell and warm ourselves, together with all the sinners and saints and heathens and lions. Her justice would reign and make everybody understand the foolishness and pettiness of their hate and distrust of each other. Then we would sing hymns together, worshiping, celebrating. Worries are taken, peace will reign, meak will eat and be satisfied. We will forgive each other. nobody will be rich, but everybody will have more than they ever dreamed of.We will trust each other, hate will be a word that will loose all meaning. differences no reason for conflict.But the good thing about this, heaven can be started here on earth, that is why we have the revelations and our rich traditions. We will not complete it here, why rob all the fun, of what will expect us. But practicing all the things here on earth that will wait for us near God will make them so much more familiar and by doing so, we can touch and all have a sip of the cup of tea in the now.

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