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Strip Searches In Schools do u think its right?

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All I can say is that Australian School hadnt had to resort to using metal detectors and sniffer dogs yet... Ok maybe occasionally at the schools in the rougher suburbs.

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I think that under the circumstances a strip search is fine, if the school has a high amount of evidence from a number of people and believe that the pupil may have drugs i think it is neccary to strip search them. Even if in my opinion they find traces of drugs in the locker of a student they should be searched. I know how easy it is to smuggle things into school, hell i was caught selling laser pens to the year 6s and got suspended, big mistake but it is incredably easiy to consiel things in bags, reguly i travel to school carrieng an air pistol 2 paintball guns and a flick knife, not to be used at school obviousily but to take to friends houses but i do not get caught.

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wow, strip searching is a bit far, my school has dog searches once in a while and thats about it, but if they find drugs they just take them, clean out that locker and expell the kid, and not a single persone knows about it besides the kid, his/her parents and the principal, its like the person just disapeared off of the face of the planet

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I live in New Zealand and we dont get any of that stuff. Sometimes the teachers will ask you to empty out your pockets if they suspect you have a cellphone but we never get locker searched or strip searched. Im pretty sure its illegal here...

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why would people do that

Strip Searches In Schools


I really belie that people shouldn't search your locker cause some people have private stuff in their locker


-reply by crysta

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Have to agree that in extreme cases, searches could indeed invade privacy and so forth. This should only be handled by the cops in extreme situations, such as a deliquent being a suspect in a serious crime. Having schools or other institutions doing the work for no particular reason indeed could be debatable on whether it infringes privacy.

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In our school noone is ever stripsearched/has been/hopefully will be. If a drug dog barks/stops/does whatever is is supposed to by your locker, it is searched. If anything is found - you are screwed. I mean, suspended. My friend was suspended for a whole month. If nothing is found in your locker or on you - your name goes on the record, but you are let go. The next time this happens they just take you to the police station. I do not think the school officials have a right to do a strip search in any possible and impossible way.

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Honestly I think that they should have at least some proof relating to the specified student of the person being involved with drugs. It's one thing to see a bag of weed right outside someone's locker or a classroom, and it's another to see some person wearing all black and hand-cuffs on their belt (any other of that kind of stuff too) and to immediately call someone after them for suspicion. Several times I've had to take a long test asking "Do you take drugs?" "Do you take marijuana?" "Do you take weed?" "How often do you smoke pot?" kinds of things, and it's quite repetitious and irrelevant to the majority of the students who attend the school. I wouldn't be surprised if 1-10 students out of a 2000 populated school were on drugs of some kind, and I don't blame the school administration for wanting to know who those students are and wanting to settle it. However, it isn't right to bring the subject of drugs in the first place to the attention of the entire school. So, basically, it's good that charge is being made, but something should be changed about how they do it. Getting sniff dogs and police involved as a first step should never be the case unless proof of the student being inspected has already been found.

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First off I question the Legality of strip searches in school. That is a VERY invasive ordeal and would most likely be covered by tons of laws and stuff if it were legal.Second I DO unfortunately have to agree with searching lockers. In today's society there are so many things that are messed up like drugs and guns getting into schools that it is a needed tool. HOWEVER I do not believe that they should be able to do ANY searches without probable cause or a warrant. (probable cause could include a note stating they have the stuff, an eye witness, a trained dog homing in on a locker)I believe strip searches should ONLY be conducted if the person is first taken into custody by a police officer, read their rights and taken to the police station. I also believe that a lawyer for the child or child's service rep should be IN THE ROOM during the search and the child's parents should be notified BEFORE the search.I also believe that strip searches SHOULD NOT be preformed unless there is evidence that the child is hiding something dangerous on them, for the most part patting the child down would do.I honestly do not believe strip searches should be preformed on a child for things like drugs. Guns and other potentially life threatening items MAYBE.

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If you think that privacy is a problem, don't bring anything that might be private to you. The law does give the school the right to check lockers, backpacks, purses, cars, ect.

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The way I see it,anything that would involve the police and legalitieswould be legal to do.That's the way the law works.These days it's perfectly feasible that the cheap price of crack wouldhave it easily becoming an epidemic in the schools. Student or not,there is no lower scum than a crack dealer.Personally I wouldn't worry about a bit of weed,butnarcotics are a different story.These narcotics will screw people over for life.I saystop it at the source.

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Don't like the idea about having to expose everything just for law enforcement do the job. I would say that I need a consent from parents and see if they agree. Also, what kind of school may that be? What age and what background? It will vary my personal opinion.

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There are laws against students becoming randomly strip searched. First of all, there has to be reasonable cause. You can't just have somebody come up and say this dude has such and such in his locker, it has to be proven by having a couple people say it, and then you can search the locker. They are very uptight even about searching locker. However, if you are suspicious enough to be searched, that's your own fault, you shouldn't have been so suspicious. There are procedures that go along with search and seizure acts. First off cop usually has to be same gender, has to be in closed off area, and really, thats it. It's not like they are going to make you take off to your naked skin, they only make you take off pants and shirt, shoes, maybe socks, thats really it, its a simple search. Personally going through this search numerous times, it is a pain in the butt, but hey, you get out of class. Honestly, I think it should be enforced. Anything to scare kids away from drugs like that would be great. Just telling them about how bad drugs are will make them want to do them more, but if you do checks like this, maybe they will be way too scared and they will see the reality. Personally at my high school, we had arrests made nearly weekly in our classes, the officer stationed at our school would come to the classroom, as the student to stand up, handcuff him, walk out, and we would continue our classroom discussion. Some schools are way better then that I suppose, but that's not the way it was for us. Barely any of these arrests were due to drugs though, more violence and harassment issues as our school wanted to cut that down to way way minimum. But anyways, I would definatly support strip searches in schools if it keeps illegal activity amongst teenagers down.

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do u think it's right that if a drug dog thinks there is drugs in a locker and the police search it and don't find any the student should be strip searched?what if they didn't find any drugs on the student eighther. i personaly don't think it's right 4 a student to be strip searched. even if they may have drugs. i think they should let the parents handle it.
what do u think? First off I don't think it should be done in the school, a kid can become tramatized by that not to mention the ridicule they'll go through with there friends. If it has to be done it should be done at a Hospital or doctors office someone the parents are familiar with.. I do think the law and Police have gotten way out of hand to begin with. police break the law more then you or I combined. they drive around ( no seat belts) they talk on the cell phone while driving ( you or i would get a hefty fine if it was us ) they speed on the roads for no reason except there off duty and that puts us at risk of accidents or kids playing as well.. theres just no law for the police... :lol:

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