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I Hate People Now When...

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I hate people now on different forums specified to Gta-Sanandreas Forums about how they think Australia(i live there) is a shithole just because they banned San Andreas PC from here cause the Hot Coffee Mod was created.There complete idiots that they hate my country just because we banned the Game from here.

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That is really stupid. However, I don't understand when did rules from the government ever start affecting people. Its a known fact that sharing music is piracy. I don't see anyone actually sticking a postick in front of his computer and abiding by this rule. However, Banning a game like that in Australia can also be considered as a good decision. It will really make the people aware of the game and also keep the parents with young children at home from buying it. Secondly, it also shows how much the govt. cares bout the country citizens.Anyway, I dont think this rule will ever effect those people who still share music ;-) So why *BLEEP* bout it.. :D

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Im in the Anti-GTA group. GTA is the worst game created. Bad graphics. and its completly rude and gives bad thoughts to childeren. Austrialia has done a good job banning that game and i hope it gets banned all over the world =D

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Well, it could be said that people who are willing to be prejudice against a country for banning a game aren't worth associating with. That's like people who hate America because apparently every one of us is fat and lazy. It's just a new hate-fad and it will pass. In the mean time, just tell the folks who give you heck for it that it's not your fault that your government banned something that they like. If they persist, make a point that you're sure that they're government has probably done something that other people don't care for, because most governments have. I approve of banning GTA. Actually, I really like what some places have done by making it to where you have to be 17 to buy it. That way, the people who really like it can still play it, and parents can be more aware of what exactly they're letting their children be exposed to.

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I agree. Is completely stupid to hate a country only for banning a more stupid videogame.To be truth I don?t even know what is about this Hot Coffee mod... but I don?t care. A country can even ban Heidi and that would be anyway an extremely silly reason to hate it.I think Australia is a great country by the way... I haven?t been there but I have friends who have been living there for a few months and they were very happy with their living there.

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It's only a game - I can't understand why they'd do it. Do you expect every person who plays that game to go on the streets, run over people, steal their cars, and make a steady income through it? Odds are, that if something like that happens, its not something that originates from the game - it's a behavior that's been there from before. Children can use games as a method to take stress off of their hands instead of on their friends. They probably get more exposure to violence through television or through their friends, perhaps neglect from their parents.

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It's only a game - I can't understand why they'd do it. Do you expect every person who plays that game to go on the streets, run over people, steal their cars, and make a steady income through it? Odds are, that if something like that happens, its not something that originates from the game - it's a behavior that's been there from before. Children can use games as a method to take stress off of their hands instead of on their friends. They probably get more exposure to violence through television or through their friends, perhaps neglect from their parents.


BR, you might not have heard (I only happened to run across an article by chance) about how GTA had something called a "Hot Coffee Mod" included IN the game by the manufacturers that could be downloaded from the internet. It let players see girls performing sex acts among other things that would've boosted the rating even higher. So GTA deliberately put that in the game and hid it so the rating wouldn't go higher, knowing kids could get at it. THAT is why there's all the furor over it, and why it got banned. Does that affect your opinions on the matter at all?

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I'd never even heard of that as well, but if you're going to play a video game that has explicits like that, you ought to be mature enough to tell the difference from the game and from real life. But since I've never heard of Hot Coffee, I can't really say anything about it. If it exists, it sucks, but I can't determine if it does or doesn't since I don't like the whole "My PS2 is almost a computer" aspect of the system.

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Hey I like the game, but I also like the country. I really really think that Grand theft auto is a real fun game and I dont think It should be banned anywhere. I think its the parents fault for not supervising what their children play what causes them to ban good games. If they cant even take care of the games they play, imagine what kind of movies they can watch. I really think its as stupid to hate a cool country as it is to ban a game just cause parents cant take care of their children.

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yeah, I don't like that game so much. It's fun the first time, but hearing screaming people getting run over by a tank is no big deal after you've played it for a week. Still, I hate people who think violent video games make people do crazy things. Don't wory about it. your pretty cool to me

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I'm a big fan os australia and san andreas but i didnt think people would go so far as to say that austraila sucks because they banned gta form it. i think they should do the same in the us because it is a horrible game and shouldnt be avaliable to the public. I think australia has the right idea. HORRAY Australia

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