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Bit Torrent?

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I'm really confused onw hat this is. How does it work and how do I download something using this method? Could some tell me if I have to download a different program in order to download a torrent. Does it come in a whole bunch of small files or one big one and how do I put it together. What are torrent sites too. Thanks, this would be helpful.

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I'm really confused onw hat this is. How does it work and how do I download something using this method? Could some tell me if I have to download a different program in order to download a torrent. Does it come in a whole bunch of small files or one big one and how do I put it together.

What are torrent sites too.


Thanks, this would be helpful.


Ok, download Bit Torrent from bittorrent.com (or .org not sure) then rune the .exe file and it'll download BT. It won't say anything like "Download Successful" it'll just be there. You don't open bittorrent either. It'll open automatically. Now as for downloading things; find a website that lets you download .torrent files (suprnova.org, it closed and moved but I'm not sure where) and find the file you want. Once you have the file you want (if it's a game it should include 2-3 files, .iso and .bin) download it. Since it's a .torrent file it'll open BitTorrent and it'll start downloading!


I suggest you keep your computer on 24/7 while downloading, becuz games can take a week to download SOMETIMES, just depends on the size. If you close the download box, DON'T WORRY! The files are saved client side so you can just resume your download. To do this, just click the file you wanna download, it'll refresh the download and continue going. It'll say that it's ganna take a few days to compelte, even if you resume downloading at 99.9%, whatever, just ignore that. It's 99.9% wrong anyways.


Hope that helps.

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Im pretty sure it is a download program, sort of like Ares, Bearshare, Winmx, And kazza. The person above me what he posted im pretty sure he hit it on point. You can download music, and progs on there.

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Ok, download Bit Torrent from bittorrent.com (or .org not sure)

There are other clients as well like Azureus and ABC (Another BitTorrent Client). Azureus is the one I use.
One word of warning: setting up BitTorrent for me (and I know quite a few people are in the same boat) was quite a difficult process. Not difficult to get it working, but difficult to get decent d/l speeds.
That's one of the reasons I chose Azureus in the end cos I found a guide for installing & configuring it which was specific to Azureus and my ISP.
Once you have the client, then you have to find a website listing torrent files. You'll probably have to do a search to find links to those. It's generally considered bad form to link to Torrent sites in forums so I'm not gonna do that: you'll have to find your own.

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Yeah bittorent is not a fileshare program like Limewire, Kazza and WinMx but instead it is more of a protocol. You download the software from bittorrent.com. Once installed you find a site that has .torrent files and open it. This will open the default bittorent client but many prefer an alternative like Bittornade (its the one i use) or Azureus like Tyssen said. In the end, they are all the same but have different GUI's and such but overall they all perform the same. Thats about all bittorrent is.However, like people said setting bittorrent up can be confusing and time consuming if you are unsure of networking. If you do not use a router or a firewall, there will be no extra setup besides installing the software. However, if you use a router, you need to enter the router's setup and turn on port forwarding. I use a netgear router and i route my bitttorrent ports to my computers ip address on the network. If you run a firewall, you must also open those same ports to the program. Finally, you will be able to get speeds past 3 kbps like 150 kbps depending on the number of seeders and there connections. If you need help setting this up just PM me or something and i can help you. BTW, do not use bittorrent for illegal activity because it just hurts everyone.

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I feel I must warn you OhMyBosh that a large proportion of downloads available via BitTorrent are illegal and breach numerous copyright laws. Always search for what you are downloading in a search engine, and if it would usually cost money (e.g. most software) then don't download it. There is something called the Creative Commons Licence which can be applied to software, music or anything else and is usually represented by adding (CC) to the end of a filename. Downloading these files is legal, and many can be found at


Just be careful what you download or you could end up in serious trouble.

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Bittorrent is a good way to download stuff, but edonkey/emule are really good for downloading as well.If its bandwidth your worried about, dont, because those programmes can be configured to about 50/50 upload/download.The servers have really rare and interesting stuff as well. :-)

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Oohh, I see. I know that I my self download illegal stuff time to time. ( mostly mp3s, sometimes Adobe Photoshop when a new version comes out. ) I'm not sure how it hurts everyone else. But I guess that I shouldn't then use it. And hey, I'm starting to actually buy CDs now too.

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) I'm not sure how it hurts everyone else. But I guess that I shouldn't then use it.


You don't know how it hurts people?!? Well then I'll explain to you!


Adobe Realeases a new PhotoShop, you download it, as you say. Well, that's just one less person who has the product without paying! If everyone had this ability(to download stuff off the net free) companies would lose millions of dollars.

Once you download something, people can basically download it from you(if your using BitT, I believe). So it's just a giant circle of loss.


You gain something, but in your case, photoshop is over 100 bucks, so each time someone dl's it instead of buying it, the company loses about 100 bucks. Understand now?

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I'm from Hong Kong. And i find people who download stuff via BT in the following interesting ways:1.download radio programs! At least i can't find radio torrent files in usa and european torrent sites, but it's what people do in Hong Kong.2.Hong Kong students who study abroad keep downloading local(hK)-produced TV programs, so they have discussion topic with friends in HK(via phone, web-cam, whatever)3.Kidults put classic animes, which TV boardcasting company don't replay anymore, on torrent sites.4.A huge demand on Japanese porn movies.5.watch "first-hand"Desperate Housewives (and other series) while it will be on Hong Kong TV about half a year later. :P

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I use BitLord as my client.

A great website to find the perfect torrent website is here.

watch "first-hand"Desperate Housewives (and other series) while it will be on Hong Kong TV about half a year later.

LOL - I like the comment on Desperate Housewives, but very true, it's the same in the UK.

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