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Naruto's Father

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Replying to iGuest at narutos state in the series in america he would die if he even used maybe 6 most definately 7 tails because he hasnt trained yet with jiraya, the demon chakra burns the flesh of mortals and the only way to stop it from burning is by out exerting a constant flow of chakra doubled the amount of demon chakra that is around you because demon chakra is stronger than regular chakra, for someone to do this they would need a maassive amount of chakra on there own (hence naruto)and if you break the sela the demon would get out you wouldn't use the nine tailed form and if a demon gets sepereated with its host and they have been together for a long enough time [even if they don't like eachother] and the conection is strong enogh the host will die theory states that if he uses all nine tails he will actualy take on the form on the nine tailed fox...But because that hasnt happened yet no one knows -reply by booglybpndoofinshmurb

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Naruto's Father


Replying to healthyman Actualy in the manga is actualy says that the 4th and his wife, I think that is what she is but who knows, Kushina Uzumaki are naruto's parents. It is in chapter 382.


-reply by serenab123

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Umm, we know who Naruto

Naruto's Father


Replying to -Akatsuki-


It is driving me up a flipping wall!

Her name is *spoiler alert XD*

Kushina Uzumaki she has long red hair and green/blue eyes and thats all we know :(


-reply by Mewhoknowsthefacts

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Naruto's Father


Replying to iGuest

Hmm, I'm pretty sure lighning blade/chidori is a nature manipulation where rasengan is shape manipulation (remember naruto enhancing rasengan with wind element)




-reply by annon

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Question: Did naruto ever be hokage. Or did he die?Naruto's Father

Replying to MeadockYeah! you are right. I think naruto is special. Yah! Tha 4th is naruto father.Woooooo!In naruto shippuden episode 86-87,when naruto was going to hit the bad guy with the ultimatefull resengan powerful thing, the 4th hokage body appears. And then it ends. Lookin forward to naruto shippuden episode 88!Question: Did naruto ever be hokage. Or did he die?-reply by Tosin

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Really looking forward to the next episode where we might see if he beats that bad guy with his new rasengan shuriken. It looks awesome :)Anyway, I'm pretty sure that the 4th Hokage was Naruto's father. But I don't know about his mother...I really hope Naruto becomes hokage :)

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NarutoNaruto's Father

Replying to -Akatsuki-

Yes, the 4th Hokage was Naruto's father. His mother I don't know about. The 4th Hokage was also Kakashi ,Rin and Obito's master. His name is Yondaime Naruto. I told my friend that since he was the 4h's son, whenever he get's into a fight with Lady Tsunade he should geet tell her "hey, I'm the 4th Hokage's son! YOU should be respecting ME!"

-reply by Cassie


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  Everyone who wants to watch pretty much every Naruto episode from 1-219 and onwards 2 Shippuden then check out www (dot)Narutowire(dot)Com. That's where I watch it and it works gr8! 

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Have you ever thought that Naruto is Yondaime himself?Naruto's Father

 Have you ever thought that Naruto might be Yondaime reborn self? I mean, maybe he sealed Kyuubi inside himself and he was reborn in the moment he sealed the 9 tailed fox inside him. That's why Naruto knows how to do the same techniques as the Yondaime. And the similarities between them , excepting the whiskers which are traits of the kyuubi.   this could be a theory too.  

-reply by Xrayana


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The best site for FREE naruto episodesNaruto's Father

http://www.animefreak.tv/ is definitely the best place to watch episodes of naruto. They have all of the episodes AND all the shippuden episodes that are out so far. I have watched almost all them on this site and none are missing. Its legit and the subs for shippuden are exactly what they should be. I haven't seen any episodes about the 4th, but I really think that he's naruto's father/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley14.Gif. Tsunade being his mother/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley13.Gif, your crazy. The three sanine were the apprentices of Sarutobi (the 3rd). The 4th taught kikashi. So Tsunade was OLDER then the 4th which would be majorly wierd. I think that they'll have an episode on the 4th in the shippuden series, but right now, 115 shippuden episodes are out and there are supposed to be 220 in the whole series. I don't now about you but I think that's enough episodes to fit in just one about the fourth hokage. And, this might sound twisted, but I wanna know how he died. If Orochimaru killed him, then (If you have not watched shippuden episode 114, then DO NOT READ THIS NEXT SENTENCE, it is a HUGE SPOILER) go sasuke for killing Orochimaru! Well of course I was already happy when he was killed, but you know, extra points for revenge/txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley4.Gif. 


NS and FMA fan, Neko

-reply by Neko

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narutoNaruto's Father

the 4th hokage is naruto's father! they say that in one of the manga chapters. They show jiraiya talking to minato and kushina (narutos mom). She is pregnant with naruto then. 


the 4TH HOKAGE is narutos FATHER. KUSHINA is narutos MOTHER. They said that forever ago and it isnt in the eposides yet. Or at least I think...I stopped watching them because they stopped showing them on cartoon network DX

-reply by yuriKeywords: naruto the fourth hokage

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if you go on tailedfox.Com you can watch episode for free.


thought I would be of some help.

the older ones are down lower on the list so don't get discouraged they are there... Along with the newer ones with subtitles.

-reply by laura

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Its so fun reading posts from almost 6 years ago regarding Naruto's parents. ^-^

To those of you who had a speculation or even KNEW that the Fourth was Naruto's father I think (being one of those who KNEW) that you were probably doing a well deserved victory dance when it was confirmed when he showed up in Naruto's subconscious in chapter 440. :lol: Also to those of you who thought that Tsunade was Naruto's mother.....seriously.... nuff said.

Since we didn't know much about Kushina it was understandable that we thought she died while giving birth to Naruto. And when she showed up in Naruto's subconscious it was awesome! (and I had tears of joy. What?! I am a girl so sue me.)

And to those of you who doubt it and couldn't possibly think that Naruto and the Fourth were related in ANY way, all I got to say is HA!! IN YOUR FACE! :lol:

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