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Is Australia Like America?

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do you think Australia is like america and why? I think is is from all of the movies we watch. what do you think?

1- I will use US instad of America in the original topic. The people in other countries in America object.


2- Australian is a country and contenent. Its total Area: 7,686,850 (sq km) while USA area is 9,631,418 (sq km)


3- Australia is 20 millions from different ethnic baground while USA population is 300 millions.


4- Both Australia and USA were British Colony. While US after its independence has a presidental republic system, Australia after independence preferred to have the British King/Queen as a head of state. So Australia under the Queen but not under the British Governments. The Queen has a representative called "General Governor" and has "Governor " for each state. They acting as head of Australia or the states and are appointed by the primer mister after the endorsement of the Parliaments. They have no intervention in the ruling but for consitutional function [Receiving the visiting head of States , ambasodor, call to election, resolve the parliament, call the head of the winning party to formulate the governement, perform the swaring of the ministers,...]


5- Australia took the Westminster Democracy as in Britain. With two houses of parliament where one is called House of representative and Senate [like in America]


6- Legal system is similar to what in America


7- The weather on the south Australia is as the weather in meditation and in the north as the weather near equator. So you find Oranges as in meditrerian and Tropical fruit.


8- In America the original people called Indian and the the original people of Australia called aboriginal and they are very minority now and most of them at north.


9- Kangaroo and the emu [a bird like ostrich] are only in Australia so it is in the offecial logo . Welby also is unique in Australia


10- America is 51 States. Australia is a federation of six states (New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Queensland, South Australia) and two terriotories [CT , NT]


11- More than 85% of Australians live in urban areas, mostly on the east coast. Sydney and Melbourne , Adelade, Brisbane, Birth, Hobart


12- Both USA and Australia has the same sports, Football, Rugby, Sopccor,.... They call the real footbal Socor.


13- The English in Australia is similar to which in America but with more British English effects.


14- In Australia we use the same terminology as in USA. Family Court, Social Security, MediCare, Family Payments, High Court, SupremeCourt, County Court, Fedral Court, Magistrate,...


15- Most of the shows on Australian TV Chanels TV are American shows. Beside the films, we watch Seasame Street, Bold and Beutiful, Days of outr life, Disperate House Wife, Simpson, Futorama,..Judge Judy, Orpha, Dr phil,...and many other series that i don't waych or know.


16- Also other TV programs immitate what in American TV. We watch Australian Idol [instead of American Idol] Good morning Australia [insteas of Good morning America], ABC as in America [stand of Australian Brodcast Cooperation instead of American]. Dateline, Lateline, meet the press.


17- We in Australia have most of franshise as in USA: K-Mart, SafeWay, McDonald, Kentuky Chicken,....


18- Currencyin Australian called dollar as well (AUD) [about 90 cents]


19- Australian use the metric system [centigrade for temperature, grams for weight, metric for distance But in US they youse , fahrenheit , pound and yard/feet.


20- Autumn in Australia is the Spring in America, Winter is the Summer [vise verse]


21. Australian time at east is +10 and USA at east is -5.

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Americanisation (or lets be politically correct: Globalisation)

Is Australia Like America?


Kinda sad how Americanised we are becoming. You almost never hear about or embrace the spirit of Banjo Patterson or the Man of Snowy River. Today it is the mining boom and the growth of exports (and Chinese imports!).


Gotta thank our lovely American friends for a Free Trade Agreement. I mean it only excluded our vital industries/commodities and opened the place to American companies which have bankrupted a large number of our own and taken over.


There is a diaspora of Aussies (around 900,000 abroad) and most say it is because of the fast growth of materialism under Howard =[


-reply by Lachy

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well australia and america have similarities and differences. australia and america are pretty similar well more similar than india and america.Similarities:-speak english-have deserts-capital city isn't the most populated (in england and france for example, capital city is largest populated)-have states not provinces-christian-democratic-western countryDifferences:-one uses metric one uses imperial system-huge population difference-geographic location-military capacityoverall i think australia is probably one of the more similar countries compared to america.

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Nope, Australia is NOT like America.Does Australia have massive slums, where people are killed daily by the freedom of ownership of guns? Well in Sydney, sort of, but anywhere else? NODoes Australia have a candidate for Vice Presidency (Deputy PM in OZ) who can 'see Russia from her house' and didn't know Africa was a continent? NODoes Australia use a stupid imperial system where if you dont know all the different type of measurements, you're stuffed? NOIs Australia a republic? NODoes Australia speak AMERICAN English? NOIs Australia ignorant? NODoes Australia recognise the rest of the world exists, and has a say? YESDoes Australia have the death penalty? NODoes Australia drive on the right side of the road? NO:lol:But we are Americanised to a degree-We have McDonalds everywhere, and the word "dude" is becoming ever more popular.However after being in countries like Singapore and France, I don't really think Australia is so Americanised.A200 ^_^

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The Americanization of Australia......Is Australia Like America?

G'day Everyone, I am a very Proud Australian :-)

My Mum and Dad, Nan and Pa taught me everthing I needed to know growing up on how to be the BEST Australian I could be.

I just want to coment on the above subject. I do feel as Australians we have one of the broadest multi-cultural countries in the "New World" and believe it will continue like this into the future. I'm so cool with inviting our fellow citizens into "Our Beautiful" and "Promising Home" as everyone should have the opportuntiy to enjoy what life is all about e.G. A kind smile from a "True Blue Aussie", a typical "G'day" from a "Digger" that has been here way before any of us, and mostly having a "Beer and BBQ" with neighbours, families and friends, ANY TIME OF THE YEAR :-) 

What I feel most passionatily about is the fact that we as "Australians" have the opportunity to Preserve our Historical Sites, Tell our stories of Hardship and about the War our Australian Men faught in, keep the "Australian Spirit" alive in our Children whilst teaching them about the Australian culture and how they should be proud of where they come from, regardless of the History. We are creating our future, so as Australians lets not let outside influences shape who we now or in the future. Know yourself and let people know who you are... They will only "Love and Respect" you the way Australians do with any other Culture. 

It is up to every Australian individual with the choices they make, their behaviours and most of all desions they choose on how to be An Australain and what Australia will be in the future for the next generation. Teach our fellow citizens what being An Australian is, then invite them over for a "Beer and BBQ" :-)

Thank you for your time and patience :-)

Have fun and Be True to yourself.

Hayley :-)

-reply by Hayley

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What a dumb question and so many people say the world is being Americanised! It is NOT! I live in Australia, and Australia resembles Canada, the USA , New Zealand and Britain. Put it another way, THE USA resembles Australia, New Zealands, Canada and Britain. It DOES NOT resemble, Paruagay or Sweden or Hungary - in other words - it is the CULTURAL heritage of the British which is similar and has spawned our similarities NOT the American way. As hard as the poor yanks may find this, they have evolved as an extension, albeit a unique extension of the England of the founders and so have we, albeit in OUR unique way, but our similarities are the British similarities - ok sigh if you will, but it's the truth!

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To some degree we have adopted some American culture as are own. Personally, i think we identify with them as much as we do the english, from where a majority of us place our origins. Our prime ministers always seek to gain favor with the U.S. The younger generations have shifted more towards the ways of American culture.Personally my head gets a bit nauseous delving too much in Australian culture, there is some thing about it that seems very monotonous to me. Probably because know one else is excited about either :) .

Edited by inverse_bloom (see edit history)

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I don't think so hahaThe other day i was talking to this austrailian guy. he said appearently everyone gets laid aat around the age of 15,16 and everyones freindly..people are very open minded about sex and there are parties everyweekend :l and appearntly only 10% of the population goes to post secondaryschool haha

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I don't think so hahaThe other day i was talking to this austrailian guy. he said appearently everyone gets laid aat around the age of 15,16 and everyones freindly..people are very open minded about sex and there are parties everyweekend :l and appearntly only 10% of the population goes to post secondaryschool haha

If that is the case, then I really don't know who you were talking to... obviously someone with bad influence... DUDE, the legal age for sex in Australia is at sixteen, so I don't know why "everyone" would be having sex, or "getting laid" as you said at the age of fifteen. Sixteen, I believe, is still too young for sex, so I really don't know who you were talking to.

For all I know, I know that I am certainly not going to have sex when I am fifteen, and most certainly not sixteen either. And basically everyone goes to secondary school... I can't believe that guy just said that. Basically everyone finishes high school too... I know that there are lots of bad schools out there with sex, drugs, smoking and alcohol problems... even the best schools in Australia have problems like this too... but seriously, not everyone is like that. And I most certainly am not. I am totally, basically speaking, totally horrified and disgusted at what you have just suggested... and I'm not even fifteen yet. :)

I know that Australia might be hugely influenced by the USA, but seriously, you won't see students shooting their teachers or anything like that here... and certainly not everyone have sex in their teens... God... :D:(:D That is just... so plainly... sick.

Be careful who you talk to on the internet, OK???

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Don't forget, that first off, Australia is derivative of England.

For example, expressions like "bloke" and "mate", and driving on the left hand

side of the street, they took from Britain.

They also speak like they are from the south of England as well.

The way they pronounce "south" as "sarf".

I guess Canadians would of ended up sounding like that too if the country wasn't right next to the U.S.A.

Australia is definitely closer to Britain culturally than the U.S because of these things,


Australians don't like American sports but they love Rugby and Cricket,just like

the British, and they

like soccer a lot. Of course the Aussies love their own "Aussie rules football",

which is a different game all together.


Like the U.S.A, the aussies also have their own desert, the ouback.

Very similar to the one the Yanks have in Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico.

This definitely leads to a type of Cowboy culture which the U.K doesn't

really have.

Of course something Australia shares with the U.S.A is they both have

Native Indian cultures.


I would say somebody who moved from the U.S.A to Australia wouldn't face too

much of a culture shock though. Nothing like if they moved to Italy or say India.

That would take some real adjusting.

Most English speaking countries are very similar really, with only superficial

differences. After all, we're living in the Global Village.













Well the A at the beginning and the A at the end of the spellings are same Posted Image


Well I havent had the pleasure to go visit both continents yet but im sure they both have very different lifestyles Posted Image. Also I havent heard of a kangaroo in America, please fill me in if you have Posted Image


Posted Image


~ Munchie ~

Edited by networker (see edit history)

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If that is the case, then I really don't know who you were talking to... obviously someone with bad influence... DUDE, the legal age for sex in Australia is at sixteen, so I don't know why "everyone" would be having sex, or "getting laid" as you said at the age of fifteen. Sixteen, I believe, is still too young for sex, so I really don't know who you were talking to.
For all I know, I know that I am certainly not going to have sex when I am fifteen, and most certainly not sixteen either. And basically everyone goes to secondary school... I can't believe that guy just said that. Basically everyone finishes high school too... I know that there are lots of bad schools out there with sex, drugs, smoking and alcohol problems... even the best schools in Australia have problems like this too... but seriously, not everyone is like that. And I most certainly am not. I am totally, basically speaking, totally horrified and disgusted at what you have just suggested... and I'm not even fifteen yet. :D

I know that Australia might be hugely influenced by the USA, but seriously, you won't see students shooting their teachers or anything like that here... and certainly not everyone have sex in their teens... God... :(:D :D That is just... so plainly... sick.

Be careful who you talk to on the internet, OK???

well he lives in this town like 3 hours above Sydney lol :) but yeah he said pretty much everyone in his town have gotten laid at around 15ish

lol you're younger than 15? I never said they don't go to secondary school I mean POST secondary school like colleges/universities

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well he lives in this town like 3 hours above Sydney lol :) but yeah he said pretty much everyone in his town have gotten laid at around 15ish
lol you're younger than 15? I never said they don't go to secondary school I mean POST secondary school like colleges/universities

No... I'm not fifteen yet... and I am definitely going to a university after school. Well, if it's a small town, then I suppose they either don't have a lot of education on sexual health or it's just a town that encourages sex at a young age... but still, it gives a bad reputation to Australia, I reckon.

And what were YOU doing talking to a guy like that? Don't tell me YOU have also been having sex at a young age too!!! *tut tut*

*shakes head*

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Here in Australia we call high school "secondary school", then primary school, prep school and kindy or "group of brats gone wild". We have a nationwide technical college called "T.A.F.E" where you go for courses from 1/2 a year to 3 1/2 years in duration. A wide variety of different courses are offered there. If you finish 3 1/2 years at a T.A.F.E Institute you obtain an Advanced diploma. Not just this but if you want to follow up further you can do an extra year at University and you then have your degree in you chosen occupational field (in some fields). 10% attendance for post secondary school attendance? The guy must have been from boganville (meaning he must have resided in a place where all the drop kicks are cast out too). Probably lives in Tasmania ive head about those poeple, nah just kidding. :)

Edited by inverse_bloom (see edit history)

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Here in Australia we call high school "secondary school", then primary school, prep school and kindy or "group of brats gone wild".

In Britain they began calling secondary schools "high schools".
Just one more small loss of the sense of British culture I guess.
Before you know it Liverpool f.c will have a "schedule" and
will fight for a champions league place in the league

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No... I'm not fifteen yet... and I am definitely going to a university after school. Well, if it's a small town, then I suppose they either don't have a lot of education on sexual health or it's just a town that encourages sex at a young age... but still, it gives a bad reputation to Australia, I reckon.
And what were YOU doing talking to a guy like that? Don't tell me YOU have also been having sex at a young age too!!! *tut tut*

*shakes head*

wow lol..what's a fifteen year old guy doing on this forum!? I was just on omegle hoping to meet some new people
and no i have not..I've done sexual stuff with girls but ugh..no sex yet

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