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New Pope: A Nazi! News sources poping up WORLD WIDE

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Well Pope Benedict XVI as he is now called was in the Nazi youth, but he left to become a priest. He will be a marvellous Pope and the Catholic Christian community has reconcilled the Germans now, I don't think that we should still be prejudice against them and what happened, it was the past.I am a Catholic and will respect all Pope's, unless they are apocolyptic or something. I also totally agree with Wyllt, it was compulsory for him to join and Ratzinger didn't hurt anyone. Pope Benedict XVI will be a great Pope and I think he learned that the world needs peace after what he went thorugh in his youth.

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I mean who cares if he was a nazi, he is with God now, and thats all that matters, we have to accept him the way that he is, regardless of what happened in the past, i think its better for us to look at the good things that he has, and at the things he can do for the world, instead of just focusing on the negative aspects of him.

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And erm this is all meaningful why? The nazi age is gone. Get over it.


If he were a actual Nazi with the beliefs that go with that name, then there would indeed be reason to worry. Would you like to find out that the president of the US believed in white supremacy, and that all non arians should be put in concentration camps. Granted the Pope may not have as much political power as the US Pres, but the office still has alot of power, and I can understand people wanting to ensure that the right person for the job is in the position. Can't you?

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Yeah, I as hearing about this at school today. I kinda hate how everything is politics, the pope is scrunitized like a president, and he's elected like one. He also has to please everyone, or at least try to, like a president. Well, maybe he dosen't have to, but, yeah.

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I feel we should just respect the man, and lets not pre judge him. So he was in the Hitler youth, most probably because he was forced to, rather than by choice, but we shouldn't judge on what has happened in the past.There is a BIG difference between being part of the hitler youth, and being a Nazi! :lol:

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According to a prophecy (or prediction) by a guy in the early 1000s, he's suppose to only last for 7 months and will create havoc in the whole Catholic Church. In the prediction, he's the olive pope.This guys is even right about Pope John Paul II, who just past away as the best one.P.S: I'm not religious, I dun really carexboxrulz

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well maybe some crazy peson is still angry about the nazi thing and will be stupid enough to kill him..i don't really belive that he willl ast only 7 months...although he is an old pope...why can't they just pick a younger one and last longer? maybe they're afraid he wont do a good job and its faster for his turn to end.. :lol:

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Yeah, I as hearing about this at school today.  I kinda hate how everything is politics, the pope is scrunitized like a president, and he's elected like one.  He also has to please everyone, or at least try to, like a president.  Well, maybe he dosen't have to, but, yeah.


Well he is a world leader and a head of state. The Vatican is a country of its own with the pope as the countries leader, not to odd to expect him to live up to the same scrutiny other country's leaders experience daily.

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If he was Nazi, it was then.Now he is Pope and it is now.And what matters to us is what he will be... will he be like a pope and carry on or whether he forces his Nazi thoughts of his past life to Christians now!I don't think he will make such blunders or the post of Pope will lose it's respect.And Hitler is NO more!!!

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just because someone fought in the Nazi army does not necessarily mean that they believe in the Nazi beliefs. People were forced to join even if they were opposed. If you resisted you would most likely end up dead.

today, there is no way he would even try to force Nazi thoughts upon people if he actually believes in any of it. He is not going to be pope for very long so people should just support and respect him while he is there.


.although he is an old pope...why can't they just pick a younger one and last longer? maybe they're afraid he wont do a good job and its faster for his turn to end..  -_-


my guess is that they dont have anyone that they really wanted to be pope. so if they put an old guy in there, he will die soon and then they will hopefully have some new selections for pope that they like.

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And what matters to us is what he will be... will he be like a pope and carry on or whether he forces his Nazi thoughts of his past life to Christians now!


Wait a second. Christians? I think you meant Catholics. Most sects of Christianity don't have anything to do with the Pope. Pope is simply for the Vatican or the Catholics. Always bear that in mind. -_-


Sorry about that I care about little details.




You know even if he's German, we shouldn't consider him a Nazi. That's prejudice. If some silly guy in your country did what Hitler did, and you were prejudiced because of you Nationality, how would you feel?


But then again, I don't care about the New Pope. I'm not a Catholic. :D

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I will say one thing to this.Darker333, and anyone whom hold his same opinion, if not changed by now for I just read the first post.You my friend, are the epitomy of the masses' ignorance and do wish you to grow up.And I wonder, how old are thee?

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i not really fussed to be honest... it's all old news and i dont think he will adopt anything he learnt in Hitler Youth to his Pope skills, i mean... c'mon give the guy a chance...as far as im concerned he must be the best choice? he was selected out of a wide variety of others...

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