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Quit Smoking Cigarettes have you quit smoking???

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Quitting smoking is no big deal. I've quit many times. I just enjoy having a smoke once in a while, so I do.

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What have you done is very difficult. It was told that Smoker can never avoid smoke. May be you can avoid for 6 month or 1 year but one day you fire a smoke and enjoy till end of its white part. so keep trying hope you will success one day

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well congrats to all those who are out of this mess. i think there are two kind of people who smokes ar start smoking one of these you can find in pubs and cofee outlets whosmokes just for fun and show off the other ones you can find in proffessional places like institutional hostels (in their rooms) it gives them inner strength , i know my freind i jia sari prepairing for ias 2008 who cannot study without a smoke , i have talked to him many times about this he says 'it gives him more concentration '. i feel those who start by looking others can also stop through the same manner , but those who start by themselves has to really fight against their will . i belong to the latter group of people . enjoy /.

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Congratulations... Sometimes I wish I could stop. I dont smoke cigarettes, I only smoke mini-cigars. Captain blacks to be specific. I usually enjoy one a day, but on weekends if I go out drinking I'll buy a pack and go through it easily that night. I just took my walk for a cigar, and lately I've really wanted to stop. Im 18 this saturday and my parents don;t know I smoke. My dad actually thinks I only have them when I'm drinking because he had seen me one time. But I still feel guilty and I have to sneak around to have a smoke. Hopefully I can pull together some motivation to stop, but I really enjoy having them when I drink. I think I am going to try and stop having them unless I am drinking, and even when I am drinking I will try to slow down over time. Lets see if I can pull together enough will power to stop smoking unless I am drinking. So I guess that ciga Ijust had will be my last one until I go out drinking... which will probably be Saturday night. Then after that I'll try to stop until the following weekend where I am going camping at a party spot. (The camp ground is at sauble beach... At this campground mostly kids go to, and Labour Day Weekend is college weekend over there, so I'll definately end up smoking cigars cause I plan on bringing a couple 2-4's for the two days/nights)Anyway... congratulations and I am going to try to reduce myself. Ill post back if I slip up and have a cigar.

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I have quit smoking a couple of times but realized that I get bored without figiting with the cigarette. When I am at a loss of words at a party or something I find it helpful to light one up. I have also learned in a study that if you quit smoking by the qge of 32 that you body can totally rid itseelf of the chemicals that come from cigaretts. I do not know if that is 100 percent true but I guess I can go with that. If I can quit by that age after smoking for that long then I guess i will be doing pretty good. It is such a great feeling to get that first inhale after waking up or working out. Guess that does not make much sense though. Oh well.

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Well, 9block, you just mentioned a very typical thing there, you say you don't smoke that many cigars, but when you go out drinking you go through a whole pack.I have seen that happen quite often.i know two people who do not smoke that much, a 25 pack of cigarettes lasts them about a week, but when they start lighting one cigarette after the other it is a clear tell tale sign they have had a drink.Me too, although i smoke a lot more than you do, when i have had a drink i go through more ciggies than usual.Funny enough, if you (or anyone) could manage not to smoke a single cigar or cigarette or whatever while out drinking, it would take you much longer to get drunk, or you might not even get drunk at all, even if you drink as much as you normally need in order to get tipsy.Unfortunately, it is also the case that people who have given up smoking often start again when they have had a drink.That obviously happens because in this state they have less control over their thoughts, actions and willpower, and also the mentality of some people, when they know someone has given up either smoking or drinking, they will go on trying to tempt these people by insisting on them having a cigarette or a drink of alcohol (why on earth do they always have to do that?).But unfortunately, people often give in as a result of that, with all the well known consequences.Now, on the subject of giving up, I myself gave up three times, the first time, I stuck it out for about a fortnight, until everyone around me kept begging me to start again, saying "please, go to a pub or a shop, get yourself a packet of cigarettes and light one, because you are impossible to live with" (now I think about it, I really was a pain in the butt, touchy, nasty, grumpy, I argued over nothing....).Anyway, that was the end of my first attempt.Then, six years ago, I decided to give it another go, while trying to use nicotine patches.Believe it or not, I start using the patches, stop the ciggies, guess what, the same night I am in an ambulance having a heart attack. :) The worst thing was that I had to celebrate Christmas in hospital. I must also confess that, the week before that happened i had developed angina.Anyway, after three weeks in hospital, they unclogged my artery with the balloon they blow up in it and put a stent there, and I have never had any chest pain since.On that occasion I managed to stay off the cigarettes for 5 months.You are not going to believe this, but due to personal problems, stress, worry and lots of things to do, the first thing I grabbed for was a packet of cigarettes.Then, about two years after that, i went to counseling sessions, i used nicotine lozenges then, and to be quite honest, I felt like I did not really need them.I managed to stay off the cigarettes for about three months, and once again, with changing jobs and having a very stressful life, and because off the wife nagging (we had the counseling sessions together, and for her it proved a great deal more difficult than it was for me) I started again, believe it or not.Now I am trying to pick a time to give up again (after all, they say "don't give up giving up"), although I do not feel ready for it yet, all of a sudden I will probably have a spell again where I say "why the heck am I doing this?" and give up, it will probably be for good then.I know it causes you a lot of damage and furthermore, you can save a lot of money too with giving up, but it certainly is not easy.And if there are people here who say "What a cheap excuse, starting again due to the reasons you gave", well, think again, it is certainly anything but an excuse, and I hope anyone who effectively wants to give up never has the stress i had to cope with, don't forget, you are already tense when you give up, and if external factors add to that, it is enough to drive anyone back to that little white stick.Anyway, the best of luck to anyone who wants to give it a go to give up.

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i love to smoke i had quit once for about 2 years really easy. but i ended up starting back up again but i probably wont quit again i enjoy it especially when im irritated its makes me so much happier.

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Congratulation!! :) I still smoke ive tried to quit but its to hard and cigs are like a stress reliever to me. I have tried the patches and the pills, also the magnets. Still nothing if you got any tips for me message me.

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