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Everything posted by nirvaman

  1. Hi carloo ,kimgr and lee , and welcome for all the new guys , wish you will have a nice day here on Xisto.com , and good luck collecting your firsts Mycents :angel:
  2. Hi sunilr_74 , did you tried to access the cpanel with a bad password?If yes , your Ip maybe banned , so you need to renew your Ip , or submit a support ticket describing your problem,someone from the support team will answer you soon
  3. I'm using Thomson speedtouch 706 wl , it's a very good wireless router , with a friendly inteface , i've been using it since a while and no problems found yet!I'll suggest it to everyone who need a good cheap wireless router :angel:
  4. Hi again Kuskus :angel: I'm From Algeria and my name is Oualid *You can spell it Waleed in english* ,Nice to meet you Kuskus , and welcome again between us!
  5. Yes you are saying the truth @anwii , but don't forget about people who didn't cheated the system , but the adsense bot ,thought they were !!I'll give you an exemple , if i have adsense on my site , a person in any place of the world * let's say china* can access my website , view my ads then click on them ; but the problem is that he can click a 1000 time on those ads , and for that reason i can be banned from adsense , not because i cheated them , but because some ........ did it in my place ! Think about it :angel:
  6. Hi kuskus and welcome to Xisto.comI'm not gonna correct your english , coz mine is not that correct :angel: , but i am going to tell you something about your name , in united maghreb , we spell it *Couscous* , and it's a traditional dish :DAnyway i just wanted to say welcome , and happy Mycents earning
  7. Yes i will be glad if Xisto.com offers Mycents transfer. Why? i know people want to sell somethings * and i'm one of them* here on the board and they can do it for Mycents wich is more trusted* if someone tells you that he will transfer money to you using bank = forget about it* , and gives us a better way to trade or sell our stuff.
  8. I've been searching around for a credit card or a VCC and i found this website where you can get a prepaid debit mastercard powered by payoneer.And if you can't afford to pay for it , i will suggest you to register with text-link-ads.com as a publisher , and put the code on your pages and start making money , once you will have 25$ on your account you can request you credit card to be mailed to your adress!Good luck
  9. Yep , Mycents system is GREAT , i'm sure everyone who will try it , will love it sure!I've been around of some websites giving free hosting for forum posts *post 2 host and such forums* but they don't have this system , and they have to check all your posts manually,and delete those wich are flagged as spam , and rate the good ones, and at that times we were posting about 25-30 posts to have a hosting that needs only 15 posts ,because moderators were very.......but in here ; you can speak about wherever you want and still making those Mycents!!I love Xisto.com , what about you guys?
  10. Hi guys I just trarted a new website yesterday , it's a place where members are given Free domain names for completing FREE surveys. the website here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If you guys want to earn a free domain name :angel: go there and register.
  11. Well , you are spaking about the primer problem linekill , ad clicking!!Who's clicking your ads?Why visitors are clicking your ads, or not?Why is my site generating a thousand views per day and no clicks?these are some questions , you , I and everyone should ask to him self , and try to figure it out.*First of all : you must know who's clicking your ads ; it may be a friend who want to help you ,you GF who wont you to have some cash to invite her out , or a visitor who is interested by the link on the website you are advertising in your ads!*the why visitors are clicking your ads , or not clicking them ?well here we have got too many answers for one qestion , it may be because of the disposition of your ads on the website ,*too many ads , or popup ads and site under , actually i don't like websites with such a number of ads!* , or it can be because of the nature of your visitors , soo if you are running a website that interests webmasters , then you will have a quality relevant ads with a good cash returning!* , or it can be because of the content of your website , then if you offer good content ,prople will click on your ads just for clicking them*a sort of donation :angel: = i do click on people's ads if i like the content * and if your content sucks ; i suggest you not to put ads till you ameliorate that content.*why my site is generating a thousand views per day and no clicks ? Huh , now you have two choices ;----1:Try to target other areas , means if your visitors came from china , then clicks they generates are useless , and try to target people from USA , australia , canada or the UK , they will generate you more ca$h for the same views and clicks !Good luck using you ads
  12. Hi again: I'll be glad too , thanks man! No , thank you man , but i'm not that old!! i was hoping someone's got a 22-25 years old ,pretty sister , but anyway....i don't really think that i'm gonna find her in here , since there are no women on Xisto.com :/
  13. Welcom to Xisto.com forums lee , i hope you will enjoy your stay here while collecting the famous Mycents.And talking aabout the website you are linking too in your signature , i find it pretty good!! is that your website?Welcome again and happy earning
  14. Well said running with scisors , in here *Xisto.com forums* we are collecting Mycents , that we can spend on quality webhosting in Xisto - Web Hosting.com or in domains , you choose!The best way you can earn the Mycents is by posting in the forums , quality posts will generate a large amount of Mycents , mediocre ones also , but i suggest you not to copy/paste articles from other boards or websites , because moderators here will think that you are a spammer!! and you will have no Mycents to earn.Talk about whatever you think usefull , you will always find someone who share your iseas and thoughts!Welcome again and Good luck
  15. nirvaman


    Hi tomylee welcome to Xisto.com ,start posting articles in here , you will enjoy that , once you will earn your first Mycents , that you can spend on quality webhosting or domains!Welcome again and good luck
  16. nirvaman


    Welcome to Xisto.com foken , hope you will enoy the time you will spend in here.Good luck earning your first Mycents
  17. You can use rapidshare premium link generators or rapidleech instead.I think Rapidshare is making their system very difficult to use because they think it's the best , but if you guys try to use another filesharing website , they will think again!Think about it :angel:
  18. Ok , let's speak a little about adsense!!I was dealing with adsense from 2006 to 2008 , yes i was making good money at that time , but they did closed my account and cancel my checks for no reason at all!! they said that i was generating bad clicks*a sort of click exchange or something* but i don't , i tried to talk with them but they didn't understood , and they won't , once your account is flagged , your eranings are lost * they said they'll return my earnings to the advertisers ; oh yeah they will i trust them !!*.Now i'm using my brother's account on some of my websites , but i'm being very carefull about logs and bot clickers!Good luck using adsense
  19. I understand that the number of your unique visitors per day is around 200-300 is that true?and you'are saying that you are making about 10 $ a day , that means between 50-100 clicks a day and that's 25-33 per cent!!!hey Dude you are making good money already , i suggest you stay where you are with your advertising system , don't change it , but you will need to improve your site's audience to earn a larger amount of money , then to choose your geographycal visitors audience * your website will make you more money if your visitors come from USA and Uk*that's all , good Luck dude
  20. I think a lot of ads make your site look like an amateur website , or a MFA , and answering the idea that says that website serving ads look legitimate , i know a lot of warez websites that uses Google adsense , wich is against the tos , but they are doing just fine with it.If you want your site to be legitimate , do this :1-Put an about us section on your website with contact informations and phone if possible.2-Don't hide your informations from the whois database.3-If you can afford an SSL certificate , so this will be better.4-Try to register your domain name for more then a year * if i see a website selling something , and that website is registered for a year only !! means the webmaster's broke and he'll steal money from me!!!!i think that's all , good luck guys :angel:
  21. HiI think the best monetizing system for programs is Pay Per Install programs , you'll find a lot of them on the internet * just use Google* , they'll offer you some programs you will have to bind with your program like ; toolbars , emoticons programs, or some patches *yep people pays you a lot to bind their patches with your programs* , you can find activex also...but i think you should monetize it by other systems , like CPA , so that you will amke a section on your website to download your program and people who want to , must complete surveys , offers or something like that.Good luck
  22. Why cracking a WEP key when you can have it?!!I'll suggest you to go see the router (modem) , i suppose you know where the IT keeps it ?So on the back you'll find your WEP * hope the IT didn't change it* , use it at your own risk , if you'r caught , i'm not gonna find you a job!!
  23. You can use a free proxy like hidemyass or something , i think it'll work !!
  24. I'm using a french ads system that pays 0.07 euro a CPC no matter from where your visitors came from *not like adsense that pays on a geographycal basis*
  25. Hi , i was dealing with Google adsense ads , but after receiving my first check , they deleted the account and i lost all my funds *Reason : illegal clicks ; i'm always wondering from where those illegal clicks came from?* , so i'm not gonna suggest you to use Adsense!I'm actually using a French ads service , it only works with french written websites , it's allotraffic.com , it pays you 0.07 euro CPC , and 0.70 euro on CPMI'm making a good money with it , since 2008.Also you can use Cpalead.com , that pays you to promote surveys , everytime your visitors complete surveys on your website o access a page or a product , you'll be credited from 0.1 $ to 7 or 8$ depends on the country where your visitors came from! i'm not making that kind of money , coz my traffic's growing up , but i've seen some webmasters making more then a 1000 $ per month !!
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