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Everything posted by Revolutionary.

  1. I never swear at home. Only when I'm out or at school, and its not that much anyway. Last week, a seventh grader said "sh*t" in front of his father without realizing it. The next 10 minutes were of his yelping as he got beaten over the head in front of the school. Needless to say, most people were laughing at him because he thought he was "hard" because he could swear.
  2. I have one Compaq laptop which I mainly use, although its beginning to age. I have an old e-machines computer somewhere in my Living Room. 64MB of Ram and running Windows ME. My little sister uses it occasionally to listen to music, play solitaire, and play pinball, as there is no internet connection. I have my IBM R40, which although lacks in the performance department is what I'd prefer over my current laptop. Less RAM, smaller harddrive, but somehow it feels faster and lighter I'm planning on getting a new one for home use to replace my old one.So yeah, I can't install anything on the IBM which is why I use it the least. The tech guy at school manages everyone's laptops and takes control of the admin account so we can't screw anything up or install programs until the end of the year. :PSo yeah, I've only got three in my household.
  3. Woah...I've always wondered how BB Code was implemented, that's pretty cool. And yeah, somehow I never knew what preg_replace did...I hadn't even heard about it that much before I read this. Wow, nice tutorial and thanks for the help.
  4. When Download.com fails, I toddle off to SourceForge. If I can't find anything there I run over to my bestest friend, Google. So yes, if you're looking for a good download site, these are excellent. Except Google's a search engine, but whatever...
  5. I recommend Open Source Web Design. They have tons of templates and there search system lets you search by color schemes, validation, and different forms of markup. I used them before I learned how to make my own templates.
  6. Yes, the banners are the reason that your provider gave you the free service in the first place. That's one of their main sources of revenue right there, banner ads. By removing those ads you're almost definitely going to have your account deleted, and that's never ever good.
  7. Eek, how many malicious sites are stealing these things from your clipboard? I'd imagine that I'm either not in with the computer scene but I've never seen or heard this kind of exploit mentioned before.A very interesting find, I'm playing around with it now. Thanks.
  8. That made me laugh so hard. I want some pizza.Knowing google, they're probably going to get around $500 in pizza to feed a couple of people. Heh, nice find.
  9. I think I know what you're talking about, if not forgive me. HTML: <!--You can name the div whatever you want--><div id="content box"> <p>Text.</p></div> CSS: #content box { background-color: your color; border: 1px solid #000; height: whateverpx; width: whateverpx;} Uh...that?
  10. GTAForums and Something Awful.I've been visiting GTAForums.co for a year now when I first got into the Grand Theft Auto games. I visit SA because I enjoy the slightly sick humor shown. There's a couple more but I don't visit them as often as these two. Of course Xisto would be a close third or fourth, as I don't come online as much anymore. But yeah, there's also my e-mail accounts, game sites, online arcades, and poker that I play online also.
  11. This still hasn't really hit home for me yet, it feels as if it occured in a third world country. I don't know why, but I thought that New Orleans had been completely evacuated and now I'm hearing that they're fearing thousands dead. Its quite sad to think of all the elderly, teens, children, adults, and animals swept away in the tide and never to be seen again, dead or alive.I was watching a special on TV a couple days ago when I saw a father and his two kids. He had to decide whether to save his wife or his children. His wife volunteered to leave, and as she did, she was swept away by the water and the family presumes her dead. Thinking off all the torn families and dead bodies still unidentified makes me feel uneasy. There is still a ray of hope for the families that their loved ones may have survived.And as for the gas prices, I too have heard that they're going to fly up to around $4 a gallon soon and I've been hearing that some are expecting or predicting that they'll be at around $5 by Christmas Time 2005. I can only hope that the thefts and murders over gas can be stopped, but there still is a huge supply and demand. The price of living is going to go up with the gasoline prices.The hurricane sure has caused a major stir, that's for sure.
  12. For some reason it reminds me of mints, but that's besides the point. I like the layout a lot, but for another reason I'm not really in favor of the dotted border under each post.Still like it though, good job.
  13. I'd enjoy MS Paint for some reason. I guess it's just be fun to doodle on my phone when I'm bored, using the arrow keys. Although, it's be impossible if not very hard to make something that looks like an object, it'd still amuse me.I'd also like Photoshop, but that's definitely a no. My third choice would be a PDF viewer.
  14. The fact that all of their songs are so simplistic also bothers me. I'm not arguing their talent, but from what I see on stage/on the radio/on MTV it doesn't look like there is much work put into the guitar, because most of their songs have at least three power chords in every verse and chorus. I guess I'm the only one that this irks, but I can't stand how they're making so much money off doing something that anyone who has played guitar for a reasonable time can do... And then people have the nerve to call them punk.
  15. I'm just learning about this, but I'm wondering...if China stopped trade with America wouldn't America's economy suffer? I mean, look how many goods are made in China?Also, if this is ever going to happen, would it be a huge missile exchange or would their actually be physical fighting between the armies?
  16. I wake up at 6:00AM to my alarm clock, I brush my teeth and take a shower. I run to get dressed and if I'm lucky, I can watch TV for 15 minutes before I have to leave at 6:45.I really want to go to a new school, where I can wake up later... Oh well, only one year left until I switch. The summertime isn't much different, except I'm just not going to school, rather some other place.
  17. I reccomend Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, NARC, and the latest Timesplitters.I loved all of those games, the only I still play now is NARC however.
  18. Animals eat other animals. It's life.I like steak, they're not going to stop me from following through with my natural instincts to eat another animal. Honestly, I can't imagine a world that doesn't eat meat, only fruits, vegatables, grains, etc. I don't know much about the human body's needs but I'm guessing that animal meat is very important in a person's diet, no?
  19. It sounds great, but my computer already has four instant messanging clients opened at once...Skype, MSN Messenger, ICQ, and AIM. Unless its really good I doubt I'll be able to use it, but I'm going to check it out.
  20. The first time I played it, I gave up around Mt. Gagazet. This time I gave up against Yunalesca. I haven't played it since the beginning of the summer because I got tired of the whole long battle and then dieing at her last form. That aggravated me so much.I've tried almost all of the strategies I've seen but none of them really helped me much. I think I want to go back to play it now, although I'm going to lose...again.
  21. Welcome to the forums.
  22. I've heard the excuse "my parents brought me up that way" and "it was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Adam" a million times and everytime I hear it now it shows the plain ignorance of the person. I'm an agnostic so the second quote means nothing to me, but still, if you don't want to accept other people's differences then you should consider not voicing your opinion on homosexuality unless you're going to give a real reason why you think its wrong. All of the homophobes I've met are ignorant and refer to Christianity when I ask for a reason. The problem is, there is a seperation between church and state, if Christianity says its wrong, it doesn't mean that they're passing a law saying its wrong, its only one perspective of the argument. Of course, if someone can come up with a valid reason why its OK to hate homosexuals, I'm all for listening.
  23. I'd have to say that the worst game ever has to be...Zelda the Windthingy for Gamecube. It felt too cartoony and a lot different than the other games. Sadly, I've never beat teh other ones because I've never more than rented them. I liked the "adultish"ness of the characters in the games released for teh Nintendo 64.
  24. Ick, I just recovered from Alcan.A and I thought it was bad. This is a ton worse, I just had to clear the registry and delete a few .com files and MSCONFIGS....and I thought it was pretty hard.I really need to learn more about this, I'm going to go read a bit.
  25. I'm playing some of my older PS2 games...SSX 3, Conflict: Desert Storm, Grand Theft Auto 3/Vice City/San Andreas, NBA 2K5, etc. Nothing much to do involving games until the PS3 comes out, hopefully it will be soon enough because I'm on the verge of spending all of my saved money (around $150), yeah I know its not even near enough.
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