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Everything posted by mayank

  1. mayank

    Google Romance

    He he!How do you feel tt3 after seeing people fell in the trap :angry:I was sure that it will be a prank and nothing else...because its goolge's habit..to do something funny almost every year on this date :angry:Anyways...Happy April Fool's day!
  2. Well..I've used acrobad reader and now I am using Foxit reader and I think it is way better than acrobat reader.The best thing is that it provides similar interface..and opens up the files very fast! Now, 1 second will not make a good huge difference in my life..as my PC is already so fast that it wont take even that much time...but consider the situation..where in people are still using old slow PC'sand as one of my friend said..that 35 MB is not huge...but it is still if we can achieve the same thing..with a software which of just 2 MB.The point is not..which one is superior..the point is that a company like adobe..is providing a software with same functionality in 35 mb but a small company which has create foxit reader...is providing that in just 2 MB!And that's where foxit reader...takes the edge...in my opinion
  3. Well, we can certainly help you in this sami!well, as you are using Blogger..you can follow these instructions :1. Go to blogger and login to your account.2. then choose your blog and go to templates tab.3. and there you can edit your template and add the meta data you want to put in your blog!
  4. Well those votes will not be counted! There has to be a reason for every...vote! I dont find anything wrong in this kind of voting...instead of keep it manual..that is copying the names and adding 1 to the no. of votes.....like we used to do it earlier..this is better and looks organized. It's members fault that they didnt write any comment or reason. I think we must continue this kind of voting...and be strict to keep out those votes which dont have any reason!
  5. Hey ankit!Welcome to the forum. Great to see some near by people coming up in the forum well..I saw your posts and I am impressed with your posts..they are really good...keep up the work!I saw your blog too...and another impressive stuff from you!Great going...hope you enjoy being part of the community and it seems to me that you are already doing that
  6. It's working for me too! There are only two members..isnt it. so what exactly the problem is...if the problem is fixed...or itsnt what you were saying..then plz..post it here, so that if it is fixed..we may close the topic
  7. Avalon!He gets my vote because he has used the icey cool effect and that is blending with the BMW's color. and there is a flow in the SIG!
  8. well I am 21 and I am a boy!I am sure that mostly this will be in the favour of boys and on top of that...it will be guyz under 18 will win the competition
  9. Well Truefusion..If you can download the extension..make sure download the extension not install it from the mozilla's site (I hope you downloaded it from there) and then open that XPI file with winrar or any other zip supporting utility. In that you'll find a file which is called install.rdf...open it with Notepad. In that file it will show you this info : Note that dc57.... this value is the extension's ID and it is unique and this no. is the folder name in the extension folder i've mentioned above. IN THE ABOVE EXAMPLE : the ID of TAB MIX PLUS..IT WILL BE DIFFERENT IN YOUR CASE! Just look for that folder and delete it
  10. Well, as far as word like s*it is concerned..I think there is no harm in that...everyone has done it (sorry, trying to get funny)But I think that the reason we have a small negativity about this word at Xisto is because..till this date..we've maintained a good proffessional image and such a sudden change has shocked the members.If we take the words of OpaQue..he has already consulted with others and they found it funny...and not offensive and same is the case with some other members too!I think every member must right their opinion about this..wheather they want this or not..because OpaQue may change it
  11. This is my first ever Venting. Normally, I post in the vent..to actually calm down people or to give them the solution(if there can be any). Well, BSNL is the biggest telecom company in India (B.S.N.L. In INDIA Is like British Telecom in UK) and I've got an ADSL connection with them. The reason for my anger is the frequent disconnection of the internet connection. It is so intermittent that it disconnects almost 10 times in a span of 15 min.!(SAINT_MIKE KNOWS IT TOO!) I cant do any thing properly on the internet..be it chat, email or what ever. I had to download a real important file from the internet and I couldnt do it at all and that has resulted in an incomlete report which I had to submit in my class :)On top of that, I called up there technical support and they started to say all those steps which I had already tried to fix up the thing and I know that the fault is at their end but they started doing all the troubleshooting steps..well..I dont mind that either..but then that tech support guy..said that he is going to call me up next day and will give me the solution..I got satisfied thinking that this is the biggest telecom company and seeing the connection's performance in past 7 months (it worked perfectly..no problems at all!)..anyways...The guy called me up and said that most likely it is a problem at their end and it has to be fixed by them only and told me that it seems to be a problem with the cable and that the cabling will have to be checked and for that they are sending an engineer. It's been two days and no one has turned up and the connection is getting worse.It's been 10-12 days since the problem started(it was not this big in starting) and now I have started to loose my patience. I dont really understand what to do..as no other company which can provide me ADSL connection at my place :PAnd hey..I forgot one more point..this is not related to the frequent disconnections..but it is related to the amount of bandwidth they provide to us...JUST 1 GB..for a person like me...its nothing..I am a heavy user of internet and I download lots of files and I find that 1 GB is simply nothing..I am sure most of you will agree to me on that.Well, I will have to admit that B.S.N.L. provided great service and as I said before that I didnt face even a single problem from 7 months but these last 10-12 days have become an acute headache.
  12. Hey truefusion!I dont know why that extension is still there..even if you uninstalled it.But to solve your problem..I can suggest you this :-This is strictly for xp and 2000...I am not sure about 98/me...Go to documents and settings->your user account->Application data(hidden)->Mozilla->Profiles->some weired no.->extensionsin this folder..you'll see the extension which are installed over there and the remove the one which is bugging you! Now in order to find out..which one is that...you can check the date when the folder was created and remove it accordingly!If still you face any difficulty..you know what you have to do!
  13. You are right Icemarle!Problem is fixed..Topic Closed.
  14. Well, It was because sql server was down for a little while and then it came back. All sites on Xisto were down...I mean those pages..which were running through Mysql.
  15. Hey bmxerguy! Welcome to the forum. I will like to mention that your first post is not the best of the posts. This is the intro section and I think you could have posted more about yourself..so that we can get to know you! I will request you to please go through the Xisto Readme as savge17 suggested! I hope you enjoy posting and hosting over here
  16. Notice from mayank: I would like to point out few things here. First of all...the post you've made is not in the right place..You are not hosted..so your post in hosted members area is not right...Moving the post. Secondly, Please make sure that if you are looking for help or if you are providing help..then you must atleast be descriptive. Because these one-liners dont contribute at all!
  17. well, even I got an email from Google and they've enabled my account too! It seems to me that it is good...even I've not got into it completely. I created the trial page and the good thing is that they dont put any ADS! unlike Yahoo Geocities. But they dont allow people to use domain names too! I think it will be handy for people who are just looking for hosting which doesnt need much services..like PHP, mysql...You know basic hosting https://sites.google.com/site/mayankguptacom/ Here's the URL...for people to have a look at!
  18. Great Job...by both of them. As Avalon said that it is clear from the closeness of the votes. You both are new..but I think the potential is really good...I am sure you guyz will be creating good fights in future SOTW'sAnd Avalon...what is the winning sig..getting...A TAB???
  19. I voted Truefusion!His sig looks clean and unique! And the border is simply awesome.
  20. Hey vikrant! It is a free service! But you cant download any program...It is a service. if you will go to the link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ then you'll be able to use the service...but at this point of time...its signups is closed...so you wont be able to use it! However, you can try blogger.com and open up a blog for yourself!
  21. It looks awesome!great combination of woody stuff with tech brushes! Great fusion!
  22. hey avalon!I am not part of GFX crew! so can I take part!I mean to say...can mods take part in this battle??
  23. Well, HOLI is a festival which is celebrated by Hindus' I think this is the best explanation..I tried to write over here...but because it includes lots of characters and it will be difficult to explain it right now! (I am celebrating it right now ) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holi It is certainly the best explanation I've seen!
  24. Hey everyone! I would like to wish each and everyone...a very happy Holi. I wish that you and your family enjoy this festival at fullest....And for those who dont know what HOLI is...then let me tell you more about it. Holi is one the biggest festival in India and on this day people through colors on others! There is a religious story behind it...but I dont want to get into it! If anyone wants to know about it...I'll be glad to explain that story as well! To give you an idea...how people look after playing holi..Click on this link and look at the First 3 photos
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