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Everything posted by ViSSeR

  1. StarCraft & BroodwarDiablo II & Lord of DestructionWarCraft III & The Frozen ThroneAliens vs Predator 2Empire Earth
  2. I have the scientist's view:The meaning of life is to reproduce and ensure the survival of our species.
  3. My favorite game would have to be either StarCraft or WarCraft. There is? Do you know when it is coming out? And a link to any particular webpage that talks/describes it? Yes it is.
  4. OMFG, THEY ARE?!?! No way those are my top 3 favorites too! Which Stargate series are you referring to?
  5. I got approval and an e-mail. I followed the link to the process page and tried to create an account. It said, Notice from snlildude87: Fixed quote tags
  6. No, because I had the hack. It was fun to change probes into mutas and own at the start of the game
  7. You have obviously never been to one of their concerts then. But yes, I admit, she sounds better on a CD. But she still sounds great with no digital filtering.
  8. I would try WoW, but i have to wait a couple of years to get a credit card to pay for it
  9. Well, I may have confused hydrogen with helium, but I am not sure, I know that the element Discovery Channel said dragons were most likely to have used started with an [/i]H[/i]
  10. Oh, and if people get extra stuff for referring people to the site, than Artanis is my referrer.
  11. Of course, who doesn't? I would have to say that their best song is Bring Me to Life. Followed closely by Taking Over Me, Going Under, and My Immortal.
  12. Hmmm... I would have to say that I want to be a Pharoh of Ancient Egypt. They were considered to be Gods and everything was done for them. They just had to be born into the royal family and that's it. It must be nice to tell anybody to do anything at anytime and they'd do it.
  13. Wow, so many places that I would like to go... Where to begin? Hmm... I would like to go to Nepal to climb Mt. Everest I would also like to go to Egypt. I have always been fascinated by Egypt. The Pyramids, the Sphynx, Ancient Egypt. And the Nile, the longest river on Earth. Also the Red Sea borders Egypt, which is supposed to be the Sea that Moses parted for the Hebrews. Also, I would like to go to a lot of countries located in Southern Africa. I would like to see wild lions, giraffes, elephants, etc. And to climb Mt. Kilomanjaro. Victoria falls, the largest waterfall on Earth, is also located there, which I would like to see. Australia is another place I would like to visit. I would like to see the outback. But the main reason is the Great Barrier Reef. Crystal clear water and lots of marine life. Hmm... Could space be considered a country? No, I suppose it couldn't... But that is another place I would like to go, actually if I had a choice to go anywhere I wanted, I would go to space.
  14. Definately DBZ. And to be more specific, the Android/Cell saga.
  15. I thought it was a hack that allowed the probe to turn into any building or mutalisks? It was called inhale. From what I know, the maker of the hack released the hack just to make Blizzard make a new patch.
  16. I use 800x600 on all of my computers. It isn't as big as 640x480, but it is big enough so that i can read it.
  17. I am using Mozilla Firefox. It seems that the pages take about thirty or so seconds to load. Is this common? If not is it because I am using Firefox?Ty in advance
  18. Actually, did you see that thing on the discovery channel? It explains how it is very likely that dragons did exist. For flying: Every biological creature creates gas in its' stomach when it digests food, in this case, the dragon creates hydrogen, which is lighter than air. It has a second set of lungs that hold this gas, making the dragon light enough to lift off with its' awkwardly short wings. For fire: Dragons would chew on platinum deposits, and store the platinum in a pouch in their mouths. Then using the hydrogen stored in its second lung pair, it combines hydrogen and platinum, creating fire. I think it is very likely that dragons do or did exist.
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