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Nelson Blogs

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Everything posted by Nelson Blogs

  1. I don't really like the "new" mario games that are coming out. I agree that they look pretty cool but I realy like the original version of the game better. They should make versions of the games that can be played on modern systems because the old systems are obsolete and I can not get my hands on the game. I miss playing Super Mario Brothers. I also hate using emulators. I wish Nintendo could just remake the game for PS3. I bet that they can make a profit for that. I know that I would buy it. Not many people anymore have a working Super Nintendo to play on.
  2. Nelson Blogs


    Hi Ballivalli! We are glad that you have come to join us! You should tell us a little bit more about us. What are your interests? Hobbies? Talents? Anyways, it is really easy to get your website up and running. First remember to link your Xisto billing account with your forum account. If you do not know how to do that, basically, sign up here: https://support.xisto.com/ using the same exact email that you used to sign up on this forum. Once you have made five quality points, your two accounts will become linked. If it doesn't, you just need to wait for a while. Be sure to read the ToS, forum rules, and the post regarding myCENT (the virtual money from the forums; used to purchase free hosting). If you like, you can also sign up at Xisto as well. You may earn myCENTs from both forums.
  3. Kingdom Hearts is the best game ever! I loved Disney when I was a little kid. I started playing Kingdom Hearts when I was in 4th grade (i think? 4th/5th-ish). I believe I was emotionally attached to the characters. The game inspired me to do so many things. I would be like... what would Sora do? Haha, I think back to it and think that what I did was stupid but that does not change my opinion about the best game ever!
  4. I like the PS3 the best. I think that the experience for online gameplay is much better than the X-Box and the Wii. The FPS Shooters for the Wii are crap. The reason I probably like the PS3 more than the X-BOX is probably because I started playing the Play Station 1 way before the X-Box came out and I had more experience with the controllers. I also like the Play Station 3 Operating System. It has a nice General User Interface.
  5. I was going for the Saints before the game started. Everyone at my school was going for the Colts. I feel like a rebel but the Saints won! In your face other people!
  6. The world is not going to end in 2012. ?The movie is just like another Y2K. ?The movie was made so people can be aware of how fast the Earth is dying.
  7. Hi Jade! You may use a tool called Google Analytics to track the visitors on your website. It provides rich and detailed information about the visitors coming to your website. Google Analytics tracks bounce rate, location where visitor is viewing your webpage from, how long they stay on your webpage, etc. There are many other trackers like Alexa but I like to use Google Analytics the most.
  8. Welcome to Xisto. Here you will find the best hosting service that you will ever encounter. I have learned a lot from this forum. I read topics, post and some of them, and most importantly... I LEARN! Posting shares knowledge with other people as well. Xisto contains many categories in which you can post in. Do not be afraid to ask any questions here. If you are a bit technical, you can also sign up at Xisto. All three accounts (Xisto, Xisto, and billing) will be linked if you use the same email address.
  9. DarkBASIC Pro is a really good GDK to start with. I have tried it with C++ and I was able to program some stuff. You may want to try download the free version of DarkGDK before purchasing the professional version though.
  10. Hello Byronarnold. Welcome back to Xisto. I am guessing that you have joined Xisto, left, and came back looking at your myCENT status, post status, and join status so no need to explain how to link your forum and billing accounts. I also love strategy games. My favorite's are AoE III, chess, and another one that I can't think of right now.
  11. You can get a visa gift card from some store and use it to verify your paypal account too. By the way, this post is only three months old. November 2009, December 2009, and January 2010.
  12. Sometimes people draw dollar signs with two lines down. I guess that you can say that the dollar sign originates from the U and the S. Â I guess (if you think creatively) that the I and the S could be from IRS. Â They just take, take, take. Â
  13. Took me a while to read this. This is an very interesting list of facts. The fact that interested me the most was the one talking about how the US dollar sign is made up with a U and an S. I feel kind of stupid after reading this but it it still entertained me for a bit.
  14. This technique does not work anymore. Paypal has blocked NetSpend online banking accounts from being used to verify paypal accounts.
  15. I tried FarmVille. I played it for a few days and then realized that there was no point in this. I quit and never really touched another Facebook Gaming-type app again. Most of the little games on Facebook such as CafeWorld, FishVille, etc. are games where you do stuff, wait, sell, and repeat. I really don't see any gain from this.
  16. High School is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. I have had more freedom then I have ever had. I personally hated elementary school and junior high. When I first went to high school as a freshman, I was scared to death. After my first week, I had gotten used it.High is whatever you make it. You can join clubs and all these neat events. I participate in the advanced orchestra at my school. The only thing that stinks about high school is the amount of homework and work in general they put on you. I take all honors/AP classes and set very high expectations for myself (GPA is equal to 4.0+ according to a 4.0 GPA scale).Other than schoolwork, students get more freedom and responsibility. This is the stage where most people start dating if they haven't started already. It is amazing to see how much more freedom you have compared to elementary and junior high schools.I am thinking about taking all four years of high school. I could get a GED during my junior year and drop out but what is the point? I really enjoy high school and I am sort of nervous about college. I complain about how much schoolwork I have right now and college is a big leap. I heard people who drop out of college or even commit suicide because they can not take the pressure of all the work.Overall, I just really like and enjoy high school. I am not looking forward to leaving.
  17. I remember the first MMO I have ever played. It was Maplestory. I started around Open Beta-ish four years ago. I still remember when there was only Maple Island and Victoria Island. That was so long ago. I stalked Tiger and Suuushi during the times where they were ranked first and second. I would loot and they would tell me to go away. There are probably like 5-10 times more maps than there were back then.I remember when everyone hacked from version .20 all the way to version .53 including me here and then. It was pretty fun. There were hackers everywhere in every single map. Now, there are no hackers anywhere.When NX Cash came out, I was obsessed with buying it. I would get a paypal account and just to "get paid to do survey" websites like TreasureTrooper and stock up on NX. I wasted so much time back then on this stuff. Two years later, I heard about private servers and i got pretty mad because I had wasted so much money on NX when I could get it for free.I do not think that I could go back to Maplestory because I have outgrown it. The game is all about grinding and it gets extremely boring after a while. It is also a social game so if you like to chat with other people, you may want to play the game. I also think that the game is way to childish now. There are beggars everywhere and it gets annoying.Here and then I will download it to see how everything is changing but then I just delete it gain a few days later. I still remember the memories of those three and a half years. I downloaded the mp3 files onto my mp3 so I could still listen to the songs. I actually still keep in touch with only two people I have met on Maplestory. They are actually pretty cool people.Here is the link to maplestory: Actually, there are many links. There is a global version, Chinese, Vietnamese, European, Japanese, etc. but the main version that people play is found here: maplestory.nexon.net
  18. OMG! I am going to bookmark this app until I get my iPod Touch. This will be one of the first apps I will install on it. You left out that the application is free! I am sure it works because there are videos of people who are demonstrating the app. It reminds me of the mouse I had recently broke. It was one of those pointing-type mouse. Thanks for the share.
  19. Nice guide. Another guide that many other people should check out is over at yoast. This article is more directed toward bloggers but I guess some website owners can check this out also. It can be used as a great checklist. https://yoast.com/wordpress-seo/
  20. Hello trappers. I have a blog named Nelson Blogs that is centered on technology. ?I thought that Nelson Blogs would be too personal and would not fit the subject. ?I am looking for a domain/blog name that is catchy, relevant, etc. ? I have my blog available at nelsonblogs.comuv.com but I am going to redo the entire blog once I get hosted with Xisto. ?I had recently had trappers review my site and thought to myself that I need to redo it. Ignore the irrelevant posts about Haiti, etc. ?I am going to try and focus more on a single subject. Feel free to post more than one ideas about domain/blog names for the?new?blog coming up. ?Thank you for you time. ?Very much appreciated. ?
  21. The forum looks nice. The last time I played Grand Theft Auto was a few years ago with San Andreas. The only thing I do not like about your site is the side-to-side scrolling. It bothers me. I think that side-to-side scrolling is as ancient as 800 x 600 desktop resolutions. Oh, and the ads at the bottom. I accidentally clicked on one while trying to press the scroll button on the mouse. It opened the ad in a new tab. I am not sure if the click counted but if it did, here is a free click.
  22. Hah! Â That is why most web hosts use Linux servers (or recommend them at least). Â That is really interesting. Â I am thinking about having my computer dualboot Windows and Linux. Â Also, I did some extra research and found out that Ubuntu is free. Â How similar is Linux to Windows? The GUI looks sort of similar. Â I have never used it before so... yeah. Â
  23. This is amazing. I can set my computer to turn on right when I get home from school. I also have a program on Windows Start-up that auto turns off my computer after a set time (my curfew ). I like this because I can set it before I return home from school so I do not have to wait for the operating system to boot up. Thanks for sharing
  24. Regarding the Mayan calendar ending on December 21, 2012. Wikipedia says something about the calendar completing a "great cycle" of thirteen b'ak'tuns (equivalent to 144,000 days each). I saw 2012 a few days ago and I am amazed at how the ancient civilizations were able to accurately calculate time without the use of a telescope or any modern tools that we use today. I bet that they are smarter than most teenagers are today. I used to think of ancient civilizations as uncivilized, ignorant, etc. Now I realize how advanced they really were.
  25. Hey. You are right. I tried to create a folder named "con" but Windows XP will not let me. It just goes back to "New folder." I wonder if anyone could explain what con, com1, and com2 are used for. It is reserved for the Windows System but what is it that Windows uses it for? We could put a null character in front of "con" but I guess that does not count. "alt+255 alt+355 alt+367 alt+366" where 'alt+255' is the null character.
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