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Everything posted by aminzzlink

  1. Well this is a good simple question , and the answer is simple too , but there are 2 point :1 - if we want to see what the religion says we must see the last religion that is the islam , but anyway in this point all religions that came be4 still have a correct view ... if u do good things and u belive in god u go to heaven , if not u will go to hell ...2 - if we want to see what the reason say .. we must belive that all things have an opening and an ending , and there are a law that we have to belive in it ...the Law of Equivalent Exchange ... if there are a life after this one , so after we di people who doing good things in life will get good things in the afterlife , and if he don't he won't get anything.for me i take the the religion point .
  2. I think , for all people who want make new things (new Theorie, new Invention...) should know where others scientifique are in ... maybe you are looking for the origine of the atome that maybe don't exist .... have you heard "String theory" , maybe if u google about it you will find it (official site) this theorie is making us posible to see inside the atome and zoom in the inside ...... The basic idea behind this string theorie is that the constituents of reality are strings of extremely small size (possibly of the order of the Planck length, about 10-35 m) which vibrate at specific resonant frequencies. Thus, any particle should be thought of as a tiny vibrating object, rather than as a point. This object can vibrate in different modes (just as a guitar string can produce different notes), with every mode appearing as a different particle (electron, photon, etc.). Strings can split and combine, which would appear as particles emitting and absorbing other particles, presumably giving rise to the known interactions between particles. in other why with this theory we can see diference between strings just by the way they vibrate , and we can find the vibration of the graviton string that give the atom it's mass ... this theaory make sense on a lot of things , but the problem is that's need 11 dimontions to be correct (we know just 4) ... the problem is that we cant do experiences to argue this theory , so finelly scientifics found an experience: is to make atoms crash ... the atoms crack.... so if they see a the graviton string disappear(no wieght) they will know that there are others dimontions than 4. but until now no experience can tell us the reallity of these strings.... [note] if this theory is the reallity , we will be able to find a relation between all forces (gravitation ,electromagnetic,Nuclear). http://superstringtheory.com/basics/index.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/String_theory
  3. Happy Tree Friends Of course .... scary !!!
  4. i think azeurus is the best one , offering a lot of good features
  5. yea ... that true , for me i had no spam be4 ... but when i sing up on a site , i got a lot of spams , so it's it depend on ur use , not on gmail...
  6. I don't care both of them work fine for me ....
  7. very interesdting this theorie .. it will save lifes
  8. Are We Living A Game?-all people that belive in god know that isn't really a game , but it's an exam that we have to pass , for who got good marks will go to heaven and other who have a bad marks will go to hell .... there are somthing sure is that we have choice on doing things but not in destiny .. mmm ... not clear ... ok here the example :when u are in street u have the choice to go where u want but if your destiny is to die after 1 min u will be , maybe by a car, a piano falling down from an appartement or just by a stoping of heart.-and one more thing is that u can get marks from what u do and not from what is ur destiny.exemple:if u get ur hand cuted by an accident this is a destiny u don't get any thing but if u re-act :Possobility 1 : my hand is cut i can't work i have nothing to do in live i will kill my self => here u get a bad mark and if u kill your self u drop the life that god gives u and maybe u go directly to hell .... i hope not .Possobility 2 : my hand is cut ... mmm . but live still moving ,i have to work harder even i don't have a hand i will prouf my utility in live => here u get a good mark and if u do it maybe u can help the humanity on your way. so from all this i think life is a test and destiny is exercices and we have to pass them good to get good marks ( that mean going to heaven after dyeing).yea i know it's long ,
  9. It Really Is A Small World, here is the Coincidences i have experienced that prove it.first u know that there are so many privat Ragnarok Online game maybe more than 100, mmorpg games arn't known a lot in my country "morocco", i was playing RO at a privat server that have 2000 active member , i made friends there but most of them was outside my country and one day i met a player in WoE(war of emperium) we had fun that day , so we became friends we used to lvl-up togather, and when i asked him where is he from , he told me in morocco i was surprised , i asked him for the town he told me tangier i mean my town and when he told me his name i was sooooo surprised , cuz he was my old friend i know him since i had 8 year old or so (now i'm 20), really i wonder if the word is so small !! i have others but this one was my great one
  10. hi narutorasengan17 The first one http://www.viz.com/badgeo.html: well for this one it looks great mmm.... since a designer is from deviant art(http://instantxramen.deviantart.com/) ... and other point the ppl can use "RSS Reader for up to the minute updates on all of the Naruto news" that mean that is always up-to-time ... and i really hate the ads on the tree ... but this site has an option of "NarutoFan PLUS!" that mean without ads , but u have to pay to get it . for that one http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ : let's talk about the look ... for me it's look not bad but not better at all ... it have an ads at the top that make the viewer have some trouble to understand the menu ... one point more on the design he is using the blue and white and a rare yellow that give a empty look .. and if u see the news u will see that naruto fun post before central ex : "Naruto Shippuuden 08-09 is out!" 12th apr 2007 at naruto fun 13th apr 2007 at central but there are a good point is that u have to pay just 5$/month to get the non-ads web-site ($4.98/month at naruto fun) . for the last one http://www.bleachexile.com/ for design it look in someway like narutocentral but it's look better with this gray around , i can't good far cuz it's for bleach not like the 2 others ... My Vote : i'm a naruto fan and if i have to join a website of naruto it will be http://www.viz.com/badgeo.html , but in the fact if i wanna wach naruto i just go to dailymotion or youtube to find the episode that i'm looking for ... long but i tryed to be a good taster XD
  11. Yea try to get the 1st Package ( 20mb w/ 500mb BW) using 10 Credits or maybe the second(better) (150mb w/ 5000mb BW) using 30 Credits , and u will see the difference ... i'm sure u will get stuked for keeps .
  12. like what "mozilla" "Dawiss" and "paulmason411" said , i have used kaspersky for a long time and it still work like new , it won't slow down your pc u have to be sure in this case , and when u want to stop it u do in a simple and easy way . Here the official discription : and here Awards & Certificates : finally i hope that it stay a great anti-virus , cuz i still using it download
  13. hi all .... i know i was absent for a long time ... but i wanna make somthing in order .. there are many ways to set up a privat server , there are 2 famous ways : 1st using Aegis http://forum.asb-sakray.net/index.php?&ampf=2&t=31419 2nd using eAthena http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Aegis is recomended , because it's easyer and more stable than others ...
  14. i'm agree with you but there are scientifics facts that existe , even you beleave in or not . i want to correct somting .... no one can see Black holes , scientifics saw a big planets turn a round a nothing , so this nothing is Black hole , and the gravity of this hole is veryvery big (that why we can't see nothing , fotons are atracted too ) and it size is very small , so it make a deformation in the time and space , so they can be a door of time ^^. and there are an othere fenomene that explain this one ,"fontain blanche" (this word is en french , i dunno the english word) this fountain explain the black hole , cuz it make out a highest light ondes that we never see and they don't exist , ..... => matieres enter to black holes after or befor x time , it come out by "fontain blanche" in form of lights (fotons) . sorry for my bad english !
  15. i'm there ad i enjoy staying there , my characters names is , Xakiru ; -xakiru- , the first is a knight and the2nd is a marchent , cya there !!!!
  16. Welcome Oasis to the Xisto , i hope you enjoy your stay !
  17. what do you mean with after we die , human race or people of this centry ??i start with people of this centry after we die no-one know what can hapen the God is the only one Who know what can happen , and for human race , after we die nothing be after , there will be just a God and spirits of people and these days people will go to paradise or to hell , i think i'm a good man, i help people ,i do all what i have to do , i'm muslman , so i hope i will go to paradise ....
  18. I saw that there are a lot of people asking for how to create a private Ragnarok-Online server . so now i decide to make this tutorial to to help these people ... i didn't have a server but my friend had server and ihelped him to find pros and some tutos so , i learned with him how to create a server ...stop making introduction ...let's go ... first you have to have minimum requirements : ----Software :---- i think any windows should work, but i recommend Win Xp i think you have alredy a Winrar *- Korean Ragnarok client *- Sakray patch (*i recommend the last release ) [Note]you may not intend to use the Ragnarok client on the same computer as you are installing the software to, the eAthena software will need to read the compressed GRF files in order to load the maps . ----Hardware :---- PII 733Mhz RAM : 512M any 3D accelerated graphics processor a good video card [Note] These are just minimum requirements you can make yur sever better by adding more RAM and better processor ....etc I made time to make this tutorial in this way , i hope it help , please fill free to post or to PM me if you have any problem or if some links broke !! i don't way i can't attach rar file but it ok i uploaded in archive-host.special tnx to Gradien ; Regik ; coldfusion . Notice from OpaQue: Quite a lot of content matched from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Kindly refrain from copying material from external sources.
  19. depends what you use your computer for, back when i used p2p programs like limewire I hade viruses all the time but know i use torrents and only get the ocasional virus. i'm agree with you Plenoptic it depends of what you use your PC for , i know some people haven't any anti-virus and they avn't any verus and never had problems of this kind , and there are a lot that they have there PCs with a lot of virus , and they use anti-virus like kaspersky but the difference beteween these people is the way how they use there PCs , and the most atain of these viruses is who whant to learn how to creat viruses and learn how to hack and how to use trojans...ect , to just be carefull and you will have a clean PC without viruses !
  20. Rise And Fall: Civilizations At War , is a good game , with it's graphisme and the sound and the game play , i think you can't go wrong with it , i didn't play the full vertion but from what people say it a cool game , and a friend he is playing and he just tell me that he got fun with this game .
  21. try , http://www.deviantart.com/ , go to browse and choose ressources then you will find brushes and actions of gimp , hope it help !!!!-Xakiru-
  22. i hope is just a joke , because if these pets are real humen race wouldn't survive, because these pets can have some versions strong and others intelegent in the futur so the humain couldn't then control these pets and ..... i hope they aren't alive !!!!!!
  23. maybe it works well for some people but it isn't working for me niether , is just stop me my music that i'm listning , and make me wait for an extra time , so i renitialised my gonf and now it's like befaore , oh.. tnx to god !!!!
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