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Everything posted by unwanted_flower

  1. oh finial you find one woman that may deserve a lot more that is a bonus in your male pride anwiii i see .communication is a must ,stubbornness should never be a issue on who will call first or how many times .when love someone ,allow them to know it and never give up .as for my own issues ,I think I answered my own problems in writing advice to other people .how about you anwiii ,how is your heart a mess i assume .try communicating never ignore not when there is love .
  2. when it comes from love ! what does mistakes matter at all .when in truth everything should be able to be worked out ,when two people are not being stubborn or filled with pride .stubbornness only allows ,love to fade and slip away .how shame that could be .you seem to be beating me up here in me wanting advice on these mistakes .why anwiii are you beating me up over my own heart ?communication is important key to working any thing out in relationship although stubbornness keeps peopl from talking too .
  3. healing comes from the spirit and the mind of power ,in how we believe in our own selves ,one can be healed within natural manner in more ways than one ,when one believes and meditates within power of one .so many feel we need so many medication so much medical treatment when ,most the times ,power of belief can be as strong and powerful as one prescription of medication .The sunshine is most addictive healing tool ,life has to offer anyone .many generations of different cultures hold strong powerful belief in healing that actually holds very strong truth to affects of that healing .although one must offer themselves in the power of that healing with no doubt .so much in this world that is free and natural that nature offers in healing especially when one thinks of olden ways of healing and belief .
  4. as stated in previous post as this seems quiet redundant here in ghost .ghost are labels of ignorant people needing to place a word for something they do not quiet understand .like placing a label on handicap person ,they do not understand .one time those labels of ghost was as human as you and I are now.they just got trapped in between unfinished business or portals that ,they can not find way through ,or someone is keeping them at a bay in living form although ,there living form ,no longer existence for them to be free and filled with a peace of happiness .How selfish though the unknown in simple mode of love that ,deep down inside ,we can not allow our passed on loved ones to be let go and go onto what is meant to be for them in peace and assurance that there loved ones accept them dying .some people in this world hold a connection to those labels we call ghost and try peacefully to help guide them towards peace.some are just born to do that in life ,as complete journey .there is so much out there ,none of us have answers towards although we sit around and wonder and some state no there nothing like that out there ,when in truth in deepest part there own minds they still wonder . is there ?
  5. only fools ,are not to believe in Ghost ,they are really not called Ghost though as many of us like to label them in our own ignorance of the unknown world that actually surrounds each of us every day of our lives ,that many can not actually view .although they are there .right besides each of us .as negative seems to open something up ,to allow attachments of human host .
  6. Why do people have be so cruel towards other people?People are so controlling and critical in there words against others ,why do they behave this way ?does it make them feel there in control of issues or peoples lives ?that they can make people second guess there own way of thinking or demean in how they really feel inside themselves .Why do they ,state comments they know more than most when in fact there just as human as the next person and no one could ever understand or know another s feelings inside them .not even if you tried walking in there shoes .you just can not .you can assume you can ,truth is you can not .so certain people will intimidate another with wise words and be so critical and blaming and judging of another till points they weaken a persons mid and broke there spirit down and they can honestly control that person as a limp doll .you make a joke out a person .even ones they fall in love with ,they never become a equal partner in life standing beside them they are following behind them ,as that is place they keep them at all times under control with their witty wise words that demeans that person due to fact ,that person is love with them .then slowly breaking them down with always telling them they know them better than they know themselves and then making a persons mind 2nd guess there own self in judging themselves to points it becomes out control issues then that controlling person ,makes all believe something is wrong with them .when in truth all in all ,it was that controlling manner that placed them that way in first place ! normal that person is so well known and nice on out side ,that no one in there right mind would ever ,expect them controlling and demeaning against women ,it is when in private of there own home ,that ugliness comes out and rejection and the verbal abuse of being hurt and selfishly never every admitting how they hurt that person that probably started trails of them hurting them in first place .its all so insane when think about how people find strong need to control other people .and sweetly cover there handy work up and blame it on another .it all makes me sick to think how others find need to control others especially in relationships .why do people allow this to happen in there lives love them or not they need to be stopped and acknowledged what kind of harming people they really are and how sweet they are and will blame others for there own wrong doings as most likely the other will be out control screaming for it all to stop and the abuser will be back in back ground saying quietly see what i had to put up with ?it is wrong!stop it ..............
  7. anwiii? i do not understand you ,its as a personal attack when i spoke the truth although is it your truth that you are more concerned with here when it comes to me .it's as you ,yourself hold ,trouble in love department and feel all women are something of trouble makers and not for one time ,that it could ever be a fault of a man ,that is why i call you a dummy .i did not state he told me he was searching ,i noticed his cheating *bottom* ,searching without being truthful to me in ending our relationship .i am blunt to the core of that apple and speak the truth in how i feel it and see it to be although it may not be a truth in what is happening ,it is a truth n how i am feeling though and that is most important truth anyone can ever share is how something is making you feel ,weather happy or down right hurt inside self .i love this man and he to is a dummy and not being straight with me ,i know we can work through anything ,i know i made mistakes not piling crap wagon all upon his head ,where he is not being understood is being straight in what he wants from our relationship .he wants freedom i will give it too him without any worries .he wants my heart he always had that .he wans work through things then it takes two to work through things not just me crawling to kiss his butt .as i do not expect nor want that from him for me .do not take my feelings wrong or my hurts its as you search for lies and wrongs and untruths instead actually hearing a woman own heart and feelings there for i see you a selfish man that is only cruel and demeaning of women .come on anwiii you do not have to be so darn mean and critical in how you explain things to anyone .that only makes you fearful and i have to say this ,you have a woman in your life that loves you ,maybe some where inside her she lied to you from pure fear of your reaction to her wrongs or flaws .although at same time ,probably accepts you completely that t me is verbal controlling relationship between a man and woman .one i do not have even with my man .
  8. my first love was puppy love ,not really a love that touched the soul with life time committing although it was a love one shall never forget in growing up ,emotions and feelings ,that you just die ,if didn't have that love .
  9. i disagree with you anwiii and bold enough to be so blunt and speak my mind .you come off as a man that feels he knows everything about a heart ,as your own miserable out look becomes everyone miserable out look .that to me is stale love inside your own self and straight bs to me .as truth is ,when there are problems and lies ,and two people got married and a truth comes out and there is still love between the two .why not stop being so ignorant and find out what happened that created those lies and miserable truths that broke up that marriage in first place instead laying down undying statements and ending all in ones own heart and belief in a love even you must of believed in and married towards being sacred ,maybe you mighyt find a truth that ,lives in your own soul ,that you always knew and was shared sacredness in a marriage together .why you married in first place .you saw beyond anything of but the truth in the one you ,actually vowed a marriage too .everything is worth that effort and fight to keep a love alive .
  10. i can admit in nature we both are very stubborn ,that is for sure ,that is what attracted each other in first place .as knowing each other all these years ,we knew each other through school and lost touch with each other and found each other ,that lead us to a relationship now .as far as being blunt ,i can handle blunt talk and not that silly beating around that mulberry bush that leaves my head spinning in great confusion ,as he seems to do many times in our relationship .sometimes it is not always men that do not get women ,it is women that beat their own self up not understanding the men we fall in love with too. I know i telephone him many times and he on purpose did not answer my calls for some stupid reason or not of his own choices ,i also returned that same favor his way ,when he called me ,although difference between him and me ,i know for fact ,is it was me that cried myself to sleep and he probably as assuming here ,just found something else occupied his time without me ,like with searching someone else to replace me .instead me coming down all those miles to visit me maybe he can visit me sometimes although he says he can not ,as to much gas ,what a excuse i feel .as hurting each other ,yes he lied to me many times although did that matter no ,as he stated it was me that lied to him .my father knows better and knows how much he hurt me and yes ,it is wrong to get families invovled ,although when a fathers little girl is in hospital and the one that little girl loves could not answer his phone or care to come to hospital ,yes that made the family upset over his actions as i knew it was his own selfish an hurts as he told me he was jealous of me and things in my life that ,was turning out happy and adventure and he was doing nothing with his life ,that is unfair to me as i do what i do ,to be happy and find peace and would share my whole being with this man .although it hurts me deeply to know he searches for another to replace me all the time .as far as lying to each other ,does it not count when both tell lies or do things wrong out frustrations ,d not it all have a reason or understanding to events that take place .why can't things be worked through together without families .is that not love worth it all .why do we have to have a strong need in being right love the one we love ?is not love something you protect and share each other and never put the other down as trying be right above the other .yes we compliment each other and make each other a better person although people that are not understanding him or me ,give advice ,leaving us astray when in our hearts we know better .i do not want cry alone at night any more wondering .i love this man and sometimes stubbornness needs not be so important issue ,should it ?especially when it is destructive in relationship .now way it stands .he won't call.i won't call .maybe i can't call .how will he know this though ?i want this relationship to work out these problems .why can they not ?does it mean i need lower my self and give in when i got hurt too? angel faces does not mean anything ,i am no angl i am a woman trying to save a love in her soul .
  11. exactly i believe that marriage is sacred and well worth the effort in saving it at any cost .you can not walk into a marriage and take those vows so lightly and when things get rough ,walk away so easily and pretend you never took those vows at all .or walk into another life with same intentions what ,find out that things gotten rough ,take that easy route once again .that is not love or building a sacred marriage .marriage should last life time and find selves sitting outside on porch ,holding hands or cutting up with each other ,those amazing small jibes only ,you two can share and understand .it is like that cmt video i watched one time where his wife was in hospital and when she woke up ,her husband of years spent together ,placed so many flowers all over each wall in that hospital room ,that brought such a amazing smile ,filled with amazing love in that woman soul ,that no other could ever do for her ,except that man that loved her all those years ,and shared a life through everything .that was love to me .where did that old fashion romance slip off too and amazing affection wander off to between two couples in love .when all mighty divorce becomes shouting words these days so easy to do .
  12. we started out with wonderful dreams ,sharing our dreams together .As i started off towards collage and he started off ,starting his own home business ,it seems some where ,the distance grew between each other .I would come home holidays and weekends ,spend our time together ,although after awhile it seemed the excitement in his eyes was gone ,when I would come home .He asked later on that he needed space in his life to figure out what he wanted for his life and some how it seemed ,our life shared ,seemed disappear .Then in agreeing that space would become a reality ,I noticed how he was seen online ,as single and not in relationship as once before ,as this space allowed him to be set free of any given committing ,we shared together ,as if wanted be single ,why did he not just come out and say so ,and not let me find out and become hurt by everything .it was selfish on his part ,to hurt me ,like he did .We have shared our lives ,for long time ,as children .we separated and went our ways ,at one time ,then some how ,found each other again ,and one evening ,sitting outside ,watching the stars ,he proposed to me and I where his engagement ring proudly upon my finger .the difference in our up bringing ,is what makes our own parents dislike each other .i was brought up in this world ,nothing cam free ,you had to work hard to climb that mountain in life ,to get where you want to be ,it may be hard ,and struggle ,where you want to let go and walk away ,at same time will never find that complete happiness in doing it yourself and completely all you started till the end .The man i love ,he is a dreamer and never really had to struggle in life as things in certain way became easy for him and when times was rough ,it seemed to be giving a chance to improve it in his life without a struggle ,to ever place any hard work in success ,that he did it himself .when compared though ,he becomes mean and defensive and start slandering out words that just plain hurt towards me and my own family ,out looks in life ,that nothing comes easy .i want him be proud of me too ,although i struggle thinking in myself ,can he ever be proud of me ?i know we love each other ,although when families do not approve of the other ,it makes it limiting in our lives as ,we want our families to accept and approve of one we choose spend rest our lives with ,at least accept them .not always the case though .now our relationship has become stale .i go my way and he goes his way ,and doing things that he used to do when he was a teenager and spending time with younger groups that ,brings back old times across the net and he is stepping backwards instead forwards and leaving me hanging here in wondering where do our relationship stand .He spends his whole life surround around the internet and searching for i do not understand .he never seems happy with ,what i know he loves and committed himself too .although i ask did i fool my own self in believing all that ?
  13. love is something very special inside your very body that only one should ever hold those answers would be you .you can ask advice all you want and get there advice and truth is ,there advice they offer is there own suffering they have in their own hearts where love is really concerned and where marriage is concerned .they lost there own way and doubts in their own hearts and judgment in what they feel is love and straying to play the field and allowing them freedom in ,the wonderful excuses inside their own insecure feelings that ,can offer them open route in being able to ,spread their wings out and play the field in taking time or asking for space for themselves as they decided if there in love with you or not .what a cheap way to actually tell truth in their own insecure emotions that they have not grow up enough to actually know their own heart or desires inside themselves ,that when problems or hard times happen ,they are the first to split and say i need space and time or self ,in all in all they are searching out there for someone better to really enhance their own well being ,where you can not any more .when in truth be sure ,your in love before you take those sacred vows ,it is through good and bad .so many these days ,take easy road out and ask for time and space for self ,only reason is to see what is new out there that can offer to enhance their life ,where you could not any more .the secure relationship that one may offer income or financial support or their own home ,where that person could just step in that life as their own .Where in fact they could not offer their first love those wonderful things and they could not offer them those wonderful things in life styles ,that all addresses love .when they ask for space and time in their lives know it is all bs and there searching to replace you and not actually working through any given issues ,that relationship ever held .they are not mature enough to be strong and faithful in being committed to those vows .
  14. love is foundation to any start of life shared together .unless want it to be based upon business relationship .love can be foundation to open up dreams and share each others desires and be creative unless a stick in the mud with sticky areas that our own parents drilled in each of us ,what love and committing should always be like .if that is true ,why not find someone that reminds us of our own mother and father ?as we each become miniature of our own up bringing as it is and when chips fall ,who do we reach out and call ,our parents to guide us through ,worst in our hearts .
  15. love never dies .only in the minds and guidance of others .selfish reasons maybe .once committed to love it becomes sacred ,when holding doubts ,later on even during hard times ,it may mean you fooled your own self and the one you fell in love with in knowing the sacredness of true committed love in first place .stubbornness is never good mixture to anything good or expectations .maybe two are hurt and need to see ,why and understand .without understanding all angles ,you will just be ignorant in any relationship you ,ever create and start in long run .no understanding will only show ,your ignorance .
  16. love is perfect feeling to ever experience inside ones own heart .to have this love that brings sunshine and dreams each day in your life that nothing could ever go wrong ,just as long as you have this love that bright your day and sends shooting star through the night to touch your heart .to actually feel love is most perfect feeling anyone could ever have and hold and never wish to release it for no matter what reason this world could ever muster up enough to drive a wedge through your hearts combined together ,a love that connects each other that don't lose it's belief or spark over time .that each day is as exciting as first day you two met .that flutter in your heart as it catches inside your throat when you see each other ,even after getting out bed ,sharing that same bed ,its as young love all over again each day and after that ,till your both old and hard of hearing .nothing in this world could ever separate that love .it outshines anything in this world .together you hold the world right in your grasped hands together .people ask you ,how did you do it all those years being i love with one person .with all the te,temptation in this world .your still together .you both look at each other and smile at each other with such a warm glow in each others eyes that holds that young spark that was right from the start .and smile ,replying with ,its just knowing and believing that you two belong together and meant to be tha is true love and never settling unless settling with a truth ,that beats in your hearts together as one beat .as you both share one bed ,never leaving the other lonely and protecting each other through worst storms ,you both hold deep understanding that ,you will always be there for each other .that is a love that comes one in million years and to truest people in this world .that believes in love and marriage completely .that can offer there souls and heart to only one and find true happiness with just each other through weathering the good and the bad together ,never walking out on each other or never leaving each other alone at any given time in life .two hearts not selfish at all .two souls committed to death due them apart.so many people in love these days do not carry those vows as sacred as once did in this world .wedding vows seem to come and go and only be simple words that can be misplaced and disowned in that marriage till famous divorce is ringing dollar signs .Cheap the meaning of love and marriage vows .that is type of love i want for me .a love that will last forever and nothing in this world could ever sway any other direction except working through things together ,to get where we became lost in our relationship.to be sacred in our marriage and live out our vows every day never allowing it to die down .is that type of love really true this time of year of 2010 ?
  17. why do people cheat ?or why do they have diffrence in cheating respects ?it is sad to be in relationship and find out you are not perfect and the one you love is searching for that perfect mate .then why committed to relationship when not sure that is love of your life ?can anyone offer advice on this ?
  18. You should find out for sure if she does care do not go by lingo and peoples advice in some areas to solve the hurt inside your own heart ,take that chance and step out there on a limb and just ask her point blank ,what can happen she laugh at your love ,that is not as bad as it seems it shows you how fake she really is in the department of love and when she responses differently in that meaning of wow ,then maybe they can be more .how creepy are you though ?
  19. i am not one offer advice in this department o going tell you my gut .i would call him and discuss all options with him .discuss everything with him and if and i mean if ,does not sound like he is committed then dump his rear end ,for your own peace of mind .sometimes guys are just plain jerks and not grown up to make a commitment like we women want in life .
  20. Hi everyone I am new here so be Gentle with me in me posting here ,as everything is new to me and I learn as I go through the pain of making mistakes ,and let me tell you ,I learn very Quickly as do not like ,being pushed around ,it hurts my feelings .I have a boyfriend ,more than boyfriend though ,we been together for many years now .although it seems ,our lives have taken on different turn in page of the entire book here .I am curious in what should I do ,listen to my Heart and stay with him or listen to my insight and realize ,people grow apart in life styles .He has made many mistakes and wrong turns in life since we been together to the points my entire family ,dislike him now .at first I never saw this in him ,over time i realized that he will not grow up in life ,his dreams are limited and actually quiet stale to my taste of adventure ,he is older than he behaves and lives a life ,as when he was a teenager ,even his taste of friends are younger groups that keeps him astray from the truth of building a relationship with me as we once dream of doing in our lives shared together .i understand that ,there are some very wise young people out there ,very well educated and maybe can guide and teach and also learn few things in return ,also keeps a jest for life ,staying alive in own self ,being shared part of their lives into your own life .do i sound selfish when i want him to share his own life with me as we once did before .what advice can possible come out of those younger than he is ,what experiences do they have except just to live and learn as age grows with them .i cry at night ,lonely missing him ,we used share our nights together and now i hardly see him any more .yes he called me and i selfishly ignored his call as i was deeply hurt by his behavior of ignoring me .i have feelings that count too ,why can not he understand this in himself too ?we shared many dreams and hopes together through out our lives being together ,motivation that kept us both going in right direction ,due to fact that my parents dislike him now has placed a strain on our relationship .we dreamed of creating a business together ,sharing our expertise and creative motivation ,seeing the potential in both of us despite what anyone told us ,we believed in each other .many mistakes been made in our lives that only left a lingering hurt in each of us that selfishly we can not seem work through things .i want too although do not believe he holds same dreams as we once did before .when we are together it is strained and uncomfortable between each of us not relaxing .its like he stopped believing in me ,our dreams the excitement is gone in his eyes although maybe i am reading to much of my own insecurities in to all this and nothing of sorts is true in how i am seeing it between him and me .i am scared to believe any more .his own parents do not like me either .is there hope when our own parents and families do not like each other ?i there hope for us any more ?am i just being over whelmed and insecured .i do not want cry and be lonely no more .i need advice .i do not want feel this so insecure any more ? what can i do ?
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