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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. can you be more detailed please. i almost couldn't understand what you are asking for, but anyway i will give you some hints.since you are posting in asp.net section then your website is in asp.net, so first the general idea of creating websites in programming languages that you should install a web server on your pc like (XAMPPfor php pages and IIS for asp pages) so that you can test your site locally, debug and fix errors after that you can test your site or add more codes in a hosting server. if you want to know how to create website pages in asp.net, tell me and i will suggest you some good books and tutorials.
  2. thank you so much deadmad, i finally can add my signature, and thank you admins and everyone who works with you, you are dong a great job. i only left the forum for a few hours and a lot had been done. good work guys. since i can see a lot of signatures here are showed as html tags, i will tell you how i edited mine without using the editor in the control panal. first upload your signature image in any site that uploading images, when uploaded finished copy the link that showed in "FORUM CODE", you should choose the link that showed only in "forum code" not "link" or "direct link" or anything else. from my setting> profile> change signature> in your editor past the copied link and edit it before click on "save changes", for me i removed the link that point to the image uploading website and add my website link instead of their site to relate my signature image to my website. after that click on "save changes". the code will change and you can't edit it anymore if you did this will break the code and you should repeat the steps again this is a temporary solution till everything will be fixed soon as i hope, good luck. more errors to be reported: chat not working i got this error " the application failed to run" even after installing java support to my browser but nothing changed. broken links in portal tab in "site navigation" nothing work properly, all the links navigate to the forums tab even the readme link. in portal page i wonder what kind of topics they are? they are not the latest topics or most active topics. thank you for your hard working. i think the search isn't working, maybe someone should check it. i tried searching for my topics but the result is the same "not found".
  3. that's good as long as you had fun and learned something this is the core of posting and writing topics, right.
  4. another problem is members cpanal, it totally messed. i read some where that deadmad mentioned that but unfortunately i read that after too late. i deleted my signature and couldn't put another one, nothing works there :)hope it will be fixed soon.
  5. the most thing i like in this new theme is my profile structure, it is neat and organized. also that light blue every where looks great. it adds a spirit to the forum :)i can't wait to see the shoutbox and the rest features how they will look like!!
  6. i don't believe it too, but who cares. it is fun and tricky, it is all about simple trick if someone can't know it, it can take two hours not two minutes. hay deadmad i said no cheating, you could ask me and i will give you a hint unfortunately, you missed the fun part.
  7. well simpleton, the same idea passed in my mind and that's what i am hoping. i will cross my fingers and wait. but what i am sure of that i will be more active, i love this new look even there's a lot of errors now but i know it will be fixed soon.
  8. hi trappers,i saw this test online, i am not quiet sure about this test if it is really for 2nd grade students in china or not, but i found it fun and chalenging. so thought of sharing with you. here's the link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it and share me your opinions. and remember, no cheating, it's finally all about fun
  9. hay don't embarrass me anymore, it was minutes of losing my memory after the shock i got but now i remember. i wrote it right away after the changes happened. GOD it's so embarrassing.
  10. i found another bug, anwiii's avatar in his profile is expanding out of the sidebar edges. and no html tags in his profile but i have in mine, so i edited my profile and get rid of <br> in my profile and under avatar.
  11. ok, even i said i won't report now but i can't hold myself. things here are very excited. so, these are the errors i see - <br> tag in "my information" in member profile, i tried to remove it as you said but i can't. - same error under member avatar that shows with topics and posts, and also can't be removed. - theme not showing in "my settings" page only the logo shows. - same for "messenger" and " manage ignored users" - there is no members online that was found in the previous form. - of course shoutbox good luck guys. REALLY?? sorry, i don't notice many things my head is full of code and numbers
  12. thank you buffalohelp for this information, i saw a lot of these updates you mentioned but i didn't know what they are for waiting more from you.and i want to ask you am i imagining or you transformed from moderator to admin, i am quiet sure you was blue not red :)if so, let me tell you CONGRATULATION ADMIN we are happy for you and we supporting you always.
  13. thank you buffalohelp for the explanation, you are always a great help. i noticed there is no shoutbox, and theme not showed in member settings also there is <br> tag showing in member avatar and profile. but i won't report anything now, i will give opaque time to complete his work but after that if i see any error i will report it. i love the new theme and i am really happy, thank you guys.@k_nithin_rgood it's not only me who surprised. in fact, i was a little sleepy but after that i woken up completely
  14. congratulations trappers, we finally get a new theme for the forum. it was a shock for me. i was online, as usual and suddenly a database error appears and the forum page disappeared. i knew that opaque online, so i assumed he fix things but not updating the whole theme.anyway, after half an hour or less, i refreshed the page and get this, i gazed to my laptop monitor for 5 minutes or more till i figured out.THANK YOU opaque, great work admin. i like the new theme, it's related to the original one but more beautiful and refreshing. thank you for your hard work, we always expect the best from you.now trappers share me what do you think of our new theme?
  15. hay slim don't forget to tell us what will happen next, you make curious. i hope you good luck and things getting well for both of you.
  16. well since you said you made a facebook application with these simple steps, then i think i will try it myself. by the way what is your application name, i would like to try it, i like supporting people
  17. i think there is more, you need a package developer tools known as facebook platform, to make the code locally to fit facebook prerequisites, check these links http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ we are talking about the same thing the darkhacker but you give the steps after he made the application and i am talking about how he can do the application i mean the code. correct me if i am wrong please.
  18. interesting presentation for your hobby, and i won't comment on your girlfriend issue. but i hope she can read what you wrote here i have a lot of hobbies but there are some i like the most: reading books,e-books and novels, reading poems, drawing and making designs, sport -especially Aerobics and tennis-, listening to music, fashion and shopping, learning new languages, and watching tv series and movies.
  19. these are some tutorial http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.fachak.com/box/how-to-create-a-te-in-flash-cs4 good luck.
  20. web_designer

    Php Error

    most of this error happened when you forget adding ( , ) between values. check your code carefully, also don't check only where the line error but the line above it and under it. your code isn't very clear because you should add it in code tags. and another thing, here why you added (Accounts, Password) you should only add your table name $sql="INSERT INTO account (Accounts, Password)VALUES ('$entry', '$password'); if you want to insert a records to your table, you should do it like this: INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3,...) VALUES (value1, value2, value3,...) it will be something like this mysql_query("INSERT INTO Persons (FirstName, LastName, Age)VALUES ('Peter', 'Griffin', '35')"); check this link http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_insert.asp
  21. good work kira, you are the first now, good luck for you and for everyone. let's try our best to make soviet give away these things
  22. so slim finally you are here, i started if we still giving opinions here without hear yours. any way thanks for the more detailed information. as it seems she helped you with your break up, she getting hurt before and she kind of deciding not being in a relationship again. but maybe because you've been so close together for the last three months makes her thinking or relationships again. so both of you need to work more if things getting well for you. about your plan, i like it, it is good and give the other side enough time to think carefully. but you will miss her first reaction which you will tell you more than she will tell. not have a suggestion for now, if something pass in my mind i will let you know. good luck.
  23. thank you mranimationist, it is very important information for the beginners. i always think that the basis are showed the quality of our work. especially in HTML, it is the basis for most of the websites now. thank you for sharing.
  24. yeah kira423, i noticed that you are much more active lately than before and that's what we are talking about here. loving this site, being an active member and feel loyalty to the forum of course eventually that will lead us to the free hosting.
  25. @anwiii when i said typical i meant that your reply stands of the reality of many people these days, i ignored that part in purpose because i always put the good intentions first until that person prove the opposite, i always believe that there is good in everyone, even in evil persons if we treated them nicely, then we will force them to treat us the same. of course there are people in the world don't do that and treat everyone badly but i am sure they have a reason to do that. so don't take it in a bad way anwiii, i only love to think that every two lovers will end up together. even in this case, i agree she acting weird but what about him why he lets her do all these things for three months without complaining or asking for her reasons, what about his acceptance about her interfering in his life and knowing everything about him, encourage her. of course she didn't start washing his dishes from the first day but things started with calls and end up like this. if he didn't like her actions he should stop her from the beginning, but he didn't, because he likes her. so maybe she waited for a response from him, but he didn't do anything just accepting whatever she do. or the worse she would be as anwiii said a stalker girl who wants to get you in her life, so what did you do? nothing but open your door wide. in this point i agree with anwiii, you can't build a strong relationship without judging your heart and your mind together. you can't be with someone just because you like him, sooner or later everything will turn against you. so when i told you to follow what you feel, i meant to judge her reactions and use your sense, if you are honest with yourself you can determine what exactly she wants from you. same like when you talk to someone acting nicely to you but you always have a feeling that there is something wrong. and by the way, anwiii i always pay A LOT of attention to everyone in my life even to people who pass me by. i always try to understand them, study their reactions, how they think and why. even if they aren't my friend or related to me but i will be more comfortable if i could understand them more. i agree and disagree with you here, i think people can build love based on friendship but they can't build friendship based on love, at least that what i experienced in my life till now. if two person are friends and their relationship is grown to love they will be best friends and best couple because they share many strong feelings. but if just one of them has a feeling towards the other then their friendship will end. maybe they can get it back but absolutely after they take their time, stay far away enough to get rid of these feelings. if these friends became lovers and things didn't work for them and break up then this is even worse. in slim situation, if he likes her and she is not then that's a problem, if she likes him and he is not then that's a problem and all lead to end up their friendship at least for a while till things getting easier. in fact, this is one of the biggest problem can be happened between two friends, if one of them have feelings towards the other and the other don't. their friendship will end no matter what. because the first one can't deal with his disappointing and the other one can't find a way to help him since he/she the cause of the problem so the best solution is to stay away from each other, till the first one can heal his/her wounds and get rid of these feelings and even if they return to be friends, they will never be like they were before. therefore, i told you to think carefully slim if you like your friendship and you don't want to loose her as a friend, you should think carefully before taking actions, because there's no way back and if she likes you she won't accept NO as a reply.
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