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Status Updates posted by deadmad7

  1. hey. HEY! wanna go to place deep in the woods where people won't hear a gunshot???? do you?!?!?!

  2. hmm... IE9 looks surprisingly good :)

    1. anwiii
    2. deadmad7


      right, i have to promote Mosaic when im around you :)

    3. deadmad7


      right, i have to promote Mosaic when im around you :)

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  3. hmmm... I reached 500 posts but where do i edit the usertitle? or do i have to reach 500 in the post info or the profile info?

    1. anwiii


      click your profile, then edit profile, then make sure it's on the profile section and scroll down a bit.

    2. deadmad7


      i don't see it.. whats the name of the thing? is it jabber or something? actually i dont i got it yet...

  4. hmmm... its take time to start working on my site again... I was slacking off the last few days :D Code is hard work. I hope i can get to the fun part soooooon!

    1. chini13


      ohh yes anwii..he tricked and stole that hmmm. :)

    2. deadmad7


      mmm... fine, ill lose that "h"

    3. deadmad7


      mmm... fine, ill lose that "h"

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  5. hmmm...can you lend me that $5? I gotta pay WD.

  6. hmmmmmmmm... *i know who you are* rated 1/5 on my logo. haha :D

  7. Holy gaucamoles... my site has been "suspended".. woo thats harsh, what'd i ever do to opaque? lol

    1. deadmad7


      i should be panicking out but im still calm... weird :D

    2. deadmad7


      down its just offline...

    3. web_designer
  8. how about calvin and bart? (avatar and usual profile pic)?

  9. How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?

    1. web_designer


      get you young man....

    2. anwiii


      evil. stop googling the answers! :)

    3. web_designer


      i knew it is a tricky question...same like IQ questions..so decided to ruin it on deadmad hahaaa

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  10. I am now a MagicMan... I have a 200% accuracy on predictions and .004% chance of knowing what's going on.

    1. web_designer


      oh yeah...so you are a zodiac predictor ...:) and i thought you are a graphic designer...

    2. chini13


      okk can i bribe u for predicting good thing for me:P

  11. I am now WISER THAN ANWiii! "This is a same step for the dead but a GIANT leap for the MADkind!

    1. chini13


      u are always wiser than anwii :P :P

    2. rob86


      I wonder if the other wise men of history once shouted that. Plato - "I am now wiser than Socrates! If knowledge is truly the food of the soul, than surely I am morbidly obese!"

    3. anwiii


      thanks chini. took the words right outta my mouth! haha is it really that difficult to be wiser than me? :)

  12. i am the eggman... im the walrus... goo goo goob

  13. I believe I can fly... I got shot down by the FBI... All I want is a chicken wing ... 2.99 from burger king...

    1. web_designer


      hahaaa..this is so funny dm....

    2. anwiii


      yea, if you're 12 :D

    3. deadmad7


      ya... everybody knows your ROFLing right now anwiii...

  14. i bet that anwiii is gonna be cheezy by saying "she has 100 in my book" and than fail :D

  15. i feel like i just walked into Einstien's bedroom...

    1. DodgyPhil
    2. anwiii


      are the drugs good, dm? :)

    3. DodgyPhil


      People are taking drugs without me?! I'm hurt.. :(

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  16. I feel like jumping from my floor, landing in chocolate syurp, running down the street yelling stuff and beating up over-sized funny chickens in a farm and I wanna be back home by 6' o Clock.

    1. anwiii
    2. JamesFreddrikks


      Me too, but I also want to do a stunt from a skyscraper to a skyscraper with a motorcycle, then get home by 6.

    3. deadmad7
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  17. I got a rock and roll band. I got a rock and roll life. I got a rock and roll girlfriend. And another ex-wife. I got a rock and roll house. I got a rock and roll car. I play the *BLEEP* out the drums. And I can play the guitar. I got a kid in New York. I got a kid in the bay. I haven't drank or smoked nothin' In over 22 days. So get off my case! Off of my case! OFF OF MY CASE!

  18. I guess that this is where we've come to... If you don't wan to, then you don't have to believe me... but i will be there when you go down... Just so you know now that you're on your own now, believe me...

    1. chini13


      ohh i believe u dm :)

  19. i have to start reading my posts.... i make too many typos

  20. i haven't posted a status update in so long that my last one got buried...zzzzz

    1. chini13



  21. i hold OpaQue responsible for this :D

  22. i just noticed that you are missing a "t" in your member title :)... I told you i will point out every english mistake!!! :D

  23. I knew a kid who had a weird way of looking at it and this is what he said "slip out the back before they know you are there and at the worst you will see that they don't really care, you don't wanna be around when It all goes down because even a hero knows when to be scared".

  24. i know what you mean hahaa

  25. I know you don't smoke weed, I know this; but I'm gonna get you high today, 'cause it's Friday; you ain't got no job... and you ain't got *BLEEP* to do.

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