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Everything posted by tuddy

  1. tuddy

    I'm New Here

    Then you should be careful of all posts you make, all one liners get you in trouble. We have a good place here. Personally i hate people who reply to say one line of stuff. All i can is, think of something really worthwhile. Just make a topic that you something about and write on it, get other peoples thoughts, cause i can assure you that there will be many others looking for the same thing.
  2. We could just start calling it a mobile computer? The problem i see is we are getting smaller, not more compact. We want larger screens to see more and movies are better to watch. Instead of making the computer more compact, we cut it out and make it smaller.
  3. We could think big and put our mind and money into plans that will stop againist or prevent problems of this nature happening. If you ask me were putting to much money into things that just are not as important.
  4. That would require scripting of some sort. If they requested anything higher then mysite.trap17.com/pages/.. then they'd be redirected to 'mysite.trap17.com/pages', but if the script found to show that it was mysite.trap17.com/test then they would be redirected to 'mysite.trap17.com'?
  5. Whats so good about the Moon? ... Its a big piece of Rock that has nothing on it. I mean you can walk on there and leave a footprint forever, get over it. Earth is where we were born, earth has computers, money, water, food, females/males. so who cares?
  6. Oh, and you only have 512kb upload, which is what people will use to get the data off your computer. Meaning they may have it slow even though they gots this big 1536kb download speed. Anyway, any more info you want?
  7. Problem being the Sandbox as has been stated in another topic before. also Google searchs for many websites containing the 'search words', i believe Google have the problem of accepting sites, that really dont have any purpose relating to the serch topic. Whilst having a search engine like Google can help bring visitors to your site, i believe it is more effective to post your website around forums and places relating to your actual site.
  8. Running your own server is easy. Keeping it secure and running 24/7 is the hard part. What operating system are you currently running? ... Windows XP Professional can run IIS, which once activiated can run your computer as it is a Web Server. All depends on what you will hosting and allowing users to use. How important the data is, and how often will it be running. Running a server while trying to use the PC to do daily tasks also adds to the pressure of running it.
  9. Very Good, although it must cost alot? Is there other information on it somewhere? ... Like how much it costs, power requirements, techincal details? Also the size?, Excatly how big is it?
  10. Many people will hang with the Yahoo still because they have grown acustom to it. Why fix it if it ain't broken, applies here. Why cahnge if your happy and getting the job done? Google still kicks *bottom* over all! ...
  11. Well i can't see the purpose of having a computer in the bathroom to tell the truth. I mean, what do you do in the bathroom that you'll have free hands to use the thing? And being in the bath don't count, you go in the bath to relax and lseep, not use anything. and it might be alittle electoric shocking!
  12. I would have thought with something like this you;d have the whole place networked with internet access available anywhere, and user logins to your own area from most points in the house!
  13. Guess it pays to ask if your hosted here at Trap 17? Do you get a 404 Page Cannot be Found? Or some other message?, As stated above your ISP could be playing up, and limiting access to your site.Did you try from another computer?
  14. Showing the source code also makes it just that little easier for people to 'conflict' with the code to break it. Are you asking people to break so you can make it better? or so you can see how ood your skills are?
  15. I love it, just looking at the title had me hooked. Then i looked at the description and threw me right out. I'd like this site, but i love coding, not uses other peoples creations. Thats the fun of it all.
  16. Worst thing on the internet would have to be the pesky little things that say there free, and then you end up paying. Those short downloadable 15 day program trials get on my nerves too.
  17. With this powerful number we are going into a numbers war againist the ever wasted long awaiting 'numberets!', aliens from a far distance galaxy. Or save world hunger, save the blind and cure cancer.
  18. Not a bad site all round. Just by matter of interest, how many hours or time was spent making that site? The layout works nicely with the text, and colours!
  19. There yet to hit someone to fightback at them for it. Take alook around, How many other forums out there, have a devoted place to Google,alot. But how many have ones for Hotmail and Yahoo besides all the how to hack and help sites. Its todays world of internet, people couldn't predict the way internet would turn out, and how it would be used. People exploit there ways for money. Everything is money today, with Petrol (Or GAS) so high in te word. No wonder why, we want money everywhere.
  20. Another long endless debate. Why anyone could be bothered watching something on such a small screen anyway, i got no idea. Stick with a laptop. hehe.Prices also go up, ad prices may go down. Todays society just likes to look 'cool' not only by looks, but also by 'i spent more'. Its a style lik clothing i guess. There are already jeans out there, but people want change and up to date style.
  21. Depends how you plan on using Linux? ... Linuxc an be used for different things, you just got to use the right one for your needs. You are in a place full of people that prefer and know linux better then anything Microsoft.
  22. A great program, to bad we have to take measures to prevent this happeneing. How hard is this program to by pass, when you want to allow something through on your web browser?
  23. Interesting, Why not just use a backup file? Something Ghost to create an image of an already 'perfect' set up installtion. Wouldn't this save time and hassle?
  24. Well Google are good at this, creating something that can be used another by someone else. It provides easy logos.
  25. One thinks that if your running a site that is that low anyway, just find a free web host. ie. Trap 17. Saves Power, Internet Connection, and you can still use your computer without lagging it to users. (If Desktop & Server in one)
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