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Everything posted by tuddy

  1. 1) Are your DSL Internet drivers installed on the computer trying to access the internet via wireless?2) What DSL modem do you have?, and is that configured to allow your Router (IP: to be connected.3) Have you tried just shuting everything down and then restarting in this order (Modem>Router>Computer).Can you connect to the network, and not to the internet OR Can't you connect to anything at all?
  2. Cause most teenagers (14-17) are just looking to be cool, or have someone to hang with. Then when they do, they just come up with the most stupid reasons for breaking up. Then the parties where they 'hook up' and then its over in 3 days. Makes me feel sick to be a teenager of 18 in March! I don't currently have a partner, or had have one for awhile. At the moment im too busy concentrating on my future and finding the right girl. Plus i like too many girls to go after one. @ Rena, so your saying that your relationships don't last long, cause you like the idea of flirting, and trying to get the man, and knowing you can, then actaully being in the relationship? "Makes me proud to be a guy .. "
  3. Then maybe she may come around eventually. If there is any girl reading this, real free to correct me, but i don't think a girl would spend so much time with you without knowing that one day soon she wants to be with you. Something else to think about, find a boyfriend for this other chick, something that will take her mind off you, and her friend going out with you too. That way the chick you like is not going to feel so 'bad' or 'horid' going out with you. Sounds bad getting someone with someone, but thats how the cookie crumbles, and you could end up finding the person you were always made for!
  4. Wow, i can really see so many people sitting in front of their computers on a weekend just entering random words in to Google, just to get a 1-1 Result. I can think of a better way to spend my time, . I give it 2-3 years before people start using Google for drinking games. You take it in turns to search google, and if you get a certain return you have to skull. Thats alot of Skulling!
  5. Then you have a tricky life from then on. He young so will spend next 80 odd years worrying if someone will catch him out, living behind fears. Then if he does get caught, its a life to death in prision term, so he will never ever see this girl he likes or any other girl for that matter again. Can i ask Sonycdr, how old are you, and like how much time do you and this girl actually spend together outside of a school enviroment?
  6. Something is going to snap in the end, either he will get married to her, cause he lets her in, or he finds someone else. Will she cope with that?She might get married to you or some other guy, can you cope with that? If you really love her, and she finds someone and just stays with them, how will that affect you?Your future depends on how you feel and her she feels, if she loves you, and decides she wants a relationship (Again), you might spending the rest of your lives together. On the otherhand if she really did love you, she would want a relationship with you, and would not keep running back to her ex-bf, Of which i see this guy as being someone who just lets her be free.
  7. And i guess that statment there is what sets people apart from each other. You look at her BOAW as 'just a girl', where as, Seanooi saw her as a 'Best Friend', 'Soul Mate', and for awhile 'Girlfriend'. When you go through 6 years of sharing stuff, helping each other, and being the one person you can always rely on, it is always hard to end that friendship. When you lose that person, you take a look around and reliese, oh *BLEEP*! i have no one else i care that much about, or talk that much with. I have torn myself a couple times after having friendships of only 2-3 years end due to moving away, different schools. The only thing you can do, is live your life on and keep with you the memories you had with them live on in your heart. On the side though, BOAW, if you think of everyone that comes into your life as just a girl/guy, How will you ever have a decent relationship with anyone or even marriage. Sometimes in life you just have to go through the upset, but keep the memories in your heart.
  8. One thing you could you could, is have her best friend just magicall disappear. That way you have the best of both worlds, 1. Comfort the girl on the lose of her best friend, 2. ask her out without the influence of her best friend. Joking.Its a trickey sitiautuion you have, the only solution i can see is make this girl you like see you so favourablly, that she dont care what her best friend thinks. Besides, any best friend would understand and learn to cope with this. Not hinder her best friend just cause she likes you.I guess there isn't much you can really do, its just a wait and let friends work out there problems and differences, cause thats how i see it is.
  9. Now that is where you draw a line, and take the matter further, they isn't jealously or 'Can't Get over You', that is harrasment and Vandlism, and plain #%$#ed Up! If a guy at a young age can't get over it and move on, then maybe he has some deep deep issues, or is too over protective then felt betrayed, which sends him back to just plained #%$#ed Up.If i was you, i'd start reporting it and let the pollice handle it or, something cause there behaviour is only going to get you or him hurt soon.
  10. Of Course there is the 'What If' argument, but if you really like this girl, take some time to do it right, flowers, hang with her, be there in times of need etc. If some chick asked you out of the blue, and they didn't know you so well, wouldn't you think they just asking for the sake of it. If you show some interest first, and use the skill of flirting to show you like her.Also find the right place and time to ask, not just in class ready to do a test, they are most likely to be stressed sometimes, and relaxed more at other times. The best is out to dinner, or at the movies, when they are relaxing and not worrying bout anything.
  11. Thats why you all need to just try for it, if she is new, its not like you are goin to ruin any relationship or anything, just go and ask her. If she says no then fair enough, maybe ask why not, or just keep going on with life.If you don't ask and you she gets a boyfriend, it might make you jealous, and later you may find out she also liked you, and you did nothing about it. Just go for it as they say, if we didn't do that in this world, no one would be together.
  12. Ask yourselfwhy?, why am i stressed, why does she stree? If she just so afraid of losing you, then she feels your relationship is not strong enough. Maybe if you go out long enough she may feel more comfortable, but to me at the moment sounds like your in a no where no friends relationship.
  13. With the border on the left, and top i would make it so your lines bend alittle, that makes it look alittle more like the main part is sticking out of the page. At the moment is looks like you have 2 borders with one side being just light, and the other just black.Also, maybe alittle more of a blend between black & white lines both on top and the bottom of the text, cause all white down the bottom and all black on top looks out of place for me.
  14. Nice. Only thing is, the background blend together and smooth nicely, but the colours don't, you go from a lightish green to this purple on something that looks like a straight line, the colour choices ain't bad, just how they are blended together.
  15. Depends, do you think you could even not be friends with her?, I mean any gurl isn't going to like rejection, but they will all get it once in there life, same as guys. Why is it you ahve to tell her you find her unattractive?, Just say, listen, i don't like you, your just not my type of girl, and i think you can friend a guy more suited to you.If you put some good points in, like, you are a smart girl, and have a nice smile, but i just think we could never work. Whatever happens then, is upto her, she came accept to move on, and find a new guy that may like her, or she can go sook, cause of some guy she meet in her teens and probably never would have stayed with until marriage anyway.I guess its what you call a white lie, your not lieing, just not telling the whole truth, you just don't tell her the bad points about her, but make it seem she is not right for you.
  16. Ok i did some research and came across the command, follow these steps:Before you start put the .exe file in your ROOT directory to make it easy, like C:1. Goto Start;2. Click 'Run';3. Type 'CMD (Windows XP), COMMAND (Other Window OS).;4. Hit 'Ok'5. At this point you should see something like: C:> on the left hand of the window.6. Type 'Del <Filename.exe> see below;7. Hit 'Enter';8. Type 'exit'<filename.exe> is the .exe's name, now if its saying in use, im not sure what you can do in that sitiution, i believe you would have to start in safe mode, someone with more experince that side can help you, but have a shot.
  17. To get rid of the file on your USB Drive, follow these steps.1. Goto Start;2. Click 'Run';3. Type 'CMD (Windows XP), COMMAND (Other Window OS).;4. Hit 'Ok'5. Type 'format <drive letter here, see below.>:';6. Press 'Enter' to confirm;7. Type a Volume name, or just hit 'Enter' to leave blank.;8. Type 'exit'To find drive letter, before you start just open My Computer and see what letter was assigned to the device.As for the ones on the computer, im not %100 sure on DOS commands, i'll do some lil research and if i get an answer, i'll let you know here.
  18. Awww... OpaQue, you having a good day then with all the love emails and friendship postings. lol ... All us members here at Xisto Love ya ha ha
  19. Amazing Admin and knows what really makes a good friendship too. lol. Thanks OpaQue for that, i know alot of people in todays society forgetting the real meaning of friendship.
  20. Everyone is right mate, cause she is new she would be more willing to let someone help her out in a new school system. If you just ask her some basic questions, small conv., offer her help (I'd advise againist asking for it, until you know her alil better.) ... then slowly work your way to saying, hey would you like to goto the movies or something.I got a feeling the main reason you are feeling shy to tell her is, simply because you don't know her well enough, to ask her/tell her. If you get to know her better, you'll be a bit more relaxed, you'll also know what she likes. You never know if you help out enough, or go down the street,she may even just like and ask you. lol
  21. Its the thought that counts, if she gets a flower from you, she knows you really care, and thats what they think, they don't go, oh i hate flowers and throw it away. A female can be free to correct me if im wrong? Go WASSIE WASSIE!!
  22. If you care for this guy so much, then just keep being friends until your sure he likes you, or you can be the brave one and try and ask him out. What is the worst that can happen, he says no, and you go back to being friends??I mean its upto you wether you care enough to ask him out.
  23. If your both calling each other, then it shows a mutaul interest both ways, she wouldn't call you if she didn't aleast think you were a good friend. I guess the only next thing you can really do is see what her friends think, who knows girl better then her girl friends hey? Just be careful as to how you go about asking things, cause if they go back and talk to her, it in affect may just cause trouble.You say her to much to throw the friendship away for awkwardness, do you like her as a friend, or so much you want her more then a friend and you just afraid of losing her so, so not willing to take the gamble. I think abit of both, to me she sounds like a nice girl, just take her out one time, without anyone else or fewer and fewer people each time.
  24. Does she call you? or you call her. Do you think she talks to you openly?, have you tried just going out somewhere together to the movies or smething?I guess the only way you feeling are going to know is look at her body laugage and see how she acts around you, if she 'muck' around or something?Or just ask one of 'your and her' friends to make some quiet enquiry as to what she thinks about you one time and then just see where it goes from there. There isn't much you can do but take a gamble, depending how much you like her?
  25. That may be a bad move depending. If you were to go out with M, then E might think you were just trying to get with a chick and didn't actually take an interest in her. You said that E knows you like her, so if she turns around and suddenly likes you, and wants to be with you, and you say sorry, but im with M. What you think going to happen? I guess the only thing you can do is sit down and think about what you want, and how you want things, do you want a long term relationship with E. Or maybe end up hqving a short term relationship with M.
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