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Everything posted by tuddy

  1. Oh don't make me vomit, everyone has there own way about going to things. When he knew he liked her he should have told her, then when she knew made the decision to date his friend or not.Now he has a shot, bugger your friend, its his fault for jumping and stuffing her around, she took him over you so its also her fault as well. I can't see why he would want to go with her now anyway?
  2. Thanks. Perfect. You are amazing. Thank You.
  3. What would happen if everyone liked everyone else because we had no feelings blah blah see the possibillities are endless, so think out side of the very little box which is everyones lives.The world only spins in one direction, if it spins the other way she will like you, im blabbing on here but you are thinking about things that are not worth it.
  4. There is no way its going to happen until you reliese that you cannot move on in your lifer unless you do, and if you don't, well your life is going to end-up in a dead end no where street. Good Luck and have fun.
  5. Depends, Money could get you into a reasonble house with good clothes, and not looking like some bum on the street. This in turn would allow/help you find the 'love of your life' better, even more so if you have money to travel.Oh, and what is your happiness too? Do you enjoy having hot girls/guys around you cause you have the money, or would you only be truely happy with true love?Personal Preference but if i have a roof, car, food, and enough money to pay bills with some left over, then love. I'd still need money left over due to i'm a sucker for chicks, i'd buy anything if they asked me right lol.Oh i have to add, Ladies, I don't have a credit card so don't bother trying...
  6. Hi,I have a question, using Signatures in Outlook 2003 is great. Now what i want to try and find out is, is there any way possible of have a bunch of test with a watermark image placed behind it, without the images being pixelated or just go bad when it leaves the users machine.Example:Graeme TuddenhamIT Support OfficerBEST Community DevelopmentAddressAddressPhoneFax http://skillsplus.com.au/ thats what everyone will have with thier details and i want to know if theres a way to place a watermark image behind it without it also coming through as an attachment.Thanks
  7. I just got totally confused. Nah. As everyone has stated just keep being nice, which is how everyone should be acting, but no one is ever like that, thats what makes our world just so interesting hey!
  8. I can't believe the smoking bit, alot of people these days would just start smoking from peer pressure and there friends would just join them and try not to help them to stop. This is what i hate in the younger generations these days, is they start smoking to seem so cool. I give tolerance to drinking cause its not addictive as smoking but its just as fatel.To have 12-17 year olds doing drugs, smoking, drinking just to feel cool, or to belong to a group seems to me like maybe our world (or maybe just my country) is faulting somewhere.
  9. Was he a plumber? One of these guys to come along and do that for you on the first date must have played two things,1. He must have liked you, already.2. He is a real genuine caring person.Not alot of males would have done that for a girl after just meeting her for the first time .. unless there a plumber.Congrats on a good catch. I just i never have to be in that position, i hate unblocking toilets.
  10. Why is being behind a computer different to being there in front of someone? You should always just be yourself, and let them like you for you, if they don't then so be it. If they see the fake you, your always going to have to keep that act up, and you'll eventually get very tired of this and the relationship is likely to break down quicker then the time you put in to get the relationship started.My advice, is just be yourself, and try and not prove yourself just because your friend may be there, i know that sounds strange, but alot of people tend to show off alittle to show someone you can treat a girl right.
  11. Remembering that the old quote 'What they don't know, can't hurt them' is also based around around trust. She believes she has trust in you now, when she finds out, she'll be in love but the trust will be gone, therefore your trust is out, your love is then only built on lust, and i doubt you'll even get that.You deserve what you get jumping into a snake pit full of snake mate.
  12. Duh. Obvious answer here. Everyone wheather they male or female still have an attration to someone else regardless whether they are in love with someone else or not. BUT!, most people find that thier love is strong enough to resist the earge to chest on the person they love. Love is the bond btween two people that you know won't be shared with someone else. Which you are ... You don't love her, your afraid to lose her. She may provide a sense or thrill but whatever it is, it isnt fair on her.Seriously, i don't think you have thought your actions through and thought, 'Why would she be angry at me if she found out?' This may provide you with some insight that other people besides your self-centred self feel.She holds her love in you, and doesn't cheat on you, because she loves you, and isn't self centred, yourself through forget about her feelings and just remember yours being 'I'm attracted to that chick over there..' and break her feelings without caring for them. Even if she don't know, she'll only be hurt more when she finds out after the long time of period. You shouldn't be feeling guility, try more ASHAMED!!
  13. I have to disagree, there are some people you can't to know really well online, and when you meet them they are really that better. However most relationships like this are from your own state/or 500kms away where you hear all about these ones from overseas which are made out to be so good. This is where alot of people fall in the trap of looking to the internet for love etc. and losing sight of what love really is. Love is a connection bewtween two people/things and is an unbreakable link or can't be hurt easily.
  14. You really want to test your love for her? Then go and tell her about what you done, and i'm sure within 2 seconds of hearing the word 'Cheat' she'll be mad and crying. Now if you can work through it and still have a relationship at the end well, good for YOU! ...If she was here asking for advice, you could guess what everyone would be saying?, so i hope you learnt and believe that you'll always one way or another let it out. You'd be suprised what you say when your drunk. On a Happier Note: Your lucky you live so far away from me, cause if you lived within 2 hours, i'd for sure make the trip to make sure she finds out and you felt what it was like to have someone cheat on you. How the hell would you feel? All because you want Adventure for the lack of better terms.... God Can't Help You ...
  15. Interesting to say the least. Because most people i would know of, say that they love each other at 15. I even know some 15/16 year olds that have been engaged. Some people can make relationships work from a young age and others just can't. Myself, well ... I think of it in a way that i like who i like and if i find i like them more then just a friend, then so be it.You'll never know if someone can be a suitable wife/husband until you say 'sample' it before buying it in very unrealistic terms. You don't know what thier personal side is going to be like. etc..
  16. Why is it so hard?, I mean when someone asks you out, they are either awaiting a yes or no answer, and if you say no, then thats just that. If no one was expecting a no answer, then why bother asking?, you may as well say we are going out, and just have it over and done with.Yes, they will be alittle hurt, they'll start questioning whether they are good, but it will soon be over, and they'll move on to someone else. How many people do you know of that have died without having a long relationship? (Talking, Old Age Death Wise).
  17. I agree with DogEater majorly on the honesty thing. Girls seem to play, the ohh, be honest always with me all the time, then decide to dodge around or striaght liar when it comes to them.Its the same with Guys, we expect it, then don't do it. But if you really don't want to tell him, give hima reason not to want you anymore. Simple enough hey, keep dreaming... Good Luck.
  18. Your post points mainly to saying that you 'love' two people which causes concerns to the above two posts. Do both these people 'love' you?, If so, how much do each of them 'love' you?You may be suprised that if you think hard about who 'loves' you the most, you'll find that one doesn't really 'love' but maybe just a friend with a crush. Is what you feeling 'love'?, How can you be sure it's 'love'?Are you willing to hurt someone, for the better good?, the one you may reject could 2 minutes later find the 'love' of thier dreams around the next corner. Also, are you willing to sacrifice your happiness for thiers, or thier happiness for yours? Not doubt you have a tought decision ahead, but maybe if you let it sit around for alittle longer, see if one can maybe move on with someone else, leaving you with one choice.Good Luck, and please share your experiences for others to learn from when things happen. Experience is the best Advice!
  19. Is there any 'Pinned' Topic on this somewhere?, It may not be a big issue to Moderators & Admins, but it seems the same topic is created everytime. I know it won't stop all, some may cliam they didn't see the pinned one, but it would stop 50%?
  20. WoW, People never seem to learn and you can't see the underlining thing here. He was the one who you lost your virginity, you are pregant to him and yet he still says basically, you're worthless and the relationship wasn't real and you can't see that he was using you for 'sex' or a 'show girl' to his mates?? Now i know that you were best friends before you both started going out, but maybe it should have stayed that way?? and as for him not taking responibilitiy for his actions and child, proves even further that he was only looking for some quick sex.Remember going through life as a teenager is tough, but never impossibal.. never take the easy road out, and show to the world you can raise above the bads and shine through... goto college, it may be hard but stay forcused. and never ever forget you dont have to go throught the world alone! ... or with him making your love life a misery!
  21. I'd probably just try and get to know the father, or something that will help 'kill' the dislike or anger between the two of us. I can see where parents come from, they have lived it, they have been there, done that therefore don't want there own Son or Daughter to become the same as they once were or do depending...Although, i have seen alot of people change just for thier partners parents, and thats just not on, i mean you can change a few things, but be yourself and if thier parents don't like you, too bad. Hopefully they likes you enough to overcome the fact that thier parents don't like you.Sweet Letter ... I did something like that, but i hand wrote it and sent it 700KM up the coast.
  22. Then wouldn't that make it againist the TOS / Forum Rules to post any competition to Xisto's Services. I can't see why someone is going to email you with there personal information when they come here to Xisto and have a fully thought out process, and looks more professional. Less likily to be a SCAM!
  23. Please see below for full details... Size: 500 X 100 Theme: Grunge Render: Yes Render Theme: Comic Color:Blue Text: Yes --- In large writing (Part 1.) "Grame Tuddenham (GOD)" and then in smaller text, as layed out below: (Part 2.) CFSGT 425 (City of Ballarat) Squadron Australian Air Force Cadets Other effects: As disered if makes it look better (Althought must also be kept small in size) Hi, Im tuddy ... I was wondering if someone can make me a sig (2 actually but the same), one for here at Xisto and one for my AAFC Bulletin Board as i'm an Australian Air Force Cadet and quite frequently post between the two. I have a Anger, Displince and Drill kind of mind set, like the Drill Sergeants out of Full Metal Jacket or HotShots .. and looking for a background comic/render thing like that if any can help. I want the 2 sigs the same, but i want one that only has Part one on it for here, and another with both part 1 and 2 for the other bulletin board, and full credit to whoever designs and creates cause i have been looking through the ones made, and they are amazing. Not my area graphics lol ... I'll stick to Networking and Web Programming Thank-You to all...
  24. WoW, 1GB i want to see a site thats really going to use that much space. That would just be opening it up as a file sharing space to use up all your BW.I also thought promotion of anything in competition of Xisto wasn't allowed? Could be Wrong.
  25. I wonder if he is scared enough yet, or already gone out and done it. I think the younger generation of this world are just trying to act like the older generation instead of stepping back and saying .. 'One day ill be like that..' and wait to grow up.Look at how many 9-10 year old smokers there are that you can see, and think of the many that are 13 and having sex. I mean people consider it bad if your a virgin at 40... give it ten years and people will think its bad to be a virgin at 15 lol. Its hard to decide cause you can't go into the future and see what consicquences your actions may have. I guess as this world keeps getting more and more busy people aint going to worry about this anymore.Look at our current laws, teach and student sex is illegal and yet all you get is a slap on the wrist and a recommendation to highest education provider. Whats the world coming to? ...
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