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Posts posted by FouGilang

  1. It dependI see Some girls are prettier with those (and some, with great ability, are much, much prettier as if you professionally photoshop them) and turn out magnificentBut some other makes me sick just for looking at themPersonally, i preferr makeup-less girls. Well how to say it, the person who you will see everyday is that makeup-less face, her real face. No matter how she done all the makeup, she'll have to remove it later anyway :P

  2. If you wont argue,is that template yours or no?

    welli'm taking someone's template since i loved the main-menu-on-the-top layout and that template gave me more space for my modules also
    so i wont argue if you say that is not 100% my template :P

    What about to photoshop it your text,or make good button instead of that text?

    ah... never crossed in my mindgood idea, thank you 0_o

    Well, I agree with most people on this site... I don't like the Hide and Show feature, especially when it is set to be automatically hidden at the first time when you visit the website... I mean, even if people bother to visit your site, why would they need a Hide or Show feature anyway? If they wanted to visit your site, they would obviously want it to "Show" and not "Hide", because if they wanted to "Hide" it, then they would just easily press the "close" button on their browser (or the browser's tabs) and close the whole entire site itself...

    ahahahai guess that show/hide thing just wont work out :P
    i've made a poll there to see how many people would rather video, or just music, or none. and for some reason video and bgm went draw, so i'll let the video there for sometime being :)
    or maybe i can just make another welcoming index page that allow visitor to choose wether they want video or not? that can be good either :)

    And am I right in thinking that you are coming to Xisto to change hosts to get a free new domain name??? Just speculation...

    lol noeven if i take a new domain name, i would rather "fouempire" it, something like fouempire.org or something
    i just need trap to host an international site which can be opened by indonesian and foreigners without any lag :P

  3. sorry, it's this sentence in the registration page :\


    We are investing a LOT of Funds for the maintenance of CPANEL based Free Web Hosting accounts. We request users to use our resources only for *ACTIVE* Websites. By the word "ACTIVE", we mean good websites with content and information.

    so, i think qupis should have some kind of categories so they can say the website is active (such as traffic, pageviews, or whatever) so it can be accepted to be hosted with their rules :P

  4. Did the computer crash before the drive disappeared, or was there a power cut or something? If power is removed from the drive unexpectedly then it can corrupt the file allocation table and partitions and make the drive unreadable. Try using a Linux Live CD to see if the drive can be mounted and read, or use a specific drive recovery CD. Take a look at these software options to recover your drive (you'll need to click next and go through the pages).
    Did you notice any weird noises or behaviour from the drive before it disappeared? Either of those would suggest a hardware problem rather than a software one, and your data would likely only be recoverable by a professional recovery firm in a clean room etc.

    it suddenly disappeared when i'm trying to open a log (.txt) file
    it took ages to open so i end task it, it hung, and then the drive is gone (!)
    i restarted to check it in bios, my disk is still there
    then i open my easus partition master and see just the image above
    yeah it just goes "BOOM!" like that :P

    You did remember to take regular backups to a separate medium didn't you?

    yeahabout 2 month ago
    but it just cant be helped if i lost the new one :P

  5. simple indonesian
    you can say that, in fact they are right

    and some indonesian "grammar modification"
    aku mencintaimu
    i love you (lol yeah it has been "indonesianized" )

    Indonesian - Saya cinta padamu

    for this, i would say: "nobody would say it like that unless he/she is in such a formal pressure that he/she must use it =p "

  6. thank you :)

    well the main reason that i use frame is because i want the video to keep played (not restarted) even when the visitors went to other pages (and..... to hide my "real main site url" which you don't like :P )
    if you use the /real/, the video will be lost, that will ruins the reason of making the frame there

    Because you are using the Joomla! CMS system which usualy runs with someone's template

    lol yeahi guess i wont argue with that :P

    about the facebook, i dont know why, but somehow it wont work for people, but work for me
    maybe you should move to other page before it worked? --

    anyway, which one is "ugly script"?

  7. Disorder | Rating
    Paranoid: Low
    Schizoid: Very High
    Schizotypal: High
    Antisocial: High
    Borderline: Low
    Histrionic: Moderate
    Narcissistic: High
    Avoidant: Moderate
    Dependent: Low
    Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate

    URL of the test: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/personality_disorder_test.mv
    URL for more info: http://www.4degreez.com/disorder/index.html

    well that does it
    doing this test make my eyes irrirated - -

  8. It sure make me Lol'd :PI dont know Jackson had really much talent that people can just point him as alien rather than thinking other acceptable things because of itThat just doesnt make any sense to my most alien mind :)But anyway, there's no proof here that support this alien thingWhat they gave are just some opinion and fact (and some funny one)Let's just say in conclusion: i dont believe it :P

  9. Hi all
    This site is not hosted by trap, it is hosted in indonesian webhosting
    So please pardon me if it either lag like hell or cannot be opened :P


    The site layout design, basically, is just a black page, with a looping random asian music video as the background, and finally a javascript link to show/hide the main site (if you wanna see the video) :P
    The idea come from a game called "dance mission 2" which has short video as the waiting room background :P

    This is also just how my site would likely when it is hosted in trap :)

  10. I prefer to choose AdobeMaybe like some of you guys, I have a terrible experience of first-launch trialAnd that just too terrible that made me feel like a fool :PAt some point, i see that corel has good advantage at making graphics such as logo, symbol, trace (or whatever it called), and so on, while adobe has great quality at image editing in general. :P

  11. I'll stay with one osThe main reason why i dont want dual-boot or even triple-boot is because my pc is just a standard home pc for doing what i want when i want :PFor that, i choose windows xp (if i feel it great, i'll change to win7 later) since it is the os i use when i'm just about ten and i dont want to waste my time using some os that have to be studied again before i can have fun with them, not to mention its compatibilitySometimes i think about having new os, or a set of mac pc, but then i think about "how, when, and what will i do with it?"Oh boy, i'll forget it sooner or later and revert back to my old pc =p

  12. i like Fou-Lu since i'm just a kidhe is the coolest villain i've seen :PFou-Lu (based in its Breath of Fire IV story) is the God of the God who happened to down to earth when the people are suffering and calls for the God to help them. He Helped the people and make himself the Emperor of Fou Empire, which he create himself, to maintain the peace in the world. But years after he disappear the people in the Fou Empire gone mad and even call themselves God, and think that they dont need God to help them. They made a sword called God Slayer and trying to kill Fou-Lu. PS: Spoiler :PDunno, i just like himmaybe because we can use him as playable character from time to time? :)

  13. i guess even every religion in the world cant say much about "when will the end of the world happened?"it is the God will, and will always be top-secret with Him (well let's say if we know when it will happen, what will you do BEFORE it happened?)i think i'll be such an evil person for, say, 1 year before it happen then deeply repented so the God will open His heaven door for me since He is the most Merciful One :Pso why bother about "when"?just live your life to the best as if it will happen tomorrow, you'll do wonders to those with you :P

  14. There are two new Indonesian users!Very nice...Do you really have that much slow internet? :P

    course not that slow lolspeedtest.net result show that PT Telekomunikasi has 17/11 mbps (it's ISP anyway - - )
    or is that still much slower than yours? dunno, i only have 1024/128 kbps here :P
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