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Posts posted by FouGilang

  1. opera seems to be firefox's best rival for yearsit sure is fast, stable, secure, and use less resources than firefox (well maybe that's because firefox has many extensions to load). it has built in Essential thing that firefox doesn't have like speed dial, gesture, mail, community, and that cool themes & widgets. not to mention that they also have great community and millions user. opera offers opera mini for mobile phones, and they still updating it though it's already the best mobile browser around :)but in the other side, firefox as an open source has many customizable thing. good news for programmer and the experts. and with those extensions available, the users can maximize firefox to all its fullness. expert developers plugins, social community stuffs, scripts that optimize websites, and so on. don't forget that they also have loyal users and great community within. :(

  2. sorry for doble posting my own thread, but....... I MADE IT ! :(
    now http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ points to byethost's hosting server, while http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ still points to plasahosting's hosting server, without have anything to affect my indonesian hosting server
    now i think i can put in trap's hosting server without any problem :)

    (surely hoped it would turn out the same though...)

  3. Ok, so you're talking about... The highest level of cyborg innovation :)It would be great if we can delete or modify those unwanted files... Err sorry, memories, yeah memories, like those brainwashing things in some sci-fi project. But wow, in my wildest imagination you will be just like a cyborg or high class wizard for doing that :((And now i'm thinking of some tune up utilities for my brain...)

  4. The problem is that most of love songs are slow, sad, and pitiful love songs. It's not that i totally hate love songs, i just don't like those 'i'm-sad-so-please-give-me-your-sympathy' songs. I mean, isn't love a good feeling? It was love that made your life feels better, so why, why, why, do they never bored to make more and more sad love songs? Can't they make it more cheerful, hopeful, or at least just make the lyrics more meaningful than just whining? It just not worth it :( Though, most of indonesian songs are made of those 'i'm-sad-so-please-give-of-your-sympathy' songs, so when i'm playing some fast-beat east songs (not indonesian, english or bolliwood), ordinary people will say that was a japanese or chinese cartoon / anime songs, no matter what kind of songs that is :)

  5. just got an email from xisto at 6:33 PM (GMT+7) :(

    Dear FouGilang,
    This email confirms that your Xisto - Support account was credited with 1 USD by {Credit System}. To view the deposited Credits online, You will have to login to Xisto - Support.com billing and support area.


    Your forum myCENT balance will be checked and updated again after 24 hours :-). To collect more myCENTs, we suggest being up-to-date with the latest topics and also using our Feeds to stay alerted.

    MEMBER PAGE: http://forums.xisto.com/user/90218-fougilang/

    This amount can be used to purchase/order any products/services offered by Xisto.

    so i guess all clear now? :)

  6. ok
    done it... trying to add my international sub-domain to a free host, i mean. though i don't know if it will worked out since my dns hasn't updated yet :D
    anyway, this is what i've done:
    - create a subdomain and named it international.audition.fouempire.net (ok, i know it's sub-sub-domain) > success
    - make it as add on domain in byethost > success
    - change my domain dns to point byethost's ns
    - try to create smf forum using byethost's "easy script installation" > success
    - check if my indonesia host's disk space wiped out (i don't have enough disk space on it to build smf forum lol) > ok, nothing happened there
    - try to open my international.audition.fouempire.net > still using the indonesian hosting server (indonesia flag in the firefox address bar), fail :(

    how about someone try to open the url http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ? if you can open the domain, or find the U.S. Flag in the firefox address bar (flagfox), then it's a success :)
    but if it is not, well... fail :D

  7. I dont know
    I'm still trying to make it confirmed, yet it seems the only thing i can do is try it myself though
    See that domain.co.cc and domain.co.nr? Aren't they at about the same level with subdomain.domain.cc and subdomain.domain.nr? Just why they can but we can't, i wonder?

    When you upload to one of the servers, it will be cache to the rest. And when users hit your domain name, it will be directed to your nearest server or the server nearest to you with the less load.

    You mean something like that 'max boost area' or something? (dunno, read that before in a glance of some hosts)That, without any doubt, will definitely killed my economic system lol

    And for the traffic you said, i have 3000+ pageviews from indonesia and 300+ this month (based on the stat in my host panel)
    But still it is quite unfair to compare, i must say
    As i mentioned above, my indonesian hosting server sucks at serving bandwith for foreigners: it may be REALLY lag, timed out, or even can't resolve the address

  8. welcome, kawai! (your name's kind of japanese in my mind...)i do hope that you will enjoy your stay here without being frozen, and make a hell of money :)i assume that you have read that myCents system explanation, what you must do is to make some great quality posts to earn those $_$but before that, you have to make your account in Xisto - Support billing with the same email as your email in this forum :(

  9. The thing is, I don't know which one is better. I might make a mistake with the CNAMES, and yet while the verification file might be easier, I may not be able to delete it, and it will take up diskspace...

    verification file is just 0 KB, take it easy :(


    But the add on domain is the one that I want as my main domain. I want to get rid my of current main domain and replace it with the add on domain.

    add-on domains are separated from your main domain, aren't they? you can just delete your files in your stupid-named domain or move them to your add-on domain, then put that "don't follow me" message to all search engine crawlers :)

    you can try that by reading this one https://support.google.com/webmasters/ or simply create new .txt and name it robot.txt

    insert this to your robot.txt

    User-agent: *Disallow: /
    then upload it to your stupid-named domain's public_html

  10. 1. Err... Sub-domain main domain? What is that? O.oIf it's just a sub-domain, you can delete it by going to your cpanel and go to subdomain manager, just press that round X button.2. If my memory is correct, you're using trap as your domain, right? I believe you'll need trap's cname for this. There should be some references for this in trap's help centre, i think. I'm not too experienced for this though. 3. Yes you can, but maybe google will ask for your verification again later, since they didn't found the file. 4. Are you sure they aren't come back? Because i've tried to rename or remove my .cpanel, but it just come back again like nothing happened.5. You know, my deleted free sites still indexed by google, don't know what they want with that. Anyway, if you want to move or remove your site from google index, you may want to add no-follow to your robot.txt , or you also can go to your google webmaster and ask for site removal there. 6. (You make two '5' there) why do you have to lose your domain for creating new hosting account?

  11. i've got my hand to try windows 7 Ultimate N Version, and it's not so bad (far better than windows vista which ruined my pc in the next day) :)post-90218-1257375896_thumb.jpgthe gui looks a lot like vista, though i prefer some styling of old windows so i changed some preferences. the good for nothing thingy on your right desktop called sidebar has been removed, that's good. i was really hoped that damn thing to be gone forever, even for vista transformation pack or others like that i wont add them to my listwindows dream scene (the one you use to make your video as desktop background) has been removed too, but i think that was BAD, the dream scene was the first thing that make your desktop different from vista/seven transformation pack. luckily there is this windows7_dreamscene.exe and i can bring back this dream scene (and it didn't make my pc any slower, again, better than vista) :Dthat annoying pop up, the UAC (User Account Control) is back! i wonder why microsoft cant make something better than that thing for windows's security... i dont know either if it is really that useful for securing windows...for some reason, i cant change the partition of C:/ with my partition manager. maybe it's again because some microsoft's security or whatever :(i didnt found any problem with my drivers, except that my ati radeon x600 went much slower in the game, in xp i can get say 160 fps (frame per second). and now with windows 7 it went far down to 60 fps and the optimal performance option wont work, it seems the v-sync cant be turned off. nothing to worry about though, since i'm not really into this game.oh, yeah and you know what, windows 7 N versions did not have windows media player built in it. i though that would be just fine, but then i found that without windows media player, you wont have the codec for .wmv, so i lost my compressed videos lol. fortunately, the days microsoft released windows media player for windows 7 N version (maybe because too many people sent petition, yeah)

  12. Why not just use the same server to do the two different sites? I think that it is possible for that...

    Why not just use the same server to do the two different sites? I think that it is possible for that...

    no, it's totally different serverwell to make it clear, let's just say my indonesian hosting server provider sucks when it comes to serving connection for other country..... lol maybe you're gonna say that's only one funny reason, but for some reason, i really fail to ping my site via some west country ping-ing-site
    so i want to use trap's hosting server for my international-service site (back to my "international.domain.net" i said before), with better performance, speed and bigger space and bandwidth, i think it'll come out good without have to cost my very limited indonesian server :)
    but it will be kind of funny (for me, at least) if i use two domain for that, and there will be 2 similar site name with the same keyword make their way in the search engine (oh it is sooo not cool, make myself look like a twin...)
    so i want to just make my second site within my first domain (if you ask me, there's nothing good in my top-domain, it is the sub-domain is good)

  13. Wordpress IS the best blogging CMS, but I need it for other purposes other than blogging too, and Drupal and Joomla is much more flexible in that. And yes, I believe that my host have support for .htaccess, because I can find the file in my filezilla connection page. Do I have to do something with that?

    ok then, use joomla (if you ask why not drupal, simply because i've never use drupal for my site ...)i think joomla is the best (and free!) CMS around, and with all those non-commercial extensions, plugins, mods, template, whatever-you-need which almost have the same quality with those commercial one :)

    you can set the password in your site folder easily from the cpanel, just go to your cpanel, find that security tab, you'll see that "password protect directories" (a folder picture with yellow lock), then select the folder you wish to protect, make username and password, and you're done :(

    40 months is good, but the pictures will probably be less than that. I will mostly blog with text though. But I seem to be using up my diskspace very fast. I haven't even touch it and it has already used up 8mb. I wonder why...

    blogging with text should cost you less than that, so you may wont need to take more disk spacei dont know why you have used up to 8mb tough, maybe you can check that one with cpanel's "Disk Space Usage" and find what's wrong

  14. I am :)I often thought things that had not been done that day, or think some error site script and how to improve it, or other not-so-important thing. But then this some angelic words came out: "do it after you make yourself fresh, you wont be able to think clearly at this moment, now sleep" and i like 'oh, ok. Zzz...'Then when i woke up i have this refreshed head and energy pack, so i continue what i must do :(

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