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Posts posted by FouGilang

  1. I have a small suggestion - try to get the RC version of Windows 7 if someone you know has it - it is fully functional till April 2010 and if I remember correctly it will expire in June 2010 by which time it will start shutting down after every 2 hours. Also, each copy of the RC can be installed on 3 PCs so it's legal too :( Then by April you could try to raise some money to buy XP or maybe even 7 for all your PCs - all the best for this project of yours!

    good idea, i'll try to ask my friends. some of them might have it o_0


    @FouGilang: The list that shadowx has provided has given me another idea which I would like to suggest: WINE is able to emulate the popular WoW game so why not offer that to your customers? It sure is played in a lot of countries, right?

    the truth is, despite of that WoW popularity in the world, there is no WoW server in indonesia, and i bet less people would be playing "pay-to-play" game like that one, unless if i make a "free-to-play" private server for that name. :(


    However, gamers are different, the customers likely to use a Game Cafe would have their own PCs and internet, possibly very good PCs but if i could offer then 16 PCs, all on a very fast lan with custom built private servers for all the popular first person shooter games then they would happily pay a couple of pounds an hour to beat 15 of their mates at the latest Call of duty :D I first started gaming playing Unreal Tournament GOTYE edition in an internet cafe, it was an amazing atmosphere hearing the groans as i sniped people and the excitement of being chased by a guy with a flak cannon while i could hear him laughing hysterically. Good times....


    But to buy the set up is the pricey bit, think of 16 hi spec gaming computers, probably two high speed game-ready servers, a couple of decent switches and some nice cabling, then gaming quality monitors, keyboards and mice, plus a few spares. The building itself, food/drink and storage of said consumables. It's a lot of cash....

    well, the basic standard for these pc is like 120 frame per second mark in the game Audition Online. some nvidia graphic card with 256 MB, 1-2 GB RAM will be likely sufficient. and for the start maybe we will make it about 10 pc to play DotA or Point Blank with. just the Game Center i know, full with "bang-bang" "boom-boom" "ratatatatata" and "monster kill!" :)


    If you re-interpret the word "Linux" to mean "open-source," then you could try out ReactOS, though i've never tried it before. But for a regular Linux distro, you can get a few games to run through Wine, like Call of Duty 4, albeit with most of those games on their lowest settings. But when you said your friend had purchased several computers, i was expecting them to be pre-built and with Windows on them. I would have expected it to be cheaper this way; if the graphics card and memory that came with them wouldn't be enough, then all that you would have needed to do is buy another stick of RAM and a decent graphics card.

    thank you for your suggestion, but i think we shouldn't use some alpha-phase system for business :D . anyway i'll try to find out the windows-built-in computers he had ordered and fill that to budget, if that is the cheapest way, then i'll just look into the games :D



    i guess we really need windows for this, aren't we? i can try to make game private server in my pc (for the sake of "promotion"), but it is in windows too lol. hope we can afford that and make our fund back ._____.

  2. phew
    so we HAVE to use windows? there must be some another tricks :)

    It's strange you're computers didnt come with an OS, you can try a linux Distro like Ubuntu but it probably wont play games like CoD etc... because they are so complex.

    it will, if we include that in the order. my friend here is at advanced level of hardwares, so he much to seek for high capability hardware with low price, and i'm here simply because i want to help him find an alternative for windows xp. even if in your country xp is in low price, my country still take it the hard way. i just checked it and 1 windows xp home edition is still in IDR 700,000 - 1,000,000 (about US$ 50 - 90), i'm sure they won't be able to afford tha without any reconsiderationt... for now...

  3. hello all, i'm kind of in a hurry for an answer so i think i'll put this here and see your opinions

    i'll start the story:


    me, and my bestest best friend, are going to create "game center" business (something like internet cafe which only has games inside, so there's no browsing there). originally, it's my friends who intended to create it, i'm just being a nice friend who invited in the project. he has ordered some PCs, tables, and spaces for our first brand new business :(

    the problem begin here: he asked me for some advice about the connections and windows. i was like "are you sure you can buy all those windows licenses?! :D " (i know him well and i'm pretty sure that neither he or his parent are able and going to buy original windows system) and he innocently answered "that's why i'm asking you... :) "


    the answer is simple: we need linux, a free distro which easy to use by most of windows users and have the ability to be able to play all the most favourite games in our local trend, which is the likes of DotA, Call Of Duty, Lineage II, Point Blank, Audition, and so on. most of them are online games though, so they're free copy-paste-ed and easily installed in windows system. yes, in WINDOWS system, i don't think they offer the option to play on linux. we simply can't just replace those games with another games, it's about gaming market trend. if we remove that, we're as good as dead... :D


    in short, we are searching for linux with this criteria:

    - simple (and hoped to be much alike with windows so they won't confused)

    - easy to use (again, for most windows user)

    - can play game without any problem (like, click on the desktop shortcut to play this game)


    any suggestions? :D

  4. Now choose your new Premium Account


    * No waiting time before downloading

    * Maximum download speeds

    * Up- and download up to 2GB sized files

    never concerned about whatever they put below the download button, but now i see that one :)


    they must be already know about the illegal contents in their hosting service, but as we must be already know too, it's the money that matter. illegal contents are simply just a lure so that everyone will buy their premium accounts (and yes, they simply will be REALLY happy for that). they know that people like to download those "illegal things", and the favourite huge things such as photoshop, windows, sony, etc etc etc are HUGE. that's where they put the "free user limitation" and "premium account advantages" in the operation :(

  5. i assume that you have the same opinion about those called "looters", or "leechers" or "lurkers", or whatever they really called, the one who stole the things inside our site and make them as if that was their own credits :)i have 6gb of files, which i uploaded them myself, and i NEED to hide the direct links so that people can't just come, copy, left, paste, to their own site. this is just irriratingany suggestions?

  6. congratulations on your site, and you have nice template too! (or is it default one? never see drupal's template lol). you just have to post things there, or search some plugins (if drupal does have plugins...). anyway, congratulations on your achievement! :)now you may take some rest in peace (er... don't take it the wrong way) and prepare to be confused again tomorrow on the different things (yeah, the human mind is an intricate thing, so make yourself in good emotions so you can do the positives) :(

  7. I don't know how to use it though, and there seems to be a lot of errors so I didn't touch anything. But I'll post the errors down if anyone is interested... it might help me in the future too...


    so i guess it's not only my fantastico got error on installing some things :(


    Hmm... I see it, thanks FouGilang, but I'm scared of doing anything incase I did something wrong.... sad.gif Do you have a step by step instructions to tell me what to do?

    ok then, too bad that i don't have more space to install drupal on my system, but i think this is sufficient to help you (don't forget to remember that this is just an example, you may do different to your condition) :D


    1. go to your site's cpanel and look for the database tab



    2. see that button? that's what we're going to use



    3. ok, we're in. put your database name to the blank area beside the create database. for example: drupal (just so we can remember what is that database thing for). click that "create database" button and congratulations, you made your database :D



    4. we're back, and we've got the database with us. next, since the database doesn't have any users with it, we have to make it. just scroll down and you'll see the create and add user for the databases (i'll create it with username "drupal" and password "123456"). ok, create user :D



    5. now, add the user you just create to the database.


    you're done with the database and user! you can use them for the drupal installation when it asked you :)

  8. Welcome to Xisto, Johnmck93! it's good to see you around :(i assume that you have read all that rules, system, billing, etc etc etc, so you're ready to go! oh, before you can see your myCents (the red numbers below your name), you have to make 5 posts first and wait for some times for the system to update itself :)

  9. ??? Do I put this along the code that FouGilang gave me, or it this something entirely different? I think I get the include thing, but in the code, it only "includes" the one file (index.php), and not the whole entire folder (myfiles). How will the link work then? And where do I put the code? In the index.php in my drupal or in the index.php in the redirection text? huh?

    no, it's totally differentyou can use my redirection, shadowx's great news, or even move your files like anwii's opinion, but, of course, you can't use them all at once. everyone have different way of think, so it's all up to you :)

  10. 1. Do businesses make money in selling violent games?

    of course, though many people criticized, it will still continue

    2. Are the current censorhip rules and laws are tough enough?

    here? hell no

    3. Effects of playing violent games? does it harm playing violent games.

    it depends on "who play it". if you're already a good boy with smart brain, you'll know what you can do and what you can't do in the real world, no matter how much the violent in the games. anyway, games are just a way to entertain, people should not have to take all thing in it seriously :(

    4. Are games different to films/TV and Music.

    yes. in games, you are the character (and as far as i see, the MAIN character), you move where you want, buy things at you will, make choices in the way you like it. while in films/tv and music, you just "sit down and enjoy".
    hope you satisfied with my answer :)

  11. But what do I put in the index.php file

    a welcome message would be wonderful :)but at this moment, how about create a redirecting index.html instead?

    <!-- this is only for redirecting //--><HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Redirecting to Main Site...</TITLE><META http-equiv=Refresh Content="0; Url=http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;

    that will make your visitor move to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ directly

  12. actually, i have just tried it (about 10 second before i post this message), i moved my wordpress from fougilang.byethost8.com to fougilang.byethost8.com/sweaty/ :(it just a "quick test-drive" wordpress thoughfirst, just move your wordpress files to the folder you like as mentioned beforesecond, go to phpmyadmin, open your wp_option table. you should see "siteurl" in the option_name column there (in mine, it is on the second). change your site url in the option_value to the current one :)

  13. i don't see that wordpress has any location-based databases, so it should be easyfirst, delete your joomla files and database (make back up, if you want to). then, move your wordpress files to your main domain. that should do the transfer :)second, redirect your http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to https://www.salesforce.com/products/platform/overview/, if that doesn't do, do double check your wp-config.php files in your wordpress folder---edit---wait, i'll try it first lol

  14. well, i do hoped that your site will up sooner :(
    though i don't know what's wrong with your site this time, i'll try to help

    1. I uploadEd my drupal folder from MAMP into my public_html folder on my cPanel through Filezilla. Are things meant to be immediately able to see the updates, or does like take one day to two days (like waiting for the nameservers of your domain name to update) for you to see the results? Because I uploaded my folder and I still can't see my drupal on there immediately).

    if you can open your site, and it is the right server that you wish to open, then whatever file you put there should can be seen immediately (except if you have problems in your caches). but..... uploaded your drupal folder FROM MAMP? do you just "copy-paste" it from your drupal folder to your hosting? that won't work - -a

    2. Let's say that uploading files are immediate. I believe that my domain name is pointed to the default index.html that my hosting company has put there. Is it possible for me to delete that index.html file? How do I get my domain name to point to my drupal folder? Does deleting the index.html work, or do I have to do some extra stuff?

    no, the thing i know is that cms like drupal would use index.php, right? that should make the default index.html worthless already. but if you think like to delete that index.html, just delete it

    3. When I installed my Drupal folder onto my MAMP, I had to create a database and then point the folder to the database. Do I have to do that as well on cPanel? If so, how do I do that? Where do I do it? Do I just follow the same steps that I took to upload the Drupal onto MAMP?

    of course you have to do the same thing with your webhosting server. drupal won't be able to connect to the database, because it doesn't even have any database to connect to, you should make one for it :)

    4. How do I get a back up for my site? Someone once told me that I should get a back up for my site everytime I edit something if something goes wrong... so let's say that everything is working perfectly fine. Of course, I will want to do back ups for my site in case something goes horribly wrong. Can someone give me the steps to do that?

    the easiest way: go to your cpanel and choose that "back up" picture

    5. LAST QUESTION: Phew!!! I bet you're glad that this is the last one. I try to keep my threads under a number of five questions... smile.gif And this one's easy. Is there anything that you think I might have missed out on? I am new to everything, so treat me like I am a retard and don't know my ABC's of the internet

    i think... you forgot to install the drupal (?), or you made the drupal in a new directory :D

  15. how can i have my desktop background change automatically from day to night and possibly even with the seasons? obviously it will incorprate more than one picture and on a time interval. so i am curious in how this can be done.

    er... via script?try to make a html with some background that change automatically then make it as your background? i'm not sure though, but they do it to make the movie-background in xp before, so i think it can be used for slideshow-background too

    i googled this and they said windows 7 has it set up to where your desktop can offer a slide show and all you have to do is enter the time intervals. is this true? what about vista?

    i don't know about vista, but windows 7 has that slide show you said, but the time intervals is up to 1 day only. you can make it change every some minutes or hours, but not more than 1 day

  16. this is a result of my previous topics here > http://forums.xisto.com/topic/69028-can-we-use-2-server-with-1-domain/


    took me some days, but after all done updating, it only take me another minute to create more :)

    the sample i'm going to use is my current indonesian hosting and domain server, plasahosting, and a free hosting server (which will be used), byethost, which is work perfect for me. but i must to tell you that it is just a "trial and error" based on my experience, so i'm not really sure about what have i done to make it worked, so i'll just tell you all what i've done and hoped it will work for you too :(


    i assume that you have your OWN domain name and have everything you need, like the privilege to change the domain dns or such, i don't know what it called.


    ok, let the story begin

    once in a time, i have audition.fouempire.net and would like to make global.audition.fouempire.net to be used in byethost (regarding to Nameless_ suggestion to try host it in a free webhost), so i went to byethost control panel, put my id and password, then logging in successfully.

    now, since i want to make my global.audition.fouempire.net to be independently separated from my stupid-named byethost subdomain name, i choose to make an add-on domain. clicked on it and redirected to "Addon Domain Management". guess it's time to add my global.blahblahblah



    Congratulations you have now added a new domain to your vPanel.


    Due to a process known as 'DNS Propagation' it may take upto 76 hours before the domain name works globally.


    Until DNS has fully propagated the sitebuilder may not work, also browsing to the domain may not work.


    Please do not create a support ticket for a domain that has been added within the 76 hour period, 99% of domain issues will be resolved by waiting this period of time


    Happy Hosting !

    err... okay, i won't send ticket to you whatever that 'DNS Propagation' means anyway


    now, let's try to open byethost via ftp to make sure it is there


    ok, it is in the place. instead of letting it empty, how about i upload an index.html?

    let's try to open..... wait, i think i forgot something


    oh my, i forgot to change the name servers, let's go to my domain manager and change those ns to byethost's (and of course, mine's too so my original site won't be lost)




    now let's try to open my new http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/



    note that U.S flag in the address bar?


    since i don't have any theory regarding this, i hope some expert can give the theories :D

    note: like byet mentioned, it could take days to take effect, if it doesn't work, just wait for tomorrow and pray :D

  17. HahaBut you must already know that brain can be easily modified, aren't you? We, human, have the ability to do those tune up utilites can do since we were bornWe have that one named 'to forget' which equivalent to 'delete'. When we think that some memories are useless to keep (junk / temporary), or some bad memories that make us sick (malware) we will 'delete' it permanently. :((and i don't think i must tell you how easily i am to be forgot about something...)We have that ability to choose the subject / hobbies we like, which just worked like 'partition' where we can put whatever in our liking there, so much to our hobbies and usefulness for each partition We can 'refresh' our brain, easily by playing some games, joking, or just smiling. We can 'repair' bad memories by fixing thing. Like apologizing or give apologize (come on, 'i'm sorry' was merely only need a second to say) And of course There may be more way to tweak your box discovered in those professional books rather than some childish speaking like me :)

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