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Posts posted by FouGilang

  1. Currently, I don't have tv. And even if i do (about 1 year ago), the only movie i will watch is spongebob squarepants at 7 am every morning (eating my breakfast) and hannah montana at the afternoon when i don't know what to do :D I don't really like the 'watching tv' idea anyway. All i will do is sitting in front of the television, changing channels in hope to find something good to watch between some stupid tv programme on some stupid tv channels while i think i can find something - or maybe anything - better to do, take posting here as example :)

  2. Oh wow, so the court and big companies can also be quite a dreamer too, charging one student that much, and i wonder if his parents can afford that (say, that almost IDR 6.500.000.000 here, imagine if i was the one there...) :) Well he admitted it, and what? He won't have many defenses on the court when he admitted guilty right? And it seems (in the article) that he didn't take any defense at all, it just said that he got caught, admitted, and asked to reduce the fine or giving him a re trial.Anyway I am kind of amazed by the way he refuses the donations, was he had plans how to pay it, or simply he won't pay it? I would like to find the next news about this :D

  3. Hmm, i guess i'm late on the welcoming party... Anyway, welcome to the Trap! :D I see that your myCENT has been started to appear, congratulations. Now you only have two thing to do for your website hosting: read the rules and post good posts! :) You can see the rules, readme, guidelines, and others from the links on the forum main page, or simply look above, it is right above the shoutbox. :( Feel free to ask if you have problems, and err... May i know what's with your posts above?

  4. Sorry, do you mean the myCENT number below your name, or the money on the Xisto - Support? Anyway, here the answer i can provide you: About the myCENT number, yeah i mean those numbers in red and bolded below the people's nickname, it seems that yours still 'invisible'. you have to post about 5 (five) posts before it started to appear. I say it is 'invisible' because even though you can't see it at the moment, it IS working - and counting your posts - until suddenly it appeared. I got about 66 myCENTs on my 6th post (okay, i'm not such a good long post poster) About the money on the Xisto - Support billing, it will started counting when you already have $1 dollar in your myCENT (again, those numbers in red). When you finally got to that point ($1 dollar = 100 myCENTs), there will be 'READY' thingy next to the numbers. Then it will disappear, went to the Xisto - Support :)

  5. Nexia Online (though i heard it was called nexus on other countries... :P ) but okay, it was a good-for-nothing game stories so let's skip to the next game :) I played ragnarok online back then, still the best online rpg games around here that i enjoyed playing it :( (if only those bot are not there, in the official servers that is)My favorite (and kind of 'always') job/class is 'priest' with the support type :PDon't know why, i just loved the way of healing random people (and giving 'increase agility' skill) at that time, and it still stuck as my habit until now. :DIt was fun, i got many friends and parties (well it was easy, i just have to create a party with flat experience rate then sit in front of the dungeon), until comes the time where it became a pay-to-play game. I'm just a kid and i don't have the money to play it, so i quit lol.Years later it become free-to-play again (maybe because they realize that it is the most favoured way around here), i tried to play again, laughing at myself that i forgot my acc and create another new one.I thought it would be fun, but it wasn't. Now almost 80% among the low-leveled players (say, between 1-75) are using bot.And worse, now my favourite class now being used just for helping the bot with their buffs, or as a bot until they achieve at least level 60 to be a battle priestI can't find any fun anymore. So this time I quit, totally.

  6. Hello there kazunari, welcome to the best free web hosting without ads : trap! :P Incompetency... That sounds hurt, both for you and your hosting provider. But well you won't have to regret with the host here. At least i haven't found any complaint yet so i take that this place sure is rocks. :D You can find the tutorial, step by step way to get your free hosting on the left side of the forum main page and under the forum shoutbox. Read that and you'll find that get hosted here is very easy. :P Anyway, the main thing to know is that trap will give you more if you post more long and high quality posts. So, never think about spamming or one lining to get more post counts, it's useless in trap's myCENT system :D

  7. Just check it's reputation, feedback, ranks, members, forums (if there is any), etc. I think most people here would have know how to check online reputations. The truth is, most 'make money online by survey/click/promote' is scams, and even if they are legit, they only give you very little money in return of your precious times. And sometimes if you feel that it is too good (and often too easy) to be true, then it may is. :P

  8. If you really are wondering why she turned to the very opposite person, why don't you ask her?You can say it's risky (i know it is) and afraid to lost everything, but hey wake up, everything have their own risks. Even if you don't ask her, you might end up doing something that she doesn't wanted (or worse, hated) and something that you, and her, don't want to be happened will happen. If you do ask her, you might be able to find the best solution for your problem. As far as i'm concerned, Good communication is still the best way to find the best answer. Try that :D And be prepared for the worst answer from her. Since you haven't know what is going on, it's best for you to be prepared for anything she will say. There are many possibilities of why she changed, it can be herself, you, her parents, her studies, your friends, put-whatever-in-your-mind-here. So be prepared, and be a good gentleman. :P Or if you choose to leave her and let her be, then let her be. Think as if you haven't met her, forget about her. It won't be good to both of you if you didn't have the same road to move. You might think it is hard, but meh it is not, and will be far more easy if you have other friends with you :P

  9. Wow, you sure make it REAL. I like the way you describe the non-realistic things inside and how you suggest it to improve o.o I don't know what to say about the delay though, if it was because of lag connection, what we and they have to do is getting another magnificent connection? Explosion effect, rag, limb damage, hard terrain, and the health bar are great. I would prefer if there's some kind of medics that can heal yourself. It will give you more to the tactics :P And the tank repairing and the in-out of vehicle, my that sure will cost you much more processes and times. Let's say if you need about 3 seconds to open its door, jump in, and start the machine. Then another 2 seconds to jump out of the vehicle. But the repair, that seems neat anyway :P

  10. Hello there Strikee, and welcome to the trap! :D I'm not much different from you, looking for the best free web hosting around and stucked on Xisto. Well i say 'stucked' because after i bought my 10giga hosting, i don't know what am i going to do with my myCENTs now. Maybe i'll try to spend them for all top-level domain first before getting use of my hosting :PAnd My historical journey?Well, the first free hosting i used was 000webhost, but it totally sucked me to the end, especially the Slow loading (even with compressed 800x600 template!)Then i bought an indonesian paid hosting for 1 year to keep it going while i'm spending my luck hunting for great hosting.So i came across to the byethost. It feels much better than the old good for nothing 000webhost. But it's still not enough. And i don't like its default 404 page at all.I kept googling and googling, found the others like 110mb, x10, webs, cilacap (it's indonesian, and it's the worst even though it is on my LOCAL) and so on (sorry, can't remember them). When i think i found a great web hosting, i have to face the fact that either my country is not acceptable, or many site restrictions that made me lost my interest. :lThen i found the qupis (member of xisto). Through that step stone i found Xisto :DJust bought my hosting last week and do some tests. Result? The speed is not much different with my local paid hosting that cost my friend about $400 per year! So yeah, this time i'm kind of satisfied, let's try this up for a longer time :P

  11. Hello there, deonild, and welcome to the trap! I do hope you enjoy your time here and able to manage your friend's company site (wow, you're so kind lol ). You should avoid short post though, that won't get you much on trap's myCENT system :P

    Anyway, have you registered on Xisto - Support billing? If you haven't you need to register yourself at https://support.xisto.com/ first. Make sure your email there is the same email as your email here so they will be synchronized and you can start your earning :D

    Another note, you can try to navigate the links above the shoutbox or on the left side of the forum main page (the links that said 'read me, how to order, myCENT system, etc.). Those will help you take your best free web hosting around here :P

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