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Everything posted by ICE-XG

  1. looks cool but u can put lot more infort into creating an better banner. Good thing is admin is happy with it or he's just nice i think.
  2. banner #2 is the best one u created. Mayb we should get an perminate good one banner and ppl can rig it and make it into their own style
  3. i'll add Xisto ur link and button @ my site. Xisto is too good to disappaear
  4. lol i feel srry for u but here an thing. NORTON *BLEEP* ****. It takes to long an it isn't relye able.
  5. i have learn and used HTML for an year now. If u pratice and do something new it really helps.
  6. always take pride in ur work bcuz it's ur work
  7. i not much of fun for diblo. I like other games like wc3,sc,cs, and unreal tournment
  8. i like ur sig but loss the Xisto fourm member part.
  9. ICE-XG


    is american army that good never played b4.
  10. good graphic, few mission, dosen't work buying. It's fun but not that fun.
  11. I'm 15. Life is so hard. They always say "No one said life is easy." They also but no one said "Life is hard" also. So shouldn't it b in the middle?
  12. okay guys web is 3/4 done! so close but so far away!
  13. the website will be open @ this weekend. i'll tell u the address soon.
  14. wuts going on so far at Clan LsK? Say hi for clanned for me.
  15. ICE-XG


    Clan LsK is pretty cool also.
  16. ICE-XG

    Game Maker

    it isn't that bad of a program. i used it work an while.. it's pretty good. still C++ is better.
  17. how can u say that. all can say it ur weird don't like FPS game and screw u. LOL!
  18. ICE-XG


    this is one of my stupid queastion that i wounder in life. lol
  19. ask clanned at channel clan mute or death_2_you. plus i know who u r bcuz i been woundering around ur channel with clanned for an while. ur site is nice i seen it. gj
  20. hey u didn't read it correctly. because the clan bhz was dissolved and we switch to clan mute. also Clanned was the leader of clan bhz and now the leader of clan mute. So think be4 u talk.
  21. ICE-XG

    halo 2

    Halo 2 gonna b great. Their preview is awsome!
  22. ICE-XG

    Xbox 2

    i can't decide xbox 2 or ps 3. HELP PLZ!
  23. ICE-XG


    is ppl happy now? lol
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