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Everything posted by sxyloverboy

  1. Ok everybody the stunt has been preformed. I would like to thank everybody for all your support. An i am not hurt nor burnt anywhere. For those that are intrested in the technical details of it i used some highly concentrated alcohol from Austria to spit the fire. It was STROH (wheatrum)80%. I used a pice of cloth that i pource Aceton over and put it around the top of a stich as a torch and then i had a friend to take some photos of thise event with me. Anyways as i promised you get the photos I used a Canon EOS 350D with a Peleng 8mm fisheye for these photos. And ofcourse i shot in raw so then i edited them with Rawshooter Essentials. I purposely tryed to get a dirty feeling to it for a kind of industrial atmosphere. And before you ask. no it wasnt hard to capture the flames at that and i did not need a lot of tries. Since the spay of alcohol onto the fire takes a few seconds the photographer has enough time to press the shutter. Here is a shot of the setup: The ladder was used for the high perspective in picture 2.
  2. Yes there is also a so called PhotoStich(or something) in Adobe's Photoshop CS2 but it is not a very good program. Ofcourse if you are good in photoshop you can smoothen and blend the tansitions yourself but its a lot of work. I think you will notice that when you stich with photoshop ofter you can see where one photo starts and where the next ends. With the enblend addon for ptgui this is a problem of the past.
  3. Wow i think thats a very good site. I am truly amazed at your flash skills I also use simple viewer but i didnt integrate it into a diffrent flash thing. Your site has a very playfull feelling to it. a little bit like in a kids playground but yeah its cool. What i would say is you need to some how integrate the flash application betting into the whole design of the site. Everything outsite of the flash seems a bit clumsy to me. I dont really have any suggestion that you can hold onto on this matter but i just say you need more design for it. If you want me to design somehting for you just drop me a note. email, msn or something.
  4. I have already moved a lot in my time and i find that its pretty easy to make friends. Most people are always very welcoming to new people and open to be firnds with you. The hardest part about making new friends is actually getting to know them. The easyest way is obviously if you see them every day ( like lets say at your job or in school. ) but then if these people that you see every day are your only friends i think that you will get tired of them very easily. Then ofcourse as you already mentioned there is the possibility to join clubs and groups. Depending on the people you want to get to know i think that a martial arts group or gym isnt the best area because these people tend to always be the same kind of people. To get to know new people you want to try to join a group or club that has a large vereiety of people in it. Ofcourse if its a club of some sort most people are going to be similar in one way or another. Then another solution to making new friends and learning new people is going out at night. Maybe not exactly a strip bar but i would say a bar of some sort is good. or a pub. pubs are usualy a good place to get to know people that have been living in the area for quite some time now because thats the pub they always goto. You could ask them for help getting around the city or maybe to show you around a bit. Like that you can also get to know a lot of people. Hope this helps and good luck with getting new friends in your new city
  5. Hum your in a tricky situation now. I dont really know so much about yrou situation but from what i picked up she rejected you 3 months ago. Now i dont know what happened in those 3 months but im assuming that not a lot happened between the two of you. Maybe you said hi and stuff while passing each other. Or maybe youve even been avoing each other. Or shes been avoiding you. But i dont know. So what my advice would be is try as bst you can to forget this girl. And the best way to get over a girl is by trying a get a diffrent one. This new girl will be able to distract you from thinking about the old girl and sooner or later youll have forgoten about the old girl. And maybe if your lucky the new girl end up being really nice and you both like each other a lot and you can stay together with her even ater youve gotten over the old girl. Anyways i hope this girl inst to deep in your heart because i know how hard it can be to forget about a girl after the sparks have flown. I remember i had a simmilar situation to this one some time ago. Well i liked the girl but she obviously didint but wouldnt really admit it. So then we were going on and off and on and off for like a month till i had enough and told her to take me 100% or leave it. And she said she'd rather go her own way. I was really sad then but now i think that it was better for me because now shes addicted to cocain and some other *BLEEP* and i dont want to end up like that and i thiink i probably would have if i had been together with he. So all the best wishes from me to you with getting the girl you love or successfuylly coming away from her.
  6. Jimmy:With a fisheye lense the process is actualy prettymuch the same Except since you have a bigger field of view you dont need as many photos. with an 8 mm lens and a full frame camera you can technicly do a 360x360degree panorama with only 3 shots. but of course in real life its a lot harder. i recently made one with 6 shots which works nicely an isnt so ticky to do. with an 8 mm lens it also eiser to shoot without a tripod
  7. Hm well i dont really know a lot about these but i suppose it could either be ipods in general or your friend is unlucky. A friend of mine has the ipod nano and it works great. never had any complaints about it till now. has it since around january so maybe the screen will still break. but i have had a normal ipo 40gb since a bit over 2 years now and iv been having a lo t of trouble with it. the hard rive always made this clicking noise and i always had to sent it in to get it repaired of get a new one. (i dont know what apple does with sent in ipods!) so basicly im on number four richt now but this one seems to be working good for a while now.(over 6 months) but my head phones always break. ><anyways i think it is a goo invest to get a ipo nano because they are so small and so stylish and can have aso much music!
  8. well in fact there is a tutorial for that here on trap 17. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/30394-run-your-own-mail-radio-server-shoutcast-and-more/ I think that will help you. good luck with it.
  9. Hum ok thanks guys. Ive changed it alreay 2 times but oh well. I'll call goDaddy and ask them whats wrong on their side. Thanks for all your help everyone. sorry to cause this trouble.
  10. DogEater008:Hum in fact there is no default or not default with my domain host. You can write the nameservers and thats is it.
  11. My new domain is lsphoto.de. I have changed the nameservers a few times in my domain control panel to no effect. Can you view what i set it to with the domain change script? i think there might be a problem there with that thing. Can i access my files through the gamma.xisto.com thing? (ftp or cpanel?) i tried gamma.xisto.com/~mycpanelusername/cpanel/ but it returns with an 404 error. Could you maybe try to change my domain manualy? because i think the nameservers are having a problem setting themselvs up.
  12. Hi,i have recently bough a top level domain from GoDaddy.com and now I am having a few problems with it. I first changed the domain name with the domain name changer scirpt thing here at trap and then i set the nameservers at godaddy. It told me that this can take up to 48 hours but i think thats only the maximum because from some people ive talked to they told me that it usualy only takes a few hours. So now i have waited a few days(MORE than 48 hours!!) and I still dont have my site like it should be. This is a very urgent problem since i cant acces my site at all if the domain isnt set up right. (no cpanel, ftp ect.)Thankyou for any help
  13. hehe cool thanks guys. that really helped. I think that the new version dosent make the _GET variables into normal variables and that the older version does. or maybe theres an option for that i dont know. but there is a technical term for it too. I know my files are going to exist because this is for a menu and it would be stupid if i had a menu but no sites to go with it . thanks guys :lol:EDIT: ...IF there is an option for pho to automaticly make the get variables normal variables. does anybody know where i can set it?
  14. Hi, I just recently installed the latest versin of XAMMP on my computer which comes with php5.1.1 and i have been noticing some problems with the include(); funtion. This is a code that worked fine on Xisto hosting so I am thinking it has something to do with the php version of 5.1.1 since Xisto uses 4.3.X. Now what the actual problem is is using the variables in the include function. If i have a normal include sentence like this one: include "hello.php"; then it works fine but as soon as i start using variables it somehow dosent work at all. I have already tried a variety of diffrent ways to write the include sentence but they all dont work !! include("$id.php");include "$id.php";include "$id" . ".php";include ("$id" . ".php"); But they all dont seem to work. The error message im getting is this one: So it looks like php is completely ignoreing the part with the variable because it tries to load only a stupid file called .php I set the variable in my url like this ...index.php?id=home Maybe someone can help me?
  15. Dude, read the readme before you start posting. you should not just copy and paste text from diffrent sites and put it here. And if you really want to do it you MUST put them in quote tags. http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/
  16. hi. just copy and paste this version of the code to your site and dont forget to change the index.php in the link to the site you want the link to go back to. : <?php//Edit the configurations below ---$to = 'jonathanirocc@gmail.com';$subject = 'the subject';$from = $_POST['email'];//Do not edit below ---$message = "Name: \n".$_POST['name']."\n\n";$message = $message."Question/Comment/Ordering: \n".$_POST['question']."\n\n";$message = $message."How did you here about us?: \n".$_POST['hear']."\n\n";$message = $message."What is Computer for: \n".$_POST['comp']."\n\n";$message = $message."What package? \n".$_POST['package']."\n\n";$message = $message."For Custom Specs, Use box below: \n".$_POST['customspecs']."\n\n";$message = $message."Questions/Comments: \n".$_POST['comments']."\n\n";$message = $message."\n\n\nMailing script created by Inspiron.";if(mail($to, $subject, $message, "From: $from")){ echo '<a href="index.php" >Back</a>';}else{ echo "Mail send failure - message not sent";}?> Hope this helps you. if not come and ask again. ill be happy to look over it again. If you are serious abotu learning php i suggest that you look at some tutorials. That was some pretty basic stuff right there. good luck with your site
  17. Hum. i dont know anything about creative zens but i had the same problems with my iPod !! >< Four times in fact! so i had to send it in an they send me a new one each time. In fact i dont know if they sent me a new one or a diffrent repaired one or the same repaired one but this was happeneing a lot and now it actualy works for a long time. Maybe they sent an actual new one the fourth time before they didnt. But now it works and im happy XDMaybe you can try sending it in? i hope that creatives customer service is as good as apples! It was no problem for me because they sent someone to come pick my ipod up and bring it back with the post!
  18. Last night i had this pretty cool dream. i wonder if it means something or not but it would be pretty cool if this one meant somehting. so here it is:I was like in my own house and then the postman came with a package which was pretty big. i opened it up an it had a fisheye lens that i ordered from ebay(I actualy ordered this in real life and it is yet to come ) so then it was pretty cool because i could like put it to my eye and then have the fisheye effect for one of my eyes. Then i mounted the lense to my camera and took some picture which all wernt really special. When i went outside to take some more pics one of my firends came and i told him how cool it was that you could put it to your eye. so he was all like cool let me try an i gave him the lense an then while he was looking into it having it really close to his eye it sort of when into the eye hle an then he had this huge lens glas as his eye. so like basicly your eye is 6cm wide XD. So basicly it was like he was freaking out and screaming around but only because he was so shocked and not because it hurt or somehting. And then the dream ended. And not back in real life i dont think it meant anythign because my package didnt come today but maybe thats because it the eater friday and it might come tomrow :lol:what do you guys think about that dream? wish me luck for tomrow XD
  19. Hey guys. nice to see that theres some fellow photographers here on Xisto. I have the Canon EOS 350D (Digital Rebel XT) and i am absoloutly in love with it. Seriously there are so many things that you can do with it. Before i had a compact digital camera from Konica Minolta(too bad they went out of the photography business) which was pretty nice as a start to my photography. But I think that it is a lot better with the digital rebel xt. I am really enjoying all the functionality of a slr camera. being able to set the shutter speed ect. And i think its great that there are so many lenses that can go with it. im currently waiting for a 8mm fisheye to arrive. I am very eager to try out the capabilities of a fish eye especialy for making panoramas and maybe even whole sphereical ones.
  20. I don't think you guys should be making such a big deal about it. These ads are using what is called SEX appeal. And i think its up to the true love company to decide how they want to avertise for their services. And im sure the people that sign up there, which are in the usual case 18 or older because you need a usualy credit card, should know for themselves that its obvious they arnt going to get the bikini model from the ad. And as for kids safe i dont think that these ads do anything to kids except maybe make little boys horny from the looking as NovaTerra so well explained that males are arroused by looking. These ads dont tell kids to post pictures of themselves and write their adresse all over it so that rapists can go over there and rape them.
  21. I think this is a pretty cool script. Thanks for sharing it. But i think it is not right for a Sitemap because many people have filenames that wouldnt look good for a sitemap. But surely its usefull if someone wants to make a filemanager or somehting an is just learning php. It would be intresting to see how this works with listing subfolders and the files under it. Then if someone made the right filenames and you made it filter out all files except html and php files and remove the extension from the end it would be pretty nice.
  22. I think there are still a few things you can do. for one you can make a complaint and tell them to crawl your site with their spiders with this link https://www.google.co.in/quality_form?q=sit2006-14,GGLJ:en another thing that is bothering me a bit is that you dont have any description or keyword meta tags in your site. i think if you add them this will help people fin your site better when they look for it in google once it is listed. But you know how many websites there are in the internet. and google cant crawl all of them all the time Wait a month or so i would say. Then see if you have it.
  23. Oh yeah sure. You dont have to ask for my permission. Ive been doing some of those latly too. The shereical ones are the most intresting ones i think. But also that hardest what it comes to shooting them because you have to always be aroud the nodal point. Anyways its cool. I'll be expecting yout tutorial.
  24. This tutorial is recommened for Digital Cameras only. Some of the things talked about here will work only if you have a dSLR but you can also do panoramas with compact digital cameras. Step 1: The Shooting of the photos. For taking the actual picture you want to be using a tripod but if you try to keep very still and the camera always at the same angle and only turn around your own axis it can also turn out very good. Make sure your tripod is 100% staight. Most tripods have these water things to look at. <start for dSLR only> You want to have your setting on manual for this step and define the shutter speed, aperature, iso and white balance manualy in this step. you can test diffrent settings with test shots to see how it looks best and then keep it that way when you are taking the photos for the panorama. Make sure your not taking test shots pointng the camera at the sun but also not totaly away from it or the restof the panorama will become to light or dark. <end for dSLR only> A good idea is also to align your camera verticly so that you get much area onto the picture when you shoot it. this way you will get more height to your picture. Step 2: The Software I will be using a program called PTgui [link] which you can work with pretty much stand alone but we will be using 2 plugins for it. One is called Enblend which helps smoothen the transition from each section of the picture to the next one. And the other one is called Autopano which automaticly generates control points for you. You will more about control points later on in this tutorial. You can download Autopano here: [link] What you get there is a zip folder which you can unzip into any directory. I would suggest making a subdirectory called autopano in your PTgui folder but it dosent really matter. Then in PTgui find the options menu(Tools -> Options) and then on the right it has a tab called Plugins and there you can define the folder that you unzipped autopano into. You can download EnBlend here: [link] Which installs basicly the same way as Autopano. Unzip..ect. There is also a program for blending called Smartblend but i dont know how to use it/havent used it and i know that i get good results with enblend. Step 3: Stichting it together. So the first thing we gotta do is choose the photos that are going to be used for the pano. If you are getting these directly from the camera with the original sames it should be no problem but if you have more than ten and named them 1, 2... 10, 11,... your probably going to get some problems with the right order of them because for the program after 1 comes 11 not 2 like it should for your pictures. It is best to keep all your files that your goingto be using in one folder so its easy to select them. Choose your pictures by pressing "1. Select Source files" and selecting them all at once with the Shift or Ctrl key. Now you are going to get this thing with lots of info of the lens and stuff. In most cases you can choose normal lens. IF you have a compact digital camera choose normal lens! !! Now goto the Source Images tab and check if you have the right order. What you want to do is generate control points. These are points that are the same place geographicly so that the program know how to place the pictures and how to strech them ect. You can do this by pressing the "2.Generate Control points" button which will open a new window with your panorama. Close this window and then go to Plugins -> Autopano to create more control points. You can then press the "Align Panorama" button to see if everthing was done right and also crop it a bit so you dont get the black border thing by moring the sliders around. If no control points could be found or you think you dont have enough you can also make them manual. There will be a Control points tab in which you can select two pics and see which areas are same. Make a new control point by clicking somewhere in one picture. And then finding the same place in the other picture. Make sure you selected pictures that are actualy next to each other. Likeif you have 2 selectedin the left window. you should have 3 or 1 selected in the right one. Now you can optimize it in the panorama window(Project asistant tab-> align panoroma.) And your pretty much done. Just goto the create Panorama tab and choose the options that you want and your pretty much done. Thats it from me. Hope this helped you and please feel free to ask any questions or ask for a diffrent photography tutorial.
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