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The Simpleton

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Posts posted by The Simpleton

  1. Those are some true things you've said rayzoredge. I agree that the learning curve for Linux is indeed a bit . But Linux offers something that no other OS can - a quick way to repair! Imagine that you've done some tinkering with the Windows registry and something terribly went wrong. Worse still, you haven't backed up your data in any way! What would you do then? There are maybe two options - use the installation disc to run "Recovery console" or re-install the whole thing, both of which take a lot of time....


    On the other hand, if you commit a mistake in Linux and the system becomes unusable, you have the option to use a Live CD/DVD which brings you straight to the desktop no matter how large your problem may be (unless your DVD drive isn't working! :lol: ) From there you can have access to all your data, backup what's needed and make any repairs using a shell. I've solved GRUB problems lots of times in this manner and it never took me more than 15-20 minutes to bring my system back to normal. This, I feel, is a very useful feature of Linux...

  2. Hey Rob!


    It's inspiring to see a Canadian being interested in Indian classical music, when most of India's youth is slowly drawing away from the same.....ICM sure is delightful to the one who truly appreciates it and it isn't all about tablas and sitars, to be honest :P And there is indeed a subtle difference between Carnatic and Hindustani music, which together comprise Indian Classical Music. The basic distinguishing factor is, as you said, the region.


    Carnatic music is mainly confined to the four southern states of India(Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu). To be more precise, the roots of Carnatic music are from the Sanskrit language, based on which these four states get their own regional languages.


    Hindustani music, on the other hand, is more distinguished and though set in Northern India, has roots from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal (except Afghanistan, the other three were actually a part of India a long time ago) and hence has masters who are both Hindus and Muslims. That is the reason we have Hindu "pandits" and Muslim "Ustads" like Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Ali Akbar Khan, both well-versed in Hindustani music. Now the question comes as to what is the difference between the two...


    Simply put, Carnatic music emphasizes more on singing than Hindustani. Most of the compositions in Carnatic are sung rather than played on instruments. Hindustani, on the other hand, is a mix of singing and instrumental. There are similarities between these two forms too. According to Wikipedia,

    Although there are stylistic differences, the basic elements of śruti (the relative musical pitch), swara (the musical sound of a single note), rāga (the mode or melodic formul?), and tala (the rhythmic cycles) form the foundation of improvisation and composition in both Carnatic and Hindustani music. Although improvisation plays an important role, Carnatic music is mainly sung through compositions, especially the kriti (or kirtanam); a form developed between the 16th and 20th centuries by prominent composers, such as Purandara Dasa and the Trinity of Carnatic music.

    So there's something for everyone in Indian classical music. It simply soothes the mind and challenges it at times too!

    Another thing that interested me is just the way stuff is learned in India. When you want to learn how to play the piano or guitar, you buy books, or take weekly lessons. From what I read about learning Indian music, you have to move to India and spend all your time with a Guru for a couple years. They say that's the only true way to learn ICM. That's a little too intense for me I think...

    Yes, to learn true ICM, you have to spend time with a Guru, who's willing to teach you all he knows provided you show the dedication and talent for it. There are strict Gurus present even today in remote areas of India but most of the time, students just visit the Guru/teacher's house/class as if it were a regular school and then go back to their homes and practice. From what I know, the few people who practice ICM with true dedication find their Gurus in their parents. It's kind of hereditary...


    The Canadian-Indian people you're talking about (better known here as NRIs - Non-Resident Indians), well just by living away from India shows that they're not that interested in India's culture and way of life. Things need to be too comfy for them so they're seeking their livelihood so far away from home!!! :lol: so it's most unlikely that you'll find someone who truly loves ICM among the NRI community. There are a select few, but it's hard to trace them.


    still,it's not hard to learn anything these days...I think a few goooooogly terms should help you find something useful :( I'll see if I can find something as well. Oh, and I have a funny video to show you - it shows you plainly how different ICM and western music are. I'll put it up ASAP.

  3. As far as I know, you have to compulsorily pay the setup cost if you are going for monthly payment. There is no option for paying or not paying the setup fee for monthly payment package.

    lol yup I'm stuck there now...I need to pay ~$80 for a one year price which is indeed a bit too much for me right now :lol: So all I can do is to endlessly wait for another month or so to get to that money. However, no more worry about monthly payments so that's a relief...

  4. But Xisto servers are not in Mumbai. Office i.e. operating center you can say or billing center is in Mumbai. Servers are with Psychz hosting company, as far as i know. Any mod or admin correct me if i'm wrong with this. For more information check this answer from Xisto - Support. Earlier they hosted their servers with Theplanet and Directi, but now the servers are hosted with Psychz network as per the info given in that page. So as per that answer, Servers are located in California.

    wow that's a new piece of info :P anyway, the site's back up now and everyone can give away their hard-earned myCENTS :lol: And yeah our admins and staff sure need a break after all this hectic schedule...

  5. Fission...hmm I remember having that during school - was an interesting topic but I didn't having to remember all the numbers involved and maybe that's why I left the subject as soon as I could :lol: Theoretically it's interesting...how such small particles can create devastating effects and all, but to go into it practically takes a lot of will power and determination!

  6. I'm currently using the basic $1.95/month plan but am thinking of upgrading to the $6.66/month plan, not because I want more bandwidth, but because I want more features that it offers (100 instead of 5!) and I was on the verge of ordering today, but unfortunately the Xisto - Support site is in one of its "License Validation" moods again :lol:Anyway, I remember that "FREE SETUP" is applicable for the $1.95 package, but for the $6.66 package, it is applicable only for yearly payments. I'm not in a position to make a yearly payment right now. So I wanted to know, what is included in that FREE SETUP? Is it something that cannot be done manually? The google apps setup I can manage because I know all it takes is to upload some text they give onto a page and it will be confirmed. What else needs to be manually? Can someone please give some details?

  7. Hi there BlooDTake and welcome to the Xisto forums. Let me tell you right here that at Xisto one line posts are looked upon rather seriously. Just write some more! It's not a hard thing after all to just write a liiiittle more is it? :P Anyway don't take it seriosly, but be sure to make posts of a decent length. The forum is full of members willing to help you out if you have any problems so don't hesitate to ask. Well, have a good time then and see you soon :lol:

  8. Wow there's a newer version of old Wolfy? Never knew about that. Thanks a lot for this interesting update. For the old game I would readily give a rating of 9 - never heard about this new game, though. For ratings I'd recommend looking it up on sites like gamespot.com

  9. Hmm downtime with your website? That's either a really rare case or people just report it directly to support instead of asking in the forum. Based on all these downtime reports, I'm strongly feeling that my earlier doubt about the bad weather in Mumbai influencing the servers may be true (although in reality I don't think the rains are that bad in Mumbai this year....)

  10. What??? I'm not a very gaming person, so the sentence "This question stupid, because all of them grew up playing 3d games..." doesn't really apply to me. I have played one and only one 3D game in my whole life, and that is Runescape, which I quickly got sick of because it was so boring because the only things that you could do is the kill goblins and to cook fish (catching fish is also required)... A


    And I was like, why waste my time when I could be doing something else more interesting and more productive? And this is why I am here today. The end... sorry, no games for me...

    hmm no offense but why reply by saying that you don't play games? :lol: If you come into a forum about gaming and say a thing like that it doesn't make a lot of sense...


    anyway, to those "blessed" kind who think gaming is unhealthy, good luck on spending your free time, coz you're seriously missing something the zing that gaming provides!

  11. People say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day...but they didn't say it should be the only meal :lol: It sure is unhealthy to eat a lot but too little is a bad thing as well. Two meals a day isn't such a bad idea if you have a good amount of food at both times, otherwise three meals with a small quantity could do too. But it's important to keep the good ol' stomach happy :P

  12. At first look they looks childish, but once you get hooked, they're hard to let go! I'm talking about Japanese Anime, popular all over the world. They're of many types and forms but the common thing in them is that they're awesome :lol: Ok maybe that's too much, but most of them are! :P Does anyone here watch Anime on a regular basis? If I'm not wrong, they're being imported by each country by the dozen! Not all of them are good, but the selct few are too good to miss. I get a lot of shows here, (all dubbed into the regional languages) and maybe 90% of them are crap - the rest of them are worth the watch. To name some favourites would be a tough job but I'd say Dragonball (all series) is sure to come up on most people's list! I recently got one of the "Dragon Boxes" which contain 1000 minutes of episodes with the original Japanese audio and voice dub and it's one helluva show! Any suggestions from our esteemed members for more???

  13. Hmm this is the second thread today in which I'm talking about back-up, but it seems like an important question to me - do you backup the mail you get? These days scams are increasing day-by-day and you never know what is going to happen with your account tomorrow. Of course if you're a pro user who takes care of all security features then you have nothing to fear, but most people aren't aware that email inboxes can be broken into and personal information confiscated. A weak password is the easiet way to gain access into someone's inbox. There are other factors too using which one can gain entry. And in most of the cases, we wish to take action only after the damage has been done! That's why it's important to keep a backup of all the mail, contacts, etc in order to avoid any damage in future. So, do any of you do anything like this?

  14. Alright I think I've made up my mind - I'll go in for IPB, no matter how long it takes to get the $$$ for it. Running my forum with SMF somehow doesn't feel right and I might have the same feeling even if I had 10000 members on it :lol: So I've decided to wait till I'm able to get IPB and till then I'm closing my forums. Thanks for your suggestions.A closing doubt - is IPB planning any major upgrade any soon? Will the 3.x.x. series run for a while or is series 4 expected any soon?

  15. well there's no real term as 'backup browser' I just used it and since you got the meaning that's fine :lol: Having four backup browsers can be a lot and I don't think there's a real need for that many number of browsers. Two, in my opinion, would be just fine as one could cancel out the others cons...

  16. The Simpleton... if you really want me to, I can create some threads on some burning questions that I've had for some time, but that wouldn't contribute to anything in the Xisto community (like my other threads) because I am only merely asking questions and giving opportunities for other members to reply to them and help me.


    And they'll either be similar but not the same as the blogging thread and something completely different. What do you think???

    All I can say to that is - this forum is [/i[ called Open Discussion so you're free to discuss whatever you like with the members. But for that sake be sure not to create threads that are meaningful to others and you as well. If you're creating a thread just to attract a whole lot of replies, well there's no real harm but there's no real meaning in that...hope you're getting my point. The trouble is, it's been quite a while without interesting threads that I've forgot the meaning of what interesting means! :lol:

  17. I've noticed that these downtime problems have been frequent only in the past one month or so. Before that there weren't any frequent disruptions in service. The Xisto - Support site was up 99% of the time and only on rare cases like today did it have any problems. The last time we had a "License Validation" problem, the site returned in ten hours if I'm not wrong (maybe I noticed the problem very late) - but just be a bit patient - it's worth it!

  18. I actually prefer the default Invision Power Board themes. They are quick, fast and secure.I was actually a member of T17 in those days. God knows where my account has gone must of been lost in time and space tongue.gif

    The new IPB V3 default theme is pretty good actually. We're currently using V2, right? The new version has improved a lot on the visual front and yet looks professional enough. But if I'm not wrong it costs a lot to upgrade?

  19. Wow rob you sure have an impressive profile :( I agree that the temptation of hacking is really very addictive, It makes you do things that you never imagine that you would do. Then again, learning about everything related to hacking can prove useful in the future in ways unimaginable. I have a small suggestion for you rob - how about you try ethical hacking for linux? You have lot of experience in Windows and I know you're starting out in Linux, so how about it? :P

    This has very little to do with the original post doesn't it? I think that shut down commands useful, I wish I had known it a long time ago. I used to want to shut my computer off by itself if I fell asleep, now I just leave it on 24/7.

    Yup most of us have been talking about ethical hacking a lot in this thread and less about the original topic :lol: Anyway, auto-shutdown is useful for people who like to keep their sytems on for most of the day. They can trigger the command sometime before they retire to bed or go to college, etc and save a lot of power by shutting down! In my country it isn't uncommon to see people leaving their systems on 24/7 but the majority of us shut down our systems at night due to fear of the electricity bill!!!

  20. hmm I reallt don't feel Xisto is such a bad name - it's just...different, that's all. And I think it's going through a rough patch right now and there's nothing more to that. There sure are a less number of threads daily, but only time will tell whether this situation is gonna change or not. A lot of things keep running in the background so we can't really predict what will happen at what moment. Just wait and see..... :lol:

  21. Speaking of unethical purposes... we were actually thinking about springing this one on our IT guy (who's not that smart to begin with) just to see his reaction. Only modifications we did to what TS wrote in his tutorial is that we used an Internet Explorer Icon, set the countdown to 10 seconds, and put up some official-looking malware message. Didn't include another shortcut to disable the countdown... it would literally be a race to hit Windows+R and type in "shutdown -a" to abort it, but then again, 10 seconds is a long time so not much of a race there. wink.gif

    So yeah... like TS said, ethical use only! rolleyes.gif biggrin.gif

    lol yeah a lot of people try to do that as a prank and in most cases it's harmless. It's okay to pull the leg of someone you know just for the fun of it, but when that "fun" moves on to unknown territories that's when the danger begins.....

    Nice one... so, do you learn how to hack, The Simpleton? (and rayzoredge, of course)...
    I know a guy that's a few years younger that me, and he's not even in his teens or close to it that can hack his school's system files... Freaky huh? Of course, he would do it for ethical purposes *ahem* and do nothing about it *cough cough*...

    I think. I don't know why he would do something like that though. If I could, then I would totally redesign my school homepage because it's just so crap and looks like a really bad job stuck together. And it WOULD be for ethical purposes... after all, you don't find a site's main page completely redesigned with a better looking image for FREE, do you?

    And I won't touch anything else, I promised.

    (In reality though, I would probably wreck to whole site with my nooby programming skills of zero and shut the whole system down... depends on how you define ethical, right?

    Its the thought that counts....)

    No, I haven't yet reached the level to be called a 'hacker/cracker' yet but I do keep an eye out for things like these. In my opinion, it isn't hard at all to learn top-notch (un)ethical hacking - all you need is time and patience, which most people don't have. If you follow the life of the most well-known hackers, you'll notice that they spent a lot of time on their computers, leaving out social life and studies and so on. But most people can't afford to do this as they're busy with a lot of other things. That's why the most successful hackers have the most boring social life :lol:
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