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The Simpleton

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Posts posted by The Simpleton

  1. If you ask me, its not a good idea to buy such phones. Their features are good and they are perfect for showing off, but if bad luck strikes and you lose it or something similar happens, the feeling will be very bad. That's why I use a phone which is low on features. So even if Iose it or it gets destroyed, the loss won't be much and I won't feel so sad.Anyway it's interesting to know that technology is improving day-by-day. But this is definitely not a phone for everyone, coz most people won't even know how to make the best use of such features!

  2. Members belonging to the present generation would probably find this question stupid, because all of them grew up playing 3d games. But there are a lot of us who were initiated to the gaming world with only 2d games such as pacman, contra, super mario, prince of persia (the original 2d game!) etc. These were the first games I ever played and was instantly bitten by the gaming bug. Today after getting used to playing 3d games, when I try playing those old games, I wonder how I used to enjoy those at all! They're still fun to play now, but somehow they feel a it boring compared to all the hi-tech games we get today.I began to wonder how I lost my love for the good old games....the answer was simple - the first 3d game that I ever played influenced me so deeply that I forgot all about the golden age ;) Sadly, I never remember even today what that first 3d game was. It was an FPS and the nearest thing that I can think of is quake 2, but I'm not sure. Do any of you remember the first 3d game you played in your life? Let it be good or bad I'm sure it must have enthralled you at least a little bit! If you remember do share your experience here so that I can try some of those games as well.

  3. I feel GTA3 is the best one of them all. Okay not so great on the graphics front and all but it was exhilarating to play in the 3D environment for the first time. After GTA2 everyone was waiting for a good sequel and GTA3 delivered! That's why it is my favourite of all the games in the series so far. The other ones are good as well, but they failed to hold my interest after a while - maybe that's because they were way too long!

  4. Yes, I agree with that too... I don't think that any normal person will be able to earn a lot of money from that at all and you would be better off creating your own Warez site, if you can do it without getting caught by copyright and piracy official lurking around the web trying to find your identity to arrest you for copyright infringements...
    I don't really know if there are other ways to make money online though, without using a lot of your time, making "passive" money for profit. Does anyone have any other ideas in ways to make and earn more money online without actually having to waste a lot of your time like those PTC (paid to click) sites???

    I am currently finding way to do it... But most sites that actually offer some very good things and all that for basically no work only allow citizens from the United States, Canada and the United Kingdoms (Britain), so people from other international countries worldwide don't have a chance of earning all this money at all...

    And that's not good, because I am neither a citizen of the US, Canada or UK...
    But I really need the money to keep up my hosting, and I don't think that I can post like, everyday just to keep up my hosting...

    Plus, people will get sick of seeing my name on this site after all while too... with all my questions and everything...
    AND... well, it's just not that good... I mean, how are you meant to work on your site if you get carried away posting like I do?

    Then I will have my hosting and all that, maybe even a domain name.... but I won't have time to actually work on my actual site(s)!!!

    Please help...

    Actually you have an answer in your question - you want to spend time working on your website, right? Then why not make it so good that people will appreciate it and would want to support you by donating! Confused? A lot of freeware websites put a "donate" button on their sites so that people who feel that the developers need to be supported will give whatever amount they want. So if your website offers something good to the visitors, they might be wanting to give something back . For this to succeed, it will take some time, but it is worth a try.

    Another, often-tried way is to make your website awesome and also keep some ads on it. These days everyone knows that clicking on ads generates money so visitors might click on ads to support your site ;) This one is worth trying as well...

  5. Hey Rob! Ubuntu supports a large variety of devices, including modems and I'm sure yours is supported automatically as well. I didn't install any drivers for my installation of Ubuntu, and it automatically recognized my modem. If you're planning to install Ubuntu, make sure you go for the latest 9.04 version, or better still, wait for another month because version 9.10 will come out soon.Configuring your connection is a tricky process because if I'm not wrong, it's different in different places. Try googling "connecting to <ISP> in ubuntu" and you should find the procedure for connecting. (Insert your ISP name - for ex. i would search for "connecting to bsnl in ubuntu") make sure your modem is switched on when following the procedure. Do tell us if you find it ;)

  6. There's a category of people who cash in on things like this - the warez elite! They upload movies, music, games and what not and post the links in warez sites which are visited by millions of people every day. According to the article, 1000 downloads will get you between $2-10. Any movie, a blockbuster or a dud, is downloaded at least 10000-50000 times on the internet! And movies can range anywhere between 0.3-8GB. Do some math and you'll know that these pirates earn thousands of dollars every month with this trade! Regular folk have very little chance of making any such money because they have no such thing that a lot of people will download...

  7. Wow, it is a good way to promote Linux.Even I would not install a Linux dist which is full of games. laugh.gif

    I think a lot of people will agree with you on this point - they will simple use the Live DVD whenever they want to play something and pop out the DVD after they're done. Wasting hard disk space for the sake of these heavy games isn't a good option, and anyway, since there's no installation or anything like that it's more convenient to just use the live DVD at convenience.

  8. No offense, but it's funny to read some of your replies - it's easy to write that "I can surely, definitely do it!" but it's another thing to implement it in real life. Our mind always tries to convince us that we can do something easily - of course that's a good thing but in cases like these we shouldn't trust ourselves too much ;) I think the only way to find out would be to really put away the phone for a day and then observe our own behaviour!

  9. I think some of you might have heard about this one - it's a linux distribution based on Arch Linux, and it is primarily built for gaming! It boasts of having a collection of the best games available in linux - don't know how much of that is true! Anyway, it is called linuX-gamers and from the looks of their site, it looks interesting.


    They have six versions of the distribution - two each for CDs, DVDs and USBs - ranging from 700MB to 5GB. So the bigger the distribution, the better the games - that's the concept! Here's a list of games in their site - I've never tried any of them so don't know how they are:




































    The ones which are in bold are only available in the bigger distros. I can't wait to try this one out. I'm a subscriber to the computing magazine CHIP and they're giving an ISO image of this distro next month so I'm looking forward to getting it. Does anyone of you have this already?

  10. Google adsense is helpful only to those sites which have a really large amount of traffic and where the visitors aren't really bothered by the amount of ads placed there. But for the majority of the folk, adsense doesn't really give much, because each click gives very little and since most sites get less traffic, and very less people will click on the ads, only google is the profit-earner in this whole process, because they pocket a large share of each ad's revenue.my adsense account was rejected after i made a mistake, but I'm glad that I don' t have the account anymore. Now-a-days people are becoming smarter- wherever they see a ad they realise that if they click it they will be generating revenue for the site owner. So if they like the site and feel that the owner deserves it, they will click the ads, but most people feel that the owner doesn't deserve anything so they just leave! So this process isn't very encouraging.Most "success" stories of adsense will tell you that it takes patience to earn from the service, but that's exactly what today's generation doesn't have - patience! That's why the stories are less in number.

  11. Getting selected for google adsense is very easy for some and very tough for the others. But most people I've met got approved easily and most of them didnt even have their own sites - they were just applying for using adsense on their blogs. I applied for adsense when it was launched, and even got approved. But I was foolish enough to click on my own ads so I lost the account ;) well at that time I was just too eager to try out the system hence the hasty action.I personally think that when you apply using a blogspot website (the google blog service) you have more chances of getting approved, because that's google's own site and they will be happy to place more and more ads on their sites to earn money. once you get approved for a blog, then you can use your account for any number of sites, isn't it? But just be careful not to make the same mistake as me - never click on your own ads, not even on one of them! Google has some proprietary tracking system which even the most efficient IP masker cant fool. so just be careful after you're selected and you can enjoy your account to the max!

  12. No, and in fact, I think you earn less. When I moved up in rank/posts I thought I earned less, but it is slightly less. With the old v2 credit system, the more posts you have, the harder it was to earn credits.

    hmm that's interesting - that means our top posters earn lesser than us per post. Well that does make sense but doesn't make lot of difference. It's not as if you're earning something like $0.01 per post! ;) whatever we're getting now is only fair and I don't have anything to say against it.

    Yeah I think you are totally right. I don´t know how the MyCents script works if my memory doesn´t fail the most I have earned with a post are $0.75 with a legnthy post. I don´t understand how some guys say they have earned until $10 with a single post. I think the downtime in the server cause the fail in the MyCents system when all the people post some topics.
    I think there are some things that are not rigth with the MyCents system because the Mycents that we earn must not be proportionally to the length of the post. I try to make good quality post always but I don´t earn $3 a post; sometimes I only make $0.15-0.35 a post regularly. I have made a lot of length post and I dont earn $3 a post I think that this is only a lie from these forum members.

    $10 may seem to be a lie but amounts like $3, $5 are indeed possible in the initial stages and there's no saying that it's impossible after getting a certain number of posts. anyway, as I said before, it's best to stop worrying for the cents after a while. That's just my 2 myCENTS :P

  13. Ha ha that's an ambitious plan Nameless_ but do you think it's easy to implement? :P

    Having a warning does not stop you earning myCENTs, but it does stop them being transferred to your billing account. Your myCENTs will continue to accumulate, but won't get transferred until your warning is removed.

    wow i didn't know that - I was lucky because by the time I recovered from the negative zone, my warning was removed ;) I guess that's a good thing to do anyway - it'll keep members from copying content from other sources.

  14. Hey rob there's a simple solution to your case - it's very simple to do and you won't lose any data.Here's how it's done:


    1. Log into XP and empty a drive of your choice (i.e. move all the data of that drive to another drive). Make sure that the drive you choose is of adequate size for installing Ubuntu (30-50GB wouldn't be a bad idea)


    2. After you're sure that the drive is empty, use the run command (Start--->Run) and in the box type the command 'diskmgmt.msc' and press enter.


    this command brings up the partitioner where you can see all the drives installed on your system and any free space that is left.


    3.Now select the drive that you just emptied, right-click on it and choose 'delete'. Yes, just delete that drive (or rather, partition). Now you should see some "free space" in the list. Close the window and restart the system.


    3. Insert the Ubuntu CD into your CD drive and restart your computer.

    4. If XP comes up again when you reboot, you need to change your BIOS to boot from the CD first. If this happens, let us know and we'll tell you how to change it.

    4. follow the above steps - boot from the Ubuntu CD.


    5. In the menu that comes up, select "Install Ubuntu"


    6. When that finishes, choose the option to install Ubuntu.

    7. The Ubuntu desktop should appear, with an icon to install Ubuntu. Double-click that.

    @rvalkass and rob: I used the Ubuntu CD to install on many systems and if I'm not wrong, the Ubuntu desktop appears only if you select the first option in the menu, i.e. "Try ubuntu without any change" or something like that. But it's a time-taking process, so selecting the second option, "Install Ubuntu" is much more convenient.


    6. So, after selecting the second option, wait till a window appears - from here there are 2-3 simple steps such as language selection and time zone. Just fill up those.


    7. Then the part comes where you're asked how you want to install Ubuntu. You should see an option called "Manual" (In all the Ubuntu CDs I've used, this option was present so if you get anything different better cancel the setup and report here) Select the "Manual" option.


    8. In the next step, you should see a list of the partitions on your system. Notice that there aren't any letters like C,D,E,F that Windows uses. But don't get confused because you should see the "free space" that we created earlier. It may be called "free space" or "unpartitioned space" I dont remember exactly but you should be able to sort it out. Select that and click "forward" - and that's it the setup should go on smoothly without any other problem.

    Note I used this procedure to install Ubuntu using the 9.04 version CD and I did it over 5 times on various systems so I'm sure it'll work. However with older versions there may be a slight variation. If you're using an older version of Ubuntu, better google the installation procedure for that version. FOr 9.04, the one I've given should work perfectly ;) Do ask if there's any problem!

  15. You may have got a warning for copying content but that won't stop you from getting myCENTs. Just wait for the counter to be updated - it will crawl from the negative side towards zero and then everything will go as usual. Just be patient that's all is needed ;) and just be careful next time while taking content from other sources. As for the warning, it will get removed soon based upon your posting behaviour now on...

  16. I really have no idea what those things are, but I'm giving a site to a friend and he said he needs support for Java servelets and TOMCAT in his website. oh and he also mentioned the oracle database. I know MySQL is supported but what about oracle? if these three things are supported in the Logic plan ($1.95) then I can give the site to my friend otherwise he wants to try somewhere else ;)

  17. On the forum perspective, however, there are just too many people continually posting with what I consider in my harsh opinion garbage. I hate spam, I hate wasting my time with reading useless posts, and as unfair as it is to people with English as a secondary language, it sucks when I have to sift through their posts and even ignore some of them because they have no intellectual value whatsoever. Most likely, this works in conjunction with spamming... the same "offenders" do it over and over again, but with varying cultures, varying levels of language proficiency, and various outlooks on what a forum is, I can't exactly point fingers and say that they're doing it wrong. Yes, I have the option and the freedom of ignoring these posts, and fortunately there are enough topics to keep my interest on Xisto, but it irks me when I make up a topic and then someone chimes in with "Hi im joesnuffy134 and i understand your problem thanks." Maybe they meant well and were trying to sympathize, or finding a thread to skim and add a few words to increase their post count, or just spamming to see how many credits they can score. I have no idea. I don't mean to pick on anyone about it, but it's one of those problems with forums that you'll get anywhere, but moreso here with the incentive to post AND spam because no one reads the rules. They're too busy being excited over earning free hosting credits until someone slaps them on the hand, then they either clean up their act or leave us with crap and an inactive account... or they can't help it because they just don't understand the concept.


    On a more positive note, I have found some cool people here that I enjoy chatting with or reading their topics. I won't name them, but I'm sure anyone can figure out who actually puts thought into their posts and who just mindlessly post. That's what I like. But then again, that's completely subjective.

    Yes there are lots of members like that (who knows I may be one of them ;)) who post without any meaning and it is indeed a bit hard to read such kind of posts. But for all we know they could just be people with a bit weak English and thus aren't able to put their thoughts in properly. Then there are others who spam on purpose but still manage to get away without any warning. You get to meet all kinds of people on this forum and that's one of the things that draws me closer.


    Spamming is a problem that is faced by every forum on the internet but I think Xisto has a strange type of spamming and that arises due to the involvement of myCENTs. The desire to earn more and more with each post makes them post things that they don't intend to write! Anyway it's bound to happen with such a lucrative system so we'll have to live with it that's all!



    Of course, with my personal life getting more concentration then ever I have an even harder time to post about stuff, but overall I try to come over and say hi to those who know me and stuff. The interesting part is in the last year or so I been talking to various people about what would happen to this site if the hosting element was taken out, granted the money generated from the ads would pay for the space on Xisto I know that much.


    For those who here in 2007 really saw me explode as I was posting everywhere and everything and I told many that I want to hit 10,000 posts on Xisto and then retire laugh.gif. So I guess I still have unfinished work here on Xisto and so I would hope it will be here for a bit longer to complete such goals.

    wow 10,000 is a very ambitious target and you really aren't very far from it :P You certainly seem to be the most active member here although I think for the past few days there's been a slight decline? Anyway, thanks to members like you the forums will remain active, although I don't know how many people would approve that velocity of posting!

  18. I have this strange doubt and have asked Paypal about it, though I haven't received an answer yet. So I decided to ask you guys here - I'm sure a lot of you use Paypal regularly and withdraw to your bank accounts now and then. Paypal recently introduced the withdrawal to bank facility for Indian users, and there are quite a few people making use of this facility. I'm expecting some money soon and am eager to get started. But there's one small problem - my bank account doesn't have online banking facility. Is it necessary to withdraw funds into my account? I'd prefer not to get the online baning because I don't trust it completely, so please let me know if I can withdraw without the online facility. It would be really convenient that way.

  19. Most of the PTC and similar sites are scams and everyone knows that. There's a common feature in these sites and that is the referral system. The more people you refer the more you earn - that's the concept. But the overall result is bad. But there are some less-known sites that use this referral system and yet give out the gifts promised. I was once a member of a site which didnt have many members, but it promised to give $20 through paypal and the task was to click on an ad and make 5 people to do that. I didnt believe it at that time but since it wasn't such a big task I did it, and was surprised when I got the money within 2 days! I'm not mentioning the name of the site because it's closed now - possibly due to lack of members. But due to sites like these there is a hope that money can be earned without selling anything onthe net! Since then I've kept an eye open for any sites like this, which depend only on referrals and no endless clicking of ads. do any of you know of such sites? "just referfriends and leave it at that" that's the concept!

  20. I'm a linux fan too but I'm not very impressed with the range of games offered on Linux. They're good but not enough to quench my thirst for quality gaming ;) that's why I use Windows along with Linux in order to play the latest games.But I also use Wine with Linux and it runs some of my favourite games such as Unreal Tournament without any bother. So the experience isn't all that bad under Linux. It just needs to improve, that's all.

  21. Can anyone make one more thing clear that after selling my domain will I get myCENTs or real money?

    You're selling the domain to someone else so they have to pay for it with real money - even if the person to whom you're selling it is a member of Xisto, he can't pay you in myCENTS because they aren't transferable. Even Xisto - Support won't transfer myCENTs. So you make the deal normally with paper money and then it's up to the buyer whether he wants to support the domain using myCENTs or going to another registrar altogether.

  22. HI there Alex!

    Wow Hong Kong is a very interesting country - it's one of my dream holiday spots ;) So you made it to Xisto - congrats! Now all you have to do is to make some good posts which are also meaningful at the same time, and you'll be awarded virtual money for the effort. You can exchange this virtual money for buying domains/hosting which are really awesome packages.

    You'll find a lot of friendly members down the forum so I'm sure you'll have no problem fitting in. Should you have any query you can open a thread in the relevant section and someone will get to it soon. This document should help you get started. so see you around soon :P

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