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The Simpleton

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Posts posted by The Simpleton

  1. That happened to me too... on the first day... but now it works fine on the second day... try logging in again and see how everything goes. If it still doesn't work I'll send an invite to you. Invites can only work once, so that why I'm saying this. When it didn't work for me, I tried signing up again, but it didn't work because I had that turned up was a blank page.
    So I'm thinking that I only works once. If it really doesn't work for you I'll send you an invitation and we'll see how things go. (I'll need your email for that though...). I'm sure things will be fine because after asking around, everyone said everything was fine and then when I logged on, or tried to, it worked!!!

    So yeah. smile.gif

    And by the way, Lockerz is meant to be international, so it has nothing to do with you or where you live... Just a side note. Make sure that you have Java too... I think it operates on that... but yeah... good luck!!!

    well I tried for a week after registering but it was of no use - the same blank screen appeared all the time. That's why I gave up - I tried a lot but the game never appeared. I tried it in Ubuntu and Windows 7 and in 3 different browsers - it doesn't work at all! Well it must just be my computer. Anyway it sounds interesting. I'll send you a PM about it - I think I have an idea...

  2. This is a question that most people think about in their lives,and although some have found the answer, most people are still struggling to find the true answer.


    "Do you want a lot of money in your live, or a lot of happiness?"


    There's no need to say that with a lot of money comes a lot of worry. The mind is constantly filled with anxiety about what will happen to the money - what happens if it's stolen? What is the best way to spend it? Is there a way to multiply it? These and such other questions take away the happiness from the mind. The richest people in the world are those who are constantly at battle with their mind. They do enjoy a lot of luxuries but along with that they do not get any peace of mind.


    Then there are people who are happy with whatever they have. They do not crave for a lot of money, and earn just enough to live peacefully. These are the people who are really the luckiest people in the world. They do have a lot of problems but they're at peace with their mind. This is something that no amount of money can bring.


    So which one do you choose? As for me I still haven't figured out the answer for myself. I want a piece of both but know that's nearly impossible. I'll be waiting for your replies.....

  3. that's a good plan of your Nameless_ but I've had a bad experience with lockerz so far. I got an invite one month ago but after signing in all I get is a blank page, instead of the 'catching game' that is supposed to appear! well I guess it has something to do with my browser. But I never tried it after that. I'll wait and see if the others can get it and then I'll apply again.

  4. That explains everything! I tried getting into t17 through google and was surprised to see a completely different version of the site! ;) Now I understand how this guest has managed to get so many posts. I made one myself - it will be coming soon if approved :P Just another doubt though - some mod/admin might be controlling this member, right? Because the avatar must have been inserted by a human - it couldn't have just appeared automatically...

  5. First off, let me tell you that although I watch some of the F1 races, I'm not much into them and don't know the exact working of the sport. I've been following the results of the races for the past three seasons, and I somehow feel that this is not a sport for drivers with talent - it's for drivers who're lucky to get into the right car!Of course it takes talent to drive an F1 car and it's a very difficult job. But why is it that only a handful of drivers win everytime? Why is it that there are only two-three teams that vie for the constructors championship each year? F1 races aren't really on an equal footing for everyone. If the driver is lucky enough to get into a rich team like Ferrari or McLaren, he has a good chance to win some races, even though he may not be the best driver on the circuit. On the other hand, even if the person is the most talented driver but doesn't get into a hi-tech team, he always ends up in the bottom ranks. This is a trend that has been seen for a long time.For example take the case of Giancarlo Fisichella. He hasn't won a lot of times but he's a good driver and has got some impressive results in the past. He got a good car with Renault and his results were good too. But as soon as he moved to the newer team Force India, he began gettting results liek 15th, 17th, etc. Why? Because Force India doesn't have a car good enough to compete with the top teams. During the entire last season, Giancarlo Fisichella couldn't get a single point if I'm not wrong. This goes to show how unrealisitc F1 can be - the better your car, the better your result. Nothing depends on your own talent! (Note: In the latest race, which ended an hour before the starting of this thread, Fisichella got 2nd place, but that was just because the top players were unlucky to get to the bottom...)On another note, how interesting is F1? The cars are good and the feeling is great, but can you bear to watch such long races? The result of most races is known during the qualifying itself, because the top 3 people starting on the grid are most likely to retain their places at the end of the race. There's hardly anything fun to watch! No, I'm not asking for car crashes every ten minutes, I want to see real racing - neck-to-neck contests and such. All we get today is a boring scene with the top 5 blazing away from rest of the crowd, and huge gaps between cars. It's like watching the testing of the cars ;)I really don't know why I won't just stop watching F1 and stop thinking about all this. I guess there's something in the sport that keeps me hooked. But it's not enough to generate much excitement and pleaseure in watching. I don't know how the old F1 races were some years back but today's races are just plain boring.

  6. Sad to hear that you didn't get through the installation. That's the risk with downloading such large files from the net. I would suggest that you request for a cd from shipit.ubuntu.com - if you request a single cd it usually comes soon and it's clean. you can save a lot of time this way. if you think you can't wait then try borrowing a cd from someone and even if that doesn't work then the only way is to download another copy ;)

  7. I will buy an copy of Windows 7, especially there is a amazing price of Student Select version of Windows 7 Ultimate in Hong Kong. tongue.gif

    those special editions have some restrictions placed on them if I'm not wrong?It will be active only so long as you're a student. Once you've finished your studies they'll disable it.
    Another project of MS called 'Bizspark' offers free premium MSDN membership to upcoming business ventures. To keep it alive, they have to show results through their business. If they quit, they have to cough up $100! These sort of restrictions can be imagined only by Microsoft and that's why I don't like them...

  8. wow you opened up an old one! anyway if this is the first order you're placing with xisto, then it'll definitely take some time to get processed, coz they need to check your profile over here and so on. My first domain+hosting package took 2 days to get activated, but just today I ordered a domain and it was registered within 45 minutes! So the first one just needs some time and after that everything will be smooth and fast.

  9. In the beginning everything seems so exciting that you want to get on all the forums at once, post a ton and get heaps of myCENTS! ;) That's the feeling most new members of Xisto get when they join the forums. They read a lot, post a lot, and without realizing it, they end up spending lots of valuable time posting here, all for the sake of myCENTS. I was like that when I joined too, and I don't see a dearth of similar members here!


    Now I've reduced the time I spend here considerably. From 2-3 hours per day I've come down to 10-30 minutes per day on weekdays and maybe an hour on holidays. That's still a lot of time and it's still disrupting my schedule. But somehow I can't seem to get enough of the addiction :P I've already collected enough CENTs to keep my domains alive for another year, but I don't know why I'm still posting like mad here.


    So my question is, do any of you have similar stories to share? Do you too spend a lot of time posting over here? I'm sure there might be quite a handful!

  10. But if you are serious about earning some money, wouldn't it be better to make a site like this yourself??? (And make it legitimate and actually pay your memebers, of course... no one wants to join a scam site...). I'm still searching for ways to make money online... I might start a blog about it and start making my money on from there.... I'll have to make a new thread for that though... don't want to get off topic... I'll make one when I actually have the time to do it.
    Meanwhile, I'll just continue posting on Xisto and earn some US dollars that can only be used for web hosting... not that I mind!!! I just love Xisto just too much!!!

    well making a site like that isn't easy and requires good programming skills and there's also the need to negotiate with advertisers - something that will take time to learn! ;)

    I was just browsing randomly and I found a site that works on the same system I mentioned! It doesn't pay out in money, though. It gives out premium accounts to some sites like rapidshare, megaupload, etc. check out this thread if you're interested.

    I was just browsing through

  11. And heck!!! It's a million times easier to move websites and go to another one than move countries!!! No fees not whatsoever... so staff should be chosen carefully so a "black mark", as you call it will not be branded on this site. People talk about sites in their own different forums too... so if your sites get popular, you would want a positive comment(s) on your site and how organized it is, not negative comments and how bad it is, do you???
    Word spreads fast on the internet... it only requires a click to get it up on the world wide web and nothing can be done about it...

    yes that's a good point. many people quit forums whenever they're bored and just move on to some other place. mods are required to be loyal and trustworthy so they need to be chosen with utmost care. Anyway I think we're diverting from the original topic - the admin has heard our call and has responded accordingly so I think it's best if we leave it here ;)

  12. If there is any spare pen drive, we can also make that as a mobile linux gaming station, because many pen drive is faster than DVD drive.

    yeah that's a good idea. But do you think most people will have a "spare" pen drive? They are the most used portable storage devices and I highly doubt if anyone would be willing to sacrifice the utility of it for the sake of games. A DVD on the other hand, can be burnt and kept handy whenever needed.

  13. Sorry, I have to say that I actually agree with The Simpleton though... I really don't like this site's design template and I think that lots of work can go into it. For one, it doesn't really look that good and attractive for new members... I sometimes wonder why I joined this forum in the first place. If it wasn't for the members or anything I really wouldn't have bothered.
    Also, as a hosting site, I think that Xisto's main page looks very bad too... I thought that hosting sites were meant to have a good looking main page? It's meant to host sites, remember, and the main page looks like it's designed by a not-professional person, no offence to Xisto or anything (just giving out my opinion). If Xisto realy wants to have actual customers badly, I suggest them to really change their outlook of Xisto...

    And I really don't think that pleading out to it's members for a template design will really help at all because most of us aren't that good a scripting and people that are will have better things to do anyway... just my point of view.

    I agree with The Simpleton in creating a new website design for Xisto. While it may be historical and stuff like that and the administrators and /or moderators might think fondly of this design, I think that it will do better with a more attractive layout that looks more modern and more pro that it is now... ...

    I visited the Xisto.com page two months ago but I didn't observe it that much. Now I visited it and it seems to be outdated, with mention of hosting credits, even though we are using the myCENT system now.

    But one thing we need to remember before complaining about these things is that the Xisto staff have a very challenging job that needs to be done without errors. They have a lot of jobs pending and thus things like these just sit on the waiting list for a long time. So it's not right to blame them that much. We just have to be patient...

  14. Let's put aside the fact that mobile phones emit radiation and what not. Just think of it this way - using mobile phones on a constant basis disrupts your social life and it becomes an addiction to talk for a long time daily or send a hundred or so messages daily. So if you see it from this angle, using them is really a dangerous activity. Your mind gets disrupted at all times and your head keeps buzzing if you talk too long.


    Coming back to the radiation part, there is strong evidence to show that mobile phones are dangerous from this angle as well ;) but still, we can't live a long time without them. So let's just live a shorter life with them :P

  15. Yes... there ARE legitimate sites that actually (argh!!! I can get rid of this word!!!) give out points and cash and whatever that they promise for.... though most of them are just scams to help them make money. The one that you were talking about would sound like a scam, because of the high pay rate, but it's not. That's very rare, I must say. But might I also add that sites like this won't exactly last long, because they usually mean that the advertiser has to pay a lot, and advertisers won't like that and would prefer to find another site that will require less money to advertise for them. So that is why people earn so little, like 0.0000001 cents per click because the site has to pay for the hosting, the domain name AND have a profit from the two dollars that they gain from the advertisers each for around a thousand clicks... And that is why they give so little out.


    If what you say is true, then the site must either be very stupid and is running their company at a loss or that they charge their advertisers for a very high price (which of course, scares their advertisers and customers away) - which means less ads... less money coming in... less members... less traffic of the PTC (paid to click) site... and in the end, the shutting down of the company...


    I don't know sites like this, though I know bonuses and all that from referring your friends and maybe your not-friends but would like to register under you (rare)... So it's like this... you get paid like 0.01 cents per click of your own, and 0.025 cents per click from your referrals... but this often means that you have to click yourself too... because most of these sites only let you earn to money that your referrals make if you click all the ads yourself. So it's not technically "passive" income, if you know what I meant.


    However, you shouldn't be that down on the low pay out, because some people are know to make areound $10 per day from their refferals and some even more, maybe in their hundreds, though I doubt it... they might actually just be boasting and all that.


    But legitimate sites can also turn to scam, so if there is any solid proof that this is happening... STOP your clicking and run away from your site and don't waste your time seeing and clicking whether it's true or not!!!



    As I said in my first post, this site is dead now and the reason might be: losses! Anyway during all the time that I was on the site, I remember clicking only one ad, and that too during registration. After that all i had to do was to wait for more referrals. That was hard because there are not many places where you are allowed to post referral links but I still managed to do a good job of it. That site was the only legit site I found till today. Too bad that it got closed soon ;)

  16. Actually, that would be just for your own website, where people will use up your bandwidth for nothing...

    Someone has just introduced me to the world of blogging, and it might be useful to set up a traffic generator there, and you will NOT use up bandwidth, and your site will get quite populated, increasing the amounts of people going there and possibly clicking on one of your ads, letting you earn revenue...


    What do you think?


    (I know the chances aren't high... but still...)

    even if you have unmetered bandwidth, the chances of people coming in through these programs and clicking on your ads are very very low. They will just be waiting to finish their quota of time and leave the site. There might be people who are truly interested, but chances are still less. The best thing to do is not to visit these sites at all.

  17. Hi there Spyke!

    welcome to the Xisto forums :P it is indeed a huge repository of information relating to the internet. If you don't watch yourself you could get a huge addiction to this forums :P a lot of people here share your ambition and we are on a constant quest to find out the perfect way to earn money off the net. A few of them have succeeded but a lot have failed. Nonetheless, we never stop trying and hope to achieve success some day! ;)

    If you have any doubts regarding the forums, then I suggest that you read this document as it is very useful to newcomers.

    I think the easiest way to start a business is to make a website with good content and then put some ads on it. The visitors who like your content will most likely click on the ads thus generating revenue for you. Or you could sell something useful on your site. Or you could start some sort of a service. Well there are lot of options. There's a good place to discuss it in the forums. See you there!

  18. I haven't used this distribution, but I've played quite a few of the games. I don't really see the need for a specific distribution full of games when pretty much any distribution can install them from repositories, packages or even source code if you want. The convenience of a live CD or DVD is OK, but I don't think it will work too well for intensive games - loading the whole game from the DVD, along with the whole OS, into memory has got to slow things down.

    The only disadvantage of using a live CD/DVD is the long boot-up/shut down times. But after that small inconvenience, I think there won't be any more problem, will there? Ubuntu needs just 256MB of RAM and it won't use all of that at a given time. These days the minimum amount of RAM that most people seem to be having is 1GB. So I think there won't be a big problem for using this procedure. IT has more pros than cons, in my opinion.

  19. No offense, but I just wanted to know if there's something special about the member called iGuest. The member is second on the list of the top 20 posters of the forums. But the account seems to be shared by a lot of members, because in each post, there is a line which says "Reply by <name>" with a different name each time! Also in the list of threads, the display says, "Last post by iG-xxxxxx" with the member's name in it. I was just curious about this "member" so I decided to ask the community about it. Could someone clear my doubt please?

  20. I think every big forum gets a thread like this every two weeks or so ;) I'm talking about changing the theme of T17 forums. It's very decent but most members would also say it's dull :P I've seen many members suggesting that the theme should be changed but the topic got diverted due to larger, more important things. But I feel it's time that we started thinking about this seriously. I've been here for a short while (2 months) so I don't know whether or not this theme has been used from the beginning, but it definitely needs to be changed!


    Variety is the spice of life and everyone looks forward to seeing some change in everything they do, otherwise the job becomes boring after a while. Similarly, the theme may be indirectly influencing the mood of the members - they might not be motivated enough to post day-after-day seeing the same old theme. If there was a brighter theme then they may be encouraged to post more.


    Well that's just my own, useless opinion. If you feel that we need to get a new theme, then please vote in the poll. Thanks for that :P

  21. The founding members of the community are obviously the ones who can be trusted the most - that's why they're given such a big responsibility. As SM said a wrong move by the admin could give this business a black mark and that's a risk that no person would be willing to take. That's why it is best to choose carefully from the members who have been active right from the beginning. New members may be good, but they will most likely be considered only after being observed for a year or two.

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