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Posts posted by theillestmc12

  1. hi..well first off im using 3ds max7 and it is awesome..it is recommended but sometimes i wonder too if i should change software well if i do switch to maya..they dont have that much tutorials in the net that i can use to teach my self.i mean if i buy a dvd it costs a lot of money..o well if you are rich you can probably afford to buy the software and the training dvd's..anyway if i was you i would buy 3ds max because it is good for modeling and animating..only if you have a fast pc :( or a mac (recommended if you are going to do graphics and animation)..3ds max has a crap load of tutorials in the net that can help you get started man..and if you but their dvd's you're going to be a pro in like 10 mins maybe less..because it is really easy to follow..well google a little bit so you can read some more articles about 3ds max :(..well hope this convinced you lol...peacE!

  2. *spoilers*Yo wats up..well i like x and x2..but x2 was kinda stupid in a way because of chapter 5 where your mission is to watch scenes from the spheres and when i played the game i didnt know that there was a perfect ending lol..i was so mad when i saw the normal ending man i was like wtf? haha what happenend to the tidus story yuna u ***** hahahaha i was so mad at here because she tottally forgot about tidus and she just went on with her life hahah...but overall it was a great great awesome game..i mean lulu still had her big breast and yuna and rikku got smoking hot man hahahaa. i love the gunner and the warrior dressphere they were awesome :( which one did u like??P.S.o ya i still havnt seen the perfect ending i want to play the game again but ill do it later coz its really really long haha..well thx for making this thread peacE!

  3. omg mame rocks, if u download mame u can play the arcade game of street fighter totally free! i play the version where there is strider hiryu in it, he really owns


    hi wats up bro.well i quoted you because i have a question for you..your saying that you can download the old streetfighter game for free? thats sweet..lol...can u email me and give me the link...o ya u cant post links here.i dont want you to get in trouble or anything like that so ya can u just email me???i want to play it and see if its the old one i used to love...well is ryu there??ken??valrog??dalsihm?well they prolly are but i just want to make sure.well thx for the info brotha peace!

  4. i dont like the new streefighter games.. i still like the very very very old ones...the very beginning one...in gameboy lol when i was a kid i used to love that game man..we used to have tourneys and stuff and it was fun..i think they should remake a movie though,,coz the movie they made with van sucked.. i mean it wasnt bad..the effects was just horrible hahahaha not bad but horrible lol...i just love the Haduken power lol

  5. hi...wats up. well i just want to express my thoughts lol...well ya people likes to play 1.6 than source because some of them dont like the realityness lol..they said its too realistic..like i heard ur shotgun can get jammed or something...they added too much stuff on it that cs players are not used to and dont want to get used to it :(

  6. yo guys..wats up..admins here???well i think it would be a good idea to add a fanfilm forum here..so i can talk to people about my movies and stuff...and how to do special effects and all of those things...do u think they will consider making one of those forum???regarding softwares like.After effects,adobe audition,3dsmax,adobe premiere,photoshop..etc...well thx peace!~

  7. why do peeps always make fun of CS?? its my fav game...but it is funny how people are soo stupid that they get in the game too much hahahahaha....i saw a lot of spoofs and they are hilarious...i cant post some linkts if u guys want to see some hahahahahaomg hahah dude i just wwatched ur flash movie..and it was freaking funny..was that ur voice or somebody else????hahahaha..it was soo hilarious....neways do u still play cs???

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  8. *Spoilers* (read it if u understand the plot coz i have some questionsdude thats awesome...i didnt know what ocelot was there..do u have like a clip coz i want to see it..i dont want to replay the entire game to see just that scene eh..plzz...o ya technically ocelot is a bad buy now...if u know what i mean....correct me if im wrong though....neways do u guys have some more unseen thingy's like the ocelot deal???maybe i missed something.......O ok well were talkin metal gear here so im gonna ask some questions ok? plz answer them if u know the answer....In metal gear 2..was rose a AI?? this is wat i understand with that whole mess at the end...so rose is human right???i mean she turned Ai after colonel told you she was being kidnapped right???And secondly..she is a spy right???

  9. hahaha ya he was an idiot...did u beat the game????o ya i agree with u guys...the patriots stuff was kinda complicated..took me forever to figure it out...and the whole game is like a effin movie lol...too many fmv's but i like it overall..and mgs3 is awesome man..u guys should play it

  10. 3ds max is preety neat..its awesome and has tons of tutorials online..i mean if u buy a dvd tutorial you can be like a pro in seconds haha.its awesome..its for pro but you can understand it really easy..you just gotta know where everything is and after that you can manage to work on your project faster and easier

  11. have u played mgs3..dude the twist in that game was awesome...the was freakin crazy hahahaha...and i agree with ya on mgs1 it is good.the story was kinda sad well most of msg series are sad because somebody always dies...the one thing that got me the most is in msg2 when E.E. died you know otacon's sis...dude that scene with the bird made me cry...well not really haha

  12. ya the ps3 is basically going to be a pc..hahaha i wonder how much it will cost though..hahah hopefully im going to have some money when it comes out because its going to be awesome..all of the sequel games are going to be on it...MEtal gear solid 4 whoo and final fantasy 7 and hope fully they will make 8 in ps3 too that would be sweeeeet!

  13. it is good but its really hard to remove...coz it gets in ur system like really deep..i would try googling around because thats what i did but i had to re format my hard drive neways so ya that was the thing i used to get rid of it... just google around br..try different key words and you'll find one..or start in the their website in the support thing..i remember seeing a solution there because your not the only one who is having this problem..well this is gettin too long lol..peace!

  14. whats up guys..me name is Jude...im 16 and i make fan film movies...idk but when im bored i just talk to forums coz they are preety cool hahaha...we tried to make a forum party and it was awesome hahah we should do it here too we.. i dont know what else to say peace!!!o if u guys want to watch some of my films just ask me :(

  15. i dont know if they are going to make one..i mean people are suing them like crazy...parents are blaming Gta coz their kids are becoming violent lol...violent my butt..i mean we learn stuff in school too you know and tv's movies...its inevitable....but i hope they will make a new one..this time double disc dvd for ps3 so its much bigger!!!!yea HEYY!

  16. Hey everyone, I just thought I'd start a discussion on Final Fantasy X, one of the most beautiful in the entire series of FF games.  What do you think of it?  Do you like the characters?  Personally, I find all the characters well rounded and original, and love the game.  I haven't beaten it yet (though I'm pretty close) so NO SPOILERS unless you give a warning at the beginning of you post!  :(




    heck ya i like x and x-2 too...but you know i think they should make a new version of FF 8...thats a good game too man..i loved that game...

  17. Well I was wondering if anyone knew of great software for Mobile phones that will change your voice. LIke a voice masking thingy or you know what i'm talkinga bout. I have a nokia N-gage QD i have a lot of cool apps for it and I'm like a nut with cellphones but umm  i want a voice masker cause it'll just be fun lol does ahnyone know of any ???


    are u talking about the thing you use to change your voice???like to scare people away or something??? coz if ur talking about that..i think i saw one in radioshack :-D go check it out :(
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