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Posts posted by theillestmc12

  1. dude...if you just hid it..its still there...just right click and unhide selection....and bip01 is actually your pelvis and in case you didnt know that to animate your bidped you actually have to link that bipo1 to a controller...it is really important to know things about a biped so i suggest you look around and learn.because once you learn the basics..animation is going to be easy..real easy :P

  2. hi..whats up..i would recommend camstasia too..because it comes with everything you need man..it comes with a video editing software too i think...well when i had it it did....:)but if you want to get trailers and stuff.i think you can download them most of the times...just right-click then save as.. :P..if you still needs some help just tell me ok :-D

  3. dude i dont know that the deal is with people making movies about cs..they are always making fun of it...haha well not it.. the people playing it hahaaha us cs players are so short tempered..when somebody shoots us were like WTF where did that came from..hahaha holy isht you effinG hacker hahaha i have this good vid to show you guys if guys wanna...it hilarious..peace!

  4. sup guys..thx for replying.. well i love starcraft because you can freaking.mass like crazy hahaha...do you guys mass too??i mean if you play online now..they always do it..haha so i guess i have to do the same thing :-D thx again!

  5. wow that game is huge...freakin 12 gb?? i rather rip porn lol j/k ..well is it even good??i love plane simulators..but most of the time they are freaking haRD!! complicated like crazy..im gonna have to google around..so i can see how good this game you guys are talking about..peace

  6. ok..if your a noob...i know its gonna sucks because people are gonna make fun of you..well ignore them my friend and instead of typing stuff and shouting at them..just use them as shields...let them go first..baith their butts..then when you are pretty descent on aiming..start playing for real...if you need somebody to teach you how to play..just contact me and i can help ya :-D

  7. ya steam does sucks but i guess it works for them..but it really made me mad when they shut down 1.5 ooo i was about to kick some valvey' *bottom* lol hahaha.i was so mad man..i just bought a server then they shut it down...garrr ef!that!haha

  8. hi..ya his right..dont copy and paste because its illegal..well anyway back to your topic...see i played hl2 in my cusinz house and it was awesome man..i mean the guns are just excellent..the shotgun.whooo freaking powerful as heck..but ya know its still 54 dollars here so i dont want to buy it yet..o ya does it really come with cs source? or just some item comes with it but not all??peaCE!

  9. ey yo..wats up..wow i didnt know that they would have their own thread for counter strike..sweetttt...well anyways im looking for a clan with a 24/7 so i can try out...plzz if you have a clan and you guys are recruiting..just hook me up ok...pm me or reply here.im not gonna say im good because i know your now going to belive me :P just contact me and well see :P pACE!

  10. one billion dollars eh???ok first thing ima do is buy britneyspears,christina aguilera,lyndsey lohan..well basically buy every single hotchick in the world..whoo then you know ima do..im gonna serve them pancakes in my 20 million worth of house...with a lot of freaking pc's..well anyways back to the ladies..ooo ima treat them right lol....ok i should have not read this thread because i cant get the imagination out of my mind now.. lol thx man.haha well lots of cars too and got maids hahaha peace

  11. hey peeps..what is up..well just wondering if you guys liked starcraft????me? i still play it sometimes lol...i think it is pretty good and i think they should me a 2nd one whoo..that would be awesome :-D leave it peace!

  12. Well, I've been thinking, I'm good enough to get into a clan, but no one is recruiting, and the ones who are, expect too much of you. So I was wondering if anyone would be willing to start a clan with me.  My screenname is .::Shadow::.. We would be looking for a server that would be up 24/7/365.  If someone would wanna donate their computer to do so, that would be great(preferably the guy who starts the clan with me!)! I would pay for the domain, and start a site, although I wouldn't be able to get a layout, but I could find one and buy it. But whatever, who ever wants to, hit me up at killahg2@gmail.com.




    hi what is Cod?? well i was just wondering because im looking for a clan in Cz too..is Cod counterstrike mayBE??
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