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Posts posted by theillestmc12

  1. ya ..hi thanks for replying dude..well anyways..ya the game does cost a lot...the monthly thing was just too dumb..i mean poor people like me cant buy it and play it :rolleyes:..they should have talked it over first haha...i really wanted to play it though...i mean cant u play it offline???Do you reallly need to go online and play it??

  2. Final Fantasy 8.....wow...that was a really long long time ago.


    Anyway, I think Final Fantasy 7 is the best of all the series. I still remember playing it when I was young. It was a really cool game and it got me addiccted...or some reason. I found it fascinating and the story line was just cool. In my opinion, final fantasy 7 is better than final fantasy 8.


    Shackman remembers the time when he was a young young boy with short hair who feel in love with final fanstay...


    It was really a long long long time ago....




    hi wats up...well i didnt really like 7 but i guess its ok coz i dont have to offent people haha..i just didnt like its cartoonish look...well you guys are lucky coz you guys are going to have a sequel..poo..hahahai dont ...8 is gone forever..well prolly not..when i grow up..im going to make one..hahahahahopefully they will still have those 3d models!!! peaCE!

  3. The game sounds interesting. As you can tell, I don't have it, but I was thinking of getting it. I can still remember back when I had Microsoft Flight Simulator 95; it's funny to go back and see what graphics we used to have and how we thought that they were amazing.


    hi...ya i looked the game up and i thought it was awesome..its only like 25 dollars so i think ima get it..and i heard you can dl updates../packs upto 4 gig..like places planes w.e :rolleyes:...and ya i feel the same way too when i play old games..that i used to say awesome too..i feel bad hahaha.coz back then i thought they were awesome

  4. Starcraft 2 and Starcraft: Ghost are 2 completely different games. And i believe they are for different systems. I dont think starcraft: ghost is even for the pc. If you still think that Starcraft: ghost and Starcraft 2 is the same thing the visit this page.




    Near the bottom says:


    o ok..thanks for clearing that up..man i thought starcraft 2 is Ghost...any way zack or somebody i think...dude we have the same taste haha.i love CS,SC and halo, halo 2...man..its just freaking awesome...and ya there are a lot of threads in here that involves those games.. :rolleyes: have fun ! peace out guys!

  5. yo whats up guys..well i love the final fantasy series too so im just going to give my thoughts about 8! well seriously man i loved the game...i spent so many money on a playstation rental back then when it first came out when i didnt have a playstation..hahaha i would save my lunch money and just play it haha..well ya i think final fantasy 8 paved the road for new 3d graphics i mean after final fantasy 8 every games was awesome... (graphics wise) well i thought so correct me if im wrong though...The characters are awesome too, the plot was a little bit fuzzy but hey it was pretty cool..the whole time travel thing was pretty messy..but the love story is just freaking awesome man hahaha...o ya i think we should write letters to square enix...make a request to make a final fantasy 8-2 or something hahaha...do you guys know where to contact them..because i seriously want some more of the gang...well its getting to long..peace!.

  6. hi guuys..thanks for the reply...well anyway..i just want to put some cool games maybe..or cool designs on my website..:-D what would be really really cool...you know i want to put some moving images or something....and i cant use java..i can only use html and css...you guys know any????thanks again for replying...peaCE!

  7. sup guys...well i dont have to buy starcraft 2 because i still have it hahah.a..well anyways man...what do you mean by starcraft 2???like starcraft 2 just like starcraft 1???same concept..gameplay??well ya thanks for replying aiites peaCE!

  8. hey guys..whats up..well i ws just wondering if you guys have any cool codes for myspace or something..you know to design a page using html/css codes...see i tried googling around but all the sites had the same thing..they dont have a unique one...i want like games in my page...like my friend he had like tetris in his page..and i want a game// or anything like that to make my page cool :P anybody????plz...PEAcE!

  9. ya i wanted to get the game for ps2 but i heard you had to pay everymonth or something..and ya that i needed a hard drive so i said nvm lol (walks away crying) lol hahaha i really wanted to play it but o well i cant :-D..anyways..enough of the drama..was it good???like really good?

  10. sup..well heres some movies i made...hope ya guys like it....you guys can give me some comment on the movies too :-D thx..peace

    1) Aicha Vid REmake (i think its funny :-D)
    aicha (remix) some g*y vid i made

    2) Bad lands (fx test)- a fan film movie i made with my cuzins. took me 3 days to finish the whole thing...it might take a while to dl' it but plz watch it :)if u think its stupid just fast forward to the lightsaber part and comment on that part instead :P
    Bad lands (Cool)
    3) A clip i made..a telephone conversation (funny)
    YEA!!!! watch this one too :P

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Moderated a word.

  11. hey..whats up...are you guys talking about..playing music with out the win player showing????its easy..well im guessing that you already have the code???right??well all you have to do is make height and width small ok???then all your going to see is a dot..and if you press esq the music will stop coz thats the stop button lol duh lol peace!hope this helps

  12. ok...it depends man..if your broke..buy a dell..but if you are a rich mofo..i would suggest you buy a mac G5 or an Alienware.. 7 grand updated to everything...its fast and when i say fast...i think fastest pc right now out there..and they have this new proccessor and its awesome..its Xeon now man..no more pentium hahaha peaCE!

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