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Posts posted by theillestmc12

  1. wow..thanks man...holy crap...thats like a damn pc..man wow..speechless here..when i read that thing..it told me that ps3 is going to be basically a computer eh???i dont know what to say but i guess its time to say goodbye to our consoles eh???say good bye to our sucky ones because that thing is going to be awesome...thanks for replying

  2. hi guys its me the noob again..well ya i searched around but i couldnt find the answer to this question..do i have to buy a domain name to change my subdomain to a domain?? for ex. my domain now is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and i want it to be http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ their a way???i went to the changing domain names and they just confused the crap crap out of me,... forgive me for being such an idiot..i promise this will be my last questiion :P hopefully :P

  3. After reviewing your hosting, I realized that your website is wow.astahost.com? Is that correct? I'm assuming that OpaQue approved your hosting request, judging by your [HOSTED] sign.


    Login to your cPanel and up load all necessary files, such as index.htm (or .html .php etc) and other homepage associated files and you are on your way. Just remember that you are to upload them into your /public_html folder.


    And when you type your requested and given domain name (wow.astahost.com) you are now part of this web called internet. LOL.


    Think of hosting this way: in order for your post office to deliver your mail or receive mail from your credit card company (for example) you need a mailing address. And you receive them in your mailbox and you store them in your home. Hosting is like your home where all neat stuffs are stored. You can even think of it as a hard drive space for the website. And the mailing address where a credit card company is sending your statement is like your website address or a.k.a. domain name. Domain name can be dedicated or shared but we'll get into that later. Without a domain name your homepage cannot be viewed. Without a hosting plan your domain name has nothing to show off.


    Welcome to Xisto and be sure to take the time to review TOS and forum rules. Cheers :P


    excellent sir..thx so much..im going to try to do the steps you told me...i really appreciate it sir...and if i do still have a problem? can i post in the same thread????thanks you again sir:)

  4. hi guys.. im really really stupid..im just wondering.. see im still a noob and i thought free hosting only means free webspace...does it??i dont even know haha..well any ways.can i make a website with Xisto freehosting....when i go to my website..it only shows my cpanel...how do i start linking stuff so i can make my own homepage...???please help me...point me the right way..i tried to search in the forums but i cant find any help..well thx :-Dthx thx thx so mucho!

  5. hey peeps..yo im going to have to agree with most of you peeps man..final fantasy is the best but hey guys have u seen the ff 12???its a totally different environment eh???do you think you guys are going to like that one???well lets look at the previous one lol..im gonna have to say final fantasy 8 is the best for me...i mean c'mon guys it was the first awesome 3d graphics back then when it 1st came out right???just tell me if you guys dont agree and its cool with me lol :P but i think it is...the love story was just awesome..so sweet so beautiful hahahaha...i love the characaters as well..squall,rinoa (so hotT),quistis(so hotT) lol haha and it goes on to selphie..ff8 battle system is almost the same right???correct me if im wrong though ok....and another final fantasy that i like is the 10 and 12..whooooo!!!same things...hot chicks and cool story and characters...:-D well peace!

  6. I loved vice city but when i played san andreas , i thought it sucked.....the screen is so dark and i expected better graphics......also i hate the story lines...i would of prefered an italian mafia type of story.


    Dudes whats up.....well ya your right man it was dark and the graphics sucked but hey..san andreas is the biggest freaking game ever...the environment was freaking humongous man..that was awesome...in one dvd??? that was a pretty good job if youll ask me...i gotta give them some props on that one because i think they did a good job...well and in the storyline???it was kind of stupid..they could have done it better....put some more twist on it and they should have put a happier ending ...lol...and i just love that english guy who always plays with him self hahahahaha..gotta love him..and any way with ur question where to find the betting store....?? didnt the game came with a map???i think i found it there???or just go to the country side and you will find it there...and dont worry there is this one mission that you are going to need to go there anyways so just wait ok...well this is getting really really long i dont want to bore you guys...peacE!!!! :-D

  7. Everquest: Champions of Norrath is an MMO for the PS2 yes an rpg but with a monthly fee it is good though don't let a monthly fee discourage you.


    There is also quite a few others i will list a few below.


    1) Chrono Cross & Chrono Trigger both good games and made by Square Enix/soft.


    2) Devil May Cry series i thorougly enjoy them both waiting to get the third.


    3) Baldurs Gate series is also good but i have always liked Baldurs Gate


    4) Kingdom Hearts (already mentioned)


    5) Star Ocean is there but i didn't really care for it.


    6) Dark Cloud reminds you of FF7 which i liked both lol.


    7) BloodRayne series isn't to bad either.


    that should give you a pretty good list to research on and maybe even rent from Blockbuster or something to try them make sure you like them before you toss the money out for it.


    Hope this helped a little.


    hey people wats up..well i have a lot in my list but i cant buy it because i dont have any money..well ill share them anyways....first off i want to get resident evil 4 for ps2..man ive been waiting for that game to come out for ps2...well anyways....i want to get kingdom of hearts as well and final fantasy 12...o ya and im not going to forget about the metal gear solid 4 :P ...peace And LOVE! :L)

  8. I got the newest news on FF12. I spoke with the cast of square enix  :P  and they said that FF12 will be out for sure this Fall.


    holy crap are you serious???dude when exactly in fall??? but hey i dont think its going to be the same as the other final fantasy's man they change a bunch of things....well correct me if im wrong....but when i watched some previews ..they were all different.....i dont think im going to like this one but i dont know i probably will...anyways...do u have any stories about it???just tell me about x12 but dont post any links because its illegal..:-D hope ya reply as soon as possible eh>????well thx and peaCEEE!@

  9. hey you guys whats up...i was just wondering if you guys have the REal specs for ps3...like whats its going to be made of...i googled around but i dont think they were telling the truth hahaha.i dont beleive them so do you guys have any idea of what this thing is going to be made of????o ya dont post any links because its illegal here so just briefly..give me some ideas of what ps3 is going to be like..i would really appreciate it people...well Thx and have a greate DAY :P

  10. hi wats up..well i just have a question for you guys..becase some of you can probably answer it :( well first off my name is jude and i like to write movie scripts but i dont have a software i can use to write them easily..im using microsoft word 2003 and i have to do the script manually and it is pain in the butt because i have to type all the characters then their lines...any way i googled around and i found this one article that says that they have a script writing plugin for word but it is only for word 97..well if they had it in 97 they should have it now right????well i did try the 97 plug in and it didnt work :P..well thx for reading...and ya i dont even know if this is the right forum for this question lol...thx anyways...peaCE and Love! :(

  11. hi thx for reaplying guys but what i mean is cool scripts so i can make my page preety :(...neways dude nice myspace its so clean...but where is the comment box???like you cant see the people who left a comment...o ya thanks for the link to it helped me alot..well i just want to design my page and make it look awesome :( because i dont want to have the same designs with other people i want to be unique so i was looking for some cool codes for html and css...o well i guess there isnt any lol...well thanks again for replying..peace!

  12. dude wats up..well i just want to agree with some of the guys who had replied in your thread..im going to tell you to buy the entire adobe package for 1500 it is a good deal man...it comes with after fx,premiere pro,photoshop,audition..those applications are so useful dude..they are great..i use some of them myself and they are quite easy and has a lot of tutorials in the net..but if you want to just make movies..not special effects movies..i suggest you should just buy adobe premiere pro 1.5...it is awesome...you can film against a green screen and key your self so you can put your self in another backround or fly in the sky lol...well i dont want to bore you so ya just buy adobe premiere pro man..i think its like 600 dollars or something.well peace!

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