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Everything posted by takerraj

  1. Yes, you can follow the above two mechanisms. The best thing will be the second one. It gives you more control over what you are doing. Also there are several paid products which do this for you like Tune-up utilities, System Mechanic.
  2. I definitely hate if Google do that. I never liked this Cloud O.S. hype. Even Richard Stallman, founder of Linux and Free Software Foundation, warned people about this cloud O.S. In my sense Cloud O.S. is not a full fledged system. All those guys on low speed internet connections have to waste their time uploading their music.... I wonder why all these intelligent people go behind such crappy technology.
  3. I am proud of what Abhinav Bindra have achieved at Beijing Olympics. The government of India will only recognize their efforts after such achievements, they don't give enough funds for athletes who undergo training, there are no enough coaching centers. The only sport that gets paid is Cricket and all other sports are neglected. The same case with Abhinav Bindra. His family showed interest in this sport and they only spent money on Abhinav's coaching.
  4. I like Google very much. Every product they build is good. I hope Chrome OS will live up to the expectations of people who are waiting for it.
  5. takerraj

    Safari 4

    Yes, Firefox takes a lot of memory when compared to other browsers. It takes around 60000K when browsing with a single tab. Opera takes less than 20000K. Safari is around 42000K. Firefox uses much resources. IE and Chrome are also resource hogs.
  6. Fedora is major linux distro like Ubuntu. Fedora 11 is easy to use. I used it. Liked it. It is fast and light and as usual the security is very good as it will be on all linux systems.
  7. takerraj

    Safari 4

    Yes, Safari on windows is not fastest. Opera did fair good job. Opera 10 beta is promising in its performance. "Fastest" varies a lot on context and understanding. I am just checking which browser is fastest on html pages such as "w3schools".
  8. Astahost is the only website to provide free website with all features and also domain like .com,.net,.info etc. Recommend Xisto to those who want a good free website.
  9. takerraj

    Safari 4

    Surprise! I am doing research on browsers. I am going to post results on my blog. The browsers include Safari 4, IE 8, Firefox 3.5, Opera 10 beta, Chrome, K-meleon, maxthon and 2 more browsers. The tests I am putting them will be determining the fastest browser, lightest browser etc. Also performing Acid 3 tests and checking security vulnerabilities. The ultimate quest to find the best browser available today. Till now I have performed tests to fastest browser, and the results are interesting and some are shocking. I'll also post about it here after all the tests are performed. Coming to safari 4, well the speed is OK. It is the first browser to receive 100/100 in acid3 tests, the later is Opera 10 beta. But Safari on windows is not as powerful as Mac version. Mac version is simply brilliant, I want Apple to show some kindness towards windows users.
  10. Yes, they may give one click install, I think. Actually many people have backup of browsers. So, this cannot be a problem. Let us wait till they release this browser less Windows 7 and see how it works.
  11. I have been using a small program called Getdataback for NTFS and FAT for a long time. And it never disappointed me. Whether I lost data because of deleting drive accidentally or it's because of formatting or what ever. Getdataback works like a charm. It's just 3mb and it recovers each and every file. The most important thing you have to notice is as time goes by the deleted files will be overwritten and they lose their quality. To recover files in good condition you have to recover them within 2 to 3 days. Otherwise the files will become unusable.
  12. gmail gmail gmail.... I love gmail. Their Ads are not disturbing as the Ads on Yahoo. I also see many sites suggesting to use gmail. Normally when I signup at one site they suggest me to use gmail. Sites like these are growing. Google always work on gmail and try to add new features to make their service more friendly. Others just copy what google do....
  13. Microsoft always try to make most out of its products by bundling its softwares into its operating system, they never worry what the people need. They just use their O.S as a platform for advertising their products. Actually E.U. asked microsoft to add other browsers too. But Microsoft didn't agree for it and said we will be shipping O.S. without browser and it's users choice to use IE or Firefox or Opera. But I think this is the worst decision took by M.S. Without a browser how they could actually use another browser. That's why I always use Ubuntu. Free from all these issues, gives you freedom and don't waste your money for that software and this one.
  14. No no no.... I don't entertain such things. My blog is related to everyday computer problems and their workarounds. That's it. I hate warez whatsoever.
  15. Well, I've tried using Captcha! It didn't worked. I forget it's name, I think it is something like this : Peter's custom antispam or something like that. It didn't worked. Can anyone suggest a good captcha plugin for Wordpress 2.8. Thank you!
  16. I am hosted now. But the profile says that I am under members not hosted. Will it take time to update?
  17. Micheal Joe Jackson - the ultimate King of Pop, dies at age of 50. But he still lives in our hearts. We still remember that Moon walk, red jacket, those large cooling glasses, those white sox and we remember them till our last breath. He's unique and genius of geniuses. We still remember him and pay tribute to his contribution to the music and the world of pop.I think I posted this in wrong forum!
  18. It's OK akashi. I'll try some work arounds and if I suceed in that then I'll post about it. So that if some one encounters with same problem then they can have readymade solution for them. Thanks akashi for taking time to help me. Thank you.
  19. Hurray! I solved it. Global translator is the culprit. I just disabled sitemap integration in Global translator options and it worked. Now everything is fine except this. sitemap plugin says that it is unable to notify Yahoo. Apart from that everything is fine.
  20. @akashiright now I'm using 11 plugins. Do you think this is the problem?
  21. The plugin is "google-xml-sitemaps-generator". version 3.1.4.
  22. Well I have a problem with one of the important plugin o my wordpress blog and the problem is with XML sitemap plugin. I installed XML sitemap plugin and when I go to settings page it says this : # The last run didn't finish! Maybe you can raise the memory or time limit for PHP scripts. Learn more # The last known memory usage of the script was 14.75MB, the limit of your server is 128M. # The last known execution time of the script was 0.02 seconds, the limit of your server is 120 seconds. # The script stopped around post number 36 (+/- 100) When I try to build sitemap manually it shows this error : Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 262144 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 541 bytes) in /home/pcaddons/public_html/wp-includes/link-template.php on line 113 I googled about this and on wordpress forums I found this : 1. If you have access to your PHP.ini file, change the line in PHP.ini If your line shows 32M try 64M: memory_limit = 64M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (64MB) 2. If you don't have access to PHP.ini try adding this to an .htaccess file: php_value memory_limit 64M 3. Try adding this line to your wp-config.php file: Increasing memory allocated to PHP define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M'); 4. Talk to your host. [source https://wordpress.org/support/topic/28-problems-and-solutions-faq/?replies=5] I contacted the support team and they said they'll look into this. Alternatively they asked me to ask in forums so that someone gives me solution. This is the situation for the last five days. My new posts are not added to Search engine index pages. So please somebody help me!
  23. Recently I have converted all my dofollow attribute to nofollow attribute by using Nofollow reciprocity plugin. Till now I didn't understand what are these dofollow and nofollow attributes. Can somebody tell me what they are and what they do?
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