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I was reading the other posts in this thread and was thinking about the flame wars that people usually have on the tech forums. Apple fan boys proclaim the supremacy of Apple's products and services. Most of the time, they try to make a point by mocking Windows - restarting after any update or software installation, the blue screen of death, and erratically changing estimates for how long copying, moving, or deleting a file would take. Windows supporters had their say too - Apple's operating system was only available with its hardware and it seemed overpriced compared to PC hardware. Also, there's much more software available for Windows than there is for Apple's Mac OS. While Microsoft did model some of the elements of the Windows user interface around Apple's design principles, Apple themselves seem to have gotten their user interface design philosophy from Xerox's operating system. There's no real trace of where Xerox got their ideas from, considering that there aren't any films that seem anything like the Minority Report equivalent of back then. Flame wars on forums were quite popular in the late 1990s and early to mid 2000s, but now moderators seem to keep it in check by locking such threads.
Most people don't use free web hosting for reliable service. Most people use it to host a personal blog or a website for which twenty four-seven, round-the-clock availability is not really a concern. If you try the service here, you will find that getting hosting is more about interacting with the community rather than about getting a website hosted. Initially, everyone was roped in to try the web hosting service though. BTW, are you affiliated with 9cubehosting in any way?
Enforcing speed limits the old-tech way. In India, the enforcement of speed limits is by means of a low-tech recording of the time when a vehicle passes through two points on a road. When one gets to a toll booth, the time is recorded and relayed to the next toll booth. The next toll booth determines the average speed of the vehicle by taking the time when the vehicle reached the previous toll booth and the distance between the toll booth. They prefer to avoid penalising drivers who were driving at the exact speed limit so the speeds reported by the toll booths are slightly lower than the actual speed so drivers who get penalised for being slightly above the speed limit cannot dispute the accuracy of the system. There are laser based devices for reporting speeds that are used by highway patrols too, but they are less common and cannot cover all the roads so this cheaper alternative seems to get the job done.
Was there ever a time when you acted as a good samaritan but got penalised for it? That's exactly what happens when you drive carefully, avoid accidents, and give way to pedestrians in third-world nations. I have on numerous occasions been given a ticket for "obstructing traffic" either because a pedestrian stepped onto the road and I slowed down to let him/her off get all the way across the road instead of cutting him/her off, or because I gave way to oncoming traffic instead of overtaking a stopped vehicle. There are even pedestrians who tried to cross roads at junctions when the traffic light turned red and they want to hold me at fault for not frightening off the pedestrians and forcing them to step back by approaching them at a high speed. Apparently, the laws are made for the rich who go well over the speed limit in high priced vehicles, run over pedestrians and pay their way out of it, and turn to bribery if ever confronted by the policemen.
Every day that I head out with the car, I have a taxi tailgating me. No, it is not the exact same taxi - that would be creepy. It is a different taxi each time that is either exceeding speed limits, overtaking on a two-way street, suddenly stopping on the road, or suddenly starting after picking up or dropping off passengers. Of the things that they do, I can understand that they have to stop wherever their passengers ask them to be dropped off, but the other things that they do are quite likely to cause accidents. If somebody were to have an old car that they have had enough of but cannot seem to get a price for in the used car market, all that they would need to do is wait to get tailgated by a taxi while at about hundred kilometres per hour, and then slam the brakes to get the chassis totalled to get paid the value of the vehicle less depreciation because of the way the traffic laws work - it is almost always the fault of the vehicle that did the rear-ending irrespective of whether the vehicle in the front was driven by a maniac. Apart from that, no one else really wants to get involved in an accident even if they get the repairs at the expense of the owner of the vehicle that was tailgating. There are the locals and other taxi folk who would intentionally get ahead of other vehicles and slam their brakes to cause inconvenience and financial loss to others.
My typical browser usage involved about five open tabs with occasionally using up to fifteen when I am looking for something specific. When I use Firefox or Chrome, the activity of the web browser in one tab does not seem to affect the browser's display of the other tabs, unless it is a poorly written Javascript or a Flash object that is very resource intensive. Between Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome seems to start up the quickest, Mozilla Firefox is the most versatile because of the plugins that are available for it, and Microsoft Internet Explorer is installed by default and is integrated with the Windows operating system the closest (it is used to set the default proxy server that is used by all applications that use the environment settings from the operating system).
Some residential Internet Service Provider plans also provide a static IP address, but mine is as dynamic as it gets. Some people have dynamic IP addresses that only change when they disconnect and reconnect to the Internet but mine seems to change every few hours so I cannot count on the IP address remaining constant. Typically, a DHCP server would attempt to provide a DHCP client with the same IP address, so I am guessing that they intentionally got it to ignore the previous IP address and issue a new IP address to prevent businesses from using the service and taking advantage of the lower pricing that is only offered to residential customers. For most people who do not have a static IP address, a shared web hosting plan is cheaper than getting a static IP address because the costs are quite minimal. There are web hosting plans for as little as fifty cents a month, though the reliability of the web hosting service and the sustainability of the web hosting service provider would be questionable. I used NameCheap for domain registrations and their API is quite simple to use too. I have not tried switching between registrars, but the charges seemed pretty fair, plus they have a coupon that you can use for registrations to get a discount and would be useful if you were to make many purchases.
I watched Elysium last night. While the storyline seemed pretty much what one would expect, the visual effects and the portrayal of future technologies is what were the positives of the film. Androids, exoskeletons, plasma rifles, flying space ships, and technomagical healing devices are within the vision of the future that the producers and directors of the film had.
Paying the membership fee is like paying or insurance. It is a minimal fee that would be paid to the volunteer fire department and through a collective effort, they are counting on not having a fire at the premises of every member to prevent their costs from exceeding the fee they accept for membership. If you are not a member, they decide to charge you for every penny's worth of stuff that they use to put out the fire, plus whatever would be the typical hourly rate for every fireman that was involved in putting out the fire. If you consider the hourly cost of a fireman to be roughly sixty dollars and if there were five of them putting out the fire for an hour, then they ought to make three hundred dollars. Now, add the administrative costs of having a person manning the phones and the utility costs and rent for the despatch center and that is probably an additional fifty dollars. The Red Cross is an organization that does not make any discrimination between individuals and they offer to help anybody, good or evil, in their times of need and that is what makes the Red Cross so much better - they believe in giving and perhaps some day, the people who have lived their lives backstabbing, stealing, or seeking revenge would have their hearts turn when they see the goodness that is the Red Cross, their neighbourhood church, and the innocent children who put smiles on their faces.
I would think the the customer service department is the least desired place within an organization. There are people who make the experience of being a customer service representative very unpleasant and not everybody treats them as just average human beings who follow their procedure manual to make a living and not because they get a kick out of sadistically torturing other human folk. Just yesterday, during my two hour long wait for a replacement of a defective unit within twenty four hours of purchase, I saw a lady of south east Asian origin returning a tablet because apparently when she establishes a video call over Skype, the camera image stops working about five minutes into the call. The customer service representative lacked any real technical skills and although he was right to refuse to support the product considering that the organization she was returning it to was just the reseller, he went on to claim that Skype is illegal software and that the company would not support any illegal activities being performed with its products. Another customer service representative spoke to her and she insisted that the product had to be returned so they did what they could for a product under warranty - they put it in a box, gave her an acknowledgement for the receipt of the product, and shipped off the product to the manufacturer. The expected outcome is that the product would be returned as-is because the manufacturer does not make Skype or provide Internet services to the customer so there is nothing that they can do about it because the product works as intended but software installed by the customer does not. There was another lady, of a descent that people would most likely associate with terrorism if I mentioned it, and she was yelling at the customer service representative for having to pay for a laptop screen that she broke. Next came a lady of either Indian or Pakistani origin (it is hard to tell because a lot of the people from one nation moved to the other when the national borders were drawn) and she insisted that a blender be replaced because she did not like the way it looked and that she did not get a good look at the product on display before buying it. The packaging was ripped open so it could not be sealed and sold again, except as a refurbished unit and the organization did not have any sales channels for selling refurbished units. Then came a man in his early thirties who seemed to be of African origin and he was yelling about why the customer service representative was attending to me when I he was waiting for a half hour - I did tell him that my wait was for two hours till that point but he insisted that because he was standing in a place where he was better 'positioned' to the customer service representative, he should be attended to before me. Apparently, he assumed that his wrinkled blazer and short military haircut commanded the respect of somebody of the stature of Mussolini and Hitler. My patient wait seemed to make him realise that his wait had only begun and that did only seem to irritate him some more. Finally, there was a couple that had brought their product in for repairs earlier and realised that the charger was missing when they picked it up - the customer service representative was probably worried about being hit by the man when he stated that the acknowledgement did not mention about a charger being handed to the warranty repairs department and the man yelled, "Are you calling me a liar? Are you calling me a liar?" Did I mention that the man had the physique of Mike Tyson? I am pretty certain that customer service representatives are asked to claim that a product removed from its packaging cannot be accepted for returns, a defect is a feature of the product, and that the organization cannot deal with the kind of repairs that are needed in hopes that the customer would simply decide to back down. That did not seem to be the case and they would have been able to deal with the customers a lot quicker if they just treated customers fairly and accepted or rejected claims based on their validity.
The Guantanamo Bay detention facility has been popular for scooping up innocent people off the streets and torturing them till they confessed to doing things that they did not do. There were newspaper reports of people who were released from the Guantanamo facility after years when their innocence was finally verified. The authorities remain tight-lipped over how the inmates were treated, but the people who were released spoke of the torture that they were put through. While before the nine-eleven incident, the authorities sat on their palms despite having information about a possible attack, now they are known for going overboard and resorting to a violation of human rights despite lacking evidence of any involvement in a possible attack. Even now, they only seem to apprehend the criminals who engage in terrorist activities after the incident actually occurs despite having wire taps, surveillance cameras, and their own variant of sleeper agents to work toward making the nation a safer place.
Most of the cars I have seen are front wheel drive cars with only the sporty vehicles being sold with a rear wheel drive configuration. BTW, if you watch Top Gear USA, did you notice how Tanner always picks rear wheel drive cars even when they are totally not suited to the terrain that they are driving on? It's probably a thing the producers of the show did to keep things interesting. I also noticed that Tanner is never the one hosting the Big-Star-Small-Car segment of the show. Tyres for cars are quite reasonably priced, with Bridgestone tyres delivering the most value on roads that are ridden with pot holes, especially the ones that can even put swiss cheese to shame. Michellin is preferred for driving within the city, especially if it involves a lot of highway travel or high speed driving. However, a single tyre for some heavy earth moving vehicle can cost as much as a Toyota Corolla! That's some serious cash to spend for just the rubber. Driving a vehicle that lose their tread is frightening enough, but ones with steel cords showing is taking it to the extreme. Your husband must have been a stuntman in his previous birth! Tyre manufacturers have a block inserted within the tread to indicate the minimum treat needed for safe use. Some of the three-wheeled taxis in India run on almost bald tyres and seem unsafe but you can see them weaving in and out of traffic like those formula one cars that race on treadless slick tyres. I have never had a tyre burst while I was driving so I do not know what one would experience at that moment, but I imagine that it would involve skidding from a lack of grip between the tyre and the rim. I see some earth moving equipment that have tracks instead of tyres. Because of all the flexing, I imagine the tracks would wear out quicker than tyres do. Would using a tractor with tracks have an advantage over a tractor with tyres in terms of cost in any case? I believe the tractors with tracks would have a more bumpy ride on rough surfaces while providing better traction in mud.
I wish! :-) I even tried signing up for a couple of advertisement publishing programs, but never made even a cent (I think I did make 0.05 cents, but that was so much less than a cent and the minimum payout is probably around fifty dollars, or at the very lease fifteen dollars). I am not sure of how you are determining the speed of Microsoft Internet Explorer but what I do is click on the browser and wait for it to start up. Google Chrome is definitely slower than it used to be on startup time. Then, when I click on the New Tab button, Microsoft Internet Explorer seems to be allocating resources or starting processes for that tab whereas Google Chrome's New Tab operation seems almost instantaneous. Mozilla Firefox is not the most responsive of web browsers, but it is easily extensible and there are a lot of tools for software developers available for Mozilla Firefox. Back in the early days, the situation was the other way round with Microsoft Internet Explorer being the one with the most developer tools available as add-ons (back then, they just called them plug-ins). Microsoft Internet Explorer may be desirable for being the only web browser available upon starting up a computer running Microsoft Windows. When I get a new computer (like the one from yesterday!), I first run Windows Updates and get the antivirus updates. Right now, I'm also getting the Windows 8.1 updates. During the time, I do not install any other browsers and I make do with Microsoft Internet Explorer. Right now, I'm getting the Windows 8.1 upgrade and will get to try out Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 in a couple of hours, unless the computer complains of an interrupted Internet connection.
That message can only mean one thing - you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer! (I would add more exclamation signs, but that is probably against the rules of the forum) While I have the utmost respect for Bill Gates as a guy who inked a really cool deal with IBM and managed to keep the company growing till they gained world dominance and did not yield to Apple's colorful iMacs (they were available in five different colors, and those were actual colors, they did not count black and white as colors; which cat-video-loving teenager would not trade in a beige or off-white computer for a bright cherry red, electric blue, environmental green, cheeky orange, or soothing purple?), I still think Microsoft's Internet Explorer is not something I would want to use all the time because it tends to 'hang' while loading pages. When a page is loading, I can't decide I want to open another link too with a Ctrl+Click or Right Click-Open in a New Tab. I have been able to do both with Mozilla Firefox and Google's Chrome only occasionally stops responding and that is uncommon enough for me to use Google Chrome. Besides, my reason for choosing Google Chrome is their support for new HTML 5 elements that Mozilla Firefox does not yet support. To mock Microsoft Internet Explorer, I even twisted the popular tongue twister "How much would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood" to "How many times would a Microsoft Internet Explorer user click if Microsoft Internet Explorer would not respond to clicks."
It is absolutely wrong to be with one person and live with the other because you are essentially cheating both of them. Your husband has committed to being with you and has been married to you for thirteen years. You even have two wonderful kids together. It is just not worth tossing it away to be with your boyfriend if you still have any kind of feelings for your husband and your kids. Kids who grow up in broken homes do not get to live their childhood and do not get the love and attention that they deserve. The kids need a loving mother and you cannot expect to abandon them when they need you to go and selfishly consider your own needs. Cheating on your husband is just as bad, if not worse. After your wedding vows of being together in good times and bad, and for better or for worse, and in sickness and good health, you are essentially breaking your wedding vows. It's like going back on your word. You are stepping back from what you have promised to do. The right thing for you to do is to bid farewell to your boyfriend and live your life with your husband and kids.
Can You Go Back To High School? at 34....?
k_nitin_r replied to gorgeouscreature's topic in General Discussion
In most parts of the world, getting into high schools is competitive and for a dropout to get back into high school is as tough as it gets, unless there is some kind of accomplishment that one can show for the time out of school. For people who get into their adulthood, there are a whole different category of schools that focus on adult education. They are not very common because once people get into adulthood, they are unlikely to want to go back to finish their high school education because of all of their life commitments, including work and family and just about everything else that happens in our lives. The recession was an opportunity for some people to get an education because when they were out of work and there were absolutely no opportunities, the best that they could do was life off food stamps and seek out an education so when the recession ended, they could end up getting better jobs or at least it would make them more competitive to seek out jobs and fit in to the work place. -
The last popular film that I watched is The Internship. It is about two salesmen who lose their jobs because the firm that they work for shuts down. Interestingly enough, they work for a wrist watch manufacturer (or is it a dealership) and because of the popularity of smart phones, everybody just looks up the time in a smart phone instead of strapping on a watch to their wrists. Anyway, so after trying their luck at a couple of odd jobs that pay peanuts, they finally decide to enroll at a university and apply as college students for an internship at Google. Now, Google looks at getting the best of the candidates on board and these two were the worst possible choices. However, one person on the internship committee says that Google is all about diversity so why wouldn't they take a chance by getting these two on board as interns. These two sales folk were ridiculed, mocked, and belittled, but they remained determined, brought the team spirit into their team, and managed to land full-time roles at Google. In the film, you get to see parts of the Google office, and although Google did not agree to all of the views in the film, they decided to play along anyway and that's how The Internship came about.
I have been looking into the benefits of designing a mobile computer network, with servers being light enough to move out into a van when shifting base and deploying it again with little effort. My search for such computer hardware led me to the Eurocom website, where they have the Panther series of laptops that they aptly refer to as mobile servers. While the Panther actually looks like a laptop, what one would refer to as a wolf in sheeps' clothing of sorts, the Getac X500 mobile server actually looks like a mobile server. Of course, there are ways to get bigger, with some mobile server being simply regular servers with wheels attached to their chassis. The definition of the term server differs based on who you ask. The hardware folk would seek to characterize the physical aspects and performance. Software programmers would refer to a server as any computing device that can serve requests and that can be as simple as a mobile phone, which can be an Android device with an Apache-like web server. Even running an FTP service on an iPhone would mean that you can call the iPhone a server. Switching back to the definition of the hardware engineers, you would need to have some kind of high performance or increased redundancy to call it a server. With that definiting, two iPhones strapped together could count, couldn't it? Also, when you take an ancient 80x86 server from the nineties, you could hardly compare the performance of such a server to the modern day laptops and iPads of today. Our laptops and iPads would in most likelihood smoke the poor old server when it comes to performance and the reliability of our storage media exceeds that of the old servers too. An Alienware laptop with a RAID setup for the hard disk drives does make it qualify for a server-class system though its manufacturers and distributors refer to it as a gaming-class system because of its graphics capabilities and the fun factor associated with having lots of red, green, and blue LEDs flashing away. Mobile computing today is essentially doing for the computing world what people had imagined doing with RVs. You could cook, watch television, sleep, and live your lifestyle while on the go. These days you can do many of those already - there are malls everywhere to get some food, there are hotels on every few streets and sometimes even several on a single street, you can watch YouTube videos from a cellular phone, and there's couch surfing to sleep in the comfort of a warm home if you are ever traveling in a place with lots of snow where it is too cold to sleep in a vehicle.
I wonder if wrongfully sending out a notice to a web hosting provider can be countered by filing against the sender of the notice for spamming. It may be genuinely possible for someone to get the wrong address when looking up the web hosting provider for a website but if someone has not even done the due diligence, then the web hosting providers would have to invest the time into investigating the incident and determining if the site even belongs to their network. Web hosting providers may not really consider this as a problem till they actually determine that the effort that they put into investigating invalid complaints is siginificant enough to eat into their profits, but legally there do seem to be valid grounds for labelling the sender of the notice as a spammer.
I read another news article yesterday about a girl being found after being kept captive for seventeen months. That is like being detained and tortured in the Guantanamo Bay detention facility from the nine-eleven incident, but what makes this different is that she wasn't an adult - she was just a teenager who got kidnapped one day on her way to or from school. This is probably a case similar to the one that you narrated. They probably would sentence the criminal involved to a few decades of imprisonment or even life imprisonment though. Letting such an individual out into society may lead to more harm than good, considering the likelihood of something similar occurring again. Some people wonder if people who have been incarcerated are let out into society after a couple of decades, will they be able to integrate into and function as a part of society again. When imprisoned, they would probably be confined to a small cell and being out in the open world would seem intimidating to them.
Who's Excited About Battlefield 4?
k_nitin_r replied to LeAnn Rimes My Angel's topic in Computer Gaming
I have not been gaming in a while and when I do look out for new titles, it is usually for sequels to titles that I have already played. I heard about a possible sequel to Half Life 2 and Max Payne 2. After Half Life 2, the developers announced that they had absolutely no plans to create a sequel but I guess they may have changed their minds. Max Payne did not really have anything new to look forward to in the second game apart from a different story so I am not sure if they will manage to come up with anything else. The bullet time feature was probably unique to Max Payne when it was released but apart from that, they did not really manage to do much. The levels that involved walking across a trail of blood on the floor did more to take away from the gaming experience that was built up in the earlier levels. It was a fun game but there were parts that I would have left out had I been able to skip levels in the game. Half Life was a bit frustrating to play toward the end. Initially, I tried to play without using any cheat codes at all, but after a point, I realised that there was just no way to go about it to I played it with cheat codes till almost the end and then I couldn't finish the game so I was like, "This is cr*p!" I mean I take the time to get to the very end and there's no cheat code to finish it and get to the end of the story. It is like having somebody give you a murder mystery novel but with the last couple of pages missing. There are games where you finish all of the available missions and then the game just stops giving you missions. I think there was one of the Mafia games in which that happened, and probably Grand Theft Auto Vice City too. The game just got to the point where I could do taxi missions or road around the sandbox, but there was little else - no missions, no events, the story just stopped there abruptly. Grand Theft Auto 1 or 2 seemed to end the same way. I probably did not find it, but after reading up on walkthroughs and using all of the cheat codes in the book, if there is no way to get past it, then that's probably something I would not enjoy much. I was able to finish Grand Theft Auto III and Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and that was after having to repeat some of the missions over and over again after failing them dozens of times. The one of going to flight school, driving school, and flying a radio controlled plane were the tough ones. I did later figure out that some of the radio controlled plane mission was not absolutely necessary. -
Wolves are not meant to be pets, but neither are tigers, leopards, and cheetah, and you see people breeding those in the middle east. There was a newspaper article about somebody driving around a neighbourhood with a leopard in the back seat of a car and with the window open. The leopard did not pounce out at anybody or anything, but it was a careless thing to do - the owner probably wanted everyone to see the leopard cub and pet owners in the vicinity would have been concerned about the safety of their own pets, considering that a leopard generally preys on other animals while in the wild. When dealing with part-wolf, part-dog species, it is hard to attribute the aggressiveness to the wolf half because it might even have been the dog half. Dogs attack people and we hear about them every month and it is not because they were half-breeds. There are some breeds of dogs that are prohibited in some parts of the world because they are known for their aggressiveness. Some dogs have been taken away from their owners and put down because the authorities determined that the person was not a capable owner and would not have been able to keep a check on the animal and keep it from becoming a danger to people and other animals around. There are cases in which capable owners have been targeted too, out of excessive precaution.
Seems like the dog that you had was like a trophy wife. They have expensive tastes and they eat quite a bit into your finances till you finally decide that it just was not a match that was meant to be. This is like the dogs' world equivalent of Donald Trump and the other billionaires of the world. Finally, even when the dog was let go, it made it to an uptown neighbourhood with classy streets and greener pastures. I find the analogy quite amusing, although I'm the one imagining it :-) A lot of people would probably criticize having to let go of the dog for not being able to afford it. It probably was for the best though because if the dog would have refused to eat whatever you were giving it, it would have starved itself anyway and would have been in a worse shape. Letting the dog loose onto the streets may have seemed cruel and it could have ended in worse ways, but it did not so perhaps the sequence of events was just meant to be and nothing could have changed it. If you hadn't let the dog go, it may have just gone missing one day and ended up in a different neighbourhood. If all the gates and windows were shut, it may have been involved in an alien abduction and the aliens would have returned it to that other neighbourhood, but the point is that if it was meant to be, it would be so in one way or another.
sheepdog, I think the best thing you can do is get a Linux LiveCD, or a LiveUSB, plug it into your computer and then hit the power button to start it up. Linux is nothing like Windows, but it is free and you can customize it to your liking. There are different 'vendors' (they are more like non-profit organizations or non-governmental organizations because they do not charge for providing the software) and they offer slight differences in how Linux looks so you can pick one to suit your style. Linux Mint Mate seems the closest to Microsoft Windows XP because it has a start menu. If you want to use something that is a bit of the cutting edge in Linux desktop technology, you should opt for Ubuntu Linux instead. Ubuntu Linux has a lot of critics because they step out of the norm and create some rather innovative user interfaces, which may have been created out of inspiration from Windows, but they do have the largest community of users and there is a lot of support from the community too. The first of the LiveCD Linux distributions that I have tried is Knoppix Linux and I would still recommend it. Knoppix Linux was not meant to be installed on a computer so when you start it up, it does not ask you to choose between installing it to disk or running it directly from the CD or USB. That's one less click for me when starting up, which is why I recommend it to anyone wanting to use a LiveCD Linux distribution. Ubuntu Linux was meant to be installed to disk so whenever you start it up using the CD or from USB, it would ask you if you want to install Ubuntu Linux or if you want to start it from the CD or USB disk. As I mentioned earlier, there are slight variances between different vendors' distributions of Linux and this is just one of those minor differences between the two. You can further customize the Linux installation, such as by deciding what kind of a start menu you want (for instance, there's the KDE desktop interface, which is also popular for all the software that comes as a part of the KDE project) but if you just want to stick with the basics, you can choose to install either Knoppix Linux or Ubuntu Linux and boot directly from the CD or USB instead of getting your computer to boot into Windows. It takes about a day or two to get used to using Linux instead of Windows, but you don't have to install a separate Office suite to work with documents and you will be able to get all the tools that you need to update your website too.
I think the one domain policy has been around for less than a year. They did allow multiple domains and I had four domains at one point. I guess providing domains costs them money because they have to pay the domain registrars whereas providing web hosting for them costs them nothing because they own and manage the web servers so they probably would not mind giving you as much web hosting in shared hosting and virtual private server packages as you can rack up in MyCENT points as long as you can keep posting. The dedicated web server plans also may be something that they can offer for MyCENTs if your demands are not too high - repurposing an old desktop is what I used to do back in the day when I would get a new computer; it used to do its duty as a file sharing server, as an intranet web server (with me being the only user for the intranet, but it was fun anyway), and to practice my system administration skills. You can, however, request for some sub domains because that again costs them nothing to provide. In fact, they offer a sub domain with the decade hosting plan and a decade is a long time in dog years ;-)