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Everything posted by apurva

  1. hey thanks a lot for those names..Actually even i was looking for the same.I'm that well versed in c++ but since it was included in my course i'm well acquinted with it..Thanks again
  2. Yeah thats true now in India a programmes is on demand..Salaries are just wow wow..
  3. I'm sorry for my ignorance but please can anyone tell in detail about these certificates?
  4. Yeah very true,here in India and to be particular in mumbai there are more than 40lakhs beggers..Mumbai in India is known for opportunities so ppl from all over fly over here without having any kinda shelter security and end up lying on streets or stations and begging for food(mostly for drinks).They could've worked and say here a simple food would cost you hardly 15rs and mind you 43rs=1$These ppl have now been used to for begging..We find them everywhere..Oh give a break now.. Government please do something
  5. and whats the use of this?
  6. ah i remember one site used for saving bookmarks favourmarks.com which was not at all password secure and many people saved their bookmarks and accidently happen to enter one forums through others id though i didn't harm in anyways ,but i think its real unsafe..
  7. lol thats real funny story..Though not a nice way to meet someone for first time..Oh but can't ignore his sense of humour..
  8. Body language by Rajendra Bhatt..He himselves have no idea on what he's writting..Except how to improve our body language he's described on whether to have romance at work!!
  9. huh? I would rather stay away from this topic..I might get sued if i utter some controversial statements
  10. well even same old story from my side.Was a hotmail user some three years back. At that time it was the most hottest email provider..Then changed to yahoo since i needed some more space i.e i got 256mb space for free at that time..Now in search of more space shifted to gmail and never looked back. Using gmail since its launch.. Had got an invitation just after few months of its launch.
  11. yeah i can see that site has 1gb account limit..But i think we can upload file upto 1gbi've registered there and let you know if any bugs found.
  12. well i'm using 6680 and its pretty cool symbian phone by Nokia. It allows me to play mp3,all i've to do is just connect my pc to my mmc through card reader.. And then its all done, now just copy paste things like we do on pc.. Well i would recommend you guys to try http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it contains all free stuff for your mobile ofcourse symbian compatible.. Contains all from videos,applications,themes,mp3s,ringtones and pc applications related to phone..
  13. wow thats so sweet..Happy Mothers day to everyone on Xisto :-)
  14. yeah i have one with it..Its nokia 6680!Though the quality aint nice but still its bearable..I can view one Indian news channel Aajtak and one punjabi music channel. Its good timepass though in trains while travelling from college to home.But still over this Fm is much bearable..but who cares.At certain times it did help eg. At time of our results lol
  15. yup i'm girl and 18yrs..Thats pretty okay this forum is being ruled by guys.. But still i find 3more girls in my category
  16. i remember some this kind of post..maybe if you search you can get. Well,i don't think its possible to stop that girl liking you without[\b] her. Possibly you can create a bad image of yourself and then she might feel that "this is not the same guy i liked"
  17. hey thats pretty cool tutorial and also unusual..Will try it out sometimes later.
  18. Huh? Liking computer stuff isn't nerdy lol..I like computer stuff though being a girl..People of my college do encourage me with it.
  19. apurva

    Google Wallet

    yeah i think google should come with something like paypal.They'll surely beat it down..Paypal really has some disadvantages..many of my friends account money reduced by 20dollars..Though i've not used paypal cause i heard it needs credit card to active our account.Please correct me if i'm wrong
  20. hey thats real good news mate..All the best to you!I know they'll benefit themselves by hiring you on a job.. Lol
  21. well you stated that its coded by you.. But what i find is that your site is done by invisionfree board??? Did you give a wrong url?
  22. well i don't think that yahoo and microsoft will make any attempt to come together.as said earlier they both are independent and successfull companies. They themselves have got some reputation.Wont like to share their success after ruling for about 10 years on internet world.And talking about google.. I don't think they need to care about this. Since i belive they would surely give us some better service than microsoft and yahoo together would give
  23. hi,good to know that you like a spanish girl and making attempts to communicate with her..But just take in mind before heading for anything or say relationship ,its very important to communicate with each other. Every relation depends on how easily we can communicate with them.
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