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Posts posted by kleong

  1. All natural effects are seen in the long term only! But at least its natural, and its free! I hope to do some more research into this topic and find out if there's a sure way to get rid of glasses naturally. I know it's easier for people with lesser myopia but mine is -9.5!!! (That's what you get after 2 years of WoW!) I am ready to go in for laser surgery but I hear there will be some side effects in the future for that so don't want to take any chances for that! Well now that I've touched that topic anyway, could someone please tell me if there will be any complications in laser surgery due to my high power?

    Long process it might be, but hey it comes without any charges and most importantly, any side effect. You can take the easy way out by going for surgery like Lasik. But the ill-effect, is it worth saving the time?

  2. It is reassuring that our posts is accounted for. It got to my notice that myCents has remain "stagnant" for about a week thou I have been consistantly contributing in the forum. Thought something was wrong and therefore did not make a feedback. But a week is kinda long. But I have been reassured again. As for the support ticket, I have sent a couple before and I must say the response rate is great. They reply promptly (about a day, due to the time difference maybe) and provide great advice.Just hope that myCents will start working again.

  3. If this is true, then I will say, what the heck is the people in NASA doing, launching missiles onto Moon. That will put them in the league of the evil-axis, as mentioned by US. There are better ways to carry out investigation than this. I will like to see the debris coming back and strike Earth, best if it hit on the launching pad of those missiles. Slap them back on their selfish faces.

  4. I think you're talking about those kontera, infolinks ad-networks in-line text ads. These text ads are embedded on web page. Depending on keyword bid and traffic for keyword. It creates a hover popup when user take mouse over those double underlined text links. Yes, it is annoying. Why ? Pleny of reasons. First is it makes site looks more ugly. Second, it adds to many links to article or site and this diverts people from main content. It's just too annoying. It's like making money from CPC model that annoys people.
    And one more thing that i found with kontera is shocking. If you're kontera publisher then you are supposed to earn 100$ within 6 months. If you failed to do that money you earned in last 6 months are not carry forwarded. This is shocking they take your hard earned money. Kontera is good for sites with larger traffic. You can read about this irritating policy on the reviews posted on internet. My only kontera code is working on tp17. I withdraw my publisher id from rest of my site. It is annoying and it's not gonna pay me as well.

    That is something new. If that is the case, then I will cease all kontera ads on my websites. No point since I am not going to get my hands on the revenue.

  5. Beside US and Australia, China and India is the next 2 big nations that will play a big part in the climate change and it doesnt help that they are both growing at tremendous speed. Once they reach saturation point, I think the world will be changed.Off track for a moment. The past 2 weeks had seen natural disaster, one after another. First we witness the sand storm in Australia that covered the entire Sydney sky. Then the typhoon ketsana that stuck Philippines before moving to China, Laos and Vietnam. Then a triple earthquake that struck Samoa Island (a tsunami was generated as a result) and Indonesia (2 earthquakes in 2 days). And finally, typhoon parma is hitting the countries earlier affected by typhoon ketsana. How many times did so many disasters happened in a span of 2 weeks?Sydney sandstorm and typhoons ketsana and parma could be attributed to the climate change. But the 3 earthquakes, they are work of the nature.

  6. I try to explain as much as I know and anyone please correct me with i am wrong.You cannot ditch you modem. But instead of connecting your modem and pc/laptop, modem should be connected to the router. And from the router, your terminal connects. As for any significant change in speed, there should be any if yours is the only terminal connect to the router. But you should experience a slight dip. However if yours is not the only terminal, then you will experience slowness as all terminals will share the same bandwidth.

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