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Posts posted by kleong

  1. As much as I have to agree that some of the actions of the players are disgusting, I dont think we should have new rules implemented to the game. I cant image the referee dishing out yellow cards to players who spit or the ruling body to ban a player for being rude to the coaching staffs. Leave that to the discretion of the club.

  2. Ya, who would have thought firefox could come such a long way. The initial sentiments is that it will just be a fad and many people predicted that they would have died after a while, especially it being an open-source application which people have doubts abt, it terms of support and security (many people still does). But hey, the 5years birthday just show proved all the nay-sayer wrong.

  3. How could someone who persecute another and yet commit the same crime. US, I presume if a nuclear hear war broke out, they will be leading the charge, had labelled countries like Iraq, N.Korea as the axis of evil based on the belief that they have in their possession, weapon of mass destruction. How could then they themselves use something which they accuse others of having. In any case, as pointed out, if a war against middle east breaks out, price of crude oil will rocket out of hand.

  4. I dont knowI'm still trying to make it confirmed, yet it seems the only thing i can do is try it myself though
    See that domain.co.cc and domain.co.nr? Aren't they at about the same level with subdomain.domain.cc and subdomain.domain.nr? Just why they can but we can't, i wonder?

    You mean something like that 'max boost area' or something? (dunno, read that before in a glance of some hosts)
    That, without any doubt, will definitely killed my economic system lol

    And for the traffic you said, i have 3000+ pageviews from indonesia and 300+ this month (based on the stat in my host panel)
    But still it is quite unfair to compare, i must say
    As i mentioned above, my indonesian hosting server sucks at serving bandwith for foreigners: it may be REALLY lag, timed out, or even can't resolve the address

    It is something like what Akamai (https://www.akamai.com/de/de/) provides. Btw, what is the experience like surfing an "outside" website? Is the speed aint too bad, then just host it outside.

  5. I only with a load balancer, you can redirect the traffic to the web server (in the same server) which is "freer". But in your case, it is 2 different server, so I think the load balancer wont do it. Maybe, for information purpose, I know of some hosting company which have a server all over the world. What is does it this. When you upload to one of the servers, it will be cache to the rest. And when users hit your domain name, it will be directed to your nearest server or the server nearest to you with the less load. But such hosting service cost a bomb. What I suggest, see your traffic. If majority of it is from Indonesia, then no point having another to serve the "western countries". And vice-versa, close the hosting for the Indonesia based server and switch to a more "western" orientated one.

  6. Many functions are using javascript and therefore it is an important feature. Having said that, most of the ad tags, they are served by js. At such, most people will turn off their browser's javascript function to block off the ads and thus render other function to be disable as well.As for java, I think they are cool. And as mentioned, definitely not for a novice programmer.

  7. Seem like many people have some experiences of paranormal. I believe there are millions of people in the world who have encounter some forms of paranormal activities. But strangely, even with the billions of encounter around the world, there are some people out there who just do not believe that paranormal is a fact, not a fiction. They will tell to find a link to some scientifically proved fact and some of the linkage is pure absurb. And when there isn't any form of explanation, they will just shudder their shoulder and said that the person who encounter it is just plain superstitious.

  8. McDonald's food here comes in a portion that is just filling enough. Together with the soft drinks, the meal can get rather too much at time. But as you know, soft drinks will make you feel bloated and I guess that is the reason why the meal is enough to fill the stomach. But I do not know about you guys, but after eating the meal, I get hungry again after a short while.

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