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Everything posted by eddyruiz

  1. I'm taking this class right now. Just wondering if anyone has advise for me. So far everything seems straight forward. Its seems like this is the program equivalent to Dreamweaver but for Windows.Let me know your thoughts please.
  2. Thanks for the info, really good stuff. I try not to do too much design, I like programming more, but if I do this info will come in handy. It will either make me conform to what it says, or it will make me want to be so out of the box that it something wild.Imagine doing everything in the opposite direction. Now that is outside the box. I think I'll try that.
  3. Don't remember from the top of my head, but if you are still in need of this I will try to help. Let me know.
  4. New technology is still exciting. This best part of this program is that its free. As far as I know, all browsers are free. This is probably why there are alway bugs in them. Not enough resources to put into free software.
  5. Looks interesting. I'm going to sign up as soon as i get internet at home. Should be next week some time.
  6. Thanks for the welcome stefan. Do you have a site hosted? How many posts did it take you? Do you mind sharing your website?
  7. Welcome Mr. Phun. I'm Eddy from Sunny California. God I love it here. Anyway, I've made about 13 and I had racked up about 140 pts. I don't know if thats good or bad. I do know that they say that the first 5 posts don't really count. Do you have a link of some of the other websites you've made? I used to be in web development but have been out of it for a few years, going to get back in.Welcome!
  8. I guess thats a small step for man and one large step for open source. I think it would be really cool to have a choice. The overall installation may still be IE though, since most people just don't know. They'll be installing windows and say "hey, same company, why not". The google new browser would come in close second because of its name recognition. Regardless, this is a step in the right direction.
  9. Along side of playing RE5 I've been playing Street Fighter 4. This game is awesome. it takes me back to the day that I used to play SF2 in the arcade. The graphics are amazing, but more important the controls are tight. On the 360 the Dpad kinda sucks but I play with the stick so it doesn't matter.If you like fighting games and have played SF before, you're going to love this one.I give it a 5 out of 5.
  10. I am currently playing Resident Evil 5 on the Xbox 360. I played Resident Evil 4 on the Gamecube and enjoyed it very much. The controls took a bit of getting used to but after awhile I was fine.On the 360, RE5 controls nicely. The graphics are incredible, even if you don't have an HDTV. I play on a 60" HDTV with HDMI and it looks awesome.I love the fact that they made the game co-op. The only thing that sucks for me right now is that I don't know anyone that has the game, so i'm playing alone with the AI. The AI doesn't really make good decisions sometimes. I find myself saving her *bottom* way too many times. That's not to say that she doesn't save my *bottom* as often, but she's suppose to do that right?The story is all that thrilling, it never has been in this series.I'm playing it on Hard so that I get the most achievements I can, yes I sometimes am an achievement *BLEEP*. Overall I'm having fun playing the game and thats what matters most.I give the game a 4.5 out of 5
  11. Sounds like you've played RTS games on the PC before. I agree that its difficult to make the transition from PC to Console for this genre. This game trys really really bad. I say if you have your system modded, get it it won't hurt, if not rent it or wait to find a used copy or cheaper price.*Update This game rocks. I really think its worth $40. If you can find it for that or cheaper, get and play on live with your friends. Its really fun. See you online.
  12. I voted for COD5. I think its more of a COD4 mod. COD4 is better in some ways, but COD5 is fresh and more people seem to be playing it. I do get on COD4 from time to time and find that people are still playing that. Games start up right away. If you can only have one from the three I would go with COD4, since its older you'll find it cheaper and save some money up for COD6 in the fall.
  13. I think as you can see the answer varies. Most of the time it seems people are biased based on the type of console or PC they have. I am a fan of games. I don't care what platform they are on. If its a good game, I give it props. For a game that is multi-platform, like COD4 there are usually little differences between all versions.For a single player experience, I would have to give the nod to the PC. If you have an excellent graphics card, monitor, speakers, this is the way to go. The other added benefit is the fact that you can lean in the PC version. This is not possible in the XBOX 360 or PS3 version. Its not a must have, but its easy to get used to.For multi-player I would have to say the Xbox360 hands down. Its a better online community. Its easier to get together with friends and the voice over live is excellent. Live just works better as it should since its not free.Overall i would say play it on xbox360 most of your time will probably be spent online.Now not all games work perfectly on Live. Gears of War 1 and 2 are awesome games, but they don't have all the kinks worked out in live. I love the game, but tried only a couple of time on live and that was that.
  14. Just wanted to thank everyone for this info. I'll be using it soon as well. I was in the web development industry a few years back, and now i'm just getting back into it. Thanks again for the help.
  15. I agree that BASIC is not a good idea. A good start might be Visual Basic 2008. It a lot of cut and paste but also lets you look at the code. I think its the Dreamweaver of Windows apllications. Then make the hop over to C++ or C#
  16. Hey good looking out Nate. I've been looking to start doing games, if I can get paid for it even better. Thanks for looking again!
  17. Call of Duty 4 was on the PC as well. The cool thing about the PC version that the consoles didn't have was the fact that you could lean in the PC version. I would love to lean over Xbox Live.Call of Duty 5 is actually a good game as well. It goes back to the world war era but sending out dogs is super cool. It's actually more like a Call of Duty 4 mod than a whole new game.Here's to Call of Duty 6!!!
  18. This might sound stupid because I didn't look over all of the posts. I have gotten this error before. I mod xboxs and repair them as well. All I did was reinsert the hard drive. So take it off completely then reinsert it. I should fix the one light flash.
  19. Hey everyone. My name is Eddy. Obviously I'm near here. I used to be online all the time, but I've been really busy. I'm back now, hopefully to stay. I am in desperate need of some free hosting so I thought I'd give this a shot. I love the idea. I have always wanted to be a part of a community. See in the forums.
  20. Welcome, lol. Kind of funny to welcome someone that new here since I'm new here myself. Good luck with everything!
  21. This can be answer a couple of different ways and it seems it has been over the last 3+ years. From a tech standpoint, the PS3 seems to be the winner. That doesn't make it the better console though. A few things are the factors. Games Does the system simply have good games? Are the graphics good? Do they play tight? Is the online component good? These are questions you have to ask about a game regardless of what system. In this context, the Xbox360 wins with the fact that it has more excellent quality games. Both exclusive and mult-platform. Affordability How affordable is the system, accessories and games? Again, the Xbox360 wins. Its runs usually $50 - $100 cheaper than the PS3. Accessories and games seem to be even. Online Capabilities Does this system have good online components? Again the Xbox360 wins. Although you have to pay for its Live component, its so worth it. $40 for a full year is a small price to pay. Moddability Now this shouldn't be a factor, but it is to me. Being able to mod my system to play backups is a plus. I don't have the money to buy or even rent games right now. Again Xbox360 wins. I even believe Microsoft is allow this to happen to increase its numbers. So there is my answer.
  22. Nice site! Its simple. Even though its not finished, its clean. I see you used flash, any way to put the forum in flash?
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