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Posts posted by Yipster

  1. Isn't one of the ten commandments "thou shall not hate."? I don't really think you can hate someone unless they did something unforgiveable. eg. Kill any of your immediate family members, made you life a living hell, abused you, etc. There are 6 billion people in the world, there has to be personality clashes and conflicts. I personally dislike people who want to beat you at everything. And thats not the part that really ticks me off. Its when they come and rub it in your face and keep on bringing it up. You can't talk back because they beat you in whatever. Makes me so mad that there are those kind of people in the world.

  2. The learning curve for C is much bigger than python. C/C++ can be easy depending on what you are doing. It gets really complex if you actually want to dive into something in depth. Python much simpler, syntax is easy, and will eventually lead you up to C. In addition, in highschool you really don't learn anything great. Its better to stick with a simpler language until post secondary, where things really get crazy. Thats just my 2 cents, yes you can dive into C. But the learning curve is pretty big. A whole bunch of people will turn away from C/C++ because of that learning curve. If you make it through the learning curve its a breeze from there on. Cuz you will now be thinking like a computer. Yup, you're on your way to become a full fledged borg. Resistance is futile.

  3. Well this is a poem my friend came up with. I though I would share with the whole world. Its quite crazy and discrete. Oh yah, you have to say it out loud for it to be funny.


    Rose are red.

    Violets are blue.

    I'll f**k you with rake.


    Thats it, I guess the funny part is the last line. It's abrupt and quite a surprise to the person you are "serenading" too. Lol, please don't flame me, my friend Nish told it to me, and I though it was funny. I'll understand if you guys think I have a bad sense of humour.

  4. Umm...you should really be more specific. Do you want MMORPG or RPG's? Well for the RPG section, FF8 and FF10 for PS are really good. Can't forget to mention Tales of Symphonia for GC. <--- Best storyline I have ever seen. Quite a few surprises in the game. MMORPG wise, I like WoW, L2, and RO. Though I don't play em much because there pay to play. And MS has worn off its novelty.

  5. I don't really see the longterm point of these RPGMakers. If your planning to market a game using these commercial RPGMakers, no one is going to buy it. If your only planning to distribute it too friends, it won't be that fun and it wil eventually be a waste of time. It might give you some coding experience and graphic design experience, but thats quite about it.

  6. Its already being developed at MIT. I saw this thing on "Daily Planet" where you could control almost everything with a Blackberry, Palm Pilot, or home pc/laptop. It was quite interesting, and a lot of the stuff was automized as well. But I don't think it will be readily available, efficient, and cheap in our lifetime, maybe the next generation will have this comfort.

  7. I know Microsoft is attacked by hackers every day who try to exploit holes and security issues, but this is just sad. The average person doesn't need a crazy randomized password. And its not like there gonna get hacked either. But here is a simple tip for making a good password. Think of something you like. I like "women". Then you put numbers in between the letters like this:1w2o3m4e5n6This password would be pretty hard to crack and is easy for you to remember. So I really don't see the point with the new hotmail thing. Making a great password is simple. I guess they are really paranoid with security. (Don't bother trying, cuz that isn't my password :rolleyes: )

  8. Lol, you could waste a lot of time with that. Trying to get a crazy name. Mine came out to be Iced Windowsill. Here are a few names I wasted my time on:Briteny Spears ---> The Purple SuitGeorge Bush ---> KapTack U. LarParis Hilton ---> Noob BoobPamela Anderson ---> Queen SlutTara Reid ---> Pimpdaddy C. Slikk

  9. I don't really think gamers and media people need 4gb of ram. Come on, 1gb is already more than enough to play any game on the market today. And 500GB...if I downloaded 500GB of stuff my ISP would cut my connection. Only thing I like about is the nice sleek look with the lights. Thats just my opinion, and its biased cuz I am drooling at this comp and regretting that I just bought my new comp a month ago.

  10. Hmm...well I kinda lost interest in PS, not much of a party system. GC is way better because I constantly have friends over, and Smash Bros never gets boring. And my eyes can't take staring at a screen playing an RPG by yourself. But thats just my opinion, some people might just like playing alone. Also some people might not like the kiddy nature of the Nintendo franchise, and much prefer the seriousnessness(yes i noe its not a word) and realism of Microsoft ans Sony.

  11. Hmm...well I hafta say that I won't be WOW'd till we get a human that far. Anyone could throw a bunch of parts together, do the calculations and huck it into space while your flying on Virgin's Airways space trip. Eventually it would get that far. However, the interesting thing is how they use isotopes for the engine and stuff. 25 years is a long time.

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