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Posts posted by Yipster

  1. Hmm...my happiest memory, eh? I really don't know or can't choose. I think getting my driving license's was a happy moment, no longer do I have to be chauffered by parents :) Actually that isn't my happiest memory because I still have yet to own a car and still borrowing my parnets keys. After some thinking, well, its got to be when I was in Toronto. Toronto was the first place and time that girls hit on me. Quite weird in fact, I was at the bowling alley with some friends. I was trying to get strikes, but it was mostly gutter balls. Anyways, I saw these girls who were celebrating a B-Day of their friend. They looked back and walked up to me, and they said your really good at bowling, are you a professional? Eerrr....I had nothing to say, so the girls broke the ice, laughed and said "Didn't you get the pick up line?" Well, anyways we did some more chit chat and stuff, and they went back to their alley and asked me to drop by and visit them before they left. I would take them up on the offer, but I glanced and saw there mom coming to pick them T.T Aaag, that was the end of it, they left at 11pm and gave me a wink. Happy times it was, gloating in front of my friends who all had there excuses on my they came to me and not them. I just replied to them with a cool "Whatever you say..." Sadly, my luck in Vancouver sucks and is dry. I am longing to go to Toronto once again. Maybe its cuz asian chicks don't like me as much as white chicks. That in itself is a mystery. I LUV TORONTO!(too bad i hate their hockey team else I'd move there)

  2. Hmm...there are 2 ways you can approach this. Method 1:Like Wassie said, you can model it in some 3D program, render as a pic and just take the hair and plop it on. Method 2:The form of artwork you are seeing is called cell shading. The purpose of cell shading is to get 2D things to look more 3D. Look for some tutorials for cell shading on the net, it takes some work but it will look uber crazy prettyness.<<<eerr, I don't know why I said that

  3. Good colors, its visually appeasing. But the blank space under the banner and beside the pics is bland, you need to either get rid of it or put something in it. The scrolling up thing should be place above the welcome message, because it diverts eye attention. And in my opinion I prefer the navigation bar to be on the left not the right, but thats just my opinion. Oh and your news, you should reveal more of the story instead of just one sentence'ish. Hmm... a fixed width might be good for the site. Overall its good and appealing, you just need more content ^^.

  4. OMFG, why the hell do terrorists do this! Fark man, fighting like cowards, taking advantage on the innocent and not knowing. America will never surrender so whats the point of going after the innocent. Fark jihad and that stuff, there religion does not believe in violence so why do they insist on doing it. And those leaders of these terrorists groups are d*cks, brainwashing the young and getting them to blow themselves up. If there all that they should do it themselves, damn cowards. What is even more pissing is that they tape the executions, isn't already enough that the parents/family/friends know he/she is dead or captured. We don't need to see the head come off. For god sakes, why can't we all get along, we may have different religions and skin color, but our blood is red and were classified as the human race. To the peacekeeping soldiers in Iraq, I ain't saying what you are doing is wrong but violence only leads to more violence. 2 wrongs don't make a right. Perfect example is the atom bomb, it was made for "peace" but what happened? Max destruction and the start of the cold war. All religions do not condone violence and are based on peace and virtue, but these herectics twisting religion to their own means. I am sorry if I offended anyone because of what I said, but one of my family members has been...well lets just say I was effected by these cowardly so called terrorists.

  5. OOOOOO, hot pink, hot pink is always good, but you need a color to contrast with it. Something darker would be good, too many bright colors. Nice try with the pixelated stuff, but me no likey. The pixelated words give me the SNES Rpg feel, and I am trying to get away from that stuff. Lol, what are quips?Anyways, any site with pink is a gogo with me, I like how you validated your site, not many people do that anymore, and for the alignment it would be better if its all the way to the left or in the middle, I should really end my sentence right now, too many commas, oh yah, one more thing, is CuteNews any good?(There, ended my sentence)

  6. Pokemon was good for a while, because it was something new and my first experience with anime.(Never seen a non-American cartoon 'till Pokemon) The card game however was lame, it wasn't really about the battles, it was about collecting. I had all rares of the first edition of cards, and guess what, stolen! I'll end it here because I did waste a lot of money on those cards, and I don't want to rant of vent.The TV show was very good, because like I said before, it was new and unique. But I think there just draggin it too much now. The storyline has been repeated over and over and over and over. Here's how it goes:Ash find problem, Ash solve problem.Team Rocket show up and make problem, Ash or friends defeat Rocket or Rocket defeant themselves and fly away.Maybe Ash make new Pokemon friend or catch it.Ash gym battles, Ash losing battle, Ash thinks of new technique or tactic, Ash win.Rinse and repeat, it just got boring, I feel like my little brother was too young to understand the Pokemon craze because he would have put a hole in my dad's pocket like I did. Though I am sad my little bro' prefers baseball over hockey.Summarized, Pokemon had its glory and now its gone.(To the producers, stop making episodes and dragging it out, at least Dragon Ball Z had insane action to keep us interested)

  7. It really depends. The skills are repetitive, but the anime style keeps you interested. Botting is so easy as well, so if you play you may see some bots I made for the game. In addition, your connection plays a factor. Dial up - This is the best game you can play that has decent graphics. Not too much lag. Of course I would choose RO over MS anyday due to the repetitiveness of Maplestory skills.ADSL/Broadband - There are many better games than this, don't waste away your time and internet bandwidth. But if your an anime freak by all means go ahead. Though I guarantee you that you will hate those little anime characters soon enough.My RL friend was a moderator for the Sleepywood forums. He quit as well. Errm, I just wanted to put that in and brag about my friend being a mod at Sleepywood ^^.My opinion maybe a little biased, but its my 2 cents.

  8. I think your mad about your girl coming to "Meet the Parents" (pardon the pun). And taking a flight to see your girl was probably your vacation too, so that only adds to the frustration. But its good of you to stay with your parents, especially your mom, because you did come out of her loins and caused her quite a bit of pain.

  9. Hmm...from what your saying, a school that makes CD's of there kid choir and try to make money from it, is wrong? Amateur singers, eh? There kids, and front what I've seen there not even in puberty yet. Have you bought there CD? Has it effected you in any way? Nope it hasn't effected you, yet you insist to dump on them. Sure, I agree thats it a lame attempt to make a grab for money. But its human nature to be greedy, I bet you have done something in your life to make a money grab be it real life or in online gaming or sorts.I leave you with this, sure it sickens you people buy it, but what you going to do about it?

  10. Personally, I don't like the dark colors. I don't believe politics should be affliated with dark colors. The layout is kind of weird, navigation is on the right, polls in the middle and content on the right. And there are broken modules which isn't good, especially since your advertisements are down because of the module.6ish out of 10 because I liked the overall look. But I believe this is a set theme for mambo, however, its free and you haven't actually outright said "I created this theme" so i have to disagree with biscuitrat.

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