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Posts posted by Yipster

  1. I personally prefer Nuke. I am currently helping out moderating a phpnuke help forums. So if you need some help drop by here I've seen a lot of posts there and no exploits. But there were some cases where admin passwords were hacked. They were basically brute forced easily because they were short passwords.

    Anyways, Dynomite, everything has exploits nothing is perfect or secure. It seems Nuke has a lot of exploits because it more popular than others. Therefore, it code is seen by more people, and its a perfect target for "hackers". A good example of this would be Mac and Windows. All you ever hear about is exploits in Windows, and hardly ever in Mac. Why? It is because the majority of the market is Windows.
    Wow, that was a rant, don't mind me. Just defending Nuke.

  2. Omg, no one recommended my article :). Here is the link if your interested:

    IPV4 vs. IPV6

    I will summarize it for you cuz its quite a read. Basically, IPV4 uses a 32 bit system which allows 4,294,967,296 unique addresses(IP's). IPV6 uses a 128 bit system which allows 340-undecillion (34, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000) addresses.

    IPV6 in my opinion will be phased in slowly. The reason for this is because there is a shortage in IP addresses but we still haven't reached the cap with the IPV4 system. However, simple math can tell us why IPV6 was created.

    6 billionish people = 6 billionish computers != 4 billionish IP addresses

    You might think that 340 undecillion is quite a lot of ip addresses. But as we grow in population and technology all items will start gaining IP addresses. Soon mobile phones will have IP addresses if they don't have them already. Kitchen appliances that can be run remotely will need a physical address, etc. And it was another measure to make sure we never have a shortage.

  3. Ajax, all I know about it is its a word we banned from our geography game.

    ie. ONe person says something related to geography. Second persons says another geography related thing, but the thing must start with the last letter in the thing said by the first person.

    Can't think of anything starting with X off the the top of your head, eh?(I am Canadian)

    Well that was off topic. Anyways you said:

    the idea of AJAX is to make an application run from the web like if it is running in the owners pc

    Security risk I think so. But it would be quite interesting on how google goes through billions of pages.

  4. Well if he wasn't murdered and had no killing diseases why did he die? I am pretty sure the life expectancy back then wasn't 19. Here is my theory, as a adolesence teen, he rebelled against the aliens. Because we all know that the aliens built the pyramids >.> As a result of his rebellious nature the aliens with advanced technology ended his life prematurely. Don't ask what I am smoking, because its w33d. I don't do coke.

  5. I don't think cars will exist in our distant future :) I think I will play devils advocate in this post. First of all, I don't think we will ever get to the point where flying cars/personal flying devices are the main means of transporation. Why you might ask? Oil is disappearing and American nuclear subs have enough fire power to blow up the world many times over. In short term, the main interest is gas mileage. Increasing gas prices is a deterent to go "cruis'n" with friends. I felt a little uncomfortable when driving around with my friends because the gas bill hit $60ish Canadian. Luckily, he is a good friend with a paying job and didn't ask me to chip in, lol. Yah, basically its all going to be gas mileage and alternative fuel sources.Can you say Stargate? You never know.

  6. Here is an article I did as tribute to the late Chuck Cadman. If your Canadian you probably know him as the man who saved the Liberal government. Don't say he did the wrong or right thing in saving it, he was meerly following what his constituents wanted. Anyways, here is a little bio:


    Passing of MP Chuck Cadman

    By: Yipster(decided not to use my real name for privacy purposes)


    Battling cancer for two years, Chuck Cadman died peacefully at his home on Saturday morning (July 8th 2005) at the age of 57. Most of us will know Chuck Cadman as the man who allowed the Liberal government to forego a summer election.


    He is most deserving of all Canadians utmost respect. Industry Minister David Emerson described him best, ?I like to say he had grit.? Fighting the effects of chemotherapy Cadman rushed to Ottawa. He stated he wished to obey his constituents who voted and did not want a summer election.


    Cadman first stepped into the public eye after his son (Jesse) was stabbed and killed in a random street attack. Consequently, Cadman became a prominent advocate/campaigner of victim rights and him and his wife formed the group CRY(Crime Responsibility and Youth). Crime Responsibility and Youth counseled violent teens and teens likely to be violent.


    Cadman successfully crusaded in stiffening young offender?s legislation. In addition, he also won in court to raise Jesse Cadman?s killer?s sentence to a life sentence.


    Cadman had lost the Conservative nomination last year. Despite this set back Cadman did not want to jump ship. Rather, he opted to run as an independent. Facing adversity, Cadman won his riding against the richly financed parties.


    "I am proud,'' said Jodi Cadman (daughter). Jodi Cadman is justified in being proud for her father who?s views, morals, and ethics should be used as a standard for all politicians, sadly it is not so. Furthermore, Chuck Cadman truly fits the definition of grit, an indomitable spirit.




    Please point out any grammar or spelling errors.

  7. Another article I did to compare IPV4 and IPV6.


    Ipv4 vs. Ipv6


    Ipv4 is the fourth version of Internet protocol, but the first one to be widely deployed. It uses a 32 bit addressing and allows for 4,294,967,296 unique addresses. Ipv4 has four different class types, the class types are A, B, C, and D. An example of Ipv4 is 207. 142. 131. 235. The ipv4 uses a subnet mask because of the large numbers of computers used today.


    The subnet mask helps reduce the number of unique IP given to companies, corporations and so on. An example of a subnet mask is a company. A architectural company is given one ip address to use in their company. The IP that they are given is the class C addresses, 192. 182. 162. 0. However, the employees want to send information about the plan to a fellow employee. The default subnet mask is 255. 255. 255. 0 this default is used so that people can send instant messages to each other without downloading programs such as MSN messenger. The 0 in the subnet mask allows you to have 16 different networks having 14 computers per network allowing you to have a total of 224 computers in the company. You can create these networks by modifying the 0 the only number you can modify in the network. In the binary version of the 0 of the subnet mask it looks like this 0000. You can modify the numbers from 0000 1111. Those numbers will represent your network, you will then need numbers for your computer. When adding the numbers for the computer your IP would look like this in tens. the zero after the dash represents your computer number. The way you can modify the number is the same as the network number, the difference is that you can only the numbers 0001-1110 in other words you cannot have all ones or all zeros. For further reference there is a diagram in the next page.


    Ipv6 is the next in the advancement of IPs. Although it is version 6 it will probably be the next widely deployed Internet protocol. Compared to the Ipv4 which allows for only 4,294,967,296 unique addresses, the Ipv6 that uses a 128-bit system will hold 340-undecillion (34, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000) this number is so vast that there are more unique ip addresses than stars in the universe, as we know it. However, the Ipv6 will not come out till at least 2025 in because they need time to fix the bugs in the protocol. An example of Ipv6 is:

    207. 142. 131. 235. 207. 142. 131. 235. 207. 142. 131. 235. 207. 142. 131. 235.


    The reason we may need to switch from Ipv4 to Ipv6 is because of the population of the world. The rate at which the worlds population is growing is nothing to look down at. Also in the future all vehicles will probably be networked in order to use Onstar or other navigational devices and those need IPs too. So eventually we would need more unique IPs than the number we have now.









    Please inform me of any typos or grammar errors. Thx in advance.

  8. Media Center PC


    Windows XP Media Center Edition was launched late in 2002. It was only available through dealers that were authorized by Microsoft. For the PC had to be specially configured to get the maximum usage and best experience. This fall, the Media Center promised to reshape the way we intake photos, music, and video?s.


    The Media Center PC?s are available from all major manufacturers, which includes Dell, HP, and Sony. Eventually, Microsoft hopes to incorporate the smaller local dealers in you area. The popularity of the Media Center PC is rapidly rising, even though the price is a little steep for the average person. (starting at $1500)


    Media Center is basically just a remodeled revamped Windows XP. The interface is not of the traditional desktop instead it?s is more of a DVD menu style. It is easily viewable on a 36? screen. For those who are technically clueless, the navigation is a breeze with the remote.


    Another interesting feature with the Media Center is the TV tuner card. With this TV tuner card and the DVD menu interface, the Media Center can easily be a part of your home entertainment system. The TV tuner card allows you to pull video off a camcorder, cable, or satellite. However, this feature is great and bad at the same time. You can record and shows that you?ll miss. For a regular 1 hour show recorded with good quality it would take 1GB. Moreover, someone like my hypothetical friend Ynnad Piy would pirate, pirate, pirate, pirate, and then some more pirate. He would download the episode, burn them to DVD and sell them or host them on the net. Why wait and pay for Season 1-7 ?Friends? DVD when you can hook up with a guy like Ynnad Piy. What makes this even more interesting, is that the Media Center has a wizard that allow you in 1 or 2 steps to burn anything to a DVD. My point is that you could say the Media Center PC is promoting illegal activities.


    In summary, any techno savvy geek or home entertainment lord should purchase this. However, if you?re just an average person just stick with a regular desktop, because setup can be quite a pain. If you?re still persistent, not intimidated by the setup, you want to look hip and cool in front of your friends, and you have $2000 to spare. Why not give it a shot? It is ?only? $2000. From personal experience with my brother?s Media Center, I was able to record a whole bunch of shows I missed. I was able to record a whole season of ?The West Wing? and ?ER?. However, at the time he had an older version of Media Center, which did not contain a burning to DVD wizard. In the end, I was able to produce my own DVD set of ?The West Wing? and ?ER?. Like I said earlier, ? any techno savvy geek or home entertainment lord should purchase?, so in the future I am hoping to purchase one.


    If there are any typos or grammar errors please let me know.

  9. Here is my review of the Voodoo F510. At the computer store I used to work at they let me take it home for about 2 weeks. I had to write a review on it so here it is.


    Work That Voodoo


    Voodoo PC has come out with a new Voodoo F-Class, F510. This Calgary based company specializes in high-end custom PC?s. Basically, it?s for anyone that wants to get everything out of there PC without over clocking. Though this PC is often for a hardcore gamer who has an extra $6000 lying around.


    The F510 utilizes Intel?s Canterwood technology. Intel?s Canterwood technology boosts the system bus up to 800MHz and allows the new Pentium 4 3GHZ processor to be used with DDR 400 memory. In addition, it uses the new 875-chipset from Intel which adds two built in Serial ATA controllers.


    All of this is just the power capabilities of the F510. It also comes with a top notch graphics card, ATI Radeon 9800, and an excellent sound card, Creative Audigy 2. On the optical side is has a DVD-ROM and a CD-RW drive. Moreover, it features a front accessible multi-card reader.


    There are two version of the F510 system. The first version made use of Intel?s Serial ATA controller, by using two 120 GB Seagate SATA drives to set up in a RAID configuration. The second version features only one 200 GB ATA/100 hard drive from Western Digital. Both of these configurations from the article writer?s point of view performed excellently.


    As with past Voodoo systems, the looks and sleekness are fantastic. The F510 comes with a custom paint job, where the purchaser can select his own colors. There is also a new Voodoo Tattoo option which allows user to upload a graphic, which Voodoo will paint on the system case. The side of the case is clear, with fluorescent lights it illuminates all the parts inside which allows you to clearly see inside. When I said sleekness I meant the inside cabling job, the wires are tucked away from site. This not only allows a nicer look but keeps the system cooler because air travels more efficiently without the cables in the way. As a result, the F510 only needs two case mounted cooling fans.


    This is quite a ?l33t? system for those hardcore gamers. However, it does come at a hefty price of $6295. If you don?t have that kind of ?ka ching? no need to fear there is a cheaper system, Fury. The price is still quite hefty but it?s price is significantly lower from the F510. The Fury price range is around $3495 to $3795. Moreover, if you still can?t afford the Fury you should ask yourself do I really need a ?super? computer?


    To reiterate, if you want power and speed and you got the ?ka ching? for it, you should buy a Voodoo F-Class F510. Like all computer techies I want this system and I want it bad, however, I don?t have the ?ka ching? for it. Hopefully, my dream of becoming a multi-billionaire or even a multi-millionaire will come true so that I will be able to purchase one of these excellent systems.



    Please let me know if you see any typos or grammar errors. Thx in advance.

  10. Who is your favorite Canadian? My favorite Canadian would have to be Terry Fox, yes I know Medicare is an important role. However, Terry Fox's journey was so inspiring.


    Most of us would take a whole year to plan a marathon run. Training everyday for it. Well, Terry ran a marathon everyday for the cure of cancer. This itself would be extraordinary, but Terry had another hurdle, he had only 1 leg due to cancer. He faced adversity everyday and battled the elements. In my opinion, he is what ultimately defines and embodies what Canada strives to be, a heroic and noble nation.


    The Greatest Canadian


    In the winter of 2004 CBC(Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) brought us the series ?The Greatest Canadian.? It was basically ?American Idol? but instead of the would be William Hung?s it would be Canada?s great?s. Every week the CBC would air an episode dedicated to one of the top ten candidates. In each of these episodes there would be an advocate who defended and told us why we should choose their candidate as ?the greatest Canadian.?


    Here are your top ten candidates and a little about them:


    Pierre Trudeau

    The charismatic Trudeau armed with a great intelligence allowed him to remain in power for nearly 16 years. During his reign as prime minister he never shied away from his goal to create a unified and just Canada. He was a prime minister who promoted bilingualism, getting rid of separatism, and the creation of the Canadian Constitution and Charter of Rights.


    David Suzuki

    Most of us know David Suzuki as the host of CBC?s ?The Nature of Things.? He is an author of more then 20 books and is reputably known as the ?gladiatorial geneticist? who mixes education with entertainment. The passionate David Suzuki has definitely deserved the title ?environmental guru? for two Canadian generations.


    Lester B. Pearson

    During his 5 years as prime minister Lester B. Pearson oversaw the introduction of the Canadian Pension Plan, the Bilingualism and Biculturalism Commission, national medicare, the national labour code, and our modern day maple leaf flag. If all this wasn?t enough, he received a Nobel Peace Prize in 1956 as the pinnacle of his achievements.


    Sir John A. Macdonald

    Macdonald is best known for as our first prime minister of Canada and our founding father. He was able to unite the French and English who joined together to construct the Canadian Pacific Railway(CPR). The characteristics that made Macdonald such as great leader are the same as what defines Canada as a nation.


    Wayne Gretzky

    He is the greatest scorer/player in the NHL. He broke over 4-dozen records and accumulated nearly 3000 points. Gretzky has won 4 Stanley Cups and has held or shared 61 NHL records. He is a great role model for he serves countless charities and his own foundation helps those unable to play hockey, play hockey.


    Terry Fox

    Terry Fox began the Marathon of Hope on the morning of April 12, 1980. Fox?s amazing journey had taken him through the Atlantic provinces, Quebec and Ontario, until he stopped just outside Ontario because he felt a pain in his chest. At that point he had ran 5376 kilometres and raised $24.7 million dollars for cancer research. Sadly, on June 28, 1981 with his family beside him, he passed away.


    Tommy Douglas

    In his 40 year of politics, Tommy Douglas firmly devoted himself to social causes. With his inspiring and motivating speeches and witty charm he had become a popular political force. Through his first appearance in public politics in 1934 to his post retirement days in the 1970?s he always stayed to true to socialist beliefs. We especially know Tommy Douglas as the father of Medicare.


    Don Cherry

    Starting out as a hockey player, leading up to a successful NHL coaching career Don Cherry has gained much respect throughout Canada. Don Cherry soon found that his passion lied in the television screen. Outspoken, outrageous, and sometimes even outlandish, Cherry has been called even worse in his 24 years with CBC?s ?Hockey Night in Canada.?


    Alexander Graham Bell

    On March 10, 1876 the lines ?Mr.Watson, come here, I need you.? made history because they were the first words to be transmitted via telegraph. After patenting his first invention(the telephone) and giving a demonstration of the telephone at the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876, he went on to form the Bell Telephone Company in 1877.


    Frederick Banting

    Sir Frederick Banting is known as the man who discovered insulin, bringing a new light to diabetics all over the world. His groundbreaking research in the 1920s brought him fame worldwide and a lifetime of payments from the government. In addition, he earned a knighthood in the British crown which gave him the ?Sir? and Canada?s first ever Nobel Peace Prize in medicine.


    With no more ?Hockey in Night in Canada? most people should know the winner by now. But to those who didn?t watch the greatest Canadian the winner is??.?after this commercial.? CBC?s ?The Greatest Canadian? was brought to you in part by Subway: Eat Fresh and AirCanada. So with no further adieu the *drumroll* the winner of CBC?s ?The Greatest Canadian? is the father of Medicare Tommy C. Douglas!


    If there is any typos, grammar errors, or anything, please let me know. Thx in advance.


    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Moving from General Talk to Regional Affairs > Canada forum.

  11. Well I was 5 or 6 and I was playing in the living room as usual. And then it happened, I stepped on a staple and it got lodged into my toe. I started to cry because it hurt like h*ll, my grandma came and asked me what was wrong...But I ran into the bathroom and locked myself in. Now the shock had worn off and the pain was as extruciating I took a look. It was pretty gross, the staple was right in the middle of my toe, painfully, tearingly, I pulled it out...Thats all I remember.But I don't think that was as memorable as what happened to my friend. My friend got a new bike so we decided to take him biking. We get up this hill it was pretty steep. We all 1 by 1 go down super fast, it was pretty fun till it was my friends turn. He started going down really fast pedalling like a nut. He was going to hit us at the rate he was going so he....SLAMMED the front brakes, and went flying into a fire hydrant. And if you were there you know it hurt. He had a broken leg, and 2 broken ribs and the handles on his new bike were bent. I guess that more memorable because it was funny and sad at the same time. Too this day we still harp on him and ask him why the hell you use the front brakes? Don't you know the law of inertia?

  12. Do you go to highschool or elementary? I know that my former elementary school still has crap computers. But in the highschool we 6 labs of top quality computers. Though we don't learn how to use Photoshop because the licensing is too expensive. So were stuck with Dreamweaver and Fireworks. I feel sorry for you if your school doesn't have industry standard computers. But don't worry, all post secondary schools have top of the line comps. So I guess you'll just have to wait till then or purchase one for yourself.

  13. Well, I used to like them. I still have a few of their songs. In the beginning I liked them because I really didn't understand their lyrics, but Amy Lee's vocals is something too die listening too. However, after seeing their lyrics I got freaked. It talked about death and coming back to life, etc. I guess thats what you get with gothic rock. Thats my 2 cents.

  14. Thats crazy, I would buy one if the size was right. I don't want to be carrying something that will make me sink.(Defeats the purpose) If it is small, would we have to rename Scuba diving?


    Oops, scratch the small thing. I got ahead of myself and didn't visit the link. Lol, I usually visit the links after I post.(yes, i noe that stupid).
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