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Posts posted by serverph

  1. domains don't work that way, tramposch. you can't simply rename a current one to something else. it is not similar to subdomains/subfolders, where you can virtually change/delete/add/modify its text as you want, as in your cheese.com to nocheese.com examples. domains have a monetary cost attached to them (even if you get it for free, with Xisto in exchange for credits). a text change is virtually a new domain in itself (and it is unlikely Xisto will foot the bill for you again just to do that). that is why i said above that you need to acquire another domain with the name you want.otherwise you can choose to use subdomains to differentiate your changes "in the text of the domain" as you put it. instead of nocheese.com from the original cheese.com, you would get a no.cheese.com. check cpanel documentation to do that, or search Xisto forums.

  2. Tramposch, if you'd be changing your current domain to a different one, you gotta have rights to it (hence you gotta, purchase it) and modify the nameservers to point to Xisto. after doing that, you can simply have your new domain as an addon/parked domain. i'm thinking you haven't used up all the allotments you have still, so i would suppose it won't pose a problem by doing so. :P if you really would like your current domain out of the Xisto servers, you can point it elsewhere, or just drop it from your cpanel. :P

  3. odomike, simply review your code. i tested two images on your index page which appear to be missing...

    wrong: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    correct: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    wrong: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    correct: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    judging from these two examples, one thing is clear -- you incorrectly coded your page, which refers to your images by a different name. in the first example, your code shows an extension in ALL CAPS (.JPG in above example). be ware of your extensions as they appear in your code, as they can be case-sensitive. as corrected, which would now appear, try it with lower case this time (jpg). on the second example, you have simply spelt it wrong. see as corrected. these are just basics, which you should always bear in mind when coding.

  4. I don't about you but the Banawe Rice Terraces in the Philippines should also be considered. It's as great a feat as the pyramids of Egypt if only for the mere fact that it was made during the time when no machinery existed.

    i concur with your statement that the Banaue Rice Terraces should have been elected into the list as well. :P of course, there's a part of me as a filipino that wants this to be true, to make one of our very own wonders in our part of the world to earn the esteem and wonder of the rest of the world, as part of our heritage as a nation. but that's beside the point. :P it's a wonder all by itself, considering the engineering feat which made it possible back then, that it is ancient, handed down from generation to generation, not to mention that it is STILL of PRACTICAL use up to this time in history (providing a steady supply of rice to the locals). sadly, that i cannot say of the other new "wonders" of the world, especially the practicality aspect.



    i suppose i, with my fellow filipinos, would have to content ourselves in calling our Banaue Rice Terraces as the "8th Wonder of the World", which we have unofficially done so for the longest time... until the next round of "choosing" comes around. :D

  5. love the royal tankard jimmy! :) added to my signature. and oh, i got the credit praemium already. :)many thanks! rarryawn is happily resting on my desktop as my wallpaper now.


    and thanks to all the congratulatory greetings above. :) and a warm welcome to tramposch for his ample thanks with getting the top prize instead. and congratulations to watermonkey as well for keeping the faith, and trudging onwards to finish the challenge. for all the others who have participated (especially those who were in the shoutbox during the entirety of the challenge day), it was brief but fun, but let's all hope there will be a next challenge. ;)

  6. You can shove this presentation down every web developer's throat, but not every web developer is going to go into div based designs. I've tried, and tried again, but many people simply do not want to convert to non-table based designs.

    i know. :) web developers have free will, and they could do anything they want to do with their web creations. arguments for and against table layouts is up in the air, and it is up to each developer which to embrace. if i'm going to shove this down a web developer's throat, he will not choke as much, unlike with using table layouts. :)

  7. this is what i'll be getting for myself when it becomes commercially available -- hopefully, come AUGUST 2007. :)

    Posted Image


    Enter the 'E' Era with ASUS Eee PC: The Eee PC units were revealed to come in at an extremely competitive price of around USD $199 for the 7" units, and about USD $299 for the 10" version. :) anticipation is at a high because of the cost. and what about the features? there are two discussions on DIGG, which you can refer to ( [DIGG1] [DIGG2] ) + from the ASUS Website itself.


    wanna wait until then, nol? :)

  8. this covers what every web developer/designer should know, first and foremost. :) although this resource has been around since 2003, there are still some things to learn from it, especially for beginners. the gist of it all is this: avoid TABLES for LAYOUT at all cost. :)


    Why tables for layout is stupid: problems defined, solutions offered




    Tables existed in HTML for one reason: To display tabular data. But then border="0" made it possible for designers to have a grid upon which to lay out images and text. Still the most dominant means of designing visually rich Web sites, the use of tables is now actually interfering with building a better, more accessible, flexible, and functional Web. Find out where the problems stem from, and learn solutions to create transitional or completely table-less layout.


    Problems with using tables

    Why CSS is better than tables

    Transitional designs

    Getting started with CSS

    Thinking about markup

    Thinking about your pages and site

    Doing it

    Examples, links, and resources

    For those who would want everything above on one long, flowing page: https://www.hotdesign.com/seybold/everything.html

  9. i don't understand the resistance you seem to have with Your Personal Notepad. :P


    why wouldn't it be visible? it's my draft and i think i have EVERY right to see it. and don't you think as a change in the forum, it would be added to your profile, similar to the personal messenger?

    presumably. :) have you ever posted in the TUTORIALS section before? you post something and it's invisible initially... until an admin/mod PUBLISHES it (or approves the tutorial for viewing). while it is in an UNAPPROVED/UNPUBLISHED state, the post remains invisible, hidden even to the author of the post. same case in theoretical drafts if it gets used in the forums, i would say.


    not really. since if you try to write a topic, it will only reflect to the database once you've clicked the publish button, so the post number actually just increments once you've posted it already.

    a draft post gets a spot in the mysql. even in its draft stage, it is as good as published... but only held in abeyance. it is not something which stays in limbo, not acquiring any increment in mysql count even as draft. :D


    you're still looking at it in the view of a regular post/thread, that is always moderated by mods and admins. the drafts that you make are yours to tweak and the mods and admins have no way in interfering with it, nor they have the chance to modify it.

    of course i am viewing it as a regular post/thread, since i see a draft as tied in to a topic thread. :P in actuality however, anything in the forums is subject to admin/mod interference, if it is warranted. :)


    i wonder how many members "actually" use that notepad.

    count me as one, since it's the closest thing (for now) i find that is akin to a draft page, which i can leave behind and get back on to, as i need, while aboard the forums. ;) but hey, to each his own. :D


    i know this "save as draft" can be useful... to a certain extent. as sylenzednuke says, "most people don't use the notepad...", who can claim that the "save as draft" feature will not suffer the same predicament even it is present in our forums? :D for all we know, it will be delegated into the dustbin, collecting cobwebs, along with "your personal notepad". ;)


    as an idea it's good. and on a widely-used forum like IPB there should be something already in the line as part of the modules, or is there not? know of it in current use on any other IPB forum? even in invisionpower boards, the idea was brought out since early 2005. and after two years?


    Xisto has got to forge its own "save as draft" code, fully integrated with the hosting credits system, if this idea is to get implemented here. :)

  10. from what i understand, michaelper22, when the latest *official* release of cpanel is available, it will be updated automatically on Xisto hosting space. at least this is what appears on Xisto homepage if you check out the web hosting features at the bottom part of that page. at the moment, cpanel X works pretty much well enough without any problems. and as they say, when it's not broken, don't fix it. :)

  11. oh yeah right right. i forgot that one. i actually didn't realize the purpose of that until you mentioned it :lol: but then again, what happens if you have multiple posts? cutting the text from the personal note pad, then looking up the forum where your topic should be posted, and publishing it takes a lot of steps, don't you think? compared to posting it up and clicking the "save as draft" button. surely that would be a lot convenient.

    a prolific multi-tasker now, are we? :P i disagree on your points. you can copy and paste the URIs of the topics to your personal notepad, even if you have a multitude of topics you want to save a draft on. :P and it is more convenient in many ways, since you'll have to re-open the threads anyway if you want to make your drafts published. :D your method is in practice more inconvenient, since you have no way of knowing where your drafts would be! it will definitely not show in your directory of posts via your profile, since drafts are meant to be NOT visible (unless you admin/mod the forum). :D one thing more, a draft post will occupy a post number on the topic thread, and it will just be consuming precious mysql space. and what if you regret having the draft in the first place, or forget about it after all? who takes care of it? more work for admins and mods? hehe? :P


    your personal notepad would be your best option. it stays private on your profile page, waiting for your action until you deem it proper to publish them, and it will not mess up the forum threads in any way. :D

  12. don't know how feasible this can be with our hosting credits system set-up. but why complicate things, right? :P


    if your notepad on your PC doesn't fit the bill, and you really want to save a draft copy of your post on Xisto forums -- there is a way. :lol:


    you can always use "Your Personal Note Pad" readily available in your forum control panel (labeled as My Controls, linked on menu on top of this page). need small, medium, large notes to save, no problem! you can choose the notepad size as you wish. just don't forget to press the [uPDATE] button if you're working something on it. i don't have to tell you why, right? :D


    i use it, as i need it, for making Xisto notes which i want to keep for myself. this is a work-around, a substitute if you may for the issue at hand. if you want to make use of it to make draft notes, you can just transfer it to a new topic thread afterwards. i don't think a "save as draft" option will be available any time soon without tinkering with the code for the hosting credits system.

  13. what???? the party started already! :D it's still 7 hours to JUNE11 Greenwich Time! :lol: (i'm tracking it since June10 - 9AM greenwich time hehehe?)


    three years FOR Xisto, and a month after, three years for me ON Xisto as well. can you believe it! :P i just reviewed my OLD posts, and my first post which appears here is a notice that i got my hosting. :P the forum crashed as i remember, and old posts were gone in a poof, but we restarted everything, so here we are on our third year!


    oh, the good old days, when credits were not yet in play, and we were required 38 posts to get hosted. not that it's bad these times, but i'm going to miss the extra credits by joining the party (a belated note from opaque disqualifies staffers, which means more credits for regular members then :D).



  14. i just now remember that there is a MATRIX movie floating around the internet, PAINSTAKINGLY RENDERED IN ASCII. :P i've seen only a brief sample clip, and it was awesome to behold the results. :D i was not able to download and view it in full, since the file was TOO BIG to download (and i've got dialup connection until now :P). the file, as i remember, cannot even fit on a standard DVD, so you can just imagine how long it would take me to download that. :D


    for those interested in this matrix ascii movie, i believe it's still around there somewhere, floating. :lol: you trappers are resourceful enough to google it, so i will not link it here (and i think others following my reply here should not too, else we get in trouble with WB and the wachowski brothers :P). the keywords you can use are sticking out loudly in my post, so there's nothing hard about searching it. :D

  15. Serverph, have you got any samples of your "long lost art" work? I'd be interesed to see if you've got something good that you actually kept!

    i had them on my personal site on ye-ancient geocities before, but have since abandoned it. :D i particularly loved the color renditions i had of my girlfriend, had it online too before. the source image was her face in color, scanned to measure onscreen as if it's life-size. the resulting ascii art i've rendered was "life-like", that's all i can best describe it. :lol: and because i found that it was easy to recreate the same result (or make better ones) with the ascii art program i had before, i didn't bother making backups of those. and that was with an old ascii art program. and after all these years, i'm sure there are better apps with better results than what i had before. maybe i should google for some freewares again. :P

  16. @Forbez: just check alerts and notices forum for the nitty-gritty details of this free domain offer (for HOSTED members only, so get hosted here first, for those who are not hosted and reading this). i think the process as stated there will suffice to answer your question. :lol: as for members who have already availed of this offer, i'm not aware if there is a list somewhere.

    @Flakes: where have you been? :P anyway, the free domain offer was launched MARCH 30, 2007. you have just missed the post all this time. :D

  17. yeah, sorry to burst your bubble too mermaid711, but jimmy is correct. :lol: it would take only minutes, and sometimes just seconds to create ascii images such as those. actually depends on the simplicity or complexity of your image. i've been toying with ascii art a long time ago myself, and then i lost interest with them after the initial dose of novelty faded on me. you simply need the right software for ascii art, so you can be satisfied with your results. there are even "colored" versions of these ascii artsy-thingy, with the ascii characters mimicking the colors of the original source image. that was too heavy on resources though, and the html output (coded as to simulate text/character colors) was exceedingly big too, and not entirely suitable for online viewing especially for slow internet connections.

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