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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. The only slight problem with Beryl is that it is still quite unstable and can occasionally cause freezes and crashes - about the only software on Linux I have seen do that on a regular basis Compiz is a more stable bet, and was the software Beryl originally forked off from. Both have very similar effects, Beryl just goes a little more over-the-top with them.
  2. I am using Kubuntu, which is based off KDE, as opposed to Ubuntu's Gnome base. On KDE, SuperKaramba is pretty much the standard for desktop widgets until KDE4 and Plasma come out. For Gnome, as far as I can remember, you will be looking for something like gDesklets. The most popular widgets are things like clocks, calculators, sticky notes, system monitors, and the weather. Each of these has loads of versions made by many different people, simply look around and see which you like best. This section of the gDesklets site seems to hold a list of all the widgets/desklets out there. Good luck in finding what you want
  3. Ubuntu and Kubuntu run off the same basic system - they just look different, so switching from one to the other wouldn't help solve any hardware problems. The Ubuntu Forums contain some useful information about getting Broadcom hardware up and running, although I do not know how up-to-date it is. I have also recently been looking at OpenSuse after Kubuntu started killing my hard disk drive OpenSuse seems to have much better hardware support overall, so it looks like it could be a good bet. For example, Kubuntu required downloads and some editing of config files to get the right resolution on my laptop screen. OpenSuse correctly detected it and got the right screen resolution first time.
  4. By my calculations (which are not very good) the USB cup warmer could heat the cup up by about 0.15 degrees C per second, 9 degrees an hour, assuming it is 100% efficient and draws all available power from the computer. Then again I might be wildly inaccurate I suppose its a neat little device to have - I always have a cup of tea with me when I'm at the computer and end up drinking them cold. Now all we need is a USB fridge for the summer and possibly a USB air-conditioning system...
  5. Sorry to start with the negatives, but these all hit me as soon as I visited the site, and therefore other visitors are likely to instantly spot them too. First, the title still says e107 Powered Website, which could do with a little customisation. Secondly, the following error is displayed at the top of each page - something that appears quite easy to fix. On to the positives! You've picked a nice theme for the site, relatively easy on the eye without too many bright colours. The background does tend to draw my eye away from the central content though. This should be the other way round! The background should sort of 'fade' away, making the main content stand out. Your affiliates section is well organised and looks quite good, and will surely grow over time. Your forum also fits well with the theme you have used - something which many people forget to do. My final suggestion would be to do something with the header rather than just having text in the bottom left of that blue rectangle. Perhaps add a few images and display the site name more prominently on the banner. Other than that your site is great and should expand well over time if you can attract the users. Good luck:D
  6. Am I the first to reply from the UK? I'm from west Hertfordshire, around 45 miles north of London. Unfortunately not a lot goes on around here
  7. Using tables for your layout is not recommended, and they can lead to all sorts of problems. You problem appears to be with the width of whatever is holding the main content (a DIV or table element) being a percentage, while the background image to the page dictates a fixed width. If you fix the width of the main content to be the same as the distance between the green gradient bars running down the middle of each side then it should look OK. However, using a fixed width will make people with smaller screen resolutions have problems, as opposed to people with larger screen resolutions having the problems at the moment.Other than that major problem, your copyright notice is off to the right slightly for some reason, and the green striped bar across the top extends a few pixels too far to the right. Follow jlhaslip's suggestions and then we'll see what else we can do. I'll also try and take a more detailed look over the code later.
  8. Lexmarks, unfortunately, are not well supported by CUPS and SANE (the main Linux systems for printing and scanning) and Lexmark themselves simply believe that if you are running Linux then you should be writing your own drivers ! Unfortunately the best advice I can give you is to get an old Windows box up and running and connect the printer to that, then print via Samba. Alternatively, depending on how old the printer is you might be able to return it and get a refund, as they tell you if it works with Windows or Mac OS, but not Linux - you have to try it. In the words of the OpenPrinting Database:
  9. I presume you want something like this script. It hides text between [ hide ] tags until you make a response. Once you have replied then you can read it. Theres no demo or example so I have no idea if it works or not.
  10. Just to add something, the problem appears to be the classic disagreement between Unix and Windows having different ways to do new lines in text files. This is why readme files often appear on one massive line if they have been written in Unix or Linux. Notepad, being made by Microsoft, only accepts the Windows way of doing things. As for me, I use Notepad++ as it is fast and lighweight, yet also has quite a few nice features.
  11. If the game appears in Wine's application database as working then it is likely to work with Ubuntu. Usually people will have tested the game with Ubuntu and there will be quite detailed information available. If there isn't any Ubuntu-specific information, or none at all, try it and write up your finding on the database. That's how the community works! For example, the Battlefield 2 page has information for Ubuntu 6.10 with 2 different versions of Wine, along with 6.06, Gentoo and a Debian release. Each one contains information similar to the following: Many also contain detailed information on getting the application working, or links to a tutorial or how-to to get you up and running. Remember, if the information you want isn't there, ask! If no-one has the answer, try it yourself and report back.
  12. I have been using Kubuntu for a while, and it was the first distro I was introduced to and decided to use. Unfortunately a recent kernel update has started killing peoples hard disk drives, and therefore I have been forced onto Windows for a while. However, I am downloading OpenSUSE to give that a go. I, like truefusion, find the Gnome desktop a little too simplified, so prefer to stick with KDE. Also, I just want to see what other distros are out there, so at least I have something to compare Kubuntu to. I have to agree that (K)Ubuntu is probably the best distro new users should go for, but OpenSUSE and a few others are viable options, as many are finally coming round to the idea that your average PC user might be getting fed up with Microsoft, not just open-source fanatics.
  13. Well postal voting here in the UK causes enough problems as it is. Supposedly, in 3 wards, after they actually started checking the signatures on the postal voting slips, over 20,000 were found to be fraudulent! Using computers opens the possibility for the entire world to put fraudulent votes into an election, rather than just people who are physically present in the country at the time. As far as I am aware, all votes in the UK are still counted and checked by hand. Yes, this leads to a load of recounts and possibilities for error, but when the leader of your country, or even just the local area, is at stake then I would much rather have a real person managing the whole thing rather than a machine.
  14. I believe I have an answer to this, and the solution is in the hidden section below. Its reasons like this that I'm glad I picked A Level Mechanics rather than Statistics Hidden If he keeps his current door he has a 33% chance of freedom, while switching would get him a 67% chance of freedom. There are 3 possibilities: He has already picked the door to freedom, so switching puts him in prison. He has picked the first door to prison, and the other door to prison is revealed, so switching would give him freedom. He picks the second door to prison, the first door to prison is revealed, and switching leads to freedom. Therefore, switching to the door he has not already chosen gives a 2/3 chance of going free.
  15. rvalkass


    Welcome to the Trap! Getting the hosting isn't too hard as long as you abide by the rules and avoid annoying the mods If you want any help around the forums or with your site, if you get hosted, then feel free to ask. I am willing to help, along with most of the other members here
  16. The reason potassium and oxygen rarely form K2O is beacuse for that reaction to occur you need to react potassium with a very limited supply of pure oxygen gas. It is incredibly reactive and dangerous, frequently reacting on contact with moisture in the air, causing a violent reaction forming potassium hydroxide. It is quite a nasty chemical and the only real use, as far as I am aware, is for removing any gases left in a vessel when trying to create a vacuum. KO2 is even rarer, formed by reacting liquid (molten) potassium in pure oxygen. It's generally used as an oxidising chemical in industry, but is also used by space agencies for various functions. Nitrous oxide acts as a dissociative drug - it prevents signals moving to and from different parts of the brain. You generally lose your senses and any idea of what is going on around you. The name laughing gas comes from the fact that people generally feel happy while inhaling it. Very few people burst into fits of laughter - if they did, dentists' surgeries would be far happier places.
  17. If you are on Kubuntu, you should have Kopete (its installed by default). GTalk uses Jabber, so create a new account by clicking Settings > Configure > Accounts > New... For your Jabber ID enter your full email address (including @gmail.com or @googlemail.com). Also enter your password, then move on to the Connection tab. Check the three tickboxes (use SSL, allow plaintext passwords and override defaults), enter talk.google.com for the server, and 5223 as the port number. Click Next, Connect then Finish and you should be done. Kopete should also connect automatically each time you login, unless you unticked that box.
  18. Ubuntu and Kubuntu are essentially the same operating system. The only difference is that Ubuntu uses Gnome as the window manager and Kubuntu uses KDE. Ubuntu can be converted to Kubuntu and vice verca through the installation of a few packages. The only main difference is the software you use on each version. Kubuntu uses certain software, while Ubuntu uses other versions. Pretty much every piece of Ubuntu software has a Kubuntu equivalent, so you will not be left without any functionality, whatever your choice. The main difference you will see regularly is the package manager. Kubuntu uses Adept, while Ubuntu has Synaptic. I, personally, prefer Adept, and the look of KDE, and therefore went for Kubuntu.The debate of KDE vs Gnome and Kubuntu vs Ubuntu has raged since they existed, and will continue for a very long time. The only way to decide is personal preference. Look at screenshots and videos, and if you cna download both a Kubuntu and Ubuntu live CD then try both out.
  19. I had the same concerns when installing Kubuntu onto my laptop for the first time. In the installer, make sure you do not select to have the installer decide the partitions (it will go and wipe the drive). Choose to select the partitions manually, and set the mount point of the partition you want Kubuntu on as /. Just be aware that Kubuntu will require you to create a partition to mount as swap. It is certainly possible, and Kubuntu will not touch the data on the other partitions as long as you don't tick the format box for those partitions It will require you to mount them as something (I usually mount them as /xp or /windows or something) and it will still scan them for errors, but it won't edit any of the data. If you need any more help or advice, then I am willing to help.
  20. I am listening to Keep Moving by Madness. Just bought a few Madness CDs and loaded them onto the PC to listen to while revising for my physics exams.
  21. I've had the beta of 7.04 running for a while after 6.10 died on me. I went through all the updates yesterday but it still hasn't actually asked for a version upgrade. Feisty is also using a kernel that is damaging my hard drive, so I might have to have a hunt around for my 6.10 disk and reinstall that. Overall I haven't noticed too many changes apart from more packages being available and a bit more stability.
  22. I am currently running Kubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn. Works pretty well apart from a problem causing it to not mount properly at boot... Anyway, here's what it looks like:I haven't modified too much apart from changing the icon set and adding Superkaramba to get some desktop widgets going. KDE4 should include a 'plasma' system by default though hopefully, when it is released.
  23. I am also having issues accessing my email accounts. I have tried using cPanel and also Opera's mail client. Both inform me they cannot find a folder called 'cur', or occasionally suggest my password is wrong. Is everyone having this problem, or just a few of us?
  24. It actually does On the route from San Diego, CA to Dungeness, Kent step 32 is simply: For the trip from northern France to Dungeness it at least tells you to get a ferry! Its good to see the developers either have a sense of humour, or a great hope that we can swim the Atlantic. Unfortunately it doesn't tell you exactly where to swim to, the next steps involve a roundabout!
  25. There are strong arguements on both sides of the guns debate. America has taken one stance, and the UK have taken the other. If you look at the figures, it is quite clear that the UK is far better off with 5,285 people per year being killed in the US due to gun crime, compared to around 20 in the UK, 60 in Germany, 100 in France, and I don't think any at all in Japan. Flipping it the other way, the US has about half as many burglaries (per 1000 people) as the UK. Why? Burglars know that if they break into someone's home, there is a very high likelyhood the owner has a gun in the US. In the UK, we are more likely to get prosecuted for attacking the burglar than the burglar is for breaking and entering. The NRA, as far as I am aware, is quite a powerful political force in the US, and strongly uphold their constitutional right to bear arms. This makes removing guns from the US an impossibility. What is needed is more control over who has access to guns. I know that in some areas of the US it is possible to obtain a gun with no background check. To me that is absolutely ridiculous. One person has their right to bear arms, but the rest of the local population has a right to safety for themselves and their families. Surely the rights of the mass population are more important than the right of one person, especially if that person has a history of violent crime? I certainly wouldn't be happy living somewhere in the knowledge that violent criminals can obtain firearms. We in the UK do have armed response units, which are on call 24 hours a day, and are highly trained in the use of firearms. They are frequently called out to terrorism scares, violent crime scenes and all sorts of other incidents. Unfortunately it seems necessary now due to the prevelant availability of guns on the 'underground' market. Handguns can be bought for as little as Ł30 to Ł50. Someone already involved in the criminal underworld is not likely to shy away from that purchase on grounds of leaglity. The current penalty for posessing a firearm is up to 10 years, or just a fine. This unfortunately frequently allows the criminals to have an upper hand over the general population and often the police. What is needed here is to change the law to allow the occupant of a home to attack any intruder as they see fit. Perhaps even legalising things like very low velocity weapons and allowing air rifles to be used to defend your home would at least give the public a chance to disable and disarm any assailant. The same should be applied to the USA. Sure, people should be allowed to defend themselves, their family and their property, but lethal weapons should not just be handed out and easily available. Tazers, guns firing rubber bullets and things like that should be enough for most people to see off an attacker or burglar. To play Devil's advocate for a minute, I heard an arguement this morning that this is a case for gun laws to be relaxed. Their point was that if the students involved in this recent attack were also armed then the gunman would have been brought down much quicker. I am wondering what other peoples views are on this? Personally, I think that if the students were also armed then the devastation would have been far worse.
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