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Everything posted by Florisjuh

  1. w00t I have that file somewhere :\ I'll delete it right away, thanks for info...
  2. Does someone know a script where you can1. Add clans to a roster2. Edit clans on a roster3. Add players too a clan4. Edit players5. Schedule matches6. Add clan Leaders to manage their own clan + members7. Add members to edit their own informationAnd maybe some sort of scoreboard integrated where you can put Wins, Draws and loses and that automaticly puts best clans on the top? If there isnt such a script could someone create 1 for me? (its for a league ^^)
  3. i've been using photoshop for a while, but since a few days it gives an error and crashes after I start it up. The error is: I already tried reinstalling Photshop, doesnt work Any suggestions?
  4. I hate noobs that use hacks downloaded off the internet... I think hackers that make the hacks themelves are kinda cool . But I guess I'll still ban them if they show off on my servers
  5. You should post more so your site gets unsuspended, I really want to see it
  6. Long time no update. We're a UnPatched Wolfenstein ET Clan. We got 2 servers, 1 european (Private) and a American (Public) We're active in UPL (Biggest unpatched tournament), possibly gonna join Clanbase (Already registered) and active in SCF (a very new unpatched league) Some info: Web: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ IRC: #clan-lrf@QuakeNet TS: (You wont find me there I hate speaking to people I cant see) Pub: Our public server georanked place 26/92, mod ranked 63/307 and game ranked 544/2861 at Serverspy (Not bad for an unpatched clan)
  7. Yes, you can also put a nice signature on saying people should give you reputation points, or you could post a lot of usefull tuorials etc...
  8. Yeah it takes ages for the images to load, luckily firefox caches them pretty well so they dont need to load every time you visit them
  9. Hummz, so there are very very much einsteins, since everything has to come from somewhere.... (Or it just teleports ^-0)Whats rong with being "Minor"? Young people learn faster then old people ^^
  10. Eithera ) The script was rong and you shouldnt be bannedB ) You posted a lot of short messages or messges that have copyrighted material in itc ) You posted messages contaning other information not qouted but just copied and pastedd ) You coppied fro other sites.I've been hosted with Xisto for 6 months now, there has been no incidents at all concerning how I feel "Home" at Xisto.I've checked few posts you made, I found 3 qoutes without a message, and a few Copied links... This was probably seen as spam and could have gotten you banned...
  11. Slight crashes, maybe power failures etc... Even happens with payed hosing once in a while...
  12. Florisjuh

    Google Maps

    w00t another great service from google... thats only avaibe for the US :'(Btw what browser support should they add more then Firefox/Mozilla?
  13. If you have more then seven (7) hosting credits your site will be automagically (Love that word) added back. The link ill gave is just the front page of the forums if you wondered check the text under the shoutbox
  14. Hummz, even massive traffic shouldnt result is so much bandwith loss, unless they where all downloading files or something?
  15. Probably due to a high server load... Mine is slow too sometimes. But usally it's just as fast as the rest of my site, it is always slow for you?
  16. You should pm the admin if he can give the points back to you.
  17. Froogle searches shop websites etc to find a product you're searching for
  18. Florisjuh

    50 Invites

    If Gmail would co public all cool name swould be gone in what? 4-5 days? then you get name112@gmail.com etc :S, making email adresses just as sucky and hard to remember as hotmail
  19. I dont think Hotmails lay out is cute ;\ too much ads, lack of a solid interface... GMail is fast, only 1 ad, easy interface and a very powerfull search
  20. Photoshop is one of the best graphical programs, most profesionals use it... It has tons of feaqtures and a lot of filters / effects
  21. I dont think they will give that kind of urls, because google puts their services on sub domains too... Maybe something yourname.web.google.com or they might put them on a new domain or something (Yourname.Googlehost.com or something :S )
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