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Posts posted by africa

  1. i am back on Xisto after taking a loooong break!you might wonder why I'm saying this but I remember Xisto being a friendly community. i don't like what this thread has turned out to be for someone who just needed help.i'm disappointed in all those who saw it as an opportunity to earn and just talk rubbish...my advice to you is just for you to just wait until she's old enough. i liked the bit about you being controlled and deciding to ask than act foolishly...good luck in life and you can always PM me if you need any real advice.

  2. I know that there is absolutely no way that yahoo and microsoft can catch up on google in terms of search unless if Google shuts down operations!! lol!The only things that will happen is that they might get a small slice of the cake. These guys are not as innovative, Yahoo has got some great services APART from search business so i feel quite secure and happy coz i am an avid fan of Google!Only time will tell from now on, i will be watching the searches a bit more closely

  3. Well I don't know about you but I think at least they are there for your protection and not there to cause trouble. I would feel 10x more safe with them there then without because what if somebody does bring a weapon to school? Would you rather have the school call the police and them be there in 10-20minutes later or be there instantly? Plus I'm sure they are there more to keep your school drug free then to stop violence like that, overall I don't think it could hurt either way. If there is something your doing at school and your worreid about the police stopping you maybe you shouldn't be doing it?

    I kinda agree with that. you have to learn to focus on whats important and remember that its only a preventive measure meant to help you if anything goes wrong. If you look at the recent spate of violent crimes by students at school, you would thank the administrators of your school for putting your security first.

  4. Welcome Adrian.I have been uisng Xisto eversince I started my community and everything has been good!The community here is wonderful and you will make a lot of friends easily.Welcome and good luck with your endeavours.Cheers mate!

  5. The most practical way I have found of learning a langauge is to find a good teacher as said, and associate as much as possible with other people who speak the language fluently.Just learning from a book has the disadvantage of pronouncing the words wrongly. I have been staying a foreign country for some time but its can't speak the language used here. You have to be willing to learn it over years too!Good luck!

  6. I found your app on the appstore, but I don't think anyone is interested in buying an app from someone who can't properly construct a grammatically correct english sentence. You might want to think about rewriting the description because the current state the description is in is nearly impossible to read.

    I echo his words. I wanted to check it out but if the description is that bad, even I am discouraged to even go and check what it's all about!

    Put in more work into it..and good luck, mate!

  7. The new logo is up biggrin.gifAlso I don't know if I mentioned this before, but the lead singer promoted my site (and as far as I know, he likes it too). It gave me close to 700 uniques nearly a week ago. He posted it via Twitter and Myspace

    You are lucky mate. Thats just the sort of thing I need too! Thanks for the idea...

    I see your site is maturing steadily..god luck mate and nice work!

  8. I have been running phphbb3 but I am not at all pleased with a lot of things.1. It doesn't perform that well for me in IE. I had to change the design a few times just so that it loads faster. (This might just be my own problem as I have lot of images...)2. The newsletter system is a disappointment. I think SMF should be better in this respect. I tried to install a more advanced newsletter mod but it only led to disaster so after 5 months, i have just been able to send only email to my members!3. There is no great portal to support phpbb3. The one called KISS has got some very nice templates but it lacks some basic features and I had to manually add news articles to the home page. After checking SMF, I saw it had made some improvements with the core code and now appears to be better than phpbb3. I will give it a try if I find a good template.I have got a thing for vbulletin but my budget is tight so i ahave to stick to free open source products.

  9. the best job is one that you feel happy doing and one that makes you feel great and useful both as a citizen to your country and personally.Often I have seen people who take up jobs just so that they help other people than take up other jobs that have a high income and less satisfaction to them.I am interested in knowing your decision, considering how much people are responding to this thread.Whatever you choose, stick to it with all your heart and you will win!

  10. Just wanted to take the time to introduce myself. I found this place after my previous hosting provider shut down due to insuffecient funds. This place seems like it is well established and run good. I hope to find the service as good as it looks.

    welcome buddy. Trap 17 is just amazing!
    This is one of the best communities on the web today and you are going to find lots of help on any subject. The service is awesome, hope to see you more often and keep spreading word to your peers about this community.

    Cheers and good luck in your endeavours.
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