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Everything posted by Crowe

  1. Name: Crowe. Experience(Years/months/programs used)**: I guess I've been doing this sort of thing for a few years now, and probably more than that (not sure of how long). I use the following programs to make graphics or to do animations: Adobe Photoshop/Image Ready, Virtual Dub, Adobe Illustrator, and Windows Movie Maker. Specialty**: Well, I can do a lot of things, from creating movie gifs, to signatures and avatars, or even small animations. I know a little bit about skinning for IPB 1.3 as well. Examples**:
  2. Sounds interesting. I will see what I can come up with. Once I am finished I will post it up here. (Is it one entry per member?) EDIT: Not the best ever, but I tried something fast. I don't really like the text, but it looks ok.
  3. I like to write poetry when I feel that I can get the most emotion out of what I write. Here are a few of my poems that I have done, and please comment on them! Some of them are considered to be very depressing, from those who I have shown them to, so if you don't like that kind of stuff then you probably won't like reading these. My Life's Eraser - Hey dad, you let me down, Hey dad, you let me die with out a sound, You thought you did well, But look at my world as it fell! Look deeply into my eyes, and then smack me until I bleed, Stand me in that corner, and watch as mommy says she'll leave, But you see she couldn't go far, as you knocked her to her knees! You are my life's eraser, and you've torn us all apart, for you were a monster that killed me from the start! Hey dad, I don't ever want to see you again, for you are my life's eraser, and never were my friend! The Eyes of a Child - In the eyes of a child, you won't see a smirk or a smile, In the eyes of a child, you won't see tears of joy or happiness, In the eyes of a child, death hides in wait, for in the eyes of a child, all that child sees is hate. Thunderous Night - I felt the change, one thunderous night, I felt the moonlight, shine on me so bright, Couldn't you see it? I know I could. Couldn't you sense it? The changes that would. I felt the change, as the years went by, I felt the tears dropping on my face, as I went to cry. Oh dear moonlight, take my soul! Oh dear moonlight, make me bold!
  4. I would not mind participating in a tournament for signatures. I think it would be an excellent way to get in some practice with Photoshop. Are there any going on right now, or how about GFX battle teams? I was thinking that battle teams would be interesting--I've seen it done before and the results were awesome (two teams participating in a design competition). But if you all are still doing a tournament for signatures, then I will be happy to do something for it.
  5. So. I know this person who is over my house an awful lot, and she brings her Yorkshire Terrier with her every time she is over. At one moment, you can pet the dog, and everything is all okay. But then the next moment, he is barking and snapping at whoever comes near him! What can I do to help solve this problem? Is it just because of the terrier nature that he is like this? I think that he is too protective, but also he could be considered as a tad bit insane. I have no real problems with the dog, except for that, and when he decides to snap back, he has actually bit someone! What do I do?Is there a way to solve this, or should everyone just stay away from the dog?
  6. Crowe

    Manga Studio?

    Manga Studio; does anyone have this program? If so, how is it? I was thinking about buying it for a manga or comic project that I was in the process of doing, and I was wondering how it worked? Is it worth buying?If it isn't worth buying, then what other program should I look into getting? I already have Adobe Photoshop, but I kind of like the idea about having a program like this. So, does anyone know anything about Manga Studio? Please let me know if you have any information on it.From what I hear it is a great program, but I can't be too sure on that yet.Thanks in advance.
  7. Thanks. I will check the link out as soon as possible. From what I've heard, I think the traditional time for studying Wicca is a year and a day. I'm not too sure on that, but I have also heard that with Wicca you are always learning, and that you never really stop picking up on new things. But anyways, I have a question for you about something. I was wondering if a Book of Shadows would be appropriate at this moment in time? Or should I wait until I can find someone to teach me, before I start one? And if I did manage to start one of my own, are there certain guidelines that I should follow before I write something in it? I really don't want to mess up on anything, and being the type of person that I am, I seem to worry a lot about stuff that I view as being important. What do you think I should do?
  8. I think this will help me out some, because I don't know too much about website layouts. I like the layouts that I have seen so far, so I just might decide to use at least one of them. Thanks for posting this up!
  9. Crowe


    So I was wondering something about Ninjutsu/Ninjitsu. Does anyone know a lot about this art, or is it a secret sort of practice? It seems like an interesting subject to me, and I would like to learn more about it--seeing as I am a big Naruto fan! What have you heard about this as an art, so far?Which form of martial art does this resemble the most in technique? Or is it completely different in form? I would really like to know, and as I don't know which sites that are out there are reliable with information, I want to see if anyone here has any information on it.And just how is this form spelled? Is it Ninjutsu or Ninjitsu?
  10. I might be a little worried about what's after this life, but I am not too worried about it. Everyone must experience this some time, and I believe in reincarnation--so whatever happens at the end of the road will happen. I just feel that I should not be scared of death, unless I was a terrible and bad person.
  11. For the consoles, I really enjoy N64. It has been one of my favorites for quite some time now, and I usually always play the Zelda games for it (Majora's Mask!). It probably isn't as popular as everything else that is coming out, but hey, it is still a favorite of mine.For the handheld games, I really like the Gameboy Advanced SP, and the Nintendo DS. I use them both to play the games that I own, and the GBA SP usually comes in handy for my older Pokemon rpg games. These would have to be my favorite systems, next to the PS2.
  12. Thanks for responding to the topic! Right now I have a lot of good knowledge about Wicca, but I am not sure which path that I want to go down for it. I was thinking of actually contacting a Coven, but I am not sure that I would be ready for something such as that yet. Magick was always fascinating to me (usually when I spell it like that, people think that it is not a correct spelling of the word), and I think that I could become quite dedicated to it. I am currently only 18 years old right now, but I guess that would meet the requirement for an age range in joining a Coven--I just don't know if I would be ready to actually speak to a group such as that yet. I want to wait until I have more knowledge before I do something such as that. Divination was also something that interested me, and I know that most if not some who practice Wicca still use this form. I guess I was always the "shy" type around others, but I would really like to learn anything that I can about Wicca, so I might as well see what someone in a Coven would have to say about learning. Mind the Threefold Law you should, Three times bad and three times good. I think that's how it went--about the Threefold Law/Law of Return. But anyways, thanks again for posting in this topic! It is nice to be able to talk to someone about this.
  13. Hmm. I don't think I am afraid to die. But even so, I do not want to die! Life is much too short to even think about death. But if and when I did die, I suppose I wouldn't have control over it anyways--so I tend to not think about it. When I was younger death seemed to scare me a lot, and it was a very hard subject to deal with.
  14. Nice tutorial. It seems like it would be very useful for those who are just starting out with graphics. I'll have to try this one out, just to see what I come up with. I'll post my results as soon as possible.Thanks for posting this!
  15. Wow. I honestly had no idea on how to make Ice-cream. But I like the idea of the recipe! I will have to try that some time--probably when it isn't as cold out as it is now. My younger sister loves anything dealing with cooking, so I'll probably show her this recipe. Nice work.It seems like it would be fun to make something like that! But do you have to have an ice-cream maker? That would probably be the easy way to do it--I don't have one though, so I'll probably be difficult about that one.Thanks for sharing! I will be sure to try that out!
  16. Well, I was wondering what everyone's takes on Wicca were. How do you view it and if you are a practitioner of the religion, what are your takes on The Divine? Do you worship one deity, or many? I have found out that it is something that you must dedicate yourself to, due to the Rede, and it is not at all easy to let old habits die hard.This topic was never meant to bash anyone else's religion or their belief system, but more so to share your thoughts on the subject. I will not call myself a Wiccan or Pagan at the moment, but I do share a belief in many gods and goddesses. I suppose that this sort of thing really interests me, and religion in general is something that I like to learn about--it doesn't matter if Christian, Wiccan, or something along those lines.So, what are your takes on it? As stated above, I meant no harm with this topic, as I just wanted to learn what everyone else's beliefs were on the subject, and to help me with my learning of different worldly religions out there. I personally would like to study more into this subject, and since spirituallity is something very important--I want to know all that I can.Any religion is fine in my book, and my choice was to accept everyone's beliefs in my process of learning.What are your views?
  17. I agree. I don't believe that there is a such thing as "the best martial art." But of course, I was always one to practice wrestling--yes, it is not a real martial art, but it is very demanding. Wrestling is a very demanding sport, and I think that even martial arts would have some form of it in the different styles.I've found out that as long as you have self control, discipline, and the motivation to continue with whatever you choose, then you will most likely be successful. Karate was something that interested me for a very long time, and I have read quite a few articles on it while searching for martial arts. But what I can tell you from experience, is that usually the most demanding sports/forms of training out there would help with weight loss. Wrestling has taught me a great deal about that, and even though I no longer do it, I still keep up with some habits that I have gained from practicing it. I suppose I've gone off topic a bit too much already, so I'll end my post here now.Good luck!
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