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Posts posted by Ruben

  1. I'm sorry that I haven't been active for a while. I've just been so busy. My simple question is about a website I will be making for a school project. It's part of GPS2 or Global Problem Solving 2. My topic is homelessness and poverty. The site I will be making is going to have lots of links and even more info. What should I use? I already have a great host. *hint hint Xisto* I was thinking something along the lines of Joomla!. What do you say? thx

  2. Oh, wow. That was absolutely amazing! Are you a writer? Trust me, read it to her, and well... I think she might feel differently after you read that to her. Sounds like you really like this person. I wish you the best, and best appreciation of your wonderful poem!!

  3. Hey guys, I have found a great 411 service from google. It works on any phone in the world. :) It's so cool! And, it is really simple. When you need an address, phone number, local business, or a text message of all of that you should check out google 411. You simply dial 1-800-goog-411, or 1-800-4664-411. It's really neat, I also suggest watching this youtube video.


  4. I really dislike the iphone too. Actually, I was looking at it for a while with the omnia and Blackberry storm. After much research and a trial with it I decided that it was actually a very bad phone. I think it is getting great reviews simply because apple made it. I think it is the only thing that apple did wrong, and I suggest windows mobile. I think windows mobile is the best thing windows has done, and the iphoen the worst thing apple has done. I totally agree. :)

  5. HI, satunes. I suggest the samsung omnia. It's awesome. I have it, and was looking at pretty much the same phones you are. The blackberry storm is really bad now, but I bet their next version in a few years will be great! lol It's a start. It has wifi incase you were wondering too. Hope this helps, any questions on the omnia, and I will be sure to help.

  6. Hi!


    I don´t hate America...but i hate that America is something like World Police :)

    Take the Iraq for a example...The America goes to war on Iraq without the UN´s support & that is in my oppinion wrong....What do you think emilin :?:


    Sweden does not have war in over 200 years!

    In the WWW 2 we did something that i believe that sweden could done better...Hitler walked in sweden to Norway & invaded Norway.... :) but the past is the past...

    What do you mean? We can't just back down! If we didn't go to war with them, they would think they could do anything to us. We have to tell them that if they mess with us, we'll mess with them. We are well respected, and I think that is mainly because we will fight back if fought-en with.

  7. ^ We have lots of Rubens here. :D Such a lovely name. If I am not mistaken it is a Hebrew name that means "son" or something like that. (I Googled.) There is over 6000 of me in the US, but over 18 000 in Norway... and we are about 4.7 million people. :)

    Thanks man. I feel so special (like some other of us here). :) lol. Also, yes, you are correct. It is a hebrew name that means, "son" in hebrew. Impressive. Again, lol. Thanks again. I didn't know there were many Rubens. :D

  8. Hey person! Welcome to Xisto! I think you'll love it here. It would be nice if you wrote more; for we are very big on no spam here at Xisto. Try and stay away from one liners, and when posting in a topic to contribute to the subject. I don't think that will be a problem for you, but just wanted to let you know as I'm sure others have said. Make sure to read everything that people have posted above. I know it might be long, but it will help you, I promise. This is a great site where anything can happen. This is where I got my first top-level-domain. And guess what? I didn't pay for it. You can get anything for posting. Again welcome to Xisto, and enjoy your stay and stay active!

  9. Hey, linkadrip. That seems like a cool website. I have a forum about flying: here. Anyway, not getting off the subject, read everything the other members gave you above. It might be a lot, but it will help you along the way. I promise. Also, here we are big on no spam! Try and stay away from one liners, but from your intro, I don't think that will be hard for you. Have a great stay at trtap17, I'm sure you'll love it. Good luck with your hosting, although I don't think you'll need it. This is where I got my first TLD for free, so here at Xisto anything is possible! :) :)

  10. Welcome to the forums. I love this place; for I got my first TLD here. :) And guess what? I didn't have to pay for it. Here you can pretty much get anything for just posting. Listen to all the people above me, and force yourself to read everything. Trust me, it will be worth it! Also, here at Xisto we are very serious about 1-liners. Try and keep all your posts longer than a line, and contributing to the subject. Again welcome, and have a great stay at Xisto!! :)

  11. Yah, it still doesn't work. :) Anyone know? I'm paying for this, so it would be really nice if I could get it fixed quick. I'm not talking to you guys who helped here, I'm talking to Xisto - Web Hosting! Time is limited, please get me back online as soon as possible!!! thnx

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