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That is very good advice. I would reiterate your advised warnings about the 'get paid to surf' and 'get paid to read email' sites. I personally have wasted a lot of time years ago on these types of schemes. Unless you don't mind working for less than your internet and electricity bill is for the time it takes, then don't bother. That is if you get paid at all. Usually the payment threshold is so high it would take you something like 200 years to reach it at the rate they pay out. It's kind of depressing to write about this and remember those early, keen days on the internet, getting taken in by all the scams. But it was a learning experience and now I know what is legit and what is not, hence I am taking part in these forums. They seem legit.Believe it or not there actually are some good money making methods on the internet even for the little guy like you and I. I mean little in comparison to Google or Facebook or Xisto hehe. One just has to keep thier eyes open and most importantly. USE YOUR BRAIN. Thanks for reading and good night or day to you.
Grinding Teeth In Sleep Found out in Nightmares
Diffusr replied to Zagubadu?'s topic in Health & Fitness
Someone I know also grinds their teeth. They went to the dentist about it and he took a mould of the upper teeth. From this mould the dentist then made a rubber/silicon based shield, that looked like a gum shield used by boxers and rubgy players but it was designed to protect the teeth from wearing down through grinding. It worked really well. The person I know wore it every night for about a year until eventually they didn't need it any more. The tooth shield actually stopped the tooth grinding habit completely.I think it is because the subconscious mind is sent the signal that you do not want to grind your teeth any more. The rubber/silicon shield acts as a symbol to the sleeping mind as well as a physical protection, so the when tooth grinding has no effect the mind then decides to stop. -
This is one of those useful websites that you occasionally come across. Especially useful for an internet researcher, philosopher, historian or academic. I'm amazed the same as someone else in the comments how they can do this. What type of storage are they using? I would imagine everything that they can get their hands on from solid state drives to 5inch floppies (well maybe not them but you get the idea). It must cost a fortune to run the servers and maintain the quite large database of every website and its recorded history. It seems about 150 times the work google has to do. How do they bankroll their operation? I don't see ads on that page and you don't have to subscribe to their service, so it must be an rich eccentric internet geek who had the brainwave to start recording everything that has been on the world wide web...EVER.
Aliens Or Ancestors Or Some Kind Of God
Diffusr replied to amit nigam's topic in Science and Technology
The Universe is so huge and so old that it is utterly ludicrous to assume that the only place where life exists is here. I'm not saying it's impossible, just highly unlikely given what we know about sheer numbers of stars , planets and different life forms. The whole argument has flipped, it used to be that 'maybe' there is more life out there now it is 'maybe' - even more of a 'maybe' we are the only life in the universe. Personally I just cannot accept that life only developed on one speck of dust in an infinite desert. The laws of physics maths and chemistry are the same throughout the universe so evolution definitely happened somewhere else too. In some places they are more advanced and in other places they are less. There are different forms of advancement too. I say there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of life bearing planets out there.So people say 'why havent they contacted us?' What if they have? Just because it's not on CNN doesn't mean things aren't happening. Anyway, I'm not trying to convince anyone. Things are what they are. -
If you are writing whole programs in nothing but hex then you are hardly a noob. One of my programming ambitions is to be able to directly code in binary. The way that I envisage being able to do this is to learn a processor instruction set very thoroughly (e.g. x86asm or better yet risc os asm), then memorize the hex equivalent of each instruction, then become a virtuoso at converting hex to binary on sight and by memory. Eventually one could bash out any program in pure binary from mental calculations alone.Come to think of it, I can already convert hex to bin on sight e.g F is 1111 so now all I have to do is memorize the hex form of assembly instructions. The fun is just about to start. Yippee.
The reason I keep mentioning digg, reddit etc in relation to Xisto is not to say that you should "clone" these sites, but get some ideas on how to simplify the forum layout and keep people here. The web 2.0 sites have a dynamic feel to them, they are always changing e.g. diggs front page, plus there are quite a few peripheral applications that spice up the user experience. By contrast, the Xisto forums have a very static look and feel, even though new content is being added every day. Surely you could take advantage of this user generated content in a more creative way? It seems that you are content to stick with a bland, grey format that is purely functional for people to only gain mycents in the most basic way. "If it aint broke don't fix it" certainly has its merits but you guys could could be running with the big dogs with just a little more ambition. I come here to earn mycents and will continue to do so in a minimal way. My suggestions are that I (and thousands of others) would be motivated to come here and earn A LOT more mycents if the user experience were improved. Ask yourself: If every user doubled the time they spend on Xisto therefore doubling the content added and increasing click through rates, how would that affect your bottom line? If you are content to bounce along the bottom, then dont let my opinion distract you, but there will be a point of diminishing returns and someone else will do what you are dong but a lot better (which wouldn't be too hard as it is) then you might wish you had taken some well meaning advice on board.
I want to use Xisto all the time like I can stay on digg almost all day browsing and commenting. Every time I think about going to Xisto it's like OH GOD what a chore! Seriously you guys are way behind the curve. This website was really cool when it started but things have moved on since then. We're into web 2.0 and almost web 3.0 now and Xisto is not getting it.If the site were easier to use it would help a lot. The forum categories are too unorganised. I'm not saying there are too many categories. The variety is something that I like and encourages content from all over the place. But it needs organising.Heck, even if it were more like reddit than digg I would come here a hell of a lot more. I really love the idea of getting something (hosting) in exchange for content. But the way this site is set up makes it seem like WORK and on the internet, anything remotely resembling work is like a repelling magnet for most browsers (the people sort not the applications).I sincerely recommend that whoever is in charge of the design and implementation of Xisto spends about 3 months checking out the other websites that are out there coining it in, looking great with free services for their users.Here are some places to start looking and getting ideas: facebook (you say you hate it but it works) digg twitter you get the idea.cheers
Shadowx pretty much summed this one up with the point about each network card being assigned a unique ip address. Actually to be more precise and someone may already have said this but it is the MAC address media access control that is assigned with a logical ip address. The mac is the physical address burned into the network card in hex form. The internet layer of tcp/ip assigns this with a logical address that can be used by other routers and bridges across the internet.An interesting point to consider is whether your moblie phone mac is visible to the network or not. That would depend on how you are connecting to your computer. If you are using your mobile phone as a modem then yes the mobile phone mac would be visible and that would be assigned the logical ipv4 address. You can also have multiple connections on the same computer, so one machine can effectively have any number of ip addresses assigned to it. You may have done this yourself if you have connected to a wireless network and wired network at the same time - your computer would then have two different ip addresses as the wireless network interface card and the wired nic are separate entities on the same computer.
What is HD wireless transmission? Not all that new actually. The technology has been around for at least a couple of years to transmit a high enough data rate to send high definition video bitstreams through the electromagnetic spectrum. Wi-Fi standards have been put forward as an HD possibilty but even the fastest standard, 802.11n, is too slow by about half the required rate. HD can be transmitted via ultrawideband too but compression is needed to get the data across, the end result is not full HD reproduction at the recieving end. The two main competing protocols now are WiHD and WHDI. Both of these can transmit HD video to wired equivalent transmission rates. I will say more about it in a later post - too tired right now, going to bed.
I Love My Neighbor, I Get Free Internet From Them
Diffusr replied to musicfreak's topic in Computer Networks
If you're hopping on to a wireless network without authorization you are also leaving yourself wide open to attack. You might think you are so clever for leaching off an open network but that could be a trap and the network administrator could pwn your computer through his/her own network protocols. It's only a matter of time before you will get caught by one of these honey traps and you could have your computer really messed up, lose your identity, or worse.Personally I only use open private networks in an urgent situation. Never sit on them all day playing games, etc. Besides it's so easy to see how many clients are DHCP served and connected hosts with your pc name and mac address are all logged by the router.Bandwidth theft can easily backfire on you! -
Most web browsing software has a bookmarking facility in order to remember websites and/or pages that the user would like to revisit at some point in the future.What are the benefits and drawbacks of browser bookmarking vs. online social bookmarking through websites such as digg, furl (now diigo I think), delicious and stumbleupon?- You have more control over the organisation of your bookmarks on your browser. It is possible to create files, folders, headings, subheadings all of your own design without having to figure out where you will put the link from a preset list of subheadings.- Although bookmarks do not take up much disk space as memory, if the user has a huge number of bookmarks, more memory will be used. This can be circumvented by using an online social bookmarking service, where memory is almost unlimited as far as the individual user is concerned.- Browser bookmarks have a higher privacy rating as they are stored locally whereas the social bookmarking sites are open to public viewing.- Stemming from the previous comment, social bookmarking offers the opportunity for further insight into the subject on display through other users comments on the link submitted. There may also be other related web locations that were previously unknown being brought to light.-Social bookmarking is, by its definition, "social", that is one can make friends, meet aquaintances and other individuals with a common interest. This is almost impossible with pure browser based bookmarking.-Certain social bookmarking requires further installation and learning to use , the browser is far simpler and easier than this.-Social bookmarking allows the storage of metadata about the tags created, aiding in organisation.There are plenty more comparisons but these were just a few.
I bet you'll be sick of steak and fries after having it every day for a year. Actually you would be just plain sick. Eat like that all the time and you will not live very long.My choice would be whatever is local to that island. Being that it's a desert island I think the obvious staple will be seafood. If it had to be exactly the same thing every single day then I would go for fish and rice. That would keep me alive and healthy. It's almost the same as your steak and fries but without the heavy fats that would turn your paradise island experience into a hell on earth when it clogs up your arteries. You would end up short of breath, obese and probably with a good dose of gout to go along with it. Actually that would depend on the amount of steak and fries that you consumed each day. If you had a 24 ounce steak and a large bucket of fries every twenty four hours then you would be in all kinds of trouble. But if it were just a small steak and a small amount of fries then you might just get away with the worst of it.It would be great if you could supplement your diet on this hypothetical desert island with the local bush tucker too, then you would be living well as there is plenty to eat growing in the sea and on land if you know how to gather and prepare the stuff. So, to summarise, my chosen food to eat every day for a year on a desert island would be... bush tucker. Yum.
I couldn't agree more on every point. The theme needs to be updated and the forum navigation needs to be overhauled.I would be on here posting a lot more frequently if it weren't such a painful experience each time. We don't need to see all the forum subheadings up front. How about a rollover reveal app. Or go and take a look at a site like digg.com and get some ideas. While far from perfect, digg is much easier to spend time on than here. I think all that keeps users on this forum at the moment is the free hosting (obviously) and maybe because there is such a big choice of subjects the net is cast wide and people have found there niche discussion area here. Also the spirit of Xisto is appealing to many - but it could be SO much better.
Does Bob Marley Owe Much Of His Success To Bassist Aston Barrett?
Diffusr replied to rob86's topic in Art & Creativity
I'm pretty sure Bob Marley would be the first to agree on that point. -
Is Human Evolution Stopping? Im not kidding dudes...
Diffusr replied to Baniboy's topic in Science and Technology
Evolution cannot possibly stop. It is chaos theory being played out in real time, and everything evolves and adapts to it's inner and outer environment.Evolution branches off into different directions all the time.As far as the theory goes, humans and chimpanzees have a common ancestor. At one point the genetic line split and humans evovled into humans, chimpanzees into chimpanzees.The ones that became human may have done so because their environment changed and it was beneficial to walk on two legs, lose body hair, think their way through problems.Whereas the chimpanzees were thriving being stronger, more agile, covered in body hair and with very good short term memory (actually better than humans). Their needs were matched and they didn't have to think as much so never evolved higher brain function. Chimps don't write books, sing songs, design pentium processors, fly aircraft etc.We humans have a huge mental advantage.The problem is now as organisms, will we self destruct? As we reach a critical mass, unless we clean up after ourselves, we will end up like bacteria in a petri dish. We succeed and multiply rapidly, then poison ourselves with the pollution we produce and everybody gets wiped out.Perhaps that is just the way nature goes.The difference between the bacteria and us is that we are aware of what is happening and can observe , communicate and present possible solutions to the problem at hand.We actually have a conscious input in the direction of human evolution.