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Everything posted by Iarkalwen

  1. Welcome to Xisto! :(You made the right decision in joining. This place is awesome :PEnjoy and have fun!
  2. I'm not really into brand names out here in America.Moi-Meme-Moitie and Metamorphose, which are both Japanese, but I don't go by labels out here - it's whatever feels right and looks right on me.
  3. My favorite would have to be Runescape as well. It is a good game even though I played it for a couple of minutes.
  4. I've been using dial-up all my life and I fear I will still be using it for the rest of my life. The fact that it's AOL doesn't make it any better. >_< My whole computer just seems to be in a standstill everytime I come online.
  5. Poverty, cancer cure, world peace...Poverty - this has always been a big issue with me. To me, leaders whether it be the government, mayor, or president, are all talk. They never do anything it seems like.Cancer cure - today I just got through with doing a 3mile walk for it. Seriously, I was about to cry right then and there. Almost everyone had a "In Memory of..." sign pinned to the back of their shirts.World peace - I don't really need to explain.
  6. Yeah ^^ I'm not a big fan of CA. Maybe because I live in the worse area. >< The only other places I have been to out of state have been by the border of Arizone, Las Vegas, and Orlando, FL. @_@>D
  7. Oh wow! Thanks! I gave up trying to learn PHP because I couldn't view the pages without uploading them. Now I can go back to attempting to learn PHP! ^^
  8. I've always wanted to play it, but I don't have the console for it.My friend has it and she's obsessed with it now.
  9. My favorite is the Final Fantasy series. From the beginning to the recent.I also like Kingdom Hearts ^^
  10. I love classical and opera. One of my ancestors (like a great grandfather...I'm bad at remembering) was the first African American composer so I'm guessing that's where I got my love for it from since none of my other family members seem to like it that much. :(I like anything by Mozart and Bach really. <3
  11. Awesome I love the colours you used!
  12. I'm not a fan of fast food, but I choose KFC because of their popcorn chicken. <3I don't like McDonald's nuggets. I feel like I'm just eating fake chicken or something everytime. I usually get uncooked fries everytime too.
  13. I like Firefox better because of the tabs mainly. And it just seems better than IE. The fact that it blocks ads is a plus with me. <3
  14. I turn it off everytime I get off.Plus during the night when everything else is silent the noise from the computer can be really loud and annoying.
  15. I didn't even know it was out now! I love the anime and really want the game :(Is it in Japanese for both ps2 and gba or just gba?
  16. Anything foreign. Italian, Japanese, Chinese...I love foreign foods.I also like trying new foods even if they don't look too tasty.Chocolate is good too.
  17. Yeah, I will use "LOL" and "LMAO" and "BRB". Things like that. But I won't use "u", "ur", using numbers for words (for - 4), or l337. Unless me and whoever I am chatting with are bored then we will just type randomly. o.OOn message boards, chat talk gets annoying. Especially sticky caps.
  18. Wow! Amazing job! From memory, I would say that it does look like him (I don't listen to HIM)!
  19. I would probably go insane. o.oI would actually draw more probably and actually DO my school work. I use the internet to talk to my friends since I do homeschooling and dropped all old friends from my old school. So I would most likely go crazy.I'd probably be more active as well.
  20. I'm a Harry Potter nerd because they are such page turners. I've read the latest one which was over 700 pages in about two days.I also love Eragon. <3 Good book.I like mainly fantasy books as well as horror. From time to time I'll read fiction.
  21. Oh wow! I'm loving the layout! Everything is easy on the eye :(I think the only thing that ruins it is the ad.You seem to have a lot of content though!
  22. I actually like new age, classical, and opera when I'm trying to be or am actually calm.Japanese rock and pop is good when hyper >D and techno.I also like gothic rock too and medieval music.
  23. :(Thank you for all the warm welcomes!<3
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